***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

that is close to the best catch i have ever seen, to have that much strength in one hand to catch it at that angle just can't be done
he caught the thickest part of the ball too. You can eagle-claw those fairly easily, but to catch the middle of the ball is insane.
how good is the WR position right now? As a group, are WR's right now the best of all time? I would have to say yes.
no bobble either, like it just stuck

It probably did stick...anyone put on the gloves they use nowadays? As was said when it was brought up last time, it's amazing they ever drop balls with the gloves they wear.

Crazy, sick catch too, not taking anything at all away from the catch...that was one of the best you'll ever see anywhere.
BM just made a bunch on that call standing...they opened the line at call stands -200, and it was bet up to call overturned -500...a lot of people got hammered on that