Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

1 yard per attempt is the different between a hall of fame QB and a career backup...

the whole point is deflating balls in the cold...

you are missing a ton here larry
1 yard per attempt is the different between a hall of fame QB and a career backup...

the whole point is deflating balls in the cold...

you are missing a ton here larry

I'm not at all actually. The point is Tom Brady likes to throw a deflated ball, isn't it? Why would he only deflate the balls in the cold? Wouldn't he just deflate the balls every single game?

More specifically...why is the whole point about deflating balls in the cold (and the cold only)? Explain to me why that is the focus.
The balls already lose pressure in cold weather (not much, but they do), so those balls will have less pressure than the ones in warm weather without any help from the Pats. Since Brady like throwing a more deflated football, why wouldn't he want to deflate the balls in warm weather games which will have more pressure based on the warm weather as opposed to the cold weather?
I can't believe this balls thing is an issue. I can, but I can't. The score of the game was 45-7. The Patriots could have used a floppy net full of dead fish for a ball.
I can't believe this balls thing is an issue. I can, but I can't. The score of the game was 45-7. The Patriots could have used a floppy net full of dead fish for a ball.

I couldn't believe Marshawn Lynch and his gold cleats were an issue before his game on Sunday either....this is what the NFL has turned into....horrible officiating, bogus 'scandals,' arbitrary punishments, and anything else that seems to keep the focus off of the actual games being played on the field. The NFL not only loves, they thrive on this controversy....they've slotted themselves right into our controversy loving society as something between pro sports and pro wrestling. Roger Goodell is Vince McMahon in "the real world."
Of course this really has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the NE/Indy is about undermining the integrity of the game if teams fail to follow rules that are difficult to police....

A decent analogy is the SEC and their complete and utter disregard for the NCAA student-athlete rules.....I have always said that SEC kids don't like to leave early for the NFL because they can't take the pay cut.....

I'm going to design and order a "Ban Belicheck" shirt with a pic of a deflated ball....gonna wear it all over Phoniex
I can't believe this balls thing is an issue. I can, but I can't. The score of the game was 45-7. The Patriots could have used a floppy net full of dead fish for a ball.

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The '70's Steelers would have had trouble fielding a team by the end of the year had they called a penalty on every eye gouge.
Of course this really has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the NE/Indy is about undermining the integrity of the game if teams fail to follow rules that are difficult to police....

A decent analogy is the SEC and their complete and utter disregard for the NCAA student-athlete rules.....I have always said that SEC kids don't like to leave early for the NFL because they can't take the pay cut.....

I'm going to design and order a "Ban Belicheck" shirt with a pic of a deflated ball....gonna wear it all over Phoniex
please do it! I will look for you on sportscenter/game day haha:popcorn:
There should be a lot of good shirts to view at the SB this year... such a good topic not to be..
Brady presser at 4;00 today..was supposed to be tomorrow..
.all others have been cancelled
Of course this really has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the NE/Indy is about undermining the integrity of the game if teams fail to follow rules that are difficult to police....

A decent analogy is the SEC and their complete and utter disregard for the NCAA student-athlete rules.....I have always said that SEC kids don't like to leave early for the NFL because they can't take the pay cut.....

I'm going to design and order a "Ban Belicheck" shirt with a pic of a deflated ball....gonna wear it all over Phoniex

It truly never ends
Of course this really has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the NE/Indy is about undermining the integrity of the game if teams fail to follow rules that are difficult to police....

A decent analogy is the SEC and their complete and utter disregard for the NCAA student-athlete rules.....I have always said that SEC kids don't like to leave early for the NFL because they can't take the pay cut.....

I'm going to design and order a "Ban Belicheck" shirt with a pic of a deflated ball....gonna wear it all over Phoniex

and this

this right here
“Of course it’s a big deal,” said a defensive coordinator. “You go try to throw a ball in wet conditions that is fully inflated, and then throw one that has less air. Of course you’re going to get a better grip. It’s a definite advantage. And look which team it is. Not a surprise.”
An AFC defensive coach told me: “It pisses us off. We’re talking about the integrity of the game, respect for the game. That should mean something to you. You don’t have to look for every gray area to exploit. It’s like the ineligible player thing. [The Ravens complained that the Patriots were working too fast when players were reporting as ineligible and not allowing the defense time to change personnel, as is required.] That violates the spirit of the rule.
“[Belichick] is a great coach, and they are a great team. It’s just a shame that they feel the need to do these things. If you don’t respect the game, I lose respect for you.”
Still, one AFC general manager thought that if Belichick is tied to this latest incident—and several coaches I spoke to felt that Tom Brady would be more likely to be at the heart of this matter—it would affect his Hall of Fame candidacy.
what would you like him to do??

i know you are a hater

his presser and Brady's were all scripted... Do you not think they didn't discuss it???
probably have the p.r. Folks and lawyers there since Monday working on it...
ESPN is so full of crap....they deflate the ball to 10 pounds which is significantly more than the 15% they said they found in "some of the balls.....all of the journalists that have any degree of integrity have said this is blown out of proportion, Luck himself said so.The investigation will find nothing. Chris Mortensen practically said it was all BS and he works for ESPN. All the football players interviewed are all saying "so what" Such a bunch of bullshit. And anyone that watched the presser can you really believe that Belichick was lying.If so he deserves an oscar...
I actually do think Belichick is a hell of an actor, or maybe just an awesome poker face. He's got a future if this football coach thing doesn't work out.
Can't wait for the Brady presser. Would be funny if he redirected the bus and threw BB under it. Heads would explode.
I still can't believe this scandal has legs. Don't you guys feel like you're inventing a controversy? The psi of the football.
Let's please not mention my Colts getting crushed 45-7 anymore. It hurts. It has nothing to do w/ deflated balls.
Or just leave the inflated score out of this.
Thank you drive thru
If John Madden says it, it must be true!

There’s one man responsible for DeflateGate and that man is Tom Brady, according to John Madden. The Hall of Fame coach has his own theory about the latest scandal surrounding the New England Patriots, and he’s pointing a finger at their quarterback. While some have been quick to blame Bill Belichick in the wake of reports that the NFL found 11 of the 12 Pats’ game balls from the AFC Championship Game to be under-inflated, Madden says Brady should be the main suspect. “That would have to be driven by the quarterback,” Madden told The Sports Xchange on Wednesday, per Pro Football Talk. “That’s something that wouldn’t be driven by a coach or just the equipment guy. Nobody, not even the head coach, would do anything to a football unilaterally, such as adjust the amount of pressure in a ball, without the quarterback not knowing. It would have to be the quarterback’s idea.” Let’s face it. Knowing how particular quarterbacks across the league are regarding their game balls, an equipment staffer or ball boy likely wouldn’t dare mess with any of the footballs without Brady’s knowledge or consent. Brady laughed off the accusations earlier in the week, calling the claims “ridiculous,” but Madden isn’t buying it. “He is the effected,” Madden said. “He is the only guy. I heard some of the pundits saying the ball is easier to catch, but that would never, ever, ever be done for that unless the quarterback wanted it. You wouldn’t do something for a receiver to catch the ball if the quarterback couldn’t throw it. So it’s going to be done for the quarterback.”

Read more at:
As that graph clearly shows an organized systemic defrauding of the NFL has been going on for years, Im just disappointed that theres no viable option for relegation a la Juventus back in what was it? 2006?
You're going to stick to your guns, aren't you? Nothing will ever come of the football psi. We'll be talking about something completely different in one week.
the guys on nfl live are expecting tom to go to the podium and take responsibility...god bless them, thats one that wont happen today
You're going to stick to your guns, aren't you? Nothing will ever come of the football psi. We'll be talking about something completely different in one week.

id agree with you if we are talking a different team. The spygate scenario instantly makes this matter. An organization of cheaters, scammers and frauds is what the patriots are, and if the nfl is just, heads will roll. If this was the packers, it would be a topic, but it would go away. But its Chatriots, its different
This is the ultimate tempest in a teapot.

Look, the officials inspect every football hours before the game for suitability for use in the game. So unless there is some evidence of tampering post-inspection this is a lot of bloviating about nothing. Circumstantial evidence is just that, circumstantial. Where is the smoking gun? NFL Network videotapes the shit out of an event like that, pre-game, post-game, sidelines, the works. If there's no video of tampering then there's no story.