Bron Bron Flops...

I'm not sure why this bothers me so much but it does. Maybe because I really don't like what the game has become and I was a much bigger fan of the game when it was rough and tough back in the 80s and 90s. I'm not really sure. I'm fairly certain that this flopping shit was ushered into the NBA when the influx of European players started to come in. As much as I loved Vlade back in the day he was one of the earliest floppers I can remember. IMO this shit makes the league look like a joke. It was and still is my biggest gripe with watching soccer. Rolling around pretending like my fucking shin is broken just to draw a yellow card has become rolling around and pretending like my eye has been gouged out so I can get to the free throw line. I guess I can't really blame Lebron because the simple fact is, it works. Shit like this really makes him look fucking stupid though. He says this.....“I don’t need to flop. I play an aggressive game. I don’t flop. I’ve never been one of those guys.” Yet we have all these videos of him? Dude you are a fucking brick wall 6'8 and 250 plus lbs. Act like a man.
It's really bad. Especially when college coaches are teaching their kids to flop

its extremely difficult to officiate live and its such a nuisance for refs..... the only realistic thing that can be done is to make the penalties for flopping more severe...

players know that the officials get reports on who is a "flopper" but the superstars are treated differently by the refs
I'm not sure why this bothers me so much but it does. Maybe because I really don't like what the game has become and I was a much bigger fan of the game when it was rough and tough back in the 80s and 90s. I'm not really sure. I'm fairly certain that this flopping shit was ushered into the NBA when the influx of European players started to come in. As much as I loved Vlade back in the day he was one of the earliest floppers I can remember. IMO this shit makes the league look like a joke. It was and still is my biggest gripe with watching soccer. Rolling around pretending like my fucking shin is broken just to draw a yellow card has become rolling around and pretending like my eye has been gouged out so I can get to the free throw line. I guess I can't really blame Lebron because the simple fact is, it works. Shit like this really makes him look fucking stupid though. He says this.....“I don’t need to flop. I play an aggressive game. I don’t flop. I’ve never been one of those guys.” Yet we have all these videos of him? Dude you are a fucking brick wall 6'8 and 250 plus lbs. Act like a man.

I actually think it's one of the reasons I'm not into the NBA. It predates Lebron's entry into the league. Flopping's just part of it, it's the posturing and preening ... the whole thing's a production. As an ancillary effect, it's ruined the college game. I know Magic and Bird and Isaiah got the calls, but those guys were tough players. Has anyone ever called Lebron "tough"? We'll take him back though, can't win without him.
I actually think it's one of the reasons I'm not into the NBA. It predates Lebron's entry into the league. Flopping's just part of it, it's the posturing and preening ... the whole thing's a production. As an ancillary effect, it's ruined the college game. I know Magic and Bird and Isaiah got the calls, but those guys were tough players. Has anyone ever called Lebron "tough"? We'll take him back though, can't win without him.

Gets misspelled so much, lol.
Did it on the fly. Sorry, man, one of my all-time favorites. He had a lot to overcome, I hated his college team and I hated his NBA team. He's in Jack Lambert territory.
The soccer guys are the worse. They got some real embarassing ones, and they have no shame doing it.