January 20, 2008
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Pryor talks Michigan
Mike Farrell
Recruiting Analyst
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Football Recruiting Board
Jeannette, Pa. quarterback
Terrelle Pryor is one tired future star. With a full basketball schedule following an undefeated season, Pryor found time to squeeze in an official visit to Michigan this weekend. He talked exclusively to Rivals.com about the visit.
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Pryor took his second official visit, this one to Michigan.</td></tr></tbody></table><!-- End Image-->"It was good, I'm real tired right now," said Pryor, who said he's received plenty of calls all day. "I got there Friday and got home today. Charlie (Batch) came with me and we were both impressed. Coach Rodriguez pretty much handled everything, he was with us almost the whole time."
Rodriguez is taking his zone-read offense to Ann Arbor from West Virginia, an offense that could be perfect for Pryor.
"I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but I think I could play in any offense," he said. "But this is a good mix of pass and run and I liked it at West Virginia. I saw a whole lot of
Pat White plays this weekend, probably every one."
In addition to the offense, Pryor liked the coaching staff, the fans and the other players.
"I went to a basketball game and they chanted my name and all that," he said. "The fans were real nice and the players I met seemed cool. I don't remember a whole lot of names, but they were nice. And coach Rodriguez has brought his entire staff with him from West Virginia so nothing is going to change. That's the offense he wants to run and he'd like me to run it."
Pryor's cousin,
Toney Clemons was his host on the trip.
"He likes it there and we went out to a few clubs and stuff," Pryor said. "It's a city so I like that, there's a lot to do."
But if there was one thing that stood out on the visit for Pryor, it was the strength and conditioning program.
"Mike Barwis, I liked him a lot," Pryor said. "I liked how they do their lifting and conditioning, that impressed me."
Pryor's only other official visit has been to Ohio State. How did they compare?
"They were about the same," he said. "Big schools in cities with great fans and nice facilities. I'd say the visits were both equally good."
And is there a leader between the two rivals?
"I can't say that, no," he said. "I talked over the Michigan visit with my dad when I got back and I still have a lot of comparing to do. And I'm going to take at least one or two more official visits if I can fit them in."
Pryor said LSU, Oregon, Florida and Penn State are still in the running.
"I don't have anything scheduled," he said. "I have like five basketball games this week so I don't know when I'm going to get out again or where. I need to figure that out soon but right now I'm just tired."
Pryor will make his decision on National Signing Day.