2021-2022 CFL IN-GAME

The wife and I are apart right now. Shes up at the cabin and I'm at home in the City for the cats game. We'll do our big dinner tomorrow night
15th row on the 54 yard line.

My seatmate might not be able to go to the cup so he's offered me the seat if he cant. You should come up
If teed is willing to pick me up in Seattle and sneak me across the border I’ll go to a BC lions game for sure
I have a great seat but felt like a bit of a dick when I got it 3 years ago. Its really hard to get Platinums so I was on a waiting list for a single and they called me and said one had come available so I scooped it up. Turns out it was a group of 3 guys who had the tix since 1958 and one guy died so I show up game 1 in their dead friend's seat. That was a bit awkward at first but we've become friends since. Dude is 80 and has only missed 4 games since '58
NFL Thanksgiving game: Big spread with turkeys and all the fixins

CFL Thanksgiving game: Two commentators holding a turkey in a dollar store foil baking tray