Coaching/GM Carousel 2013

have a black friend.."rooney rule is more racist then the white owners, and its pathetic we have to go through this as a race, its humiliating." his opinion.
Kelly likely on way to Browns

<small class="tstamp" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; ">Jan 04, 2013 -- 11:06pm</small>


By Tony Grossi
Barring an unforeseen setback, Oregon coach Chip Kelly will be the next coach of the Browns and could be introduced as early as this weekend.
Browns owner Jimmy Haslam and CEO Joe Banner began meeting with Kelly in the Phoenix area this afternoon at 2. Indications were so strong that the Browns would land Kelly that the Philadelphia Eagles, said to be the No. 1 contender for Kelly, were laying plans to interview other candidates, including Indianapolis Colts assistant and interim coach Bruce Arians.
ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported later Friday night that the Browns wrapped up seven hours of interviewing Kelly without a contract agreement and that Kelly still intended to meet with the Buffalo Bills and Eagles.
According to a source, the Browns “were backing up the Brink’s truck” to sign up Kelly, 49.
While Kelly was always considered a prime target of the Browns, he went to the top of the list when Alabama coach Nick Saban made it known to Haslam, possibly through intermediaries, that he should not be considered for the job, said the source.
“If Nick was 51, instead of 61, he would have probably done it. But not now,” said the source.
The Browns camped out in Arizona since Tuesday waiting for Kelly to conclude his season in the Fiesta Bowl. While there, the Browns conducted formal interviews with Arizona Cardinals defensive coordinator Ray Horton, former Arizona head coach Ken Whisenhunt, Penn State coach Bill O'Brien and Syracuse coach Doug Marrone.
On Thursday night, Kelly's Oregon team beat Kansas State, 35-17, in his final college game. It completed Kelly's record in four years at Oregon at 46-7, including a 33-3 mark in Pacific 12 Conference games and 2-2 in postseason bowl games.
But it was more than Kelly's record that won him over. His fast-paced innovative offense, which leads to so many more plays per game than his opponents, was appealing to Haslam and Banner. Since joining forces officially in October and observing the team Haslam bought from Randy Lerner in August, Haslam and Banner were not impressed with the offensive product. Haslam is all about high energy, and wanted his football team to exude that quality, also.
Kelly introduced his offense to the University of New Hampshire, where he was offensive coordinator from 1999 to 2006. Kelly, a native of Dover, New Hampshire, also coached running backs and offensive line at the school for six seasons prior to his promotion to coordinator. Kelly joined Oregon as coordinator in 2007 and then succeeded Mike Bellotti as head coach in 2009. It was Kelly's first and only stint as a head coach.
It is believed that Kelly will take few, if any, of his assistant coaches at Oregon to Cleveland. He inherited most of them from Bellotti. Many, if not all, are expected to stay. So the interview process with the Browns was believed to include much discussion about the makeup of Kelly’s staff.
A source said that retaining Browns defensive coordinator Dick Jauron, and much of the current defensive staff, is a possibility but not a certainty. That will depend on whether Kelly decides to continue to use the 4-3 defensive system established by Jauron over two years. Last week Haslam said retaining any holdovers would be “absolutely” the decision of the next head coach.
Immediate speculation was that Brandon Weeden would be out as Browns quarterback. While it remains to be seen how much of the Oregon zone read option offense Kelly incorporates, Weeden stated in his exit interview with Cleveland-area media, “I don’t think I can run the zone read.” Weeden has characterized the statement as a joke in postings on his Twitter account.
“They’re going to need mobile guys that can also throw the ball. That isn’t Brandon Weeden,” said a second source familiar with Kelly’s offense.
It's possible that Kelly will not incorporate the option immediately into his pro offense and simply blend other concepts into a shotgun spread style. If that's the case, Weeden could be a viable option for him. Weeden excelled at Oklahoma State in a shotgun spread offense that had an up-tempo style.
What could go wrong to block an imminent announcement of Kelly as Browns coach? A year ago, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers reportedly agreed to a deal with Kelly and then the next day Kelly decide to stay at Oregon. A change of heart s not expected to happen this time. But until an announcement is made, nothing is official.
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Tony Grossi covers the Browns for ESPN 850 WKNR, ESPN 1540 KNR2 and has covered the Browns with distinction since 1984 and is one of 44 voters for the National Football League Hall of Fame. Email your “Hey Tony” questions
Follow Tony on Twitter @tonygrossi[/TD]

The consistent, yearly farce of most teams to give a token interview to a coach of color pisses me off. The vast majority of them never have any intention of hiring the guy.

That said, at the very least it's practice for the coach—and we're dumb enough and have a short enough memory as a society that as soon as the very next year you get articles that include statements like "Last year Coach XYZ interviewed for multiple HC jobs."


Its a dumb rule. Period. It undermines the league and coaches, especially minorities. If you good, you gonna get hired these days in the NFL
This one in particular went down so fast though with both Reid and the Chiefs seemingly in a big hurry, you get the impression that the KC people were like, "Quick, get me a black coach on skype. Falcons special teams coach? OK, he'll do."
But outside of Philly this is like striking gold. They prolly did what u said.....but they had too per the rule even tho they had their guy in mind the whole time
point about psu coach was one hour talk...meanwhile kelly had 7hr talk....someone cut the talk short and he would get eagles job if he wanted it probably if browns said kelly is #1. contract move to me, just like richt did last yr and so many more do and should.

kudos for browns getting the guy they want it seems, never thought i would see that day. a team like the browns need to take a chance on a guy like kelly, huge risk? not when you have sucked for so long anyway. if lions miss playoffs next year, i hope for such a drastic move, i expect a pathetic move. sad
I'll believe it when I see it re: Kelly to Cleveland.

Here's something interesting, is it wrong that I took Detroit187's word over Tony Grossi's on this?

Either way, the situation with the Browns has set up right for him from the outset. Maybe they knew he wanted a lot of personnel control beforehand, or maybe there've been some backdoor shenanigans, but either way the pieces of the puzzle have always fit.

That said, giving a college coach majority say in player decisions is a huge risk. This franchise isn't far removed from a horrible horrible salary hole dug for them by a bad coach/GM tandem. They better have a very good salary cap person there to keep Kelly in check and god help us if he decides to fire-sale this young talent.

That all said, I wanted Kelly in either Cleveland or Philly, preferably the former because it's such high risk. So if it works out, Joe does get his wish so I am happy.

Go Dawgs.

Also, unrelated to that, I think this Fat Andy to KC thing underscores that his agent was using AZ to drive up the price. AZ is a much better fit for him. Much better. That he's going to KC suggests to me that the AZ offer was never really real.
from the minute the story came out that candy andy was in az, the collective cardinal fans thought:

if we lose ray horton, we fucked this up

i honestly thought we wouldn't get rid of wisenhunt unless it was because we were afraid of losing ray. to hear that we fired gm and wiz, in the thought of getting candy...the collective thought of the small collection of people i was around was....does that mean ray is gone?

ray horton will get a head coaching gig this year, and i really thought the only way the cards would dump wiz would be because we want horton HERE. wouldn't trade him for anything else out there, and if he can get an OC worth a shit, this city will be in complete "buy" mode

haley interview had to be a joke, right? thought they might interview him as an OC if he thinks he's been relieved of his duties in pitt

how could anyone hate on ray horton? he's what i want as a head coach and hope it works out
As I said to my wife, is it any wonder these guys are fat as fuck?
I'm looking forward to the show (unless the Eagles swoop in). Couldn't get much worse. People say the Browns roster isn't equipped to run that offense, I say, whose is? You need like a rotation of 30 fast guys. I think he'll drop Weedy back in the shotgun and let it rip in the spread. T-Rich might be the odd man out from a skill set. Just thinking out loud.
agree hunt, think marrone will be the better hire. all this obsessing over a guy who runs 170 lb qbs, rbs and such around against college kids is one thing. the nfl is different. hear chip is a genious so it wont matter, we will see. think a guy like marrone or psu coach fit more into the nfl playground.
tip, you are right, like i said, if i was browns fan, i would be more than willing to take the risk and i would be happy as hell my owner is serious about winning. we deal with the fords, i digress.
buddy from philly texted me Eagles signed Chip Kelly to a 5yr 65 mil contract. Can't find it online but wow if true.
but i do think saban getting bored, its like playing ncaa football on rookie level on ps3, pounding the shit out of people, getting all the recruits you basically want. it gets old after a while. did hear an interview recently where he said he is always looking for the next challenge. hard to believe thats 5 more years at age 62 winning 3-5 more nat championships
Yeah, if he's not messing at 61 years old. He is a young 61 though. Maybe Chip'll flame out quick.
buddy from philly texted me Eagles signed Chip Kelly to a 5yr 65 mil contract. Can't find it online but wow if true.

lots of fake twitter accounts announcing this i saw, cbs had a report out an hour ago, though dont know if it was a fake. nfl network currently said browns are torn between marrone and kelly, that means they may not be getting kelly so they are selling marrone to fans, which may be better anyway
Not speaking for myself, but there is no selling anyone other that Kelly, Saban, or the forbidden fruits of Cowher, Gruden to Browns fans. Anything else will be judged as a failure.
lots of fake twitter accounts announcing this i saw, cbs had a report out an hour ago, though dont know if it was a fake. nfl network currently said browns are torn between marrone and kelly, that means they may not be getting kelly so they are selling marrone to fans, which may be better anyway

thanks for setting shit straight my man..
Actually, from a business standpoint, I'd judge it as a failure too. They need Chip.
I like the Browns future. I'm hoping they have a good draft and pick up some needed pieces.

If they can get a solid coach and a stud WR, I can see them "doing the damn thing"
i would love to see lane kiffin in a bar and just fuck with him, i would pay an ungodly amount of $$, bucket list shit for me.

i swear al davis had a hit on the prick.
I'll even take the visor. He might have to wear a Ducks visor in training camp while they manufacture the very first Browns visor.
Am I the only one that thinks the Eagle's job sucks, especially for a first time coach like Chip Kelly

You have to deal with a shitty ass media, and the most unrealistic fan base in America
I like the Browns future. I'm hoping they have a good draft and pick up some needed pieces.

If they can get a solid coach and a stud WR, I can see them "doing the damn thing"

much closer than the lions, i guarantee you that, i am a realist. its all about the owner, look at blank down in atl since he took over, kraft, bowlan, rooneys as long as he doesnt go jerry jones and get in the locker room and gives a shit about paying the "right" football people he is good and the browns will be relevant.
Am I the only one that thinks the Eagle's job sucks, especially for a first time coach like Chip Kelly

You have to deal with a shitty ass media, and the most unrealistic fan base in America

I think the only thing that might draw Kelly to the Philly job would be more money, or if he just likes that part of the country. Understandable, he's from New Hampshire. Media's a bear, and I think Philly's rebuild is more daunting than Cleveland's. 1/2 Browns roster is rooks or 2nd year.
Am I the only one that thinks the Eagle's job sucks, especially for a first time coach like Chip Kelly

You have to deal with a shitty ass media, and the most unrealistic fan base in America

i am shocked carolina didnt go bat crazy to get him with cam. i have no clue how he is going to get a qb there to run that system effectively unless he is a genious like some say and will adapt to his players and get it right. but this isnt college where you need recruiting classes to get better which buys you time, this is the NFL and i could quote Jerry Glanville but you know what that means. Though they do have the toys, small fast wrs and rbs there that he could play with. Perhaps Taj Boyd in the draft? I mean where does he go with a qb there or anywhere to run that offense? Geno Smith doesnt really run. No clue.
I think the QB thing is overblown. You can count on one hand the number of QB's in the NFL that can run Kelly's system. Oregon developed it and perfected it out of necessity. Does he want to coach in the NFL or not?
I could see Rivers running a little zone read option, tucking it under, dashing for a score, eluding a frantic and overextended secondary.
Rich rod was gonna revolutionize big ten. I know its apples and oranges but square pegs don't go in round holes.
Not the worst comparison in the world, hunt. Save that post, in case of the next crash.
What's funny, as sort of an Ohio St. fan but more of an ND fan, I remember thinking, "He's not bringing that to the Big 10?"

What was the final verdict on that guy in Michigan circles? Bad coach, idiot, bad system, not enough time?
A combination of all pretty much. Had no support. Went with his good ole boy network, pissed off a lot of blue hairs. Politics, no qb for his system, atrocious defense u get the drill.
Defense really did him in. All my western Ohio folks who lean Blue didn't like him. As far as the spread goes, he only missed it by a year or so.
Spread offense, that is. He missed a lot of point spreads.
Yeah. If Casteel would have came with him to Michigan defense may have been a tad better that 3-3-5 takes awhile to develop though. Az guys struugling with it right now.

Michigan needed a culture change. I would have given him a few more years but he had no support.

Now Michigan is back to before. Settle for 8-4 seasons ftw.
I'm starting to feel Kelly to Philly, that slippery motherfucker. I thought yesterday's lunch with Philly was a formality, Tony Grossi!
reporting that because kelly is taking so much time, 50/50 now he just stays at oregon after sniffing around.

doug marrone is a great hire for buffalo