Blessing in Disguise


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Dear Miami Heat Fans,

You may be a bit upset right now about the shoulder seperation that Flash Wade incurred last night. Obviously no one wants to see a great player out for an extended period of time. Its a painful injury and one that you cannot rush back from. I would expect he will be out for a lengthy time.

Now, the good news. The chances of the Heat winning the East just improved expotentially. Now I know what your thinking..."BAR has been hitting the sauce a bit early today". If you know me, I have said that Miami would run out of steam in the postseason. Mr. Wade played his rookie year into the first round. His second year he played all the way into June. A short-offseason in the summer of 2005 was his last "real" rest. He has basically been balling for 19 months straight since then. A player with his style is lucky to have lasted somewhat injury free the whole time. Something was going to happen to him eventually this year...most likely at a worse time.

The kicker here is Miami staying afloat for the weeks while Wade is gone. I am sure they can hover a bit below .500 if O'Neal puts forth effort like he did in 4th last night. Wade can then return and lead a late-season surge to a 5-8 seed in the East. He will then be well-rested and ready for another playoff run. Just like O'Neal sitting out a lot made him fresher in playoffs last year.

Now, other than Haslem, Zo and Kapono the rest of the team is garbage. Your still looking at needed those dogs who played well last spring to step up again. Not likely to happen but Wade is still the premier FT taker in the league ;)

So, this is good news for Heat backers. This could very well make for one very interesting first round series. They would do well to position themselves into the 6th seed so they can play Toronto the first round.
Good post. This is was I was thinking as well. It will be interesting to see what big Shaq can do to make everyone else better.
Dear Miami Heat Fans,

You may be a bit upset right now about the shoulder seperation that Flash Wade incurred last night. Obviously no one wants to see a great player out for an extended period of time. Its a painful injury and one that you cannot rush back from. I would expect he will be out for a lengthy time.

Now, the good news. The chances of the Heat winning the East just improved expotentially. Now I know what your thinking..."BAR has been hitting the sauce a bit early today". If you know me, I have said that Miami would run out of steam in the postseason. Mr. Wade played his rookie year into the first round. His second year he played all the way into June. A short-offseason in the summer of 2005 was his last "real" rest. He has basically been balling for 19 months straight since then. A player with his style is lucky to have lasted somewhat injury free the whole time. Something was going to happen to him eventually this year...most likely at a worse time.

The kicker here is Miami staying afloat for the weeks while Wade is gone. I am sure they can hover a bit below .500 if O'Neal puts forth effort like he did in 4th last night. Wade can then return and lead a late-season surge to a 5-8 seed in the East. He will then be well-rested and ready for another playoff run. Just like O'Neal sitting out a lot made him fresher in playoffs last year.

Now, other than Haslem, Zo and Kapono the rest of the team is garbage. Your still looking at needed those dogs who played well last spring to step up again. Not likely to happen but Wade is still the premier FT taker in the league ;)

So, this is good news for Heat backers. This could very well make for one very interesting first round series. They would do well to position themselves into the 6th seed so they can play Toronto the first round.

and then lose :smiley_acbe:
Anyone know how long Wade's injury will be? If he is out for the season, dont put a penny on the Heat. They are going nowhere without Wade.
If this unfolds like Big Al described... Shaq keeping them afloat, Wade making a valiant return to lead his team to a deep playoff run (as the announcers go crazy about how no 7 seed has ever made a run like this blah blah blah blah blah!), more phantom calls, etc. I will just fucking vomit. I hate that over-dramatizing pussy. At first I thought this must be a nerve thing if hes got shooting, debilitating pain like that. Turns out he was carried off in a wheelchair for a SHOULDER separation. What a joke. Emmitt Smith played an entire FOOTBALL game with a shoulder separation. I guess Converse needed more footage of Wade getting hurt so they can make more fall seven times, get up eight commercials.
He is going to be out a minimum of 6 weeks and that is before they know if he tore any rotator cuff or anything else up in there. My guess is he is lost for the season. The reaction was bad. They were saying when they were rolling him out in the wheelchair that everytime they went over a bump, it hurt like hell.
My guess is he will be out till mid april..basically 6-7 weeks.

I wasn't saying put down futures on Miami...I am just saying if he is back b4 season ends this is a good thing for Heat in long run.
Trade talk
I just spoke with Joe a few minutes ago, and he said "nothing at all" is happening with Detroit making a possible trade by the 3 p.m. deadline. Of course, anything can happen but considering the deadline is about 30 minutes away, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that the Pistons aren't doing any deals before the deadline.

I'll have more from Joe in the Booth Newspapers and tomorrow.
Insiders are now reporting that Heat G Dwyane Wade (28.8 ppg) suffered a severly separated left shoulder in Wednesday's game and could be out for the season.
Insiders are now reporting that Heat G Dwyane Wade (28.8 ppg) suffered a severly separated left shoulder in Wednesday's game and could be out for the season.

well look at his was just very very painful to watch. It reminds me of Patrick Ewing landing on his wrist, his face was just so painful to watch. This is really bad for Wade, i hope it doesn't become a chronic issue.
i know how you like making seemingly bold statements...

however losing the best player on your team to an injury of this magnitude is NEVER good,

last week the Heat owners weren't sitting around sayin...damn i wish wade would hurt seriously hurt himself soo we could have a chance at the finals again
no...but if it wasn't too severe it was better...he was going to break down come playoff time..seen it soo many times with Olympic years and World championship years
This is karma paying them a visit - and right before Dallas too. Justice has the nicest way of letting things pan out.


Teach Wade to play position defense and not reach bad for the kid in all honesty.
cleveland and dallas

If Stern has his way..your right.

I know that the Detroit brass is pretty happy no deals were made in East yesterday. That made their chances that much better. Bibby to CLE would have been big. Firing Mike Brown is the next step they need to take.
did you watch any of the game from last night B.A.R.? they had lebron at the power forward. run and gun. i like the way that team can use different rotations. if they had got bibby ... sigh.
I didn't watch the game. What I have watched and the grumblings I have heard for a few months is Mike Browns offense is killing them. The shotclock isn't long enough to withstand his meticulous play calls.

You watch regular season games last year and this year...the refs don't over protect LeBron as much as in playoffs. In the playoffs is absolute murder. Thats why I would say Cavs are the team that will represent the East. Detroit, or Miami if Wade makes a comeback will have to play awesome(see game 7 last years semi's) to overcome the Stern Factor.