Transfer Portal Thread: Emphasis on QB's


Pretty much a regular
A lot of interesting names on this list, some--like the ones from the MAC--I didn't expect to see. No doubt the kid from Georgia is potentially the biggest name on the list. Lots of rumors he has been in serious talks with Oklahoma, but I doubt he realizes Kyler Murray had to sit on the bench for two years at Oklahoma.

The New Era of College QB's - Transfers
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Another intriguing option remaining is SMU’s Ben Hicks (there’s heavy Arkansas speculation as he played for Chad Morris).

Jesus Christ
Fields will have Mars representing him so look for him to be eligible next year which is just going to make things easier and easier for transfers to make the decision.

Oklahoma is the best fit, but OSU would be great too for him with Day at the helm. I heard a rumor today of Messy State due to past history during his recruitment in high school with the staff.(I think I also read something similar on CK's twitter feed).

Locally, Brandon Peters will be at Purdue most likely come the spring-time. Apparently that is already basically done. I am not sure if he has the girlfriend still but he was home sick as is last year so going back would be a good thing for him. He is still talented, it is more about his want etc. He could be a potentially excellent pickup on the right team.
Question to KIRBY SMART?

IF Fields Justin is transferring from Georgia, Then MR KIRBY SMART can you answer this one question???


The story going around recruiting circles is that Fields will go to Oklahoma if they want him, but Oklahoma took their time getting back to him in order to make sure they sign the QB they have in this class and because they want to make sure Fields has the work habits they require in a QB. Mayfield and Murray were workaholics and that's what OU coaches want.

There seems to be now question Fields has all the physical talent a kid can have, but he changed his mind on his commitment after giving a verbal to :Penn State, now is ready to bolt because he's unhappy. Pretty easy to see he is going to be just as unhappy at his next school if things don't go to suit him .

Interesting that Georgia added another good QB in this recruiting cycle.
Question to KIRBY SMART?

IF Fields Justin is transferring from Georgia, Then MR KIRBY SMART can you answer this one question???



Valid point, Sammy
Just a guess, but I suspect Smart used Fields in those situations to try and keep him happy so he WOULDN'T transfer.

Riley did that same thing several times with Murry. He had Mayfield limp around and pretend he had to leave the game--a trick first used by Bill Walsh when Joe Montana was a rookie--so he could bring Murray off the bench with a couple of special plays they had worked on. I can't recall which game it was, but it got OU a first down on a running play on third down in a close game and Mayfield came back on the field and took them on in for a touchdown.

And the same scheme that failed against Alabama worked during the season in certain games. In one game Fields had over a100 yards rushing and made big plays in several other games. It's a fine line these coaches have to walk when they have a big time talent on the bench they want to keep around, but who isn't quite good enough as a freshman to challenge another big time talent.
Just a guess, but I suspect Smart used Fields in those situations to try and keep him happy so he WOULDN'T transfer.

Riley did that same thing several times with Murry. He had Mayfield limp around and pretend he had to leave the game--a trick first used by Bill Walsh when Joe Montana was a rookie--so he could bring Murray off the bench with a couple of special plays they had worked on. I can't recall which game it was, but it got OU a first down on a running play on third down in a close game and Mayfield came back on the field and took them on in for a touchdown.

And the same scheme that failed against Alabama worked during the season in certain games. In one game Fields had over a100 yards rushing and made big plays in several other games. It's a fine line these coaches have to walk when they have a big time talent on the bench they want to keep around, but who isn't quite good enough as a freshman to challenge another big time talent.

I think you are right for sure.. Smart almost feels obligated to play Fields in order to motivate him to stay in Georgia. BUt that logic if flawed imo.

Fromm has another few years of eligibility anyways, so Fields likely was'nt going to beat out Fromm.

Look at SABAN, he just plays the 1 qb, he sat Jalen Hurts and only used him when TUA was hurt-- Thats the winning mentality and is the reason why BAMA wins.
If you try and appease your backup QB fields you will lose the game. Kirby earned that loss vs Alabama by playing Fields-- Fromm was doing fine and he was your best chance at winning that game.

Saban played his 2 quarterbacks the right way- A starter plays and plays every snap until he is hurt
Smart played FROMM and he was playing really well and put Georgia in a position to win the game until SMART lost the game by bringing in FIELDS on crucial downs to ruin the momentum.
Real winning teams PLAY TO WIN.. Backups know their roles,-- Starters are starters--

What Smart allowed to happen by playing the selfish FIELDS cost him the game- and now FIelds transferred! Its all about EGO and all about ME FIRST.

Winning teams all buy into the team-- This was the case of FIELDS bitching and costing his team the game.

Look at DABO- HE did it right also by placing TREVOR LAWRENCE as the starter- HE didnt say to Kelly BRyant that you are getting snaps-- He said Lawerence gets all the snaps-- Thats a winner right there--

Sadly Kirby has some losing tendecies which shows in big games-- TUA was hurt, FROM Was playing great-- but Smart decided to get cute and bring in Fields-- He should have never seen the field that day
I agree with that philosophy. A backup QB should have the same attitude as a backup tackle or or any other position, but plenty of them have the opposite idea.

I will point out that Saban was lucky in that Hurts has a champion's attitude and did what was best for the team (the reason it was so satisfying to see hm come in the title game and be the hero). And Saban played Tua a lot during the year prior to the title game

This kid Fields does not strike me as having an attitude like Hurts. He has always looked to me like a "me first" guy whose ego is too big to be a team guy. I don't like the idea he decides to go public with the idea of transferring while the team is preparing for a bowl game. More of that look-at-me attitude, which supports your point that it was a mistake to risk momentum by inserting him into the game.

Unfortunately, far more kids who are high school phenoms have an attitude like Fields than like Hurts.

I don't envy coaches who have to deal with 18-year old prima donnas in this day and age.
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I agree with that philosophy. A backup QB should have the same attitude as a backup tackle or or any other position, but plenty of them have the opposite idea.

I will point out that Saban was lucky in that Hurts has a champion's attitude and did what was best for the team (the reason it was so satisfying to see hm come in the title game and be the hero). And Saban played Tua a lot during the year prior to the title game

This kid Fields does not strike me as having an attitude like Hurts. He has always looked to me like a "me first" guy whose ego is too big to be a team guy. I don't like the idea he decides to go public with the idea of transferring while the team is preparing for a bowl game. More of that look-at-me attitude, which supports your point that it was a mistake to risk momentum by inserting him into the game.

Unfortunately, far more kids who are high school phenoms have an attitude like Fields than like Hurts.

I don't envy coaches who have to deal with 18-year old prima donnas in this day and age.

I don’t think it was luck. The culture at Alabama attracts or creates that attitude in players. The ones that don’t usually find themselves elsewhere after a season or 2. It’s the one thing Kirby has yet to replicate from Saban. Everything else is there
This will be the game changer. If Fields becomes eligible for next season, that will be the damn breaking even more. Basically, we'll be having F.A. in college football. I know the Ole Miss players gained eligibility right away but that was a different scenario. This one here, which is just about playing time will be the transfer that changes it all.
This will be the game changer. If Fields becomes eligible for next season, that will be the damn breaking even more. Basically, we'll be having F.A. in college football. I know the Ole Miss players gained eligibility right away but that was a different scenario. This one here, which is just about playing time will be the transfer that changes it all.
Pretty dangerous precedent, it is completely about playing time. Fields’ sister committed to play softball at UGA, further making me believe this has nothing to do with a “safety issue”
Pretty dangerous precedent, it is completely about playing time. Fields’ sister committed to play softball at UGA, further making me believe this has nothing to do with a “safety issue”
Exactly, but that is why they hired Mars. Every little detail will be examined.
College football is on the decline---

You see systems and institutions have a shelf life before they reset and become extinct.

The NCAA had its run, its time-- It was always a scam of ideals-- scamming kids into sacrificing their bodies in the name of pride-team etc so they could get rich--

Now that this generation of kids are awake and ask questions they see how the corrupt NCAA is a joke, so they do things like skip bowl games, transfer etc--

College football is not about team work and team football-- it will turn into the UFC in that fighters all just want to get paid
Cant fault a kid for transferring at all--

NCaa and universities would hang any kid out to dry all day long and 15 times on sunday--

More kids should transfer--

Why stay at a school? go transfer where you can start and play
You should be an NFL scout, man. You missed your calling, brother.

I'm joking about Jackson he is terrible QB--

Funniest thing I read today is there is a chance Dwayne Haskins could go #1 overall?

If Im the NFL first and foremost to me Justin HERBERT is undrafteable-- Talk about a guy who doesent have the IT factor-- Who goes back to school in this current climate of football? NO ONE!!

Who refuses life long money to go back to school? I hope the NFL scouts are smart enough to realize this kid Hebert has no heart at all.
My scouting tells me this--


Date: January 5th Friday 2019

I know you guys are going to try and force a QB selection in the first round, likely in the top 10 picks--

Dwayne Haskins and Drew Lock are 6th rounders at best and developmental at best in the NFL--

I realize the news that Herbert the 6'9 Abercrombie finch wannabee model is going back to oregon to play flute for the school band and you guys are now in a crazy panic to select a 6th rounder in the top 10 picks of the first round--

However I have news for you--

Desean-Mayfield-Mahomes-Goff- Rosen were all just drafted--

Hold on to your bloated EGO and rock for brains and realize that there are no QBs now for the next 2 years until a new group of stars emerge-- THe Trevor Lawrence draft group will have better qbs--

How hard is it for any stupid NFL team, to realize that HASKINS and LOCK are garbage and arent worthy of the first 5 rounds? Instead they cant wait and have to force a pick on an obvious bust player--

No wonder the Patriots end up in super bowl every year-- These teams are not very smart-- Rich and dumb i guess
I agree with that philosophy. A backup QB should have the same attitude as a backup tackle or or any other position, but plenty of them have the opposite idea.

I will point out that Saban was lucky in that Hurts has a champion's attitude and did what was best for the team (the reason it was so satisfying to see hm come in the title game and be the hero). And Saban played Tua a lot during the year prior to the title game

This kid Fields does not strike me as having an attitude like Hurts. He has always looked to me like a "me first" guy whose ego is too big to be a team guy. I don't like the idea he decides to go public with the idea of transferring while the team is preparing for a bowl game. More of that look-at-me attitude, which supports your point that it was a mistake to risk momentum by inserting him into the game.

Unfortunately, far more kids who are high school phenoms have an attitude like Fields than like Hurts.

I don't envy coaches who have to deal with 18-year old prima donnas in this day and age.

This attitude is a product of the current culture--

I call it the I culture-- The culture is all about the INDIVIDUAL--

I phone- I Pad- this is subtle brainwashing-- THere is a reason many products start with the I-- ITs so they create a generation of self absorbed narcissists,, they will never achieve enlightenment-- All culture is designed to keep ppl from realizing the truth about enlightenment--
Dude, they don't know hard work and expect participation trophies.

Absolutely they have some soft asses as well-- A big portion are like this for sure as well..

Narcisistic, entitled-- But thats from helicoper parenting-- the Collapse of parenting in america-- The collpase of authority figures etc
25 and under are shit.

And they are going to get worse in the future--

Its like give a chef crappy cooking equipment and crappy ingredients-- Can he make a good meal?

Kids under 25 have pathetic culture role models-- Garbage social media- Bulllying in schools-- physical fitness epidemic-- TOo many video games-etc--

and parents who are too busy at work--

Its obvious that the end result will be spoiled crappy self entitled kids
Dude, they don't know hard work and expect participation trophies.

They do expect that they can achieve things without putting the hard work in-- This is true--

but thats from ignorance-- They always got what they wanted to at home-- THey are unprepared to face the realities of the real world
preach meatballs.


We have become a nation of experts at what we practice. We are a nation of experts.

We are experts at distraction.

Life in the 80’s was different. There was not this amount of distraction. We didn’t practice distraction all day long.

This is the real problem in society that you will never hear on cnn and anywhere else on the net.

We have become chronically distracted by beeping phones new apps new gadgets new things to learn?

Technology was supposed to advance us. Make things easier on us. That was another massive lie.

It has resulted in more distraction than ever.
Do we have flying cars?? No technology fail
Do we even cars without gas? No technology fail

Technology is the weapon used to distract you so mindlessly when you aren’t even at a conscious operable level
We get distracted from peace of mind by so many inconsequential things.

From other ppl
From technology
From ideals
From our own mind
From our ego
From our desires

Its best to stay detached from everything this avoiding energy loss

We have the same amount of energy in our bodies-

But the amount of distraction leading to energy loss is staggering

The more you are distracted the more energy you lose.
Thought Tate Martell would be like Trace McSorley, a gamer and real pain in the ass willing his team to victory. Justin Fields more like Ronald Curry. This will be interesting to say the least. Hope it divides the locker room. Tate aint backing down from the fight, awkward with his tweets. One guywill transfer. If Fields isn't cleared then Tate has a real good year leading tOSU to the playoffs, what is Fields going to do? If Fields can play right away the loser of the battle is probably out no later than season's end, perhaps before a game is even played. Fascinating stuff.
Thought Tate Martell would be like Trace McSorley, a gamer and real pain in the ass willing his team to victory. Justin Fields more like Ronald Curry. This will be interesting to say the least. Hope it divides the locker room. Tate aint backing down from the fight, awkward with his tweets. One guywill transfer. If Fields isn't cleared then Tate has a real good year leading tOSU to the playoffs, what is Fields going to do? If Fields can play right away the loser of the battle is probably out no later than season's end, perhaps before a game is even played. Fascinating stuff.

Fields ain't going there with no guarantees. Not after just experiencing what he did at GA. And truthfully, he's a perfect fit.
Fields ain't going there with no guarantees. Not after just experiencing what he did at GA. And truthfully, he's a perfect fit.

How about this blockbuster trade??

Buffalo star QB Jackson transfers to GEORGIA to start and Jake Fromm becomes backup qb.

Fields Transfers to Buffalo to start for the Mac team.
Some ncaa guy on the athletic said he expects fields to get it, they are using the racial stuff that baseball player said and it should be a slam dunk

If he gets cleared I bet tate leaves

Fields ain't going to sit a year, he could sit a year behind fromm and start 2020
Agree on all fronts, he knows he won't have to sit already and he's been promised a job. The NCAA will take care of OSU anyways. They need them relevant and Delaney would blow everyone to ensure that happens.
Fields has the problem a lot of high school stars have--he is a duel threat QB with immense talent, but the passing part of the "duel" is not good enough to beat out a guy like Fromm at an elite program.

Being a great athlete who is a pretty good passer works fine in high school, but not at an elite college program as Trevor Knight learned.

Knight was a highly recruited duel threat starter at Oklahoma who had a good regular season, then destroyed Alabama in a bowl game, when a walk on named Baker Mayfield arrived and walked on at OU. Everyone thought he must be crazy. Knight was four inches taller, faster, stronger, bigger, a better athlete, had a stronger arm, and already the starter.

Mayfield was far more accurate and could process information a fraction of a second faster and he didn't waste a second worrying about having to compete for playing time. He took over the first game and Knight transferred.

The fact Fields couldn't take the competition and couldn't admit there was a reason he got beat out tells me all I need to know why Oklahoma told him they weren't interested.

Fields is obviously a great athlete, but Oklahoma wants guys who like to compete. Kyler Murray sat on the pine for two years at OU, competed his ass off, and when he didn't start just worked harder.

I understand why Fields transferred, but will he compete when things go against him? He hasn't shown it so far.
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