Stern Basketball Association Draft In-Game

Blazers with the worst draft ever tonight? Just re-drafted the same guys they got last year it seems to me. I like Craabe better than the other 4 combined.
Have not read a single post in this thread but I find it incredible there are 7 pages on a shitty draft class in a league that sucks.
love how u say this like it's a fact, like you always do

fucking kidding right? this is sad

Love how the only thing you post is in response to my opinions. Get. A. Fucking. Life. And let me enjoy this trade. Sick and tired of you. I get it. You don't like me. Just stop
kidd would be the third best player amongst them, no way they respect his authority

you should join a fan board to discuss the dynasty in brooklyn
Love how the only thing you post is in response to my opinions. Get. A. Fucking. Life. And let me enjoy this trade. Sick and tired of you. I get it. You don't like me. Just stop

you say stupid shit. constantly. i wouldn't chime in if it wasn't for your pure ignorance

and it's plenty. fucking. pure.

fanboards exist all over the place, time to find one kiddo
no comparison in regards to what?

0 coaching experience is the only thing that matters

So kidd playing the game for nearly 20 years as the floor general doesn't mean anything? I personally feel he was one of the integral parts of the Knicks regular season success. The guy just knows basketball. I don't know why everyone is just writing him off. It's not like spoelstras situation.
So kidd playing the game for nearly 20 years as the floor general doesn't mean anything? I personally feel he was one of the integral parts of the Knicks regular season success. The guy just knows basketball. I don't know why everyone is just writing him off. It's not like spoelstras situation.

like Magic did?

please find a former player who came in and led a contending team to heights in his first 2 seasons
You're comparing different eras. Lets just wait and see how it goes. It's pointless arguing. I'm definitely in the minority though
maybe the Russian fires him, calls Phil and says you can run everything, but you need to coach for two years...Phil did say that the Nets was a great job
mark jackson was never a PEER of any of his players

he had authority, kidd will not, don't see how

worst part is that you don't entertain the possibility, let alone the probability
for someone who is such a fan of the NBA, such fundamental things in the league you miss out on

i.e losing a top 10 player in the league being a 'blessing in disguise' and just because a guy was a point guard it means he's not a great coach
Jackson is going to be a success, he got his hours in this year and next

GS had ZERO expectations this year, no one is saying he's a bad coach

he got OUTCOACHED in the playoffs because he has no experience

in the next few years he will have that experience now and be in a better position to succeed
Kidd will get outcoached next spring and they will lose, and this trade is great because it gives them a 2 year window

Kidd coaching both those years closes that window
he's always full of FACTS teeed

no chance involved, fact is holland would not shut down the yankees today


yes i read your post, but you followed it up with:

Kidd will be just fine.

so your post went out the window
pierce is due 15 milly next year, or a 5 mill buyout from celts. How much are the Nets paying for him? They gotta be way over the cap, and going pay out their ass in luxury tax
three first round picks


i really want to pull for that franchise, but man o man
Bilas was clearly annoyed by Simmons tonight, does this dude really think he is funny?
Simmons is awful

Simmons has so many dickriders.....the Grantland stories are actually good sometimes

Simmons on TV? a blogger dude. Step back.
Simmons is awful

Simmons has so many dickriders.....the Grantland stories are actually good sometimes

Simmons on TV? a blogger dude. Step back.

weird dynamic, Bilas was trying to give the viewers his input on the players, and Simmons kept cracking stupid jokes
either do I, I doubt Rondo does either, does he really want to be part of a rebuilding process?
Rondo is one of those guys that needs to have his head in the right place or he can just be brutal. I don't like the chances of that happening until he gets settled in somewhere new. His value should still be pretty damn good.
If I were the Lakers, Id bring him in, since doesn't seem like Dwight is coming back. Have no idea how they would make it work. But I have heard Rondo to Laker rumors before
no trey burke, even though he was sitting right there, not even take him and deal him to utah for picks 14 and 21 like minny wisely did. great job dumars. again, i wont go to or watch a minute of piston action. brandon knight is not a good pg, just a rotational guard. 2nd round pick was solid though.

dont know how you guys can watch the nba draft, so many trades its hard to get excited or upset about a pick cuz they just get deal anyway. nba draft is borderline retarded.

would love to see someone knock bill simmons out, maybe doc?
you cant even pull up a list to look at for nba draft selections, every player has an asterisk of some explanation of traded lame
Nets win it all if they all follow KG's lead on defense. Lopez should finally learn how to rebound too finally. Going to need to patch up roster with quality league min veterans.
I actually think the other way around with Kidd as HC.

I like it much more after this trade than before.

KG and PP are very smart players, just like Kidd himself was and they won't clown around, so he doesn't have to be an authority or anything.

Just listen to Frank, listen a bit to your star players and make few good moves yourself and you should be fine.

On top of that, KG and PP are one year rentals and in their case, it's a good thing. Nets have decent shot at the title this season and this is what their owner wants, so can't see the problem.
If I were the Lakers, Id bring him in, since doesn't seem like Dwight is coming back. Have no idea how they would make it work. But I have heard Rondo to Laker rumors before

I love Rondo, but wouldn't want him in LA, as long as Nash there. They two different in my eyes and you can't have two elite PG that get paid as ones.

If Dwight walks, Lakers need SF and Center and they won't have any money left even in 2014, if Kobe resigns and they will have Nash and Rondo on top of him...
Lakers have no one on roster to even pick the phone up for Rondo. Have to believe Ainge turned down Rondo for 6th pick if that's what 76ers did for Jrue. Dallas, maybe Houston (bad fit), Orlando would be my guesses.
Cant believe the blatant tanking teams were doing this draft.

6ers basically gave up a young borderline all star pg for free.

Noel? Really? They didnt learn anything from the Bynum fiasco?