***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

Maybe. Just have a full day of work tomorrow and then Tuesday and Wednesday just working half day, and then they can all fuck off

Also take over 135 Miami/Charlotte in Ncaa hoops tonight
I shit you not, I sat behind a real dipshit packer fan (well, they all are but I digress) that was wearing packer striped overalls and no shit. wearing a top-hat shaped cheeshead. and a tattoo of Vince Lombardi on one arm and the top hat cheesehead on the other. Maybe 30 year old dude. You can't make it up.
Fuck them airplanes let em fall out the sky, prolly all commies & illegals on em anyway. REAL Anericans fly private. Fuck them seaports, nothing but lazy Union workers there, let em die! And damn them railroads/Amtrak ole money losing bastards, I want subsidies for big oil & mega corps! CORPS ARE PEOPLE, poor people & avg Americans ain't shit.
I can't wait for these games on Thanksgiving. NE/GB and SF/SEA. gonna be fantastic. That's what football is about.
Lift the $5b pension requirement that congress laid on USPS & you have a profitable agency
that is annually, correct? I thought I saw revenues of $15-16 billion a year and expenses were slightly above that, so they are losing about $5-6 billion a year - more or less break-even if the pension benefits are not considered. They should be making a ROI of no less than 15% to keep the doors open.

In the grand scheme of things, it's a pimple on an elephants ass but losses are losses I guess.
what's crazy is FedEx and UPS are insanely profitable. Great example of why privatizing the USPS is a good idea.
Bro works for pan am good gig if u ride It out for 25-30 years not sure but when retired your pulling in 3500 checks