Coaching/GM Carousel 2013 I think its genius...part of the reason I wanted one bitching at him to come home instead of game planning for the Giants or whoever
Most of these guys get divorced. 20-hour days, and every once in a while they go on a boat with the Vikings.
Most of these guys get divorced. 20-hour days, and every once in a while they go on a boat with the Vikings.

If they went on a boat with the Vikings with any sort of regularity, THAT would be the cause for divorce - not the long hours actually working lol. All Aboard!!!!
I feel bad for any team (well, not you, Chicago) that actually kicks the tires on Darrell Bevel. That guy is an idiot.
And I don't know why JoeP wouldn't take Saban in Cleveland.

Because he was awful at Miami and ran out on the franchise when he realized he couldn't cut it in the NFL, leaving the franchise holding the bag. I don't even care about the Fish and Saban can eat a bag of dicks.

My golden retriever is having dinner with Haslam tonight, but she does have conditions, even though she'd be the first female, and the first dog to coach in the NFL.

Does Tony Grossi know about this dinner, because I like this candidate's credentials.
JoeP, she doesn't like little dogs. Gonna be ground and pound if Stella gets the hire. However, she's almost 100 in dog years. It'll be like Bud Carson.
And I don't know why JoeP wouldn't take Saban in Cleveland.

Because he was awful at Miami and ran out on the franchise when he realized he couldn't cut it in the NFL, leaving the franchise holding the bag. I don't even care about the Fish and Saban can eat a bag of dicks.

My golden retriever is having dinner with Haslam tonight, but she does have conditions, even though she'd be the first female, and the first dog to coach in the NFL.

Does Tony Grossi know about this dinner, because I like this candidate's credentials.

Saban wasn't so awful in Miami. Guy doesn't like losing at the age of 50-60 ... Bama's easy for this guy. I'd like to see him try to climb one more mountain.

Goddamn if that doesn't actually look just like Romeo Crennel. After a big play. By the other team.

JoeP, she doesn't like little dogs. Gonna be ground and pound if Stella gets the hire. However, she's almost 100 in dog years. It'll be like Bud Carson.

Just so we're clear, you're actually making me want to hire this dog more, not less.

How many other coaches have been fired due to their qb being injured? You are what your record is. I realize they had back to back collapses during the season, which shows me he couldnt handle adversity. Sure the OL wasn't very good, but maybe adjust the playcalling? I'm sure Brady and Peyton didn't always have the best OL in the league but were able to mask the deficiency.

10-6 is no longer good enough to keep a job.
What's the fucking difference between Lovie and Jauron? Hell. I like Jauron's defense. He gets up early, plays golf alone one round ahead of my pop at the same stuffy club. What's the difference.


The difference is that Jauron is a horrible football coach. He seems to be a very good coordinator, but he's not a head coach. He was complete garbage when he was here in Buffalo.

I couldn't agree more.

But that's my problem with Jauron. He's that middle of the road retread. You know he's not going to be god-awful, but you also know he's never going to sniff a conference championship game without a lot of help from forces beyond his control.

Dick Jauron is Wade Phillips. It's the same thing as hiring Jack Del Rio or Ron Rivera as soon as he's fired. You know exactly what you're getting and it's honestly not very good.

Haha. Yep. The Bills had ol' Wade as their coach as well. If you want to know who isn't a good NFL head coach, just check the Bills list of coaches since Marv Levy left and you have your list. Seriously. Some guys are great coordinators but can't be the head coach. Continuing to hire them for the position is just poor decision making.

Here's the Bills' list by the way:

Wade Phillips - top notch defensive coordinator...looked like a deer in headlights as a head coach. Fans hated the fact he didn't wear headset on the sidelines during games. Was actually 29-19 as Bills head coach, and led the Bills to 2 straight playoff appearances (their last), but was fired for refusing to fire his special teams coach, Ronnie Jones. Phillips had fired Bruce DeHaven and replaced him with Jones, which made no sense at the time. The Bills special teams went downhill after Jones' hire, and was basically a comedy of errors. Jones/Phillips instructed their kickers to kick short on kickoffs and punts so they could avoid big returns (what kind of logic is that?).

Phillips also made this infamous quote about Chris Watson "Chris Watson... he's not a punt returner he's a punt catcher and that's basically what we have to live with." Also made this quote before a Monday Night Football game vs the Colts (when the Bills were still mathematically in the playoff race)..."I think both teams are out of it basically," Phillips said on national TV. "But, it's a Monday night game, everybody is watching."

Gregg Williams
- again, top notch defensive coordinator...not so much as a head coach. 17-31 record with Bills

Mike Mularkey
- good OC, horrible head coach. Always trying to outsmart the other team and ending up outsmarting himself/his team and losing games. 14-18 record with Bills.

Dick Jauron
- good DC. Marv Levy hired him as the head man (Marv was possibly the worst GM in NFL history). 24-33 record with Bills

Perry Fewell
- very good DC, replaced Jauron after he was fired. 3-4 record with Bills.

Chan Gailey
- pretty damn good OC, but was seemingly lost as a head coach. Most of his in game decisions were horrible, and his logic in defending them even worse. Wouldn't kick 50+ yd field goals because "those kicks are rare in the NFL" even though 50+ yders were made at over a 63% clip the past 2 years. Didn't use CJ Spiller anywhere near enough, and defended it by saying that CJ gets tired out there and needs a rest...also said he would risk injury if he had more carries....what??? 16-32 record as Bills head coach.

The two things all of these guys have in common (with maybe the exception of Fewell since he only coached 7 games)....they are all very good coordinators, and they are all not very good head coaches.
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So if Carolina really wanted Kelly, and lets say Kelly really wanted to go to Carolina, why would Carolina keep Rivera?. I find it really hard to believe that Kelly turned down these Nfl jobs because he hopes to take the Carolina job someday in the future
Was Chip Kelly a hire to bring his Oregon offense? Serioulsy? What job was he goin to take? I woulda loved to see it, or the attempt.

He sounded more like he was lookin for a price gouge or somethin is comin Oregons way

Why would he want the Cleve job?
That article references Jon.

Yak. My bad. I admit it, I saw the headline and assumed. I didn't even want to read the piece. Now I want to read it less.

Also, that list of Bills coaches is a total nightmare. Good lord.

Why would he want the Cleve job?

Because they were going to give him a lot of roster control. Essentially what they wanted to do, without admitting it, was give a head coach power similar to what Andy Reid had in Philly. And it seemed like that's what Kelly was going to demand.

A blank check, control over the roster, and a team right now that is one of the youngest in the league is a draw.

You know, unless you don't want to live in Cleveland.

But, I mean, who wouldn't want that.

twink lets do a fun little bet since you think Carolina is going to improve next year to the point Rivera keeps his job after year 3.

If I remember and judging by your Clemson avatar, you lost a bet because you are an LSU fan. Correct me if i am wrong.

So lets do a bet for fun seeing I am a Michigan man.

If Carolina makes the playoffs, errr even if Ron Rivera keeps his job after next year for the final year of his contract I will use a LSU avatar the rest of that year (2014), my only stipulation if i use Ron keeping his job is that the team improves 2 games from this year. (otherwise the owner is just fucking nuts)

in turn

If Chip Kelly is hired to become Carolina coach after next season, you use a Michigan avatar (Desmond Howard or Charles Woodson heisman pose preferably) for the rest of 2014.

I would say I am a -125 fave as of this day.

Shall we??
Saban will never leave college football, basically what he said today. The rest of college football is basically screwed the next 10 years or however long he coaches. He may end up with 10-12 rings.
I'm with d187. Saban is a dictator, everything you read about the guy backs this up. What's of paramount importance to people like that is power and legacy. Even if Nick Saban went to the NFL and won a SB—which is extremely difficult—lots of coaches have 'a' Super Bowl. Lots of coaches have national championships as well, but almost no coaches have dynasties.

With the way he runs that program, and the money they funnel to it (assuredly all on the up and up, of course), the guy could win 10 or more titles before he retires. He's not that old. He's got 10+ years in him if he wants it and they're at what, four? Five?

You hit double digits in championships at any level and people will talk about you forever. They'll build statues of you outside the stadium. That will NEVER happen for him in the NFL.
Jeff McLane ‏<s>@</s>Jeff_McLane <s>#</s>Eagles will interview Lovie Smith on Thursday.

Id rather have Rich Kotite

holy fuck, now this was my concern with firing walrus(even tho I was 100% for canning him), the birds hiring some recycled bozo. Thought they were gunna make a splash n get Kelly n see what he could do, didnt work out..
I would rather bitch n moan another yr with reid than some bum who we all know will be gone in 3 yrs

and I have no idea who the hell I would even want at this point to be the HC
lol has an article that this looks like it may end up like back in 1995 with a ray rhoades type.. someone no one even wanted.. see u birds fans in 2015
i mean, McCoy as HC and Lovie as DC would be facking amazing.

remember, they have to interview a minority for the Rooney Rule. Maybe they can use their minority interview & try to get him interested in the DC position
i mean, McCoy as HC and Lovie as DC would be facking amazing.

remember, they have to interview a minority for the Rooney Rule. Maybe they can use their minority interview & try to get him interested in the DC position

They already fulfilled that when they interviewed the ATL special teams coach when they went down to talk to Nolan
And Im OK with the guy flaming out in three years if it means OBrien.....

Hell, that may be preferable at this point
Basically I think the best case (realistic) scenarios at this point are Gus Bradley as HC with Norv Turner as OC or Mike McCoy at HC with Mike Pettine as DC
Basically I think the best case (realistic) scenarios at this point are Gus Bradley as HC with Norv Turner as OC or Mike McCoy at HC with Mike Pettine as DC

please tell me thats a joke that u want Mike Pettine as a DC??

fuck him.. high school fucking coach who only got a shot cuz his daddy won all those HS games in PA. might as well give me the DC job
i dont see how the birds can bring in Lovie Smith and say hey u wanna be our DC? after being a HC for how many yrs... slap in the face to me
please tell me thats a joke that u want Mike Pettine as a DC??

fuck him.. high school fucking coach who only got a shot cuz his daddy won all those HS games in PA. might as well give me the DC job

He ran a decent unit with the Jets and is local

Who else would would you rather they get as a DC??

Romeo Crenell?
I know they changed the rules so they can interview people like Bradley and McCoy while theyre still in the playoffs, but can they actually hire them while their teams are still playing?

Or do they have to wait until theyre knocked out??
I just gonna hope theyre laying the groundwork to hire him as defensive coordinator if he doesnt get another HC job and we go with a younger offensive coach...
Ha. I love Birds fans, partly because I'm one of them. But that the sky is falling and all they did was interview Lovie is too funny.

A few things, including the part where I explain why I advocate Lovie for Cleveland, but don't want him in Philly.

First, and most importantly. Lovie is not getting interviewed because he's black to satisfy the Rooney role. Lovie Smith, resume to resume, is infinitely more qualified for the job than Chip Kelly. He's more qualified than most of the guys they'll interview and, quite likely, he'll be more qualified than they guy they hire.

Saying anything honestly smacks of racism which—if we're being honest—Birds fans have a spotty record with in general. I mean, I'm just sayin'.

Second, I'm fully behind Smoke's idea of interviewing him with the idea being that Philly is his first stop for a DC job if the music stops and all the HC chairs are filled. Love that idea. And, frankly, our defense is dogshit, so that you're interviewing a guy who actually knows defense is a plus in general.

Third, I like Lovie for the Browns because the franchise needs stability, toughness, and the excitement that comes from either making or bubbling the playoffs every year. From that standpoint, although others could work in Cleveland–and others may have even more success there—I think Lovie is a great fit for the Browns.

For the Birds, though, not so much. Philly doesn't need stability, we have it. Philly isn't going to get excited for 9-7, we expect that—at minimum. Philly needs a Super Bowl.

The expectations are far higher in Philly than Cleveland, and righly so. Now, you can say this franchise needs to rebuild, but I would argue with the talent that's already on the roster it's less rebuilding than it is reloading and retooling.

Going 6-10 next year is fine if the Birds are putting the pieces in place to go 10-6 the following year. Or 12-4. Whatever it is, the goal in Philly isn't the playoffs, it's a ring. And Lovie, for as solid a coach as he's proven to be, hasn't proven he can coach a team that's going to threaten the championship. Yes, despite getting there once.

And I know I'm not alone in that because he was just fired by an entire organization that seems to believe the same thing.

Lovie would fix our defense, which I'd love. But nobody trusts him to coach an offense, and rightly so. Smoke is right when he says Lovie is the defensive version of Andy. Neither is complete enough to make you think your team is going to win it all without a lot of help.

I love that the Birds talked to him, I just don't think he's the right fit in Philly.