Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

Some of the Baltimore Ravens believe kicking balls used in their playoff game at New England were slightly under-inflated, according to league sources.
With the Patriots under investigation for possibly under-inflating balls in their playoff win against the Colts, sources said some on Baltimore's sideline believed there may have been irregularities with the kicking balls used in their AFC divisional playoff game at Foxborough, Mass., on Jan. 10.
Baltimore's kicking and punting units were not getting their normal depth and distance, and some believed the balls they were using may have been deflated.

Ravens just looking for a reason ...
11 of 12 Pats' footballs under-inflated

Updated: January 20, 2015, 11:03 PM ET
<cite class="source" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; font-style: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: 14px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); display: block; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;">By Chris Mortensen |</cite>
The New England Patriots had 11 of their 12 allotted game footballs under-inflated by 2 pounds of air (PSI) as required by NFL regulations, according to league sources either involved or familiar with the investigation of Sunday's AFC championship game when the Patriots beat the Colts 45-7 to advance to their sixth Super Bowl.

"We are not commenting at this time," said Greg Aiello, the NFL's senior vice president of communications.
Troy Vincent, the league's senior executive vice president of football operations, said earlier Tuesday that the NFL expected to wrap up its investigation in "two or three days."

Yet to be determined is what, if any, penalties may be imposed upon Patriots. One source described the league as "disappointed ... angry ... distraught," after spending considerable time on the findings earlier Tuesday.
Part of the investigation that still needs further vetting is how the 11 footballs became under-inflated. The game balls provided to each team for preparation were required to be inspected and approved by referee Walt Anderson two hours and 15 minutes before kickoff before they were returned to each team. No alteration of footballs is allowed once they are approved, under league rules and regulations.

The balls are required be inflated between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch and weigh between 14 and 15 ounces.
"We have been in complete cooperation with the league and will continue to do so," said Patriots spokesman Stacey James

Hope they checked indy's balls as well...
cheaters gonna cheat

I am for one happy they got caught here, so we can have (for the first time with the Pats) a 'clean' superbowl

I hope they lose multiple 1st round picks though, they are a serial offender

Again 01,02 and 04 nothing...yet you keep saying all ???
knew something way off about that blowout win the Patriots served the Steelers last year...
So the transparent investigation consists of leaking out-of-context facts through the good ol' boy network. Well done, @nflcommish.
knew something way off about that blowout win the Patriots served the Steelers last year...

… I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but I remember saying to a friend, "It's almost like they're deflating the balls or something."
… I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but I remember saying to a friend, "It's almost like they're deflating the balls or something."

good observation from the guy in Cleveland, 55-31 in Pittsburgh doesn't add up , deflated balls factored in makes all too much sense
It's all corny but why aren't Pats fans remotely embarrassed at this point? It's got to get a little old, just the arrogance of it all...

Not like they really need these advantages but the smugness of just trying to pull one over, it's gotten to be too much. Should just want it to all go away but it doesn't.
It's all corny but why aren't Pats fans remotely embarrassed at this point? It's got to get a little old, just the arrogance of it all...

Not like they really need these advantages but the smugness of just trying to pull one over, it's gotten to be too much. Should just want it to all go away but it doesn't.

to be fair we had people defending Ben in light of him raping a women
to be fair we had people defending Ben in light of him raping a women

One incident, one person, and it's not like I think the Pats should be sent to the CFL for 2 years

Just quit whining like a victim Pats fans, have a little humanity
Defending the bologna means you condone it? Love it? I don't get it...

Not defending..waiting for the full press release....

bottom line one all the teams do this, same as what happened with recording the signals , someone tattletaled and the pats got is embarrassing... However they have done exactly what other teams do .. See the Rodgers statement....
Not defending..waiting for the full press release....

bottom line one all the teams do this, same as what happened with recording the signals , someone tattletaled and the pats got is embarrassing... However they have done exactly what other teams do .. See the Rodgers statement....

another excuse

enablers enable, it's got to get old, they don't need that

the NFL could have wiped this under the rug if they wanted to, it's just got to be so annoying
another excuse

enablers enable, it's got to get old, they don't need that

the NFL could have wiped this under the rug if they wanted to, it's just got to be so annoying

Not an excuse .. A fact... They got caught .. That simple
No way the pats beat the rams in 2000 superbowl, always knew there was some sneaky shit.
Greg bedard -
I would hope they also impounded the Colts' balls and checked them. We need a comparison
11:22pm - 20 Jan 15
Not shocking that Pats fans are proving themselves to be the most insane homers in sports. The ball is inconsequential with a 38 point win but the fact that they are willing to gamble on such a small detail shows they are more than willing to cheat in other ways. We already know it. Why do you think the league destroyed the Spygate evidence? If it was innocuous then certainly that info could have been shared.

I still find it amazing that Belichick was allowed to coach post-spygate without a year-long ban. He should probably get it this time.

If there is any justice in the world, and there usually is, then the best possible outcome for this Super Bowl would be the Pats losing on the most bogus of officiating calls.
Pats are missing out on a prime opportunity to get ahead of this ball manipulation issue. Sign Michael Sam to the 53 man roster.
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Again some facts please??

There was an admission that the Patriots had a spy during the closed session of practice for the Rams where they installed brand new plays .Somehow Patriots knew exactly what defense to call when formation was used.