Association for Wednesday...


CTG Partner
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0-0-0 +0.00 units

Still undefeated in the regular season. Getting this up now so it is at current lines. Just played these at BM couple minutes ago.

New York/Miami O206 -110 2units

I know LVSC released this at 196. It would been a max bet for me at unyhing 200 or below. Personally would play this up to 210. Dantoni's system is in plaxce in New York and it should be a fun regular season for the Knicks and their fans. I think Miami will be pretty uptempo as well. Each year its key to idetify some teams that will be great over tams until the oddsmakers cath up with them. Two years ago it was teams like Denver and Toronto. This year I like these teams. Obviously Dantoni's reputation and system take some value away so we just have to look for the perfect matchups.

Orlando -8 -110 2 units

Like the Magic to come out of the great pretty strong this year. Atlanta is still a good, young team but I think the Magic pour it on here. They really can just get on fire in their own building. Rashard will be more aggressive this year. He should have a fantastic season, numbers wise. I would say a 111-95 game is in order here.

More tonight, gotta roll for now.
Lean hard on Orlando...Atlanta played them tough last year there....but copyright Bill Simmons

Did you know that Atlanta's bench this year consists of Ronald Murray, Zaza Pachulia, Mo Evans, Solomon Jones and Acie Law? Really? That's your bench? The Hawks should just have Feces Night and have their cheerleaders shoot dog doo out of T-shirt cannons at their fans. What a disgrace.
no raptors
That over is the best bet on the board by FAR.

GL bro... let's kill it this next week or two like we always try to do.

From a quick glance, over 191.5 in DC looks sexy. Already up to 192.5 at Pinny I see. Weird line.
Agree with every word about the Over between Knicks and the Heat. Had this one myself marked and hoped for 200 points total.
BAR if you're lookin for good overs team to ride early before oddsmakers catch up I'd look into the Mavs.
Tailed you on CLE tonight and glad I did. Looked for awhile that CLE might take it straight up. Lebron still can't hit his free throws down the stretch can he? Gonna tail you on both of these too. Really like the over in NY for a semi-large play.
catfood, thanks for making it into the Nubya forum. Keep up your good work.


broadwayjoe, thanks as always.

Troy, thanks buddy and lets get your lady a win too:tiphat:

Marlo, thats an awesome quote man. That bench really is rough.

Spek, good to see you love it. Keep up the great capping you have had this fall.

Killa, still gotta look over the rest of card. The two plays were the ones I was eyeing intially.

Chong, no suprise. I expect the Tru's of the weird hammer the under tomorrow too. Great middle opportunity for those that played early.

Jpicks, good to hear as well. A lot of good basketball minds thinking alike. Lets hope it works out.

Farm, dankya, lets go Lions! Lets send Kwame commisary money at WCJ!

Satyr, good to know.

Bee, :cheers:

RJ Sexy, thanks, hopefully we can get both these in.

Pigeon, thanks. Just trying to keep at it and hopefully not have a blow-up week in CFB and get the season starting strong in NBA.

Lungster, thx:shake:

Steed, start a new website

Divol, I laughed at LVSC's opening projection. Wasn't even close to what it should or lose.

Alby, good to see you around. Seems like it been a minute. Have read some of your blog stuff this fall in refence to Cowboys football. Good stuff. I am definetly going to look into that.

DDK, lets have another good night.

Mr. McIlhon, Bron needs to shore that issue up no doubt. Really want to get that over in. Been targeting this one. Thx and GL.