Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

DeMaurice Smith@DeSmithNFLPA <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 17m17 minutes ago</small>
Players win. Read the decision here: …

Berman makes a point several times to put "independent" in quotes when describing Wells Report.

- Official Brady decision is great. Best parts of early pages: putting "independent" in quotes and naming Pash before Wells as investigator
Berman writes that Goodell's denial of the testimony of Wells Report editor Jeff Pash at appeal hearing was "fundamentally unfair."

Mike Reiss@MikeReiss <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 35m35 minutes ago</small>
NFL general counsel Jeff Pash advised league it was best to file in NY court for confirmation of Brady suspension. Pash's plan backfires.
One of reasons Judge Berman vacated suspension was NFL not making Jeff Pash available as witness in Tom Brady's appeal. Can't hide witness.

"Goodell may be said to have 'dispensed his own brand of industrial justice.'" ouch.

and this ...............
Berman really didn't like Goodell comparing deflation to steroids. #deflategate

Judge Berman does not declare Tom Brady innocent, only that the NFL's actions were illegal. Burden swings from NFL to Brady on appeal.

How does this impact CBA's going forward?

so many changes need to be made.... There are so many holes in the NFL Policies. Such a sham if you actually take a look at how they do business
solid write up and explanation ---

[h=3]The NFL can still punish Brady, but only in accordance with Judge Berman’s order[/h]While Judge Berman’s order means that Brady’s suspension is lifted, the NFL can seek to punish Brady again. The judge’s order only pertains to the decision of Goodell to uphold Brady’s suspension—it does not have the power to foreclose the NFL from re-punishing Brady.

While it would be unusual, if not unprecedented, for the NFL to punish a player for the same alleged misconduct that was both the subject of a prior suspension and later vacated by a federal judge, that sequence of events would likely not violate the CBA. The most relevant language from the CBA appears in Article 46, Section 4, also known as the “one penalty” clause. This clause prohibits the commissioner and a team from disciplining a player for the same act or conduct. The Patriots have not disciplined Brady. For that reason, the one penalty clause would seemingly not hinder the NFL from re-punishing Brady.
This is a victory for sensibility. It seemed the world lost sight that the issue was the fucking psi of the football in a lopsided rout. Colts should be ashamed.
anyone think that boston sports reporter saying they should murder Goodell had anything to do with this?

Minahan is a jerk just trying to make name for himself,, been suspended 2x already this year ..... He is everything that is wrong with sports talk radio...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Roger Goodell statement on <a href="">#DeflateGate</a> ruling, confirms <a href="">#NFL</a> will appeal. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Rachel Nichols (@Rachel__Nichols) <a href="">September 3, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Only time NFL appealed at this level the ruling was overturned against Maurice Clarett, this is probably a little different but who knows
To those above who wondered if this is the end of Goodell, my answer is yes.

I don't know how he survives this. His handling of this case was a joke in every way. Nothing professional about it.

He had to know from day one there was not factual basis to suspend Brady or penalize the Patriots. If he didn't, he certainly had to know when he read the Welles Report, the report he spent 3 millions dollars on.

I laughed at the report the first time I read it and so did every other lawyer I know. I have never seen a document that weak presented in court. If it proves anything, it proves the NFL was wrong in bringing the case.

The NFL has been the smartest league in sports for decades. The guys who own teams are all smart. Now Goodell, for the second straight year, has bungled a disciplinary case by ignoring facts, has been slapped down by the courts, had kept the public's attention focused on his bad decisions instead of what happens on the field, has attempted to fool the public by lying to the press, and shown the business savvy of a guy running a portable hot dog stand. Actually, now that I think of it, the guy with the hot dog stand does a lot better job than Goodell has done.

I don't see the guy surviving. He's in over his head and wouldn't last a day if he were working for one of the businesses any of the NFL owners run.
Tom wins again!!!! Tom wins again!!! No reason to think the arbitrator was not in the right at this point. Good to see someone fight the machine and win every now and then even though I think the Patriots were aware.

I am with NBAfan .. the owners and league need stricter policies to reign in these overpaid bums on NFL fields.
: Jon Kraft on next Thursday's season opener: "That Super Bowl 49 banner was not being raised if Tom Brady was not on the field."

: Jonathan Kraft, on @985TheSportsHub, said that while Patriots would like draft picks back, as they sit here today, don't intend to pursue.

Jon Kraft says #Patriots were intending to raise some sort of Brady banner honoring his SBs and MVPs were he not to play next Thursdasy

Jon Kraft says fans "are not the only ones" who want draft picks back, "but as we sit here today, it's not our intention" to fight penalties
Hopefully going forward, all the balls are inflated to proper specs. For the kids.
Surprised about what???

you dont think its a bad look he's hanging out with the judge a few days after the verdict?

if it had gone the other way and he was hanging out with Goodell New England would be going nuts, might get a few more tv hosts saying he should be murdered
Reason his Michigan career wasn't the stuff of legend is Lloyd Carr was a stickler for properly inflating the ball.
lol, how is Tom Brady the fraud?

If he had been drafted by any other team he would have been out of the league 10 years ago.

Only NFL QB of the last 25 years that I was faster, stronger, and had a better vertical than at the same age when they went thru the NFL combine.
If he had been drafted by any other team he would have been out of the league 10 years ago.

Only NFL QB of the last 25 years that I was faster, stronger, and had a better vertical than at the same age when they went thru the NFL combine.

Probably not close to true (the out of the league part), but any shred of truth in the observation says as much about the bozos in the NFL as it does about the Patriots. I think the Browns QB in 2005 was Charlie Frye, and I think a cast aside Brady would have beat him out.
My bad, Trent Dilfer was under center on opening day in 2005. Frye was 2006. Beating out Dilfer would have been a tall order for Tom Brady.
Is Tom Brady the greatest football player in the history of football players or is Tom Brady the greatest football player in the history of football players?