Terrelle Pryor #1 player in the country

what makes u think he is getting paid to go to osu orange?

PG, this guy is the real deal, he will instantly make a team better wherever he goes...will have a tebow effect right away if he stays injury free.
here is an example of "beaverspeak" i call it bullshit speak

Fire, Fall Back! Duck & Cover!

1. B.J. Daniels ... nope. I 've been TELLING you things get 'funny' with some kids, in a way U-M can't deal with ... this is one. It looked like it might get okay ... but uh uh. R-Rod NOT going there today, it's finito. *U-M called off the in-home, and the recruitment*.

2. So ... guess where R-Rod IS going? Witchita, Kansas.
Kan. QB Chris Harper from Wichita Northwest. Oregon commitment, he's already taken his 5 official visits, so ... we'll see what develops ... something WILL tho, since HE contacted Michigan first last week ...


I hate how this kids decision is going to make or break (most likely break) the next 4 years of college football for me.

Damn bro...CHILL OUT...:hang:

Da Big Blue will survive if Pryor chooses Sweater Vest...in fact, think of those D players salivating to knock that MFer out every year.

I had the same feeing when UF tried to recruit Payton Manning my Soph year...and that turned out pretty damn well. Really believe we used it as motivation and that MFer from Rocky Top never came close to beating us.

IMO, the longer this goes on the more this kid sounds like a true attention seeking whore who may cause more team related problems than he's worth.

Too bad all Blue Chippers can't be upstanding young men like Tim Superman Tebow...:36_11_6:

Mully :cheers:

Good video the first one. Hadn't seen much of him so thanks for posting that. Some nice clips in there.

Silly music though. Welcome to Buckeye City.:36_11_6: You mean, welcome to the Runner-Up U?

Obviously college and pro defenders tackle much better than high school kids so I don't put a lot of credence in him breaking off 60-yarders left and right, but the one thing that does stick out is his recognition and quick decision-making. He always seemed to find the right hole and was consistently getting into the second level of the defense.

Ultimately though, the success of any QB is determined by his ability to throw (as VY is finding out) and while he obviously has a huge gun, it is still unclear (at least to me based on those highlights) whether or not he can aim it. His receivers were wide open pretty much all the time, which could just mean the played on a really good athletic team that was continually mismatching the opponent.

I think if he comes out to visit Oregon he will pick us, just a gut feeling. But obviously, no 18 year old is going to leave mom for a place 2500 miles away that he has never even seen before, so the visit makes a world of difference.
The problem isnt leaving Mom, it is leaving his Father that is in a wheelchair. He has said all along he wanted to stay close so his Father doesnt have to be put out to see him play.
Here is a clasic Beaver phrase hot off the press on Nick Perry the DE:

Nick Perry.
There are reasons, strong ones, to be optimistic, and a reason to be a little worried

This is Beaver in a nutshell!
^^yeah, beaver's problem is he has two sources at shembechler hall..and both of him never seem to agree on anything therefore beaver gives this bs estimates where he is never wrong.

Garfather, doesn't Oregon have like 5 qb commits?
Slideshow: The high school athletic career of Terrelle Pryor


Matt Freed / Post-Gazette
Dec. 8, 2006: Jeannette's Terrelle Pryor breaks free for a long run during a game against Wilmington.

<!-- end story_image_box_size_2 --> Post-Gazette photographers have been taking pictures of Jeannette High School superstar Terrelle Pryor since early 2006. This slideshow pulls together images of Pryor on the basketball court and the football field, with a few candid shots, too.
To launch the slideshow, click the top link under "Images" in the left column of this page.
All eyes on Terrelle

Jeannette high school football star has fans across country waiting for the word on where he'll play in college


Bob Donaldson/Post-Gazette
Terrelle Pryor, left, with guidance counselor Rich Klimchock, center, and football coach Ray Reitz at Jeannette High School after a recruiting visit Wednesday by Penn State's Joe Paterno.

<!-- end story_image_box_size_3 --> The guy known as "Crunch" looks up from his lunch plate and says to the other six men at the lunch counter, "Let's get a poll started."

Seated next to "Crunch" at Nancy's Grill in downtown Jeannette is "Moonie," who offers his opinion on who's going to win.

At the other end of the counter, 71-year-old Francis Ereditaria smiles and says in almost disbelief, "Just about every day we talk about this."
The subject for this group of men, from their 50s to 70s, isn't the Super Bowl. It's not even Super Tuesday.

The topic is "Where's Pryor going?"

Terrelle Pryor is a senior quarterback at Jeannette High School with a truckload of football talent. Reputed to be the No. 1 player in the country, Mr. Pryor has not picked a college yet. He plans to make an announcement in the high school gym, and he might do it Wednesday. Or he might wait and do it the following week.

Ohio State and Michigan seem to be his top choices. But Penn State and Oregon haven't given up and are still in the running.

No high school athlete in Western Pennsylvania has ever generated so much attention, hype, suspense and intrigue with his college decision. ESPN and CSTV plan to come to Jeannette and televise his announcement live. Local TV stations will be there. Newspapers from Eastern Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan also will attend. Only Mr. Pryor's invited guests and media members will be permitted in the gym.

"I don't know if we realize what it's going to be like here that day because it's been so crazy already," said Rick Klimchock, Mr. Pryor's guidance counselor at Jeannette.

One of the most heavily recruited players in the WPIAL in the past few decades was Penn Hills lineman Bill Fralic, and his recruitment in 1981 stirred plenty of interest. He eventually chose Pitt.

But the interest in Mr. Fralic's college choice still pales next to Mr. Pryor's saga. ESPN wasn't around for Mr. Fralic. There was no Internet. With the advent of the Internet and recruiting Web sites like rivals.com and scout.com in the past 10 years, high school football players and their college choices are followed by the public more than ever. Mr. Pryor is known from coast to coast. What has added to the intrigue is Mr. Pryor waiting to make his college choice.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association, which closely regulates contacts between college coaches and high school recruits, set Wednesday as the first day this year for recruits to formally sign a letter of intent to attend the schools they choose. Many seniors have already announced their choice.

But it is remarkable how many people care about this 18-year-old's decision.

"I don't think it should be this big of a deal," Mr. Pryor said with a laugh.
But Mr. Pryor is "The Deal" in Jeannette. At Nancy's Grill, his pictures adorn the wall alongside Roberto Clemente, Terry Bradshaw, Ben Roethlisberger and former Steeler Dick Hoak, who played at Jeannette.

"People want to know [his college choice] in this town because he brought a lot of people together with the way he played and the way the team played," Carl "Crunch" Brantley said Tuesday. "He brought the black folks together in this town, the white folks, everyone."

"He's put this town on the map," said 87-year-old Tom Elias, who owns Nancy's Grill with his family.

But it's not just Jeannette caught up in wanting to know. The interest in Mr. Pryor permeates Western Pennsylvania and the college towns of State College, Columbus, Ohio, and Ann Arbor, Mich. And beyond.

"The offensive coordinator from Oregon was telling me the other day that he took his car to get it washed in Oregon," said Jeannette athletic director Bob Murphy. "A guy there apparently recognized him and waved him down. The only thing the guy wanted to know was where Terrelle Pryor was going to school."

Mr. Pryor regularly gets mail at Jeannette, asking for autographs. Last week, someone sent the school five NFL footballs and asked for Pryor's autograph on each.

"He signed them. He'll sign almost anything," Mr. Klimchock said.
Stu Albaugh is the Jeannette High School principal.

"I have a nephew who I usually talk to once a year -- at Christmas," Mr. Albaugh said. "He's called me two or three times in the last week. He's a Michigan fan and wants to know where [Pryor] is going."

Mr. Klimchock, Jeannette coach Ray Reitz and Mr. Murphy help Mr. Pryor in dealing with recruiting at school. They help set up meetings with college coaches during Mr. Pryor's two study halls. The meetings usually take place in a conference room near Mr. Klimchock's office.

"I would say I probably get asked 15-20 times a day where he's going to school," said Mr. Klimchock. "It's relentless. And people don't want to hear, 'I don't know.' They want some kind of opinion."

But it's gotten to the point where some people are growing tired of hearing about Mr. Pryor and his recruitment.

"With any great recruit there is always a ton of interest," said Bruce Hooley, who hosts a sports talk show in Columbus with former Ohio State players Chris Spielman and Kirk Herbstreit. "But the consensus I get from callers to our show is, if people are not tired of Terrelle Pryor, they are rapidly growing tired of him.

"But in fairness to the kid, that's not his fault. He didn't ask for all of this. I think it's the fault of rivals.com and scout.com, and their ilk. He sounds like a kid who just can't say no."

Mr. Pryor said he hasn't grown tired of the recruiting, even though he gets asked about his college choice "wherever I go, from a store, to a mall or wherever."

"The thing that has bothered me is when a lot of schools will come in to school one day and want to meet with me," Mr. Pryor said. "That can play with your mind."

Penn State coach Joe Paterno, defensive coordinator Tom Bradley and quarterbacks coach Jay Paterno (Joe's son) all were at Jeannette Wednesday meeting with Pryor. It is highly unusual for Paterno to visit any high school player these days.

Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez and Ohio State coach Jim Tressel were supposed to attend Pryor's basketball game last night against East Allegheny.

"I can't believe the pressure the kid is under and he hasn't folded," Mr. Brantley said in Nancy's Grill.

Mr. Klimchock said, "The anticipation is so great to know where he's going to go. But this is all going to stop once he decides, and then what's going to happen? It's kind of like a wedding."
I can't see Oregon being a player when Belotti decided it wasn't even worth a visit to do an inhome last week..

We'll see.
From the Detroit Free Press:

Penn State wooing top recruit Posted: Monday February 04, 2008 09:42AM ET

Joe Paterno and Penn State are making a last-minute effort to keep high school quarterback Terrelle Pryor in state, and according to Pryor's high school coach, the Nittany Lions are making some progress. Paterno visited Pryor last week, days before national signing day where Pryor will make his decision as to what college he'll attend in the fall. Pryor is scheduled to make his decision known in front of a national television audience on Wednesday at 12 p.m.
View attachment 16977

Michigan's Rich Rodriguez (left) and Ohio State's Jim Tressel talk behind the bleachers during halftime of the Jeannette versus East Allegheny contest on February 2, 2008, in Jeannette. :boff:
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<EMBED SRC=http://vmedia.rivals.com/flash/contentheadlines.swf?h1=U-M+coaches+visit+Pryor+&h2=&lwidth=620&lheight=60&lshadow=1&sFontColor=000000&sLink= WIDTH=620 HEIGHT=60 SALIGN=lt QUALITY=best SCALE=noborder wmode=transparent ID=rvflash NAME=rvflash BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF TYPE=application/x-shockwave-flash PLUGINSPAGE=http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash></EMBED></OBJECT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT></P>Chris Balas
<SCRIPT language=javascript> if ((bIEWindowBrowser) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") != -1)) document.write("<div id=outercontainer style='height:220px;'>"); else document.write("<div id=outercontainer>"); document.write("<div id=contentcontainer style='font-size: " + currentsize + "pt;'>");</SCRIPT>Talk about it in The Horseshoe Lounge

In one corner - Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez and members of his staff. In the other - Ohio State head man Jim Tressel and a handful of his. Such was the scene last night in Jeannette, Pa., where quarterback Terrelle Pryor, the nation's top recruit, played in his last home high school basketball game ...

<!--Start Image--><SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.write(insertImage('/IMAGES/PROSPECT/PHOTO/TERRELLEPRYOR1_1200B.JPG', '', 0, 267, 201, 1, 'Terrelle Pryor', 'Rivals.com', 1202049207000, '', 1014, 'Align=Left'));</SCRIPT><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=209 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=203>
</TD><TD width=6 rowSpan=3>
</TD></TR><TR><TD height=3>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Terrelle Pryor</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End Image-->Pryor (6-5, 225), also an elite basketball recruit, scored 27 points and added 12 points in Jeannette's 76-57 win over East Allegheny. At halftime, Rodriguez and Tressel spoke for a few moments, though Jeannette head football coach Ray Reitz joked, "I thought I might have to wear an official's striped shirt to separate the staffs."

Both Tressel and Rodriguez spoke with Pryor's parents, Craig and Toni Pryor, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review added.

Pryor told the Philadelphia Daily News Saturday it's 50-50 he'll make a Signing Day decision [Feb. 6]. It's also possible he'll wait a few days to make his choice.

"I'm really undecided whether or not I'll take the trip to Oregon, but they are still on my list," said Pryor. "I'm still not ruling anyone out."

Finally, while Pryor said in December he'd like to work in a spread offense, he told the Daily News he was interested now in "Any offensive system where I can get some good numbers that can help me get in the NFL."

Watch TheWolverine.com for the latest on Pryor in the days to come ... and for several photos of the night's events, visit The Fort, TheWolverine.com's premium message board, where several of our subscribers have posted pictures.
well, if he wants to ready himself as an NFL QB that pretty much takes OSU out of the running...and I dont see Dick Rod producing any quality signal callers...and since Oregons too far from his dad...that leaves - PENN STATE!

Kerry Collins...Michael (dont pay attention to the fact that hes a back up RB) Robinson...Terrelle Pryor...

Just another quality quarterback from Lineba...errr i mean...'Quarterback U' Penn State!!
Great News for The O-H

NCAAF Rumors

In college, Pryor will play football only, leaning towards Buckeyes

Monday, Feb 4, 2008 6:19 am EST

Terrelle Pryor, the nation's top prep recruit, said Thursday that he's planning to give up his hopes of playing both football and basketball in college to concentrate on perfecting his quarterbacking skills. "I want to be the best college quarterback in the game, so I know that playing basketball isn't in my future," he said after practice yesterday at Jeannette (Pa.) High School. "I know I have to get stronger, study more films and improve my football techniques if I want to achieve that goal."
Meanwhile, Jeannette basketball coach Jim Nesser became the second coach to indicate that Pryor is leaning toward signing with Ohio State.
Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Wherever he ends up...all these non-factors saying where they think he is going is hilarious.

I heard of all things that G-Mans dentist has him going to Youngstown St

He announced the no hoops thing a few weeks ago...thts not new news at all.

Yahoo right on top of things.

I actually am rooting for PSU to get him now, just to laugh at JoePa.
He announced the no hoops thing a few weeks ago...thts not new news at all.

Yahoo right on top of things.

I actually am rooting for PSU to get him now, just to laugh at JoePa.

We'll see whos laughing when he retires after winning the national title this year and Bradley (Pryoyrs confidant since 8th grade) takes over the headcoaching duties!!

Honeslty here is my list for Pryor (Where I want him to go)
3) PSU

Keep em in the Big 10 please
Just to make the overall conference better. I think that a player like him will change the face of the Big 10. Yes, I love the pound it up the middle but, the spread as quickly turned into what the wing was, hard to stop. Rich Rod's offense and will help but a player like TP and Juice will speed up the transition
Michigan's immediate future could hinge on Pryor

By Mark Schlabach

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<!-- end story header --><!-- begin left column --><!-- begin page tools -->Updated: February 3, 2008, 6:12 PM ET

<!-- end page tools --><!-- begin story body --><!-- template inline -->The best player left on the high school football recruiting market is big enough and strong enough to play defensive end. He is fast enough and tall enough to play wide receiver and quick enough and mean enough to play outside linebacker or safety.

But is Terrelle Pryor good enough to play quarterback and be a difference maker as a college freshman?

[+] Enlarge

AP Photo/Darren Abate
Terrelle Pryor won MVP honors in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl.

Coaches from Michigan, Ohio State, Oregon and Penn State think so. In fact, new Wolverines coach Rich Rodriguez might be banking on Pryor running his spread offense to make the team competitive in his first season in Ann Arbor. But at least one recruiting expert believes Pryor isn't ready for that daunting challenge of leading a collegiate offense so quickly.

"I think the No. 1 thing that sticks out is he's so big and so tall and so athletic," said Tom Luginbill, a talent evaluator for Scouts Inc. "Vince Young comparisons have been made. As far as the running, the comparisons are legitimate. He can take a game over with his legs. But I think he has a long way to go as a passer. This is not a guy that has been challenged week in and week out at the high school level. When he faced pressure in the past, he just took off and ran. Those days are over. He's going from a big fish in a small pond to a guppy in a big lake."

Pryor is still considered the biggest trophy in a shrinking recruiting pool. The senior from Jeannette High School near Pittsburgh is among a few elite players who have yet to choose a school as Wednesday's national signing day for college football nears.
Even in a state known for producing legendary quarterbacks such as Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino and George Blanda, few 18-year-old high school players have received as much attention.
To his credit, Pryor hasn't seemed fazed by the spotlight. He juggled football recruiting trips around his basketball team's schedule. His cell phone no longer accepts messages and he's already being hounded by autograph seekers.
The suspense might extend beyond Wednesday's signing day. Pryor might make an official visit to Oregon this week, which could delay his decision for several days.

"I think the other schools that are recruiting him don't want him to go to Oregon," Luginbill said. "There is probably not a school in the country with better facilities than Oregon, and there's probably not a better scheme for him -- except for maybe Michigan now -- that would suit him. I think the only thing hurting Oregon is its proximity [to Pryor's home]. But if they can get Pryor to go out there, those other schools might get pretty nervous."

Pryor -- the No. 1 ranked quarterback and No. 4 player overall in the ESPN 150 -- has kept the schools recruiting him in suspense for months. Penn State coach Joe Paterno and two of his assistants visited Pryor's high school last week. Oregon's Mike Bellotti made another cross-country trip last week to see him. On Saturday night, Rodriguez and seven Michigan assistants attended Pryor's high school basketball game. Ohio State coach Jim Tressel and a few of his assistants also were there.

"Terrelle could run for governor," Jeanette High School coach Ray Reitz said. "He can't tell anyone no."

LSU, which beat Ohio State to win the 2007 BCS national championship last month, tried to get into the Pryor lottery. Even Georgia Tech seemed to get in race late -- after the Yellow Jackets hired former Navy coach Paul Johnson, who prefers a triple-option spread offense. Pryor told one of Johnson's assistants he wanted to visit Georgia Tech, but Reitz called the school to cancel the trip because he didn't believe his star player had sincere interest in playing for the Yellow Jackets.

It's easy to see why Pryor is the object of so much attention. He is the only player in Pennsylvania high school history to run and pass for more than 4,000 yards, finishing his career with 4,250 yards rushing and 4,249 passing. The 6-foot-6, 225-pound senior had 3,788 yards of offense in 2007, leading his team to a 16-0 record and Class AA state championship. Pryor ran for 35 touchdowns and threw for 23 as a senior, scoring a touchdown every four times he touched the football.

Rodriguez, who is involved in a bitter contract dispute with West Virginia, his former school, might have the most at stake. After Rodriguez was hired to replace retiring Lloyd Carr at Michigan, freshman quarterback Ryan Mallett transferred to Arkansas. Mallett didn't believe he was a good fit for the spread offense Rodriguez used at West Virginia. Wolverines starter Chad Henne is graduating and none of the other returning Michigan quarterbacks seem equipped to run the offense.

More importantly, Pryor is the prize in Rodriguez's first head-to-head battle with Ohio State. Tressel beat Carr six times in seven meetings, the first Ohio State coach to accomplish that feat. Although the Buckeyes and Wolverines won't play until the Nov. 22 regular-season finale at Ohio Stadium, losing Pryor would be considered a loss for Rodriguez by many Michigan fans.

"Michigan fans are looking at Pryor as the only option to come in and run that offense," Luginbill said. "If that happens, you're talking about expectations going through the stratosphere, and the guys around him might not be equipped to run that offense. That's hard -- ask Jimmy Clausen."

Clausen was considered the No. 1 quarterback prospect in the country last year. Clausen, who hails from Westlake Village, Calif., chose Notre Dame over Michigan, South Carolina and Southern California. He became the eighth freshman quarterback to start for the Fighting Irish since 1950 and struggled mightily because there wasn't much talent around him. Clausen didn't throw a touchdown until his fifth game in 2007. The Fighting Irish finished 3-9, the worst season ever for one of college football's most storied programs.

Luginbill fears a similar disaster could happen if Pryor is thrown into the fire immediately. Pryor, whose parents are divorced, lives with a guardian. Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch has served as an advisor during the recruiting process and even sat in on several of Pryor's meetings with college coaches.

"I'm not convinced he's one of those guys that feels like he has to come in and play immediately," Luginbill said. "I'm not sure that's the healthiest option for the young man. He needs to be able to sit down and learn how to become a passer. Does he have a big arm? Sure, he does. But as far as accuracy, reading progressions and sitting in the pocket and only running when he has to, he still has to learn all those things."

Chances are Pryor won't get to wait.
Pryor to decide Wednesday
Monday, February 04, 2008
By Mike White, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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Decision day will be at noon Wednesday for Terrelle Pryor.

Pryor, star quarterback at Jeannette High School, said today he is "80 to 90 percent sure" he will announce his choice at a news conference Wednesday. He had been considering pushing back his decision a week or so, and possibly visiting the University of Oregon.

But Pryor said he will not visit Oregon and the Ducks are out of the picture.
"I have to call them today and tell them," Pryor said.

Pryor said he will decide among Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State, although Ohio State and Michigan have been the leaders all along.

Jeannette school officials are also making preparations for the announcement Wednesday in the school gymnasium. Jeannette principal
Stu Albaugh said only Pryor's invited guests and media members will be permitted to attend. The public is not welcome.

ESPN and CSTV plan to announce Pryor's decision live. Sports Illustrated and the Washington Post are sending reporters and newspapers from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan also will be represented.
It is just an article....some interesting things in there IMO. Plus, ESPN really is just the figurehead, scouts Inc does all the Recruiting info
There is a poster that is "supposedly" Jake Stoneburner's Father and he has pretty much nailed all the verbals so far. He has said that Pryor is a done deal to tOSU and just said last night that Jenkins will be in Columbus. Now the Jenkins one surprises me...alot.

Not to get off subject tooooo much, but Brandon Harris 5* CB, the Florida insider is calling for him to sign with tOSU. Now this would be the shocker of greaat magnitudes.
Brandon Harris is a monster....I hope you are right MUTo

From what I have heard, Jenkins was close to a lock when Michael Brewster signed....
If PSU were to get pyror why do people think PSU would go to a national title game?

They are still PSU and have trouble getting 4 stars. Also, did anyone see what tOSU and michigan did to PSU the past couple years? Unless pyror can play defensive line and DB, PSU going to national title game is a fantasy much like pamela anderson being in my bed tonight.
we're just lulling you guys to sleep so we can pounce when you least expect it

we're doing an exceptional job of it right now with michigan...we have them right where we want them...ya know with that false sense of confidence that comes with 327 straight victories...we're just waiting to drop the hammer.......
Atleast it will all end tomorrow.

Rivals.com Staff Reports
<SCRIPT language=javascript> if ((bIEWindowBrowser) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") != -1)) document.write("<div id=outercontainer style='height:220px;'>"); else document.write("<div id=outercontainer>"); document.write("<div id=contentcontainer style='font-size: " + currentsize + "pt;'>");</SCRIPT>Talk about it in Football Recruiting Board

Terrelle Pryor, the nation's No. 1 prospect from Jeannette, Pa., was unsure if he'd be signing a Letter of Intent on Signing Day tomorrow. As of late last night, the 6-foot-6, 235-pound quarterback was still undecided despite published reports to the contrary. As of this morning, he's now decided.

<!--Start Image--><SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.write(insertImage('/IMAGES/PROSPECT/PHOTO/TERRELLEPRYOR1_1200.JPG', '', 0, 267, 200, 1, '', 'Rivals.com', 1202228941000, '', 1014, 'Align=Left'));</SCRIPT><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=208 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=202>
</TD><TD width=6>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End Image-->"I just got a text message from Pryor saying he's going to sign tomorrow for sure," said Rivals.com National Recruiting Analyst Mike Farrell. "He said it's down to Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State and that Oregon is out. He's signing Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. EST on ESPNU."

Pryor said he still hasn't decided which school he'll choose but told Farrell it is pretty much down to two, although he wouldn't say which two. Ohio State has long been considered the leader for Pryor's services with Michigan making a late push following the hiring of Rich Rodriguez. However, Pryor has a great relationship with Penn State assistant coach Tom Bradley and met with head coach Joe Paterno last week.

Oregon had made a very strong push over the last few weeks and Pryor nearly delayed signing so he could take a visit our west to see the Ducks. However, after a couple of days of silence from coaches, he came to the decision to end the process on time as was his original plan.

Stay tuned to Rivals.com for the latest on Pryor and other prospects as National Signing Day approaches.
this kid is now at a point where (since hes been so non committal and stringing us along for so damn long now) that if he doesnt come to PSU, I will have an irrational hatred for him until the day he retires from the NFL
and let the record show, i fully believe he will NOT end up at PSU

Im thinkin more and more its gonna be Ohio State