NBA 2008-09, Week 6 thread...


Pretty much a regular
Random thoughts after 5 weeks:

35 days down, 135 to go in the regular season...

Western Conference is the dominant conference????

The East is now 16 games over .500, which means they are 8 games better than the West so far this season...Been quite a while since this has happened after the recent domination by the Western Conference...

"Tired legs mean Unders"????

Ok, I have to clear something up that newbies or even folks who think they know something about NBA handicapping are saying on forums that I look at...I have no posters in mind, as many people blend together as I randomly read through threads one or two days a week at various forums, but I am tired of seeing this and I need to educate the masses here...

I keep reading about "tired legs" and the insinuation is, this will slow down the scoring, meaing the game will go Under...

Ok, how many of you actually play basketball?...

I have played basketball a lot and still play full-court games once a week on Sunday nights, and I can tell you, unequivocally, from experience, that, in the sport of basketball, when players have "tired legs", it is harder, MUCH harder to play defense than it is to play offense...

People who have played competitive basketball should back me up on this one...

It is much harder to guard good post-up players when you are tired, it is much harder to rebound and box-out players when you are tired...MUCH harder...

And I can also tell you, that, from experience, it doesn't effect your offense hardly at all, especially with fast-breaks -- lay-ups and dunks -- or spot-up shooting...Ok, I never could dunk a basketball, tennis ball, yes, but if I could dunk a basketball, being "tired" would not effect my ability to do so...Tired legs can have an effect on some jump-shooters late in games (outside of 15 to 18 feet) because they obviously use their legs to jump as they shoot at the apex of their jump, unlike spot-shooters (like Larry Bird, for example, who would get maybe 3 or 4 inches off the ground)...

I remember when we had daily microphone chats (in chat rooms) with many handicappers at an old forum called ThinkDog, and I pointed this out during a microphone chat, and the founder and owner of that forum told me years later that that is the one thing that he remembered the most out of the hundreds of daily chats we had...

Remember that folks..."Tired legs" effects the defense more than it effects the offense...

Are we clear?...

Now if we take this information into the handicapping world, does this mean that we take the Over every time some team has "tired legs" and we all become millionaires in a season or two?...

Of course not...

But, point of fact, in all NBA games this season where a team was playing their 4th game in 5 nights, those games are 11-3 to the Over...

GS at NY had a 263 last SAT at MSG with GS playing their 4th game in 5 nights...Did anybody watch that game?...Did you see the matador "defense" being played by "tired legs" GS in that one?...How many lay-ups and dunks did the Knicks have?...And Golden State's offense was NOT effected, even without Stephen Jackson, as they still scored 125 with "tired legs"...

Am I getting through to some people yet??...

So the general rule of thumb should be:

"tired legs" = Overs

Now this doesn't guarantee anything...You STILL have to look at the situational spots before making determinations on playing the "automatic" Over in this spot...But you should make the Over in the 4th game in 5 nights the "default" pick until you see evidence that points you to the Under before "officially" making your selection...Just remember that there are teams who will play Unders consistently in this spot...It's a matter of styles and opponents...

Personal notes

Despite a super-slow start for me this season (and I have had many seasons that started out just like this, just not since 2003-04 though), I am only less than 1 unit down...That's it...It feels like I am 10 units down, really...But despite a horrible bad beat last SAT (a 2-unit swing against me), I am less than 1 unit down on the season, with LOTS of time left...

Now with that said, I need to constructively criticize myself while patting myself on the back a little...I'll pat myself on the back for being conservative as I muddled through these first 5 weeks...But I also must criticize myself severely ALSO for being too conservative at times...I have had enough stone cold winners these first 5 weeks where the bet should have been raised to Level 2 or there were certain "no bets" made...

I was successful a few years back betting what I thought were stone Overs by betting them Over in the 1Q, 1H and for the game...Now I didn't do it at all last year as my time was severely limited, so maybe that made me a bit gun-shy this year, as I have not done it yet...Not even once...Almost did it with the GS/NY Over, but STILL chickened out and skipped the 1H Over...


I had that game circled 5 days in advance...No balls...

I have not lost a 1Q bet yet this season (all 1Q Overs)...Had I bet all of those games Over in the 1H and Game, also, and there were a couple of others where I bet only the Game and skipped the 1Q and 1H, I would be an additional 15-2 on the season...Like Monday night, I was ready to bet the game total Over, but saw it jump 3 points and just skipped it because I was p*ssed at losing some value...Well, like 3 points makes a difference in most GS totals...Again, STUPID...

Hopefully I will make better betting decisions in the weeks to come...

But I may start looking at 1Q and 1H bets a lot more in upcoming weeks...Just as many trends and patterns in those 2 categories as there are for the game lines...

Tuesday's action

Remember all those Unders the first week or so of the season?...Well, the Overs have arrived and Vegas totals are climbing higher and higher on a daily basis...

At first blush, one might think that this Lakers game will fly over any total with the way the Lakers have scored their last 4 games, going Over the total every time and by a good margin most of those games...But this game is at Indy and the Lake-show is 4-1 to the Under on the Road...212.5?...Eeech, that's a lot...

How good is Portland?...Took care of the Pistons with ease on Sunday, AT Detroit...Good enough to be Road chalk of 6.5 though?...Normally I'd say no way, but this is the Knicks, and anything is possible here, cripes, PORT could cover 11.5, I suppose...211.5 here...Only twice this season has PORT gone Over this number, at GS (217) and at SAC (213)...PORT 4 Unders and a Push their last 5...

Ok, the Nets have won 5 of 6 and 7 of 9 (and NOT against slouches) and are only 5.5 chalk at Home against the Wizards??...What?...Why?...Ok, WASH has covered 4 of the last 6 h2h, so maybe that explains it, but NJ has won 8 of the last 9 h2h here...NJ played the Lakers tough for the 1H, then lost, but then went to SAC-town the next night and won, then won at Utah (ok they're injury depleted and they caught the Jazz on a back-ender, but still) and then the next night, PHOE was rested and off an embarrassing loss and a "tired" NJ outscored the Suns 43-24 in the 4Q to win by 8...The Wizards stink...Winless on the Road and 2-4 ATS on the Road...Hmmmm, this makes no sense...Is Vegas giving us a free winner here?...Well, hot damn, I believe they are...Take the Wizards to the bank...Free winner, courtesy of Vegas...Thank you...

Clips/Dallas, no line...Both teams playing better after bad starts...Clips actually 4-2 ATS on the closing line after that 1-9 ATS start...

The Sixers have been disgraceful thus far...Disgraceful...High expectations as I saw one magazine rate them as the third or fourth best team in the East before the season started...Try 11th best right now at 7-10...Home and Home here and I generally like these revenge spots in some instances, and this is one instance where I like Philly to win outright...Will I bet them...Hmmmm, that's a tough one...Vegas has been on the button with Philly totals as there have been 3 pushes in the last 4 Philly games on the total...That may be unprecedented...CHI has been an Under team at Home and Philly hasn't gone Under their last 6 overall...

Det/SA almost an automatic play on the Under...Total has already dropped 3 points after it opened at 186...I am already p*ssed at myself for losing value...9 of the last 11 h2h in the regular season have gone Under...Largest Vegas total on the closing line for any of these games was 183.5...With the exception of a 211, the other 10 games out of those 11 ALL stayed under 180...

no line Tor/Den...Nuggets suddenly Over 5 in a row...Last 2 times these teams played h2h at DEN, they flew Over with a 242 & 226...I will investigate a possible 1Q Over play here once the line is out...

no line Utah/Sac...Revenge spot for SAC as Utah just killed them 4 days ago at Utah by 26...Last 6 h2h have all gone Over...
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EXACTLY SPOT ON on the overs with tired legs. I've capped that way for a while, and do find it funny when people say tired legs hurt offense for the exact reason. I always found it an edge to play competitive basketball when capping for similiar reasons ie: when you're tired, you let down on defense. good read
Thanx guys...Good to see I am not alone here with this as I have played competitive basketball for a long time and I know how hard it is to guard good players when I start to get gassed...Like t-dot said, instead of getting your body in position, you start reaching and fouling...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...

================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
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Bets record:
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Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 21-18, +$315
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Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 118-131-5
#1 picks: 18-17

Totals: 136-114-3
#1 picks: 15-20

Day 36:

A couple of games tonight to gauge where I am at with NBA sides...Have lost 5 straight #1 sides, but last night, if I knew Jackson was playing for GS, that pick would have changed...Regardless, I wasn't betting it...I feel compelled to bet Philly and Washington...I am not really in love with either play, but I am going to take them both anyway, just on principle...We'll see how it turns out...I am looking at a few totals and I am going to look at a few 1Q possibilities and see if there is anything worth taking there...


#1 Was +6.5
#2 Phi +2
#3 Det +5
#4 Den -5
#5 NY +7.5
#6 Sac +1.5
#7 Ind +9
#8 LAC +11


#1 Det un 185
#2 Den ov 206.5
#3 Sac ov 209
#4 Ind un 213
#5 LAC ov 198
#6 Was un 205.5
#7 Phi un 194.5
#8 NY un 212


Level 1 -- Philadelphia 76ers Pick (+121 -- MatchBook), laying $200 to win $242 -- Back-end of a home-and-home where Chicago already beat the 76ers in Philly...The Sixers have lost 4 in a row...I always like playing the team that lost the front-end of a home-and-home between fairly evenly-matched teams...Philly had one horrible quarter in that home loss last time out, being outscored 31-11...CHI shot 10-for-16 in that 3Q from the field and 8-for-11 from the FT line, while Philly shot 4-for-19 in that 3Q...

Level 1 -- Washington Wizards +6.5, laying $250 to win $255 -- New Jersey just off a very successful road trip, winning their final 3 games...They have won 7 of their last 9 against ATL (twice), TOR, LAC, SAC, UTAH & PHOE...Only 2 losses to CLE & LAL...This line opened at 5.5, which is too low, IMO, which "tells me something" as to what Vegas thinks here...They apparently want action on NJ and are getting it...I'll take the Wiz as they are catching NJ in their 1st Home game after a road trip and WAS has 2 days rest for this one...

GL... <!-- / message -->

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Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
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Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================


Random thoughts:

Feeling cautiously optimistic here that maybe I am snapping out of this early-season funk...My Sides were 7-1 Tuesday and that was long overdue...#1 Sides losing streak snapped...#1 Totals have won 4 straight...If anyone is still following out there, I will say that one sign that I am getting hot is when my bets start to win EASILY for a spell...On Saturday, the GS/NY Over was about 40 points over the vegas total and never in doubt and on the same day, the Rockets won by 19 as 3-point chalk...The Wiz was easy on TUE...The signs are there...Hopefully I am heating up, but the next 3-to-5 days will tell for sure...Proceed with caution...

Memp/Atl -- ATLis a chart-play for me, pure and simple...The Hawks ended a NC7 and are now reversing that on a C2 and my "chart-play" stipulates that the C (Cover) streak will continue for a few games...For those of you unfamiliar with my chart-plays, whenever a C or NC or Over or Under streak of 5 (but preferably 6) or higher ends, the streak will immediately reverse itself and go the other way...Memphis is currently on a NC6, losing 6 in a row...I love chart-plays, but I love them a whole helluva lot less when the chart-play is 9-point chalk...Both teams have 3 days rest and are 1-0 ATS and 1-0 to the Over in this spot earlier in the season...MEMP 3 straight Overs coming into this game...One last factor to consider is that Josh Smith is back for this game for ATL, so there is the automatic "fade a team with an important player returning for their first game" to consider here...Lots of stuff clashing, probably a stay-away for me...

Port/Was -- PORT suddenly a beast on the Road now, at least, against the East...PORT is 4-0 SU and 3-1 ATS vs. the EAST on the Road, while they are just 2-6 SU & 3-5 ATS against the WEST on the Road...WAS has yet to win 2 games in a row this year and this is important because most teams most seasons have a win streak of at least 2 by the end of the 4th week of the NBA season...We are now in Week 6...

Other teams that still do not have a win streak ar Charlotte and Oklahoma City and guess what?...They play each other tonight and both teams are coming off a win so one of them will have a win streak at the end of the night...Memphis & Minnesota also yet to have a win streak...

Back to Port/Was, though...PORT killed the Wiz at WASH last year...But are the Blazers looking ahead to Boston on Friday?...PORT 5-0-1 to the Under their last 6...These 2 teams h2h have a recent history of Unders...Like the under here...

LAL/Phi -- The Lakers won for the first time in Philly in the regular season last season in 8 years...Philly had won the previous 7 meetings h2h in Philly, but LAL won last year 106-101 on 12/21/07, about 6 weeks before Philly got hot and made their playoff run...Sometimes the best remedy for a real tough loss in the NBA is to have a game the following day...Sixers blew a late lead before winning in OT last night at CHI...Lakers lost to Detroit at Home earlier this season and then did NOT cover the next time out vs. the Bulls at Home (Lakers had 3 days rest)...I like the Under here, even though LAL has gone Over 5 straight...The Sixers are 4-0-3 to the Under their last 7...

Min/Orl -- Does Orlando crash back to reality here a bit?...Visiting team has won the last 4 meetings h2h...Minny Over 4 straight and ORL Over 2 straight and these 2 teams h2h Over 6 of 7...

NY/Cle -- Cavs already spanked the Knicks by 18 at MSG and it wasn't even that close as they led by 29 going into the 4Q...CLE is 2-0 SU & ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not this season and BOTH went Over...NY 2-1 ATS on back-enders and 2-1 to the Over...CLE Under 3 straight games although 2 of them were very close to going Over...They played a 220 at MSG...Not sure what their motivation is here after killing NY 8 days ago, but I guess they are good enough to accidently beat the Knicks by 20...5 straight have gone Over h2h here...

OKC/Char -- CHAR started the season 12-1 to the Under on the 1H line before going 2-2 their last 4 in the 1H...Still, 13-3 to the Under in the 1H is strong...CHAR showing signs of Overs and have been an Over team for the most part when they win...I simply do not think CHAR should be favored by 8 over anybody though...I am thinking about an Over play here, though, for sure...

Ind/Bos -- Can you say "revenge"?...Indy spanked the Celtics on 11/1 a month ago at Indy 95-79...And now a HUGE let-down spot for the Pacers after a BIG win against the Lakers last night on a last-second tip-in by Troy Murphy...But man, I HATE laying big chalk...Celtics 1-3 ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not, all at Home...Indy 2-3 ATS on the back-end of back-to-backs this season...Don't know if I can ignore the revenge spot and let-down spot all rolled into one for a great situational spot, though...I may have to play the Celts...

Chi/Milw -- This is generally a strong spot where a team comes off a long road trip, plays one game at Home and then goes right back out and plays a Road game...You fade this team...CHI is that team this time...But I don't know if I can...A lot of things favoring MILW situationally here...CHI off an OT game last night, revenge spot for MILW after losing to CHI opening night...MILW 3 days rest here...MILW is tied for the 2nd best ATS record in the league with DEN, behind CLE...But they haven't covered 2 straight and it's kind of a quasi chart-play for me against MILW here...Another factor, I believe, is that although CHI is coming off this brutal "circus" road trip, the schedule-makers were kind enough to give them a 3-day break before Game 7 of the road trip at Philly, so the Bulls aren't as bad off as you might think for this spot...Also, as good as MILW is ATS-wise this season, they are 0-1 SU & ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not, a home loss to Toronto on NOV 1...CHI 2-2 SU & ATS on back-enders this season...

Phoe/NO -- The Hornets have absolutely taken over this h2h series with Phoenix, winning 5 straight and covering 7 straight...This used to be an Under series h2h, but now the last 4 have gone Over...The Suns seem to be in disarray, losing 2 straight at Home vs. Eastern Conference foes that are at or below .500 and they lost both games badly...Now they have to deal with the Hornets...Are Amare Stoudamire's comments a distraction?...Suns have played 3 straight Overs...

LAC/Hou no line -- Rockets have won and covered 5 straight h2h...Clips now 5-2 ATS after their 1-9 ATS start...

Mia/Utah no line -- Miami has won 9 straight h2h, covering 7 straight and 8 of 9...Heat 5th and last game of their Road trip...But they are catching Utah on a back-ender, just like NJ did 4 days ago at Utah and the Nets spanked the Jazz by 17 the night after the Jazz beat SAC...And last night, the Jazz beat, hmmm, SAC again...Hmmmmm...MIA 3 straight and 6 of 7 Over...

Level 1 -- Boston Celtics -12.5, laying $275 to win $250 --
I hate laying the juice, but I believe this line will go up to 14, so I want to get it now...Revenge spot for the Celts (losing big to Indy at Indy a month ago) coupled with a let-down spot for the Pacers (after their big win against the Lakers last night) and although I hate laying big chalk in the NBA, I cannot ignore this situational spot...Celts have won 9 straight and covered 6 of their last 8...They will win, it's just a matter of whether they cover the number, so I need to get the 12.5 while it lasts...This would a Level 2 play under normal circumstances, but the big chalk prevents me from going to Level 2, I'll keep this as a Level 1 play...

Again, at Level 1, I am betting to win 2.5% of that starting bankroll...If the bankroll changes a bit as the season progresses, then the betting amount will change...

Wish my local released early lines...really want to play the Celtics as well before the line goes up.


btw forgot to mention...what a day on your sides picks...7-1

The kings should have definitely came through to cover that spread as well...what a joke.
================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
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Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 23-18, +$912
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 125-132-5
#1 picks: 19-17

Totals: 140-117-4
#1 picks: 16-20

Day 37:

Running late and I am swamped here at work...I am liking some stuff as i think OKC is a great bet it if I can find another free 5 minutes to get another look at it...I'll just post picks as there are a zillion customers here and time is limited...


#1 Bos -12.5
#2 OKC +8.5
#3 Phi +9
#4 Mia +5
#5 Memp +8.5
#6 Was +7
#7 Min +9
#8 LAC +11
#9 Phoe +8
#10 Chi +4
#11 NY +15


#1 Was un 191.5
#2 Min ov 196
#3 OKC ov 192
#4 Bos un 200
#5 Mia ov 197
#6 Memp ov 199.5
#7 LAC ov 188
#8 Phoe ov 195.5
#9 Phi un 202
#10 Chi un 200.5
#11 NY un 216

BET (already posted):

GL... <!-- / message -->

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Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================

Random thoughts:

I told myself that when my 5-game losing streak ended on my #1 sides, I would blindly bet my #1 sides at Level 2 every game until I lose again...Well, I chickened out yet again, and didn't do it last night, and Boston did cover that big line...Anyway...


Phoe/Dal -- no line, no opinions yet...What I do know is that PHOE is 5-0 to the Over on back-ends of back-to-backs this season and 3-2 ATS...Always that "default" play to the Over for Nationally televised games unless evidence points you in the other direction, according to some people...

SA/Den -- Nuggets favored by 4 and the line will probably climb and maybe get to 5...My first blush reaction (within a micro-second of looking at the line) was "Wow, that line is too damn low, Denver will cover that easily"...But then the handicapping part of the brewers7 brain took over the analysis of the game and what we have here is:

1) a revenge spot for the Spurs after suffering a beat-down at Home to the Nuggets on 11/19, 81-71, but the Spurs trailed by 21 going into the 4Q...No Ginobili or Parker that game for SA, by the way...

2) Denver shot 59.8% from the field their last game, a 39-point butchering over Toronto at Home, and I have an "automatic fade of a team that shot 60% or higher their previous game" and this is close enough...

3) Public will be all over Denver as they are hot and the Spurs have gotten beat pretty bad their last 2 games (at HOU and at Home vs. Detroit)...

So when I consider some of these factors, I kind of like the Spurs now, being in a bounce-back and revenge spot...Not sure if I'll bet them yet, but I will certainly wait for the line to rise and then make a decision...
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brewers what you think about total in this game, i'm thinking bout Spurs TT over 94...Denver can play defense right know, but Parker may be too fast for Chillups and i can see easy lay-ups from Spurs. Thanks, really appreciate your work here


...and sorry for my english
MARLO, you dont look a day over 14 1/2. U sure u been balliin for 15 yrs.

Lol older than most young bucks around here, but younger than some of these senior citizens.

Brew strong leans for me on the Spurs and the hova in Dallas. Like that you like them. Good luck if you play them
brewers what you think about total in this game, i'm thinking bout Spurs TT over 94...Denver can play defense right know, but Parker may be too fast for Chillups and i can see easy lay-ups from Spurs. Thanks, really appreciate your work here


...and sorry for my english

Not a problem and thanx...

I have never played team totals yet, but am looking into doing so as another angle...During this offseason, I will investigate team totals more in-depthly (if that is a word)...

As far as this game goes, I honestly have no opinion on either team total right now...My first blush look is to take the game Under, and I expect this total line to rise...We'll see...

GL to ya sir...
solid call on celts yesterday brewer

liked it from beginning and seein u on it, hit it some more

solid info u provide
================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
================================================== =====================
Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 24-18, +$1262
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 130-138-5
#1 picks: 20-17

Totals: 146-122-4
#1 picks: 17-20

Day 38:

Felt rushed and didn't get to betting the OKC winner yesterday...Too bad, missed opportunity...#1 totals have won 5 straight...Despite the highway robbery on the late game on SAT that went for a tough loss, I am 7-2 my last 9 bets...Hoping to have turned the corner here...Time will tell...

Streaks to watch for near-future chart-plays:

Memp NC7
Tor NC6
Cle C6
Min NC5
Den ov6
LAL ov6
Port 6-0-1 to the Under last 7


#1 SA +4
#2 Phoe +4


#1 Phoe ov 207
#2 SA un 194


GL... <!-- / message -->

================================================== =====================
Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================

Random thoughts:

Ok, I have no balls at all...Am heating up and knew that once that #1 sides losing streak ended after 5, it would reverse itself, because I have seen this pattern over and and over again over the years of tracking my picks...This is something I highly recommend to any serious cappers who want to make money at this in the long run...I told myself to play my #1 sides at Level 2 every day AFTER the streak was snapped and I only played BOS at Level 1 and then didn't play SA at all...I am an idiot, a baffoon, a moron...No guts...

LAL/Was -- Lakers end a quick 3-game eastern swing before heading back to Staples after tonight...Wiz have covered 2 straight for the first time this season...Lake-show should be able to name the score here, but these lines will reach a saturation point I would suspect, some time soon as they won't be able to keep covering this big chalk forever...Lakers Over 6 straight while Wiz 3-0-1 to the Under last 4...Wiz won't be able to score with them, but maybe they'll try and we get another Over...

OKC/Orl -- ORL won 6 straight h2h in this series, covering 4 straight & 5 of 6...OKC has covered 5 of 6 after a NC6 (chart-stuff there), and OKC Over 3 straight...

Min/NJ -- Nets have had 2 days to shake off that home blowout vs. the Wiz after a good road trip...Minny on a NC5 now, losing 3 straight...Minny has covered 8 of the last 9 h2h in this series, however...No opinions really, which means, I'll take the points as the default pick...

NY/Atl -- no line...Knicks seem to have more distractions than a newbie at the Bunny Ranch...Harrington awaiting word on a suspension or a fine for decking LeBron and since the King is the show-piece of the league right now, I assume the NBA office will "have LeBron's back" and give Al a one-game suspension here so others won't follow suit with future flagrant fouls against King James...With D'Antoni the new coach of the Knicks this year, all trends against the Knicks previous to this season are completely thrown out the window...Irrelevant...What is relevant is how teams have done against Phoenix the last few seasons when D'Antoni was coach there...Not with the sides, because PHOE was MUCH better the last few seasons than NY is now, talent-wise, but I look at the totals, because talent doesn't matter too much with totals when you compare it to the pace of the games..."Pace of the game trumps talent"...I have been doing this all year with Knicks totals, and for this game, we see that ATL has gone Over 5 of the last 6 vs. D'Antoni-run PHOE squads, so I like the Over once the line comes out...

Ind/Cle -- How about this stretch for the Pacers?...The 3 best teams in the league for 4 straight games, and they were at ORL before these 4...They lost at ORL on a back-ender (4 of 5, even), then beat the Lakers on a last-second tip-in, then go to Boston, now go to CLE tonight and then host Boston yet AGAIN in 2 days...Just SICK...Indy already played CLE on 11/7 at CLE, lost by 4, but covered...CLE had covered 7 straight h2h before that game and has won 8 straight h2h in this series...CLE has covered 6 straight overall...CLE Under 4 straight while Indy Over 4 straight and 6 of 7, so a clash there...

Phi/Det -- The Under jumps out right away here...3 of the 4 games in the regular season h2h last year went Under...DET Under 7 of 8 overall...Philly 3-1-3 to the Under their last 7 in regulation time...DET off a big win...Philly is facing the team that eliminated them from the playoffs last year for the first time this season and that "revenge" spot has worked out decently thus far this season...8.5 might be a lot for a DET team who may be in a let-down spot after a big win at SA...

Port/Bos -- Again, the Under jumps out here immediately...BOS has won 6 straight and covered 7 straight vs. PORT h2h, but it looks like it is just about time to throw some of these PORT trends out the window as they are emerging as a major force in the league this year...For the record, 5 of the last 6 Over h2h here...BOS Over their last 2 home games...PORT 6-0-1 to the Under their last 7 and 5-1 to the Under this season in all instances of their 3rd game in 4 days...BOS Over 2 straight for the 1st time this season and they only reached 3 consecutive Overs or more 3 times (I believe, last season, none of those streaks happening on the same homestand)...Is PORT capable of making a statement in thi spot??...

LAC/Memp -- Clips have covered 7 of last 8 h2h here...MEMP on a NC7, while Clips have covered 4 straight and 6 of 8 after a 1-9 ATS start (quasi-chart plays there)...Haven't seen many MEMP games lately, so I don't know why they are in this funk but could surmise it's a young team hitting an early wall...They'll snap out of it for a while at some point and then hit another wall later in the season, maybe even 2 more walls...Not sure why Coach Iavaroni (who was an Assistant under D'Antoni at PHOE) doesn't install the D'Antoni offense with the athletes he has there in MEMP...Grizz 3-0-1 to the Over last 4 while Clips 3-1 to the Over last 4...

GS/Hou -- 7 of the last 8 in this series have gone Over...Warriors with 3 days rest for the first time this season...GS Over 3 of 5 last year with 3 days rest or more (one missing a 4th Over by 1/2 a point) and 4 of 5 of those games were Over in the 1Q...GS way Over their last 2 and Over 9 of their last 11 and HOU is now Over 3 straight and 6 of 7...These 2 teams h2h Over 3 straight and 7 of 8...HOU paces have been quicker recently and I cannot help but think that if that continues tonight, the Over won't be any problem...I like GS Overs in the 1Q, but HOU, despite being Over the game total 6 of the last 7, have been Under in the 1Q in most of those games...No 1Q bet for sure...

Char/Milw -- CHAR Over 2 straight games for the first time this season (and I missed taking that last Over, which was stupid, because I saw it coming)...CHAR has some Overs coming here after a plethora of Unders to start the season...CHAR has also won 2 straight for the first time all season...CHAR didn't cover last time out to end their C5...

Tor/Utah -- Jay Triano takes over for Sam Mitchell and "the new coach's first game this season after a firing" is 2-0 ATS and both games went Over...Toronto on a NC6...This spot shapes up well for TOR, IMO...I like taking good teams after a 30+ point blowout loss...New coach to boot...New coach promises up-tempo...Not sure if that means jumping on the Over here because Utah is so banged up and suddenly slowing the pace with 3 straight Unders...But when a new coach takes over, it is next-to-impossible to put in a new defensive system in one practice, so the Over makes sense, especially when the team with the fired coach generally will come out with a lot of energy for that first game...
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================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
================================================== =====================
Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 24-18, +$1262
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 131-139-5
#1 picks: 21-17

Totals: 147-123-4
#1 picks: 18-20

Day 39:

Still mad for not betting SA last night...#1 Totals have won 6 straight now (remember the 1-12 start?) and #1 Sides have won 3 straight...Hoping to stay hot for a few weeks, but time will tell...

I am almost positive I am betting Toronto, but I am going to wait for a spell, look over the injury situation more before deciding...


#1 Tor +5
#2 Port +8
#3 GS +8.5
#4 Phi +8
#5 OKC +13
#6 Milw -4
#7 Min +6.5
#8 Ind +11
#9 LAC -1
#10 Was +12
#11 Atl -10.5


#1 Port un 184.5
#2 Phi un 188
#3 Atl ov 215
#4 GS ov 208.5
#5 Tor ov 206.5
#6 Was ov 212.5
#7 Ind ov 206
#8 LAC ov 196.5
#9 Milw ov 186.5
#10 Min un 201.5
#11 OKC ov 203.5


Level 1 -- Portland/Boston under 184.5, laying $252.50 to win $250 --
Again, I played this at MatchBook...This should be a grudge-match...I look at portland and their last 7 games (6-0-1 to the Under) and see Unders against NY, PHOE, WAS & MIA...Boston hasn't had 3 straight Overs very often since KG and Allen came to town...I am hoping that Boston plays to the half-court pace of the Blazers, which they are certainly comfortable with...I think both teams will want to show the other just how good they are defensively and I think this game will be in the 80s...

Again, at Level 1, I am betting to win 2.5% of that starting bankroll...If the bankroll changes a bit as the season progresses, then the betting amount will change...

GL... <!-- / message -->

================================================== =====================
Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================


Level 1 -- Toronto Raptors +5 $250 to win $250 --
Again, I played this at MatchBook...Already talked about this one...Jay Triano takes over for Sam Mitchell and "the new coach's first game this season after a firing" is 2-0 ATS and both games went Over...Toronto on a NC6...This spot shapes up well for Toronto...I like taking good teams after a 30+ point blowout loss...New coach to boot...When a team plays their first game with a new coach, they generally will come out with a lot of energy for that first game...Thought about the moneyline, but I'll take the points with no juice, instead...

Again, at Level 1, I am betting to win 2.5% of that starting bankroll...If the bankroll changes a bit as the season progresses, then the betting amount will change...

GL... <!-- / message -->

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I think I've played more of your #1 bets this year than you have man. Did you ever pick up that book? BOL tonight. Great thread again.
I think I've played more of your #1 bets this year than you have man. Did you ever pick up that book? BOL tonight. Great thread again.

Thanx and not yet...Thanx for the reminder though, as I can look for it online SAT at work as it should be a slower day...

Random thoughts:

Streaks "Magic numbers"...

Depending on the season the "magic number" is either 7 or 8 when most streaks (C, NC, ov, un) end...I can remember seasons where the majority of the streaks ended at 7, and other years where the majority of the streaks ended at 8...So far, nothing has gone above 7 yet this year...MEMP just ended a NC7 Friday night...But several streaks are in play, including a few 7's...Only one Totals streak has hit 7, although PORT is on a 7-0-1 to the Under currently...

CLE -- C7
TOR -- NC7
DEN -- ov7
MIN -- NC6

Speaking of streaks of 7, my #1 totals have now won 7 straight and I'll be honest, most of my #1 winning streaks end at 7...

Cle/Char -- Cavs best ATS team in the league and they have covered 7 straight...Covered 10 of 11, also...CLE blowing teams out so badly right now, that they have had 5 straight Unders...CHAR had been a stone Under team, but with J-Rich back, the Overs are coming, 3 straight and 4 of 5 Over...Would be VERY hard for me to take this one Over, though...Larry Brown knows he cannot win a shoot-out here, look for him to slow it down...Schedule-makers kind to both of these teams thus far as CLE has had just 4 bk-2-bk situations all season and CHAR has (incredibly) had just 2 to this point...CLE 3-1 ATS in back-enders but 2-0 ATS when they and their opponent are both in back-enders, while both of CHAR's back-enders have been played when they and their opponent are both in back-enders, and the Bobcats are 1-1 ATS...CLE 3-1 to the Under in their back-enders and CHAR 2-0 to the Under in their back-enders...

NJ/Phi -- no line because Elton brand is a game-time decision with the hammy, but when the line does comes out, regardless of whether EB plays or not, I like NJ...Philly in a let-down spot off the big 4Q last night for a come-from-behind win at DET...NJ has covered 4 straight back-enders, winning all 4 games (3 of them on the Road)...Philly 2-4 ATS in back-enders, 1-1 ATS when them and their opponent are both bk-2-bk and NJ is 2-1 ATS in that same situational spot...NJ 4 straight Overs in their back-enders and 4-1 overall to the Over and Philly 3-2-1 to the Over in their back-enders...Philly also playing their 4th game in 5 nights and since they are at Home, the "default" pick goes to NJ here...

OKC/Mia -- OKC has covered 4 in a row and 6 of 7 now after a NC6...First game back off a 5-game road trip for MIA...Heat 2-0 ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not this season...OKC 4-2 ATS and 4-2 to the Over in back-enders...

LAC/Min -- Well, the Clips helped MEMP end their NC7 last night, so can they help Minny end their NC6 tonight??...Very, very rare to see something like this transpire, but I am too tired to dig through my database to see if this has ever happened before and if so, what were the results on the back-ender or next time out for the Clippers situation here?...LAC also a 4-in-5 so they are the "default" pick in this situation, but I don't know if I like them, as I see Minny seeing the Clips the same way MEMP saw them last night at Home: as a team that needs a win and they have the perfect opponent to get from...Clips 1-2 ATS and 2-1to the Over in back-enders and Minny 2-2 ATS and 3-1 to the Under in back-enders this season...

Memp/NO -- This h2h series has gone Over 10 straight games, speaking of streaks...MEMP obviously a big-time chart-play for me here...NO has won 10 of 11 SU (7-4 ATS) and MEMP has covered 4 of the last 6...Total just 194.5 and to be frank, it looks low, but the pace of the Clips/Grizz game last night was ridiculously SLOW, with just 147 shots and 33 FTs...NO 1-2 ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not (but 0-2 ATS at Home), 2-1 to the Over in those spots, while MEMP is 1-3 ATS and 3-1 to the Over in back-enders this season...

GS/SA -- Any total below 210 with GS looks like a gift right now...Last 3 totals 263, 259 (OT) and 243...We all know SA has been an Under team the past few years, yet these 2 h2h are Over 7 of their last 8...GS WAY Over their last 2 back-enders...I think the Spurs may kill them here...Only 1 home game in their last 7 and now at SA...Spurs rested, but 0-2 ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not...GS 2-1 ATS in back-enders...GS shot 54% from the floor last night, so I wondered about a let-down, shooting-wise, but checked last season with all games where they shot 53 or 54% and higher and they went Over in almost every game next time out...

Atl/Dal -- no opinions...

Was/Chi -- Wiz a 4 of 5 and they are the default pick...have covered 3 straight...Wiz 2-2 ATS & 3-1 to the Under in back-enders this season...These 2 teams have gone Under 5 straight h2h...CHI 0-3-2 to the Under last 5 overall (in regulation)...

Utah/Phoe -- Utah 4 of 5 and the default pick...1-4 ATS in back-enders this season though (3-2 to the Under)...Phoe 2-2 ATS when they have rest and their opponent does not...Suns have lost 4 straight and are reeling...Went Over all 4 of those losses...Utah Suddenly Under 4 in a row after being Over 8 of 9...Revenge game here for PHOE from an 11/17 loss at Utah...

Den/Sec -- Nuggets 7 straight Overs...Just got spanked at Home by SA on national TV last time out...SAC should be well-rested for this one, just their 2nd game in 7 days...They have lost 7 straight...These teams have gone Over 4 of their last 5 h2h...
Denver ova is going to make your streak 8 in a row ;) like Phoenix but will wait and see where the line goes. Utah after big win yesterday B2B, Phoe after 4 losses and revenge spot as you mentioned all of these. Without Buzzer i doubt that Utah will be able to shut big Suns men down tonight, do you have any opinion yet? Anyway thanks again for great writeups


probably i will choose between Phoenix - points & Utah TT under 100...hmmm maybe this option is even better
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================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
================================================== =====================
Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 25-19, +$1262
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 135-146-5
#1 picks: 21-18

Totals: 152-129-4
#1 picks: 19-20

Day 40:

Raptors are just bad right now...Don't know what their problem is...But something is obviously very wrong there...

I read up on Memphis because I wanted to see why the pace was so slow last night and found out Coach Iavaroni shook up his starting lineup...Got 2 defensive guys in there and MEMP played with great defensive intensity last night...Will it carry over for any length of time?...Time will tell...

#1 Totals have won 7 straight...Most of these types of win streaks for me end at 7...Started the season 1-12 and am already almost at .500 at 19-20...18-8 last 26..."Returning to the mean" and hopefully well beyond...

There are four 4-of-5 games tonight and i like 3 of them: NJ, WAS & UTAH...Kind of wanna bet all 3, but will pass as I want to see the 4 of 5 trend for another weekend as it is off to a slow start (like it has done before) and when it starts slow, it generally heats up (and I mean, really heats up) in late DEC...

I was going to bet the GS/SA 1Q Over, but didn't expect 54.5...Vegas adjusting to these rash of 1Q Overs with GS...That number may keep me away from a bet...If SA kills GS, it may not hit 211...But I wonder if GS even gives a rats ass about defense right now...Last 3 WAY Over the vegas total and I wonder what their mind-set is for this game...7 of the last 8 Over h2h, so I shouldn't be afraid to bang this game total Over...Still debating...


#1 Memp +14.5
#2 Utah +7.5
#3 Was +8.5
#4 NJ +2.5
#5 Atl +7
#6 Den -5
#7 Min -2
#8 OKC +10.5
#9 Cle -8
#10 SA -12


#1 SA ov 211
#2 Cle un 185.5
#3 OKC ov 201.5
#4 NJ ov 196
#5 Was un 200
#6 Den ov 211
#7 Utah ov 205.5
#8 Memp ov 193
#9 Min un 194.5
#10 Atl ov 200


Level 1 -- Memphis Grizzlies +14.5, laying $255 to win $250 --
I played this at MatchBook...Grizz went with a new starting lineup last night and it worked...Reading the post-game comments, the players were excited and are hoping this "defensive intensity" carries over for several games...I was going to bet the Over, but will stay away after reading that the starting lineup changes were made because inserting Kyle lowery and Darko Milicic in place of Mike Conley and Marc Gasol was a move designed to get the grizz off toa more forceful start on defense, according to a quote from the Memphis Commercial Appeal article written by Ronald Tillery in today's paper...If we look h2h here, the Hornets have only covered 14.5 twice in the last 21 meetings (wins of 15 & 18)...Sure, NO has won 10 of the last 11 SU, but MEMP has covered 4 of the last 6...LOT of points here...

Level 1 -- Golden State/San Antonio over 209, laying $265 to win $250 -- I played this at MatchBook because this line was still listed there and the juice was only -106, so I had to take a shot...The Warriors simply not playging any defense...Their last 2 back-enders flew Over the total...7 of the last 8 h2h between these teams Over the total...May as well ride the GS Over train to the last stop (WAY Over 3 in a row), as anyting less than 210 seems like a bargain with GS games right now...

Again, at Level 1, I am betting to win 2.5% of that starting bankroll...If the bankroll changes a bit as the season progresses, then the betting amount will change...

GL... <!-- / message -->

================================================== =====================
Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================

================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
================================================== =====================
Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 26-20, +$1257
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 143-148-5
#1 picks: 21-19

Totals: 156-133-6
#1 picks: 19-20-1

Day 41:

Horrible pick with MEMP last night as they never had a shot...I did mention in my Day 40 notes that I was thinking about betting NJ, WAS & UTAH (all 4 of 5 plays) but would wait another week as the 4 of 5 has been cold...Well, Those 3 and the Clips ALL covered and the 4 of 5 default picks went 4-0 ATS...Missed opportunities...I did get lucky on the GS Over as I got a lucky line at MatchBook that was still there that the person who had put the line out there had not retracted after the total moved up...Since the widely available line was 211 at the time I posted my picks, for my tracking record of all picks, it'll count as a push, but obviously I won my bet...

Don't know why TOR is virtually a Pick here...Yhey have done nothing to earn this... A NC7...I did make them my #1 Side regardless...I actually hope they lose and don't cover because they have CLE next and i didn't check to see if CLE plays Monday, but if they don't and the Raptors lose today, then we have a super-duper RARE NC8 vs. C8 situation, and if this happens, historically, we have an almost "guaranteed" winner on our hands from a statistical trend point of view...We'll see what transpires...

No bets today unless a 2H gift presents itself...


#1 Tor +2.5
#2 Det -6.5
#3 Ind +7.5
#4 Milw +13.5


#1 Ind un 199
#2 Det un 207
#3 Milw ov 208
#4 Tor un 191


GL... <!-- / message -->

================================================== =====================
Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links: TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================

Last edited:

Level 1 -- Milwaukee/L.A. Lakers over 103.5, 2H, laying $250 to win $255 -- I played this at MatchBook...I did bet the Pistons in the 2H down 22, but couldn't post it as a bevy of customers came in and I was lucky to even get the bet in seconds before the 2H tip-off...As far as this game, the pace isn't bad for an Over...74 at he half and the game total is 211, so the 103.5 means that a 178 game total gets me a winner, 33 points under the original Vegas total...I'll play this EVERY damn time, especuiallt when there were 86 first-half shots and 21 FTs...31% shooting for MILW and 36% for LAL...I look for these shooting percentages to return to the mean, and if that happens, both teams will have to shoot 50% or better in the 2H and if that happens, easy Over...

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Level 1 -- Milwaukee/L.A. Lakers over 103.5, laying $250 to win $255 --
I played this at MatchBook...I did bet the Pistons in the 2H down 22, but couldn't post it as a bevy of customers came in and I was lucky to even get the bet in seconds before the 2H tip-off...As far as this game, the pace isn't bad for an Over...74 at he half and the game total is 211, so the 103.5 means that a 178 game total gets me a winner, 33 points under the original Vegas total...I'll play this EVERY damn time, especuiallt when there were 86 first-half shots and 21 FTs...31% shooting for MILW and 36% for LAL...I look for these shooting percentages to return to the mean, and if that happens, both teams will have to shoot 50% or better in the 2H and if that happens, easy Over...has covered 4 of the last 6...LOT of points here...

<!-- / message -->

Couldn't agree more. Pace is there. Just need the shots to fall.
nice hit, but as far as teams shooting badly in a first half, it makes sense to think it'll get closer to the mean by end of the game, but expecting above average shooting is unreasonable. It's like saying: after 10 str8 heads coin flips, yes you'd expect the head tail proportion to head back to the mean, but not by going especially favorable to tails: you wouldn't bet next 10 flips over 5 tails. Unless u think the line is overadjusted which in this case it likely was, but don't think it's in general to assume better than 50% shooting because teams shot 30% 1st h. Nice hit regardless, just getting thoughts out there, and really appreciate your daily thoughts
nice hit, but as far as teams shooting badly in a first half, it makes sense to think it'll get closer to the mean by end of the game, but expecting above average shooting is unreasonable. It's like saying: after 10 str8 heads coin flips, yes you'd expect the head tail proportion to head back to the mean, but not by going especially favorable to tails: you wouldn't bet next 10 flips over 5 tails. Unless u think the line is overadjusted which in this case it likely was, but don't think it's in general to assume better than 50% shooting because teams shot 30% 1st h. Nice hit regardless, just getting thoughts out there, and really appreciate your daily thoughts

Always good to get thoughts out there and this is a good forum to have a good give and take...

I agree with your general principle, but disagree with your anology, with the coin-toss...Apples and Watermelons there, because the coin-flip example is a true 50-50 play and people who are great at statistics (as you have proven you are) can break the probabilities down to a science with how a 50-50 proposition works its way back to the mean in your example...

But this is NBA basketball, and that's where the "science" of mathematical statistics go askew a bit, making it uncomparable to true 50-50 propositions...

It is very rare for 2 teams to finish an NBA game at the percentages these 2 teams had at the half (31% and 36%)...Very, very rare, and I have 17+ NBA seasons worth of games (boxscores) to prove it...So we already know (ok, "reasonably assume" based on a sample of over 20,000 games) that those percentages are going up in the 2H...

86 shots and 21 FTs in the 1H and generally speaking, there are always more FTs in the 2H of the game than the 1H...So even assuming 30 FTs in the 2H, we don't even need 50% shooting in the 2H to get to 103.5 points once you factor in some 3-pointers being made...44% from both teams in the 2H should be enough, and that is MORE than reasonable to expect after 31% and 36% in the 1H...Those FG percentages were going to RISE, that was simply never in doubt...It was just a matter of how much...This is NBA basketball, it's just the nature of the game with professional athletes...

The PACE of the game is essential when dealing with these 2H totals...I don't care about history of Overs between these 2 teams or recent games going over from either or both teams, the PACE was there to set up an easy 2H Over based on the 1H FG percentages...If there were only 70 1H shots and 12 1H FTs, I ain't touching this 2H over...

And you also mentioned Vegas over-adjusting the 2H total downwards because of the low 1H total which is yet another factor to make this an automatic play...

What were the 2H percentages?...

MILW 21-47, 44.7%
also 16-20 from the FT line

LAL 19-29, 65.5%
also 22-26 from the FT line

2H shooting combined, 40-76, 52.6%

Which is no surprise to me at all (after that dismal 1H shooting), rising the overall FG percentages for the game back closer to their respective means:

Milw 38% for the game, 43.4% on the season
LAL 48.6% for the game, 47.6% on the season

But remember, I didn't even need these percentages to get this Over...These percentages made the 2H total a 123, which was a cakewalk Over...32-for-76 is 42% and THAT would have still been enough to get this 2H Over...

Not to mention there aren't too many NBA games that stay 33 points under the vegas total...Does that happen?...Yes, of course it does...When the PACE of the game is way, way slower than the pace was for this game...

I considered all the factors based on experience, and I heard an inner voice screaming at me to take the 2H Over at the half...

great post on reasoning for a play, esp on the key point of the pace of a game for 2H totals. Just don't want people reading the previous post and thinking that two teams shooting badly- below average in a 1st H means that 2nd H they'll shoot just as much above average to bring it to the mean. Nice post as always brewer
- side ntoe: planning to play toronto on tuesday? you got the NC8 vs C8
i like your point....i've always thought of tired legs = no is "dead legs" that creates horrid shooting

***take a team that plays in denver has a day off than plays

great post on reasoning for a play, esp on the key point of the pace of a game for 2H totals. Just don't want people reading the previous post and thinking that two teams shooting badly- below average in a 1st H means that 2nd H they'll shoot just as much above average to bring it to the mean. Nice post as always brewer
- side ntoe: planning to play toronto on tuesday? you got the NC8 vs C8

Thanx and I agree with you 100% so it is a good thing you brought that up so I COULD clarify it...

But yes folks:

Just because 2 teams shoot poorly in the 1H doesn't mean the 2H total is going Over...

When I bet the 2H and am rushing to make a post, I cannot break down the full reasoning process in my write-up as time is severely, severely limited between halves...I have to cut corners with a 2H bet write-up, but the point SF_capper made is a VALID one...

Just because you have a total in the low 70s at the half, or just because 2 teams shot poorly in the 1H or just because the original total line minus the 2H total line equals 30 points or more, this does NOT guarantee an Over in the 2H by any means...The PACE of the game in conjunction with these factors gives you a huge edge for the 2H Over IF the pace is "quick" and that can be determined by the amount of shots plus the amount of free throws taken in the 1H...
Plus they put up 23 points in the last 3:00 minutes of the 2nd quarter so one could get a nice idea what the 2nd half was going to look like if they were to hit their shots and continue at the same pace.
Plus they put up 23 points in the last 3:00 minutes of the 2nd quarter so one could get a nice idea what the 2nd half was going to look like if they were to hit their shots and continue at the same pace.

Good point and I did see that at the end of the half as I had the game on TV...

BOL today brewers. whats your thoughts on GS game tonight?

I have some thoughts in my write-up below...

================================================== =====================
Amateurs work until they get it right...Professionals work until they can't get it wrong... ================================================== =====================
Pride and Poise...Commitment to Excellence...Striving towards handicapping perfection...
================================================== =====================
Preseason bets: 5-1, +$395 (flat-bet for $100) | All picks: 62-41-2 | #1 picks: 12-7
================================================== =====================
Bets record:
================================================== =====================
Level 3 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-0
Level 2 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 0-1, -$530
Level 1 bets (starting BR = 10K) -- Record: 27-20, +$1512
================================================== =====================
Strict Betting Rules are posted here: Link
Sides: 146-149-5
#1 picks: 21-19

Totals: 157-136-6
#1 picks: 19-21-1

Day 42:

My won/loss record on either the sides or totals is off by a game, so I will go back through all my previous posts and correct the error as I am anal about accuracy...I will also make a post about what I look for for 2h bets so people (who already do not do this) will know what to look for before bettign a 2H line...I will post this to begin my Week 7 thread...

Tonight, not a lot of time to cap, so my picks are mostly gut-shot picks...Miami heat line looks really high, but then I see Wallace is doubtful for CHAR...And he is important for the Bobcats...Don't believe me, well then look here for verification: ... I still like CHAR, though...

Vegas is really adjusting these GS 1Q total lines...Opened at 58 and is now 58.5 for the 1Q tonight...I guess the days of making easy cash on the GS 1Q's are all but over, gotta pick my spots carefully from here on out...I haven't lost a 1Q bet yet this season and all of them have been 1Q Overs (mostly GS Overs)...MEMP is a quasi-chart play tonight and they looked great at Home their last home game, so i expect them to be under that 7.5 number tonight...With the GS over 220 (which is exactly where I put this total before it came out), I am a bit worried that a 4Q slow-down in a close game keeps this total Under a tad...

No bets today unless a 2H gift presents itself again...


#1 Char +8.5
#2 Memp +7.5
#3 GS -1
#4 LAC +3.5


#1 GS over 220
#2 Memp un 190
#3 Char un 187
#4 LAC ov 194


GL... <!-- / message -->

================================================== =====================
Please note: [COLOR=#ff000]Actual game results may vary from the opinions stated above...[/COLOR]
================================================== =====================
Database sample links:
TeamSample, SeasonSample
================================================== =====================
Words of advice: Past results do not guarantee future performance...Tail me when I am hot...
Fade me when I am cold...Nobody wins every day...Only bet what you can afford to lose...
Try not to chase losses...Tomorrow is another day...This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Patience and Persistence...Do your homework...Use Money Management…Stay humble…
Bet with your head, not over it...Act professional…
================================================== =====================

Just a note to self, 20 points scored in the final 3 minutes of the half at OKC as the very slow pace for the game went frenetic those final 3 minutes...GS shooting 62% and OKC 39%...Not sure if there is justification for the Over in 2H as i don't like the overall pace and the shooting percentages are way too high to begin with...But taking OKC in the 2H makes sense here...GS (and NY) never good at holding big leads with their style of play...
<!-- / message -->
Just a note to self, 20 points scored in the final 3 minutes of the half at OKC as the very slow pace for the game went frenetic those final 3 minutes...GS shooting 62% and OKC 39%...Not sure if there is justification for the Over in 2H as i don't like the overall pace and the shooting percentages are way too high to begin with...But taking OKC in the 2H makes sense here...GS (and NY) never good at holding big leads with their style of play...
<!-- / message -->

Great post . Your obviously correct but just to expand on it some those teams you mentioned usually suffer with big leads because they are poor defensively and have terrible shot selection . Two teams who will settle for the first look they get with a lead everytime even 5 seconds into the shot clock running down . They dont know how to work a half court offense properly IMO and tend to unravel at the 1st sign of trouble.

I know you didnt play them but heck of call on both as OKC won the 2nd H 62-51and even cut the game to 3 pts with 30 seconds left... :shake:

Good observation and play on the LAL total as well the other day...
Thanx Nut...

I am starting to see it well in the NBA, so I am mad at myself for not betting CHAR, first off, and the OKC 2H, secondly...Even that GS/OKC Over 103 2H looked like a steal as Vegas adjusted that sucker way downwards (I expected 109 or 110) and I passed on that puppy, too...

Just noticed you do NFL, too...I'll have to start checking out your thoughts there...I am having one of my best NFL seasons and am doing no handicapping this year...Just following it enough to know who is winning and losing and my first-blush "picks that jump out at me" this season has been on the money for whatever (fluky?) reason...Only bet 2 games all year though...