things to do other than watch NBA playoffs


Fan Club of any and everyone good!
since the nba playoffs are as bad as i ever can remember right now, i thought i make a thread to laugh at things you would rather do than watch the NBA playoffs.

id rather watch reruns of the wsop

Things to do other than watch NBA:

8. Post about your hatred since your Bulls/Cavs blow for several hours a day ;)
trying to understand (since im from europe) how can you guys be capable to drink this thing

everytime i watch play offs on sopcast i almost puke on my keyboard when i watch that commercial :/
The Sonic commercials are the highlight of the playoffs for me, I've watched all by like two games, those commercials have been hilarious throughout .. it's the only thing that keeps me going
if people didnt have money on these games nobody would watch. also, expressing how much i hate the state of michigan is second nature, it is only talked about now more.

red wings are finished, spurs will finish detroit and balance will be returned.
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The Sonic commercials are the highlight of the playoffs for me, I've watched all by like two games, those commercials have been hilarious throughout .. it's the only thing that keeps me going
yeah they're so funny, i agree.. but still i cant understand how can you possibly get to drink that thing :D
hell yeah brewer...

I agree these playoffs have been shitty overall..the western conference has been really disapointing comapred to last year...if I wasn't a Detroit fan I wouldn't give two fucks about it..but since I am, I love the close games and the rivalry developing between these two teams and it is always funny to listen to chuck barkley in the postgame.
I don't actually drink them, I don't have a Sonic around me


What's hilarious is that I see these commercials more than McDonald's commercials (not exaggerating), yet there's literally only one within 80 miles of where I live... And I live in the 2nd largest metro area in the country (LA) lol. And, from what I hear, there's also none of these in most other major cities.

My question is, should we call up their marketing department and tell them that they're wasting they're time advertising in our regions or just let them keep doing it? Because, personally, I enjoy them too. I know almost all the comedians that appear in them.