Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

"Many current and former NFL coaches have reported helmet communications failure, and it’s almost always in reference to quarterbacks on the road late in close games. Just last week in Dallas, an odd third-down run call on Tampa Bay’s final series with 2:32 remaining was the result of quarterback Josh Freeman’s helmet malfunctioning. On the road (check). Close game (check). Fourth quarter (check).

Helmet radio technology was introduced in 1994, allowing wireless communication on the field between coaches and players. One offensive and one defensive player have access to the communication, and it is signified by a green dot on the back of their helmets. However, communication problems have arisen over the years -- like the time a Madonna rehearsal blasted over the Vikings' wires during a game at the Oakland Coliseum, or the time the 49ers claimed to intercept a Southwest Airlines feed."


And then your point about Kraft being cheap as if he's buying headsets at Toys R Us...

League spokesman Michael Signora said in a statement after the game it was a “stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather” that caused the interference that left Steelers coach Mike Tomlin seething after the Patriots’ 28-21 win.

“The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day,” Signora’s statement said. “Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”

Steelers players largely downplayed the issue. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said a couple plays didn’t come into his helmet, “but that happens.” Linebacker Lawrence Timmons said any issues on defense were a product of noise in the stadium and the fact it was the first game.


Your citing 1 offs at other stadium wheredi it had happened

Ignoring the fact that there are reports of it happening basically every year at gilette by multiple people willing to go on the record
For a guy who is as detail oriented and wants everything perfect as bellichek

People really think he would accept a communications set up that basically fails 10% of the time? He wouldn't want to get that fixed? Unless maybe it was of benefit to him?
The NFL controls the headsets. What part of that do you not understand?
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I want my team to bend the rules and do whatever it takes to win. You guys might be entertained by good samaratans that lose. I'm not. The Tim Tebow's of the world need fans too. To each their own I suppose.
People in New England are very happy with Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Robert Kraft and the New England Patriots. By making all of you fools unhappy, they're making their fans happy.

I think an organization should strive to make their fans happy. Do you?

Nobody is happier than the fans of the New England Patriots.
The NFL controls the headsets. What part of that do you not understand?

It's not the headsets, Tomlin and everyone else has been getting sound, it's the actual set up, that breaks down every season at least once according to most reports

that infrastructure is the responsibility of the Pats

NFL’s own Gameday Policy Manual states:
Home clubs are responsible for the installation and maintenance of the coaching staff communications infrastructure.
I can't believe you clowns are serious. Ball inflation specs and head sets.
It's not the headsets, Tomlin and everyone else has been getting sound, it's the actual set up, that breaks down every season at least once according to most reports

that infrastructure is the responsibility of the Pats

NFL’s own Gameday Policy Manual states:
Home clubs are responsible for the installation and maintenance of the coaching staff communications infrastructure.

Are you not entertained?
If the law allowed it I am sure hernandez would have been out there right up until the jury reads the guilty verdict

Getting cheered the whole way
A pats fan on that jury would have requested a Time machine to go back to the date of that murder an actually witness it in order to convict him
Of course Pats fans hate Tebow and what he represents. Had to find a good guy (who was a clear winner as a starting QB, what you say you are all about no matter the means) to attack. Par.

Pats are ok... the State of Massachusetts is a pile of shit.
Of course Pats fans hate Tebow and what he represents. Had to find a good guy (who was a clear winner as a starting QB, what you say you are all about no matter the means) to attack. Par.

Pats are ok... the State of Massachusetts is a pile of shit.

Tim Tebow represents a good guy and a not so good NFL player. Why would Patriot fans like somebody like that? I like professional football players that are good at playing professional football.

BTW, what state are you from?
Tim Tebow represents a good guy and a not so good NFL player. Why would Patriot fans like somebody like that? I like professional football players that are good at playing professional football.

BTW, what state are you from?

I have lived lots of spots .. New York, Ohio, Texas, Nevada, California. Texas by far the best State I ever lived in .. not even close .. though my city was the armpit of that State. The people in Texas are just so much nicer than anywhere else I lived. Again, not even close. California had the best weather and the worst people. Ohio had the worst weather but decent people. New York, I lived upstate so it wasn't as bad as most people think. They are not that rude compared to what most people consider New York to be. Obviously New York is a shit hole state but not so much where I lived. I was a whippersnapper then. Nevada is a shit hole and becomes more of a shit hole every day. So Massachusetts isn't alone.

He won .. without cheating. Doesn't that make him pretty good?
I have lived lots of spots .. New York, Ohio, Texas, Nevada, California. Texas by far the best State I ever lived in .. not even close .. though my city was the armpit of that State. The people in Texas are just so much nicer than anywhere else I lived. Again, not even close. California had the best weather and the worst people. Ohio had the worst weather but decent people. New York, I lived upstate so it wasn't as bad as most people think. They are not that rude compared to what most people consider New York to be. Obviously New York is a shit hole state but not so much where I lived. I was a whippersnapper then. Nevada is a shit hole and becomes more of a shit hole every day. So Massachusetts isn't alone.

He won .. without cheating. Doesn't that make him pretty good?

Where have you stayed in Massachusetts?

9-7 with 0 rings isn't good. The GM and Head Coach are probably going to get fired.
I like how the entire world has forgotten that Tom Brady's phone number just magically popped up during the federal government's BALCO investigation.

Are you the guy that said he was better than Tom Brady? You lost your voice when you said that. You can no longer participate in this discussion.

Good luck in your next discussion.

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Are you the guy that said he was better than Tom Brady? You lost your voice when you said that. You can no longer participate in this discussion.

Good luck in your next discussion.


No I didn't.

I said that over the last 25 years there is only one single QB that I was faster, stronger, and had a better vertical than. That same single individual also magically had his name and number appear in the records of the trainer at the heart of the BALCO doping scandal.

Good Luck with reading comprehension in the future

Scarf with the most sensible/intelligent post in this thread.

The Bear with the exact opposite.
I like how the entire world has forgotten that Tom Brady's phone number just magically popped up during the federal government's BALCO investigation.

Wow... Really???.... You mean this?

"I had only one brief conversation with Tom Brady regarding a potential future workout," Anderson said in the statement to prosecutors that was included in court documents unsealed in San Francisco yesterday. "I never had another phone conversation with him and never discussed it with anyone.

use your magic to disappear....

Wow... Really???.... You mean this?

"I had only one brief conversation with Tom Brady regarding a potential future workout," Anderson said in the statement to prosecutors that was included in court documents unsealed in San Francisco yesterday. "I never had another phone conversation with him and never discussed it with anyone.

use your magic to disappear....

LMAO your willing to ignore any statement made by anyone connected to ESPN, but you'll take the word of a convicted felon as gospel. Rather odd considering how forthcoming he was with investigators regarding Barry Bonds.
LMAO your willing to ignore any statement made by anyone connected to ESPN, but you'll take the word of a convicted felon as gospel. Rather odd considering how forthcoming he was with investigators regarding Barry Bonds.

Wow again, if the felon had any proof against Brady or other players.. Don't you think he/his lawyer would use that to get a better sentence ??
Wow again, if the felon had any proof against Brady or other players.. Don't you think he/his lawyer would use that to get a better sentence ??

Wow, this tells me you clearly weren't paying attention to the BALCO case at all. As part of Greg Anderson's plea agreement to the 2 felony charges, his lawyer made sure that he was not required to tell the court who recieved the PEDs he distributed. When the feds went after Bond's and wanted Anderson to testify against him, he refused and spent over a year in prison. So no, he clearly didn't use the proof he had to recieve a better sentence otherwise he would have served 1/4 the amount of time that he did.
Wow, this tells me you clearly weren't paying attention to the BALCO case at all. As part of Greg Anderson's plea agreement to the 2 felony charges, his lawyer made sure that he was not required to tell the court who recieved the PEDs he distributed. When the feds went after Bond's and wanted Anderson to testify against him, he refused and spent over a year in prison. So no, he clearly didn't use the proof he had to recieve a better sentence otherwise he would have served 1/4 the amount of time that he did.

You are correct..I did not...however I would take word of this felon over espn "sources". The felon didnt give up any info. He could have given up all kinds stuff real or fake but didn't.

still don't know why you brought it up? and its relevance ?

Why do you hate Brady so much??
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Bit surprised by that, bunch of Hispanics down here (and I assume So Cal and Texas as well) sport Brady jerseys and will likely be having a huge bonfire in the near future. That said, Trump's trolling game is at an epic level at the moment, it's glorious.
NY law professor finds NFL's 'smoking gun' in Deflategate

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New York law professor Robert Blecker says in Deflategate, there is only one proven cheater: the NFL.

In an interview with 60 Minutes Sports, Blecker displays a piece of evidence from the Wells Report that he claims shows a clear NFL bias in the Wells Report.

The two gauges that referee Walt Anderson used to measure the Patriots footballs at halftime of the AFC Championship game have become known as the logo gauge and the non-logo gauge.

One read higher than the other by 0.4 PSI at halftime.

In the Wells Report, it's written that Anderson misremembers which gauge he used to measure the balls before the game. Blecker asserts that's not true, and believes he used the higher reading gauge before the game.

In an effort to make the two gauges seem similar despite the heavy disparity, Blecker found an incriminating measurement in Ted Wells' report.

He's called the "the artful shifting of the rulers" the "smoking gun."

But upon further review, he claims the NFL had been fudging the numbers.

"Looking at the photograph I went 'oh my god. I can't believe it,'' Blecker said. "They put the rulers under it, and under one they start the needle at the zero point, and at the other they start it at the 0.2 inch to make the needle seem longer to the untrained eye."

As such, one could believe the NFL cited the lower reading gauge at halftime - after OK'ing the balls with the higher reading one - to cry foul.

Blecker says this revelation would have had the NFL's case in hot water far sooner.

"That should have been brought to the attention of - first of all on appeal, to Goodell to show the obvious clear bias - and then it should have been brought to the attention of the judge - and it wasn't," Blecker said. "It should have been brought to the judge's attention, and it would have served two purposes simultaneously. One would be to show the unfairness of the investigation, but the other would also be to suggest the innocence of Brady."

Blecker said he considers himself an unlikely defender of the Patriots.

"When I first read the Wells Report I thought they cheated - and truthfully, I sort of hoped they did - because I don't like the Patriots, I still don't like the Patriots as a team," he said.

So, why is he so certain the NFL is wrong?

"Science can explain it," Blecker said. "And then increasingly there have been a rising chorus of voices including a Nobel Prize winning chemist who says the science was junk. At the appeal, the Dean of the Yale School of Management said the statistics were junk. Increasingly, the more you read, the more blogs you read, the more you think it through, the more you realize this is based on a tissue of lies."
Maybe there is a Josh Gordon thread, but it fits here too...

How in the fuck is Josh Gordon allowed to participate with the team during his suspension but Tom Brady is not? The NFL is such a clusterfuck when it comes to discipline, it's just embarrassing at this point (I guess it's been for some time).

One guy actually violated a rule (more than once), gets reinstated and can participate with his team. The other wasn't actually proven to do anything (even if he was, it's moot at this point), fought the NFL in the court system and lost the appeal, but now cannot participate with his team at all until his suspension is up? Seems legit.

And good for Josh Gordon, by the way. This isn't about him at all and I think it's ridiculous he's been suspended in the first place (players should be allowed to smoke pot) good for him getting back into the league and only having to sit 4 games.