Tuesday Pick


Pretty much a regular
4-2 +7.5 units

New Orleans +5.5 7 units

First of all the public is all over the Nuggets and I have followed this team pretty close since the trade because I thought they had a chance of catching the Rockets. That will obviously not happen and for the simple reason that this team plays 0 defense. We (Rockets) were playing terrible ball and we beat this team by DD on their homecourt.

New Orleans is a good team who are going on a road trip to play Denver, then Phoenix and the Jazz. Which game do you think they think they can win the most? Also, being so close in the standings and NO losing their last two I see Byron Scott having his team motivated to make the playoffs. This is a semi must win game I believe for this team. They can not drop 5 straight assuming they lose to Phoenix and Utah. They have also been preaching defense which against Denver means get back in transition and guard 2 guys. Chandler is a beast in the middle and AI should not get as easy as baskets as normal. David West did not have a good game either against Utah so I see him trying to look for his shot more which is a good thing. I am actually hoping Carmelo only outscores him by 8-10. 22-32. Carmelo is also having a baby so he might not be completely in this game, and he might not even play. New Orleans also did beat this team the last time they played in Denver and CP3 went 6-23 from the field. He should be able to get to the rim and create open shots for his teammates easily as the lanes are always wide open against Denver. Offense hasnt really been the problem with this team so Im looking for a good defensive effort along with the motivational factors for this team to get a win and should easily get the cover.

Disclaimer: NO is not a very good road team, but with a tough 3 game stretch I think they come out focused and cover the 5.5. This is a young team, but they are looking up and have the confidence since they have already beaten this team.
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gl bro hornets fucked me hard on sunday, wish you the best tom. night.
Carmelo just had a child with Lala.....so he might miss the game. I like this play with or without him.