Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

Why would you say this??

what exactly have you added to the discussion, where are the CTG supermods when you need them??

you need to look at your own team... They were in over their heads , they actually had a chance to win that game and they choked...hey I understand the pain, been a Red Sox fan forever..always thought the Yankees cheated, nope just smarter with their resources.

So now it's time for you to grow a pair, man up, look in the mirror and admit to yourself."yup Dudleysdad is one of the biggest douchebags on CTG.....

Ben Volin@BenVolin <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 6m6 minutes ago</small>
Mike Tomlin on the headsets going out: “That’s always the case.”You mean here (at Gillette)?“Yes.”

Scott Hanson@ScottHanson <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 9m9 minutes ago</small>
Tomlin just said "that always happens here" when talking about coaches' radio / headset problems.

Andrew Siciliano@AndrewSiciliano <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 9m9 minutes ago</small>
Tomlin is steamed: “We were listening to the Patriots radio broadcast for the majority of the first half.”
for the record,

In the first quarter of tonight's game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches' communication equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.
that site is straight outta boston, y'all.

So let me see if I understand this correctly...this site ranks Denver on the severity cheating scale of having 12 guys on PEDs as a 5 star cheating offense...

BUT...calls the Saints BountyGate a 2.5 star offense and the Pats SpyGate as a 2 star offense.

When I read that, I immediately considered this site as useful as tits on a bull.
So let me see if I understand this correctly...this site ranks Denver on the severity cheating scale of having 12 guys on PEDs as a 5 star cheating offense...

BUT...calls the Saints BountyGate a 2.5 star offense and the Pats SpyGate as a 2 star offense.

When I read that, I immediately considered this site as useful as tits on a bull.
i'm not using it for ratings, but it's nice to see all the "charges" to each team...
According to Tom Pelissero of USA Today, the Steelers were also angry about the Patriots’ tactic of shifting their defensive line en masse to try to draw a penalty — which worked during a disastrous goal-line sequence for Pittsburgh. On third-and-goal from the Patriots’ 1-yard line, Steelers left tackle Kelvin Beachum was flagged for a false start after the shift, which quarterback Ben Roethlisberger immediately began to protest, “I thought that there was a rule against that,” Roethlisberger said. “Maybe there’s not. Maybe it’s just an unwritten rule. . . . We saw it on film, that the Patriots do that. They shift and slide and do stuff on the goal line, knowing that it’s an itchy trigger finger-type down there.” It’s a legal move so long as the Patriots don’t cross the line of scrimmage, which they didn’t appear to in this instance. “They time it up in the cadence,” Steelers left guard Ramon Foster said. “Yeah, that’s one of the things they do. Welcome to Foxborough. . . .

Are there rules against sexually assaulting 20 year old students? Yes
Are there rules prohibiting a defense from shifting? No

According to Tom Pelissero of USA Today, the Steelers were also angry about the Patriots’ tactic of shifting their defensive line en masse to try to draw a penalty — which worked during a disastrous goal-line sequence for Pittsburgh. On third-and-goal from the Patriots’ 1-yard line, Steelers left tackle Kelvin Beachum was flagged for a false start after the shift, which quarterback Ben Roethlisberger immediately began to protest, “I thought that there was a rule against that,” Roethlisberger said. “Maybe there’s not. Maybe it’s just an unwritten rule. . . . We saw it on film, that the Patriots do that. They shift and slide and do stuff on the goal line, knowing that it’s an itchy trigger finger-type down there.” It’s a legal move so long as the Patriots don’t cross the line of scrimmage, which they didn’t appear to in this instance. “They time it up in the cadence,” Steelers left guard Ramon Foster said. “Yeah, that’s one of the things they do. Welcome to Foxborough. . . .

Are there rules against sexually assaulting 20 year old students? Yes
Are there rules prohibiting a defense from shifting? No


Here's the one thing that is tilting beyond belief about this Patriots situation (not referring to any cheating scandals here)...and I HATE the Patriots more than anything...

1. It is so blatantly clear that their knowledge of every single rule in the book and every single (legal) loophole is superior to all 31 other NFL teams combined. Hoodie is so prepared it is disgusting. Anyone that disagrees with this simply isn't watching enough Patriots games.

2. How in the holy hell can there be these coaching staffs working 100-hour weeks and yet only 1 guy takes the time to understand every rule in the book inside and out? How god damned dumb must these guys be? See 90% of coaches' time management skills for the answer to that question. Brady and Hoodie almost NEVER fuck up the clock/time management situations. Why? PROBABLY BECAUSE MOST OF IT IS FRIGGIN COMMON DAMNED SENSE.


4. Most NFL head coaches are idiots. I'll give you an example of a simplistic thing that New England does that is so amazingly easy that it blows my mind other teams don't emulate it or aren't prepared for it. I must have seen Brady do this 30-40 times over the last 2 to 3 years. They'll run a play...see that it works...and then TB will hurry up to the line and run the EXACT SAME PLAY. The defense is unprepared nearly always and it almost always results in a 1st down or significant positive yardage. Why is a dipshit like me able to figure this out, yet these gurus leading these defensive teams can't figure out what's going on when Brady rushes to the line in a non-traditional situation?

I fully admit that I am a Patriot hater. But what infuriates me is how much more detail-oriented and smarter they are about the legal things they can do during the course of a game as compared to every other team in the league. It's disgusting to see these guys outsmart everyone they play. And they've done it for years.
Here's the one thing that is tilting beyond belief about this Patriots situation (not referring to any cheating scandals here)...and I HATE the Patriots more than anything...

1. It is so blatantly clear that their knowledge of every single rule in the book and every single (legal) loophole is superior to all 31 other NFL teams combined. Hoodie is so prepared it is disgusting. Anyone that disagrees with this simply isn't watching enough Patriots games.

2. How in the holy hell can there be these coaching staffs working 100-hour weeks and yet only 1 guy takes the time to understand every rule in the book inside and out? How god damned dumb must these guys be? See 90% of coaches' time management skills for the answer to that question. Brady and Hoodie almost NEVER fuck up the clock/time management situations. Why? PROBABLY BECAUSE MOST OF IT IS FRIGGIN COMMON DAMNED SENSE.


4. Most NFL head coaches are idiots. I'll give you an example of a simplistic thing that New England does that is so amazingly easy that it blows my mind other teams don't emulate it or aren't prepared for it. I must have seen Brady do this 30-40 times over the last 2 to 3 years. They'll run a play...see that it works...and then TB will hurry up to the line and run the EXACT SAME PLAY. The defense is unprepared nearly always and it almost always results in a 1st down or significant positive yardage. Why is a dipshit like me able to figure this out, yet these gurus leading these defensive teams can't figure out what's going on when Brady rushes to the line in a non-traditional situation?

I fully admit that I am a Patriot hater. But what infuriates me is how much more detail-oriented and smarter they are about the legal things they can do during the course of a game as compared to every other team in the league. It's disgusting to see these guys outsmart everyone they play. And they've done it for years.

Scarf and Cash after this post

View attachment 39435
Scarf and Cash after this post

View attachment 39435

First off, great movie...still extremely underrated in my book.

I am a diehard Jets fan. I HATE what New England does in terms of the all the bullshit that is illegal or extremely questionable to say the least. I literally want to punch a wall every time I see Bob Kraft wearing his sissy-boy pink/white collared shirts high fiving all his cronies in the press box. And the worst thing about living in New England not being a Patriots fan is that their fans (75% of them) are so pompous, ignorant and uneducated, you cannot even have an intelligent conversation with those fucktards.

That being said, I stand by my earlier statement...I fully admit I hate that they are more prepared and smarter than every other team in the league. That's just a fact. Their illegal bullshit just makes me hate them more.

I know its a rarity for a Pats-hater to not just call them cheaters and say that's why they win, but those guys saying that (for the most part) are just as bad as the douchy Pats fan losers who are the pompous fucks you can't talk intelligently with about football.

It is what it is, I guess.
Good post scarf31.

Did everyone see why Reggie Wayne asked to be cut?

Tom and Bill are the hardest working guys in the NFL. That's why they win.

I fucking LOVE watching people cry about the Patriots. It warms my heart.

Ray Lewis: "Work ethic makes Tom Brady the greatest”.
I think we have gotten carried away with the Pats cheating ... I mean it is fun, they do cheat and they also benefitted from what most people consider the worst call in nfl history (on review no less) on their playoff run to their first super bowl win. But Scarf is largely correct. New England takes advantage of every legal part of the game too. And Tom Brady is simply a great NFL QB. One of, if not, the best ever. For all the cheating they do, they also have developed a culture of winning there. Diva (outside of Brady) is just not accepted on that team. You do it the Patriot way or you don't stay on the team. Their system is just better than most teams.

While I agree with Scarf on most things, including that Belicheat is better than most coaches .. you cannot say he never makes incredible time management blunders since he did in the last minute of the super bowl.

What makes it so tough and angering for the rest of the league isn't just that the Pats cheat, it's that they are tough enough to beat if they didn't. If it was the Bucs cheating every week, it wouldn't derive nearly the anger because they just cannot cheat enough to still consistently win.

Gronk is an absolute beast.

I hate New England. But they win. And I also think Cash won this thread. And after the Steelers game, he and his Patriots have scoreboard again. When Brady came on to the field and started pumping his arm around .. that was for Roger and all his haters more than it was for his fans at Gillette.

Woodson hit him. He fumbled. Raiders recovered.
Woodson hit him. He fumbled. Raiders recovered. Patriots won the game... went to New Orleans as 14 point underdogs and left as champions.
fucking cheaters

I had a much more harsh response to this, but then i read the rest of the posts below, however as a super mods both you and Braves have shown complete doucheness in this thread... I believe most of this has been good discussion and some fun banter however over the 35 pages the only thing you 2 Super mods have to say is cheaters. Not once not 2x but many many times. I have asked for the two of you to show definitive proof that they cheated to win games and neither one of you have. Nor have you engaged in meaningful discussion.
I have seen people warned and banned for a lot less yet the two of you continue to display complete doucheness/trolling..... I appreciate good banter and sarcasm, i have had good discussions with Bear, probably with Braves (at some point) in the past... but enough already with trolling.. because that is the only thing the two "super mods" have added to this thread...... :shake:
Here's the one thing that is tilting beyond belief about this Patriots situation (not referring to any cheating scandals here)...and I HATE the Patriots more than anything...

1. It is so blatantly clear that their knowledge of every single rule in the book and every single (legal) loophole is superior to all 31 other NFL teams combined. Hoodie is so prepared it is disgusting. Anyone that disagrees with this simply isn't watching enough Patriots games.

2. How in the holy hell can there be these coaching staffs working 100-hour weeks and yet only 1 guy takes the time to understand every rule in the book inside and out? How god damned dumb must these guys be? See 90% of coaches' time management skills for the answer to that question. Brady and Hoodie almost NEVER fuck up the clock/time management situations. Why? PROBABLY BECAUSE MOST OF IT IS FRIGGIN COMMON DAMNED SENSE.


4. Most NFL head coaches are idiots. I'll give you an example of a simplistic thing that New England does that is so amazingly easy that it blows my mind other teams don't emulate it or aren't prepared for it. I must have seen Brady do this 30-40 times over the last 2 to 3 years. They'll run a play...see that it works...and then TB will hurry up to the line and run the EXACT SAME PLAY. The defense is unprepared nearly always and it almost always results in a 1st down or significant positive yardage. Why is a dipshit like me able to figure this out, yet these gurus leading these defensive teams can't figure out what's going on when Brady rushes to the line in a non-traditional situation?

I fully admit that I am a Patriot hater. But what infuriates me is how much more detail-oriented and smarter they are about the legal things they can do during the course of a game as compared to every other team in the league. It's disgusting to see these guys outsmart everyone they play. And they've done it for years.

wow, tremendous write up..... :shake:
I would have never taken Boston fans to be so sensitive

They could learn a lot from New York and philly fans
Here's the one thing that is tilting beyond belief about this Patriots situation (not referring to any cheating scandals here)...and I HATE the Patriots more than anything...

1. It is so blatantly clear that their knowledge of every single rule in the book and every single (legal) loophole is superior to all 31 other NFL teams combined. Hoodie is so prepared it is disgusting. Anyone that disagrees with this simply isn't watching enough Patriots games.

2. How in the holy hell can there be these coaching staffs working 100-hour weeks and yet only 1 guy takes the time to understand every rule in the book inside and out? How god damned dumb must these guys be? See 90% of coaches' time management skills for the answer to that question. Brady and Hoodie almost NEVER fuck up the clock/time management situations. Why? PROBABLY BECAUSE MOST OF IT IS FRIGGIN COMMON DAMNED SENSE.


4. Most NFL head coaches are idiots. I'll give you an example of a simplistic thing that New England does that is so amazingly easy that it blows my mind other teams don't emulate it or aren't prepared for it. I must have seen Brady do this 30-40 times over the last 2 to 3 years. They'll run a play...see that it works...and then TB will hurry up to the line and run the EXACT SAME PLAY. The defense is unprepared nearly always and it almost always results in a 1st down or significant positive yardage. Why is a dipshit like me able to figure this out, yet these gurus leading these defensive teams can't figure out what's going on when Brady rushes to the line in a non-traditional situation?

I fully admit that I am a Patriot hater. But what infuriates me is how much more detail-oriented and smarter they are about the legal things they can do during the course of a game as compared to every other team in the league. It's disgusting to see these guys outsmart everyone they play. And they've done it for years.

ding ding ding. i'm not a pats hater, but i don't need to hear any goddamn whining because the pats read the goddamn rule book.
that line shifting unwritten rule the rapist is complaining about is dumb though, that's like when they did that OL trick vs the Ravens in the playoffs last year

thats the coaching staff outsmarting the other team, that's innovation
[TABLE="width: 358"]
<thead style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 12px; line-height: 10px; margin: 0px; padding: 6px 12px; text-transform: uppercase; background: rgb(249, 249, 249);">[TR="class: sb-linescore"]
[TH="class: date-time, align: left"]THe Last time the pats didn't cheat..

[TH="class: score, align: center"]1[/TH]
[TH="class: score, align: center"]2[/TH]
[TH="class: score, align: center"]3[/TH]
[TH="class: score, align: center"]4[/TH]
[TH="class: total"]T[/TH]
</thead><tbody id="teams" style="box-sizing: border-box;">[TR="class: away"]
[TD="align: left"]
[h=2]Patriots[/h](2-2, 1-2 Away)

[TD="class: score, align: center"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: total"]14[/TD]
[TR="class: home"]
[TD="align: left"]
[h=2]Chiefs[/h](2-2, 1-1 Home)

[TD="class: score, align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="class: score, align: center"]14[/TD]
[TD="class: total"]41[/TD]
Here's the one thing that is tilting beyond belief about this Patriots situation (not referring to any cheating scandals here)...and I HATE the Patriots more than anything...

1. It is so blatantly clear that their knowledge of every single rule in the book and every single (legal) loophole is superior to all 31 other NFL teams combined. Hoodie is so prepared it is disgusting. Anyone that disagrees with this simply isn't watching enough Patriots games.

2. How in the holy hell can there be these coaching staffs working 100-hour weeks and yet only 1 guy takes the time to understand every rule in the book inside and out? How god damned dumb must these guys be? See 90% of coaches' time management skills for the answer to that question. Brady and Hoodie almost NEVER fuck up the clock/time management situations. Why? PROBABLY BECAUSE MOST OF IT IS FRIGGIN COMMON DAMNED SENSE.


4. Most NFL head coaches are idiots. I'll give you an example of a simplistic thing that New England does that is so amazingly easy that it blows my mind other teams don't emulate it or aren't prepared for it. I must have seen Brady do this 30-40 times over the last 2 to 3 years. They'll run a play...see that it works...and then TB will hurry up to the line and run the EXACT SAME PLAY. The defense is unprepared nearly always and it almost always results in a 1st down or significant positive yardage. Why is a dipshit like me able to figure this out, yet these gurus leading these defensive teams can't figure out what's going on when Brady rushes to the line in a non-traditional situation?

I fully admit that I am a Patriot hater. But what infuriates me is how much more detail-oriented and smarter they are about the legal things they can do during the course of a game as compared to every other team in the league. It's disgusting to see these guys outsmart everyone they play. And they've done it for years.

GREAT post
@AdamSchefter: Steelers did not and will not file a complaint to NFL about headset communication last night, per team official.
Bill Belichick has been successful for how long? If it wasn't for all this controversy all the time maybe he would get complacent? Maybe he wouldn't be as consistent. Maybe, just maybe all this controversy keeps the team going.
As Tomlin implied, this is far from the first time opponents facing the Patriots have raised questions about headset issues.

Pats defenders getting so sensitive, every time people post quotes or witness accounts those people have an 'agenda'

every pro pats article is taken in as gospel
It doesn't even need to be the pats specifically sabotaging the Steelers (or all the other teams who complained that they were too)

It's the fact that it happens so often there, Robert Kraft is a Billionaire he has no reason to keep cheap on his stadiums audio set up

so the Pats know/plan for the issues to happen, and their coaches are more prepared for it than the other team

it's just another thing where there's smoke there is fire, why do these things always happen around the Pats and not around the Colts or the Bills or the Cowboys etc.
The problem with the 100% proof argument is that unless someone admits it, there's no such thing as 100% proof, and even then it can be iffy. Rarely can anyone prove a murderer was actually the one that killed someone. In a criminal court, the standard is beyond reasonable doubt, and there isn't much in the way of reasonable doubt with the Pats at this point in regards to going above and beyond the intended rules of the game. And that standard for criminal activity, so the standard is far less for a sports organization when it comes to cheating. You're simply up against the court of public opinion, and to a greater extent the civil criteria that apply.

The obsession by fanatics on both sides as made the whole thing a sideshow, probably one of the bigger reasons my enjoyment of the game of football has been reduced in recent years, and even more so this year. Everyone hates on the Pats, fine, but at some point let the chips fall where they will. And equally if not more annoying is Pats fan that absolutely can't just admit like everyone else that there have been plenty of bending of the rules, but not just that, be nice to quit being so sensitive and rushing to defense every fucking time. Fucking annoying all the way around.

What scarf said is 100% correct, they exploit the rules better than anyone else, and I'm quite confident they've overstepped the boundaries on several occasions. I don't consider myself a Pats hater at all, pulled for them both times they lost to the Giants in the SB and when they beat the Eagles and Panthers. Always liked Brady, he's my fantasy QB this year for better or worse, and I also am quite sure he knowingly has broken a few rules. Probably like a few others at some point.
It doesn't even need to be the pats specifically sabotaging the Steelers (or all the other teams who complained that they were too)

It's the fact that it happens so often there, Robert Kraft is a Billionaire he has no reason to keep cheap on his stadiums audio set up

so the Pats know/plan for the issues to happen, and their coaches are more prepared for it than the other team

it's just another thing where there's smoke there is fire, why do these things always happen around the Pats and not around the Colts or the Bills or the Cowboys etc.

"Many current and former NFL coaches have reported helmet communications failure, and it’s almost always in reference to quarterbacks on the road late in close games. Just last week in Dallas, an odd third-down run call on Tampa Bay’s final series with 2:32 remaining was the result of quarterback Josh Freeman’s helmet malfunctioning. On the road (check). Close game (check). Fourth quarter (check).

Helmet radio technology was introduced in 1994, allowing wireless communication on the field between coaches and players. One offensive and one defensive player have access to the communication, and it is signified by a green dot on the back of their helmets. However, communication problems have arisen over the years -- like the time a Madonna rehearsal blasted over the Vikings' wires during a game at the Oakland Coliseum, or the time the 49ers claimed to intercept a Southwest Airlines feed."


And then your point about Kraft being cheap as if he's buying headsets at Toys R Us...

League spokesman Michael Signora said in a statement after the game it was a “stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather” that caused the interference that left Steelers coach Mike Tomlin seething after the Patriots’ 28-21 win.

“The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day,” Signora’s statement said. “Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”

Steelers players largely downplayed the issue. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said a couple plays didn’t come into his helmet, “but that happens.” Linebacker Lawrence Timmons said any issues on defense were a product of noise in the stadium and the fact it was the first game.


In fact, the NFL’s own Gameday Policy Manual states:
Home clubs are responsible for the installation and maintenance of the coaching staff communications infrastructure.

Pats defenders getting so sensitive, every time people post quotes or witness accounts those people have an 'agenda'

every pro pats article is taken in as gospel

Not gospel...just the truth .,,which you don't care about .,.nfl is in charge.. Not the teams,,,

After the game, NFL vice president of football communications Michael Signora issued this statement:
"In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues."
Not gospel...just the truth .,,which you don't care about .,.nfl is in charge.. Not the teams,,,

After the game, NFL vice president of football communications Michael Signora issued this statement:
"In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues."

Google must be down for the moderating staff. They'll probably blame the Patriots for that as well.
The problem with the 100% proof argument is that unless someone admits it, there's no such thing as 100% proof, and even then it can be iffy. Rarely can anyone prove a murderer was actually the one that killed someone. In a criminal court, the standard is beyond reasonable doubt, and there isn't much in the way of reasonable doubt with the Pats at this point in regards to going above and beyond the intended rules of the game. And that standard for criminal activity, so the standard is far less for a sports organization when it comes to cheating. You're simply up against the court of public opinion, and to a greater extent the civil criteria that apply.

The obsession by fanatics on both sides as made the whole thing a sideshow, probably one of the bigger reasons my enjoyment of the game of football has been reduced in recent years, and even more so this year. Everyone hates on the Pats, fine, but at some point let the chips fall where they will. And equally if not more annoying is Pats fan that absolutely can't just admit like everyone else that there have been plenty of bending of the rules, but not just that, be nice to quit being so sensitive and rushing to defense every fucking time. Fucking annoying all the way around.

What scarf said is 100% correct, they exploit the rules better than anyone else, and I'm quite confident they've overstepped the boundaries on several occasions. I don't consider myself a Pats hater at all, pulled for them both times they lost to the Giants in the SB and when they beat the Eagles and Panthers. Always liked Brady, he's my fantasy QB this year for better or worse, and I also am quite sure he knowingly has broken a few rules. Probably like a few others at some point.

Their job isn't to win in the court of public opinion. Their job is to win football games for the fans of New England. They're pretty good at their job. In fact, nobody is better.
You guys are the ones bitching about opinions, I never once said the organization was nor did I mention anything about their jobs. Nice try though at something there I think...brutal response.

"You're" 1-0, why so cranky on a Friday?