Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

yeah. they apologized for the same thing the boston globe apologized for. something that we already mentioned.

i guess your point is they got something wrong, so nothing they report on is truthful anymore. i get it. espn sucks, and i agree with that. but to somehow imply that everything they report on the pats is boo boo after they admitted a mistake is kinda weak.

they weren't allowed to film defensive hand signals where staff members could gain access to it and they did. end of story.
yeah. they apologized for the same thing the boston globe apologized for. something that we already mentioned.

i guess your point is they got something wrong, so nothing they report on is truthful anymore. i get it. espn sucks, and i agree with that. but to somehow imply that everything they report on the pats is boo boo after they admitted a mistake is kinda weak.

they weren't allowed to film defensive hand signals where staff members could gain access to it and they did. end of story.

not implying everything they report on is boo boo,, just specific to this topic........this mistake and mortenson on the original report of the inflated balls..... fan or not,, damaging false reports.... look how you, braves, clown etc already perceive the Pats.......add these false reports.....
Cash why beat yourself up over this stuff? If the Pats had lost the super bowl (cause we all know Butler must've somehow broken the rules on that Int, right braves?) these guys wouldn't be nearly as pissed. The Pats sucked for a much longer period of time than they were good, it's unfortunate that we fans can't bask in the moment without the general public rekindling shit & jumping to conclusions.

Ray Lewis, accomplice to a murder (or whatever the fuck it was) but he found god, won a second super bowl knocking out that nasty cheating Pats squad & everyone wants to suck his dick. Yet Brady will go down in history for not wanting to turn in his phone.
not implying everything they report on is boo boo,, just specific to this topic........this mistake and mortenson on the original report of the inflated balls..... fan or not,, damaging false reports.... look how you, braves, clown etc already perceive the Pats.......add these false reports.....

ha. i don't perceive the pats any certain way. i don't care about them. i think tom brady's a fan of uggs, but arguably the best qb in the history of the game.

they got caught taping signals. that's all there is to it.

this deflate gate thing is hot garbage. my original point is that when folks say the hoody is running a shady ass shop--there's some merit there. you can't just gloss over history then get mad when someone says different. we ain't all haters, cash.
ha. i don't perceive the pats any certain way. i don't care about them. i think tom brady's a fan of uggs, but arguably the best qb in the history of the game.

they got caught taping signals. that's all there is to it.

this deflate gate thing is hot garbage. my original point is that when folks say the hoody is running a shady ass shop--there's some merit there. you can't just gloss over history then get mad when someone says different. we ain't all haters, cash.

not mad at all, get a little frustrated when people just say "spygate" and don't know what actually happened.. Not glossing over the history everybody has their own opinion but let's base it on fact instead of what the media puts out there.

Separately, what I post on here including the links none of it is biased it's just providing information on the hot garbage.
in most people's argument against Brady all they do is point to spy gate which was almost 10 years ago.

I appreciate a good discussion but most (not you) people do is point to spygate or something shady that's happened in the past let's stay on point which is the hot garbage and again nobody has provided anything else except he didn't give up his phone.
Aaron Rogers just said last week he "likes the ball "overinflated" how come no investigation?
Cash why beat yourself up over this stuff? If the Pats had lost the super bowl (cause we all know Butler must've somehow broken the rules on that Int, right braves?) these guys wouldn't be nearly as pissed. The Pats sucked for a much longer period of time than they were good, it's unfortunate that we fans can't bask in the moment without the general public rekindling shit & jumping to conclusions.

Ray Lewis, accomplice to a murder (or whatever the fuck it was) but he found god, won a second super bowl knocking out that nasty cheating Pats squad & everyone wants to suck his dick. Yet Brady will go down in history for not wanting to turn in his phone.

Hey zeke,
have had some free time..... And not some much about Brady and pats , the more B.s. That I read that the NFL is doing just in general it just comes across as them being such scumbags.
@DandCShow: Remarkable, @mortreport claims that both Robert and Jonathan Kraft called and apologized to him. 9:20 into this.

@DandCShow: Just spoke with the Patriots and once again Chris Mortensen is wrong, the Krafts did not apologize. Details tomorrow morning at 6.
This whole thing is boring

Pats fans love their team, everyone else doesn't. Whether Brady is suspended or not isn't even a story anymore because no one gives a flying fuck except his fantasy owners
This whole thing is boring

Pats fans love their team, everyone else doesn't. Whether Brady is suspended or not isn't even a story anymore because no one gives a flying fuck except his fantasy owners

If it's boring and you don't care why make the effort to come to the thread a post?? ;)
Ed Werder backing up Mort... Not going to go well..

@Edwerderespn: @DandCShow I don't see Mr Kraft denial. I see a radio talk show host claiming someone with Patriots said this. No Kraft quote

and this just happened on pregame show...

@MikeReiss: Jonathan Kraft's direct comment was that there was no apology and "we have no need to." (Via @985TheSportsHub interview) #Patriots
Lots of clowns in there but none with the ability to change the title. That will have to come from some other source
Ed Werder backing up Mort... Not going to go well..

@Edwerderespn: @DandCShow I don't see Mr Kraft denial. I see a radio talk show host claiming someone with Patriots said this. No Kraft quote

and this just happened on pregame show...

@MikeReiss: Jonathan Kraft's direct comment was that there was no apology and "we have no need to." (Via @985TheSportsHub interview) #Patriots

Mort is a professional liar
Ed Werder backing up Mort... Not going to go well..

@Edwerderespn: @DandCShow I don't see Mr Kraft denial. I see a radio talk show host claiming someone with Patriots said this. No Kraft quote

and this just happened on pregame show...

@MikeReiss: Jonathan Kraft's direct comment was that there was no apology and "we have no need to." (Via @985TheSportsHub interview) #Patriots

Another deflection tactic from the patriots, move the discussion somewhere else... Not so fast you still cheating!!!
I am so conflicted over this game now

Steez have shown themselves to be just as big of cheaters if not more, plus all of their illegal hits to the head over the years, and someone on the team that lacks the ability to stop when people say no
Starting to wonder about the Tuck rule game even more .... how do we know that the ball used for the game tying FG was a legit ball at this point?

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 37m37 minutes ago
Why would Judge Berman want John Mara at the Brady hearing today? If he can't convince the league to settle, maybe he convince its owners.
Stephen Brown ‏@PPVSRB 3m3 minutes ago
Final push by both sides yields no settlement in#deflategate case. Berman to rule in next day or two.

Stephen Brown ‏@PPVSRB 1m1 minute ago New York, USA
Nash and Kessler thanked the court. And that's it. Proceeding lasted five minutes.
Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 2m2 minutes ago

Judge Berman adjourning court quickly today and pledging ruling by Wed means 1) he's made up his mind + 2) window for settling about to end.
So let,s bring this up to date and see if I have this right.
Berman can rule either for NFL, meaning 4 game suspension stays or for the NFLPA, inwhich case the arbitration ruling is overturned and there is no suspension. There is no in between ruling option for the judge.
in either case, the losing side will appeal.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NFL never made formal settlement offer, but indicated willing to cut suspension to 3 games if Brady admitted DeflateGate guilt. No deal.</p>&mdash; Gary Myers (@garymyersNYDN) <a href="">August 31, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Daniel Wallach ‏@WALLACHLEGAL Aug 7
Arbitral award violates collective bargaining agreement, rules Judge Berman in NYC v. Assoc. of Wall-Ceiling & Carpentry Indus. (April 2015)
yeah i heard on the radio today that berman is one of the only fed judges that has overturned an arbitral ruling before.
Ya he's basically been locked down for 10 years

He could put up cheetah like numbers but with more quality if he was single
What a bitch she is if this is only about deflategate. But I think it has to do with the nanny thing. Either way Tom should be happy.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Tom Brady beats NFL in 'Deflategate' court case, judge nullifies league's 4-game suspension.</p>&mdash; The Associated Press (@AP) <a href="">September 3, 2015</a></blockquote>
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