Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

will tip is saying if any suspensions come out of this, he is walking from Cleveland to Boston, so obviously he is walking

Tom will take the stand momentarily, and say he knew nothing, but hes sorry it happened, or something
look at the cheater, smug as a barracuda, the equipment guys will all be fired by midnight thanks to this asshole
exactly, i will walk from Pittsburgh to Boston naked if Tom Brady takes responsibility here
Please God, don't let Brady take any responsibility for the sake of Pitt and Boston fans everywhere that might get a glimpse of Alex.
Bill and Tom both deflect the blame

Perfect situation for equipment staff to be shown the door
The equipment guy they kept showing in that video loop is gonna be an instant local legend
What I don't understand is, what the hell was the league doing? It's almost like they set the Pats up for this controversy. This is my understanding of events, the league was alerted during the week about the Pats possibly using deflated balls, instead of bringing this to the Pats attention with a warning they will be reviewing the game balls closely during the AFC Championship or even checking the balls before the game the league's big idea is to check the balls at halftime. After finding out the balls are indeed deflated during the game and having previous knowledge this may be the case the league has no plan of action to an illegal act they suspected of taking place, not even a token Unsportsmanlike penalty. They replace the the Pats game balls but still don't alert the Pats that the balls they were using were illegal and even after the game they don't let the Pats know they are investigating the issue they discovered during the game. The info is released to an Indy beat writer and now we have full blown Deflategate. This league office just seems incompetent to me.
If you had any doubts of media being the lowest form of life, look no further than this Brady press conference. Wow.

Brady is too nice to do the walk-off. Taking a lot more questions than the team thought he would
If you had any doubts of media being the lowest form of life, look no further than this Brady press conference. Wow.

Brady is too nice to do the walk-off. Taking a lot more questions than the team thought he would

lol youre off your todd mate, if he walked off, his legacy would be up in smoke and public opinion would want him in the cell next to Hernandez
This is the ultimate tempest in a teapot.

Look, the officials inspect every football hours before the game for suitability for use in the game. So unless there is some evidence of tampering post-inspection this is a lot of bloviating about nothing. Circumstantial evidence is just that, circumstantial. Where is the smoking gun? NFL Network videotapes the shit out of an event like that, pre-game, post-game, sidelines, the works. If there's no video of tampering then there's no story.

Are you joking ? They just got caught. Your highly unlikely to have video of it when it likely takes place before they take the field.

It's a lock that Vinatieri wasn't kicking a regulation ball when he hit the kick to tie the Raiders in a blizzard.
lol youre off your todd mate, if he walked off, his legacy would be up in smoke and public opinion would want him in the cell next to Hernandez

copied from tweets and i believe in context to he answered the same questions over and over... mate...

Ben Volin ‏@BenVolin 2m2 minutes ago
Brady says the NFL hasn’t talked to him yet as part of its investigation. What is the NFL waiting for???
they need to ask him straight up- "did you tell the equipment guy to under-inflate the ball?"

just to get it out of the way
Matt Chatham ‏@chatham58 23s23 seconds ago
You answered 30 Qs, we have no proof of ur involvement & u admit no part in this. But will u still say SORRY 4 camera? Pretty please? #Ugh
Are you joking ? They just got caught. Your highly unlikely to have video of it when it likely takes place before they take the field.

It's a lock that Vinatieri wasn't kicking a regulation ball when he hit the kick to tie the Raiders in a blizzard.

Who's "they" and what were "they" caught doing? All we have is a fact that at halftime the Pats footballs were checked, found to be underinflated and the officials swapped them out for another set of footballs. At which point the Pats went on a 28-0 run in the 2nd half.

This is like coming out of the grocery store and finding your car dented. We have know idea how it happened. We can surmise, speculate and pass judgment all we want but until we find that out there's no way to assess any sort of blame.
What I don't understand is, what the hell was the league doing? It's almost like they set the Pats up for this controversy. This is my understanding of events, the league was alerted during the week about the Pats possibly using deflated balls, instead of bringing this to the Pats attention with a warning they will be reviewing the game balls closely during the AFC Championship or even checking the balls before the game the league's big idea is to check the balls at halftime. After finding out the balls are indeed deflated during the game and having previous knowledge this may be the case the league has no plan of action to an illegal act they suspected of taking place, not even a token Unsportsmanlike penalty. They replace the the Pats game balls but still don't alert the Pats that the balls they were using were illegal and even after the game they don't let the Pats know they are investigating the issue they discovered during the game. The info is released to an Indy beat writer and now we have full blown Deflategate. This league office just seems incompetent to me.

I seriously doubt they had any intention to address the issue until after the Super Bowl.
That graph smoke showed is exhibit A and once the whistleblower comes out should be enough to strip the team of all super bowls under bellicheat and ban tommy from football for life
That graph smoke showed is exhibit A and once the whistleblower comes out should be enough to strip the team of all super bowls under bellicheat and ban tommy from football for life

Lol there not taking away Super Bowls or banning anyone from the HOF.

Steelers in the 70's were juicing twice as much as Barry Bonds.
You wouldn't want this blemish to tarnish the marquee sporting event in the country.

Marketing perfect storm... you have a genuine villain in the Patriots.. on the biggest stage, with the most expensive 30 seconds in advertising....