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***Season Long NCAA In-Game***

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I have this scale. I know it makes no sense .. but I stand on it and get a reading. Then I will stand on it again, exact same spot and will get a different reading from it. Then do it again ... different reading. If I get one to be the same three times in a row, I call that my weight. Had the scale forever .. but maybe I should let it go.
My favorite ats plays are always dogs I think can win outright, so I look for those.
I have this scale. I know it makes no sense .. but I stand on it and get a reading. Then I will stand on it again, exact same spot and will get a different reading from it. Then do it again ... different reading. If I get one to be the same three times in a row, I call that my weight. Had the scale forever .. but maybe I should let it go.
Wonder what that rat weighed
If you wake up early and put a few hours in undivided attention, you should be able to find your plays rambler.
Yup, my last sake night ever was one to both remember and forget...woah
Don't know if you've ever done unfiltered, but double whoa...expensive, always fun when someone else is picking up the check but fucksakes...it's caused consternation to say the least...but an increcible time

Last one was at Cosmo...did some $100+ bottle at MGM once. It's that good
Drives me nuts that they are not winding the clock down before snapping

I get it.

In general (not saying this team and situation), I hate when teams change their philosophy unless very end of a game. It generally throws an offense off. It is akin to the prevent defense imo.
I understand why they were not doing it - playing with tempo was working for them - it was just driving me nuts because I have the under
I understand why they were not doing it - playing with tempo was working for them - it was just driving me nuts because I have the under
Absolutely. I have a tough time watching games that I have bets on totals... that clock consumes me either with an over or under...
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