Monday Discussion Thread

Gotta think bout O’s ff team total over, get another crack at Kikuchi who they just banged around. Lot of pitchers I’d like to be better In this spot but I don’t like Kikuchi anyways! He does seem to walk less at home but as I’ve said about him many times I think the more you see him the easier he is to figure out. The teams who hit him tend to continue doing so and O’s have got to him both times they faced him this year.
@2daBank how are you doing? Eye any better?

In some ways yes. When I’m sitting still I have good vision out of it and few days ago it finally clicked to where my brain using them both together which is nice! The bubble has gotten way smaller to where when I’m still it only effects the very bottom my vision but when I’m moving or look down the fuvking thing drifts back over the center my eye and messes things all up! It getting smaller every day so I keep hoping I’ll wake up one these days and damn thing be gone. I can tell once it is my vision gonna be totally back tho so that good. I see dr again wed hopefully everything looks good. Thanks for asking.
Gotta think bout O’s ff team total over, get another crack at Kikuchi who they just banged around. Lot of pitchers I’d like to be better In this spot but I don’t like Kikuchi anyways! He does seem to walk less at home but as I’ve said about him many times I think the more you see him the easier he is to figure out. The teams who hit him tend to continue doing so and O’s have got to him both times they faced him this year.

I def think +130 on over 2.5 worth a shot. 1st 5 over looks good also, gotta think between Kikuchi and Bradish pretty likely at least one of them gets knocked around.
Seattle w Castillo as dogs? Ohtani great and all but laa lineup sucks, Castillo and seattle pen shouldn’t give up more than a run or 2.

Shoot, 1st glance sone real appealing doggies on this card.
Urias been nails since the asb, he should totally dominate milw lineup. Not sure I want to lay the price tho, I’ve always liked peralta and he should be about built back up, I could see him being good here. Either milw Ff or gm team total under or the Ff under where I’m looking here.
Great pitching matchup in Miami

Phil's/Reds over, Mets, Gray ks over, Brew, Sea/LAA 1st 5 under first look

My 1st thought was Ff under in Miami but pads offense kinda hot and those Assholes insist on throwing Alcantara on 4 days even tho he been unhittable on 5, pisses me off!! Still lean Ff under, he generally not getting into trouble until the end these starts fish keep him out there too long probably.

I don’t understand why atl is such big favs over muts? Makes no sense to me.

I don’t think milw will score 2 runs off Urias so that a tough play for me.

Agree w the over in cincy and Ff under in las/sea game although seattle plus money prob win out for me on that one, I guess I could play both.
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Dunno who gonna be pitching for rays but gotta lean under with yanks offense really struggling and Cole shouldn’t give up much of anything to tampa.
@VirginiaCavs you by any chance know what peralta velo and spin been like since coming back?
Season averages: fastball (55.2 percent frequency) 92.8 mph, 2344 spin; slider (21.5 percent frequency) 80.5 mph, 2130 spin; curveball (11.6 percent frequency) 76.8 mph, 2103 spin; changeup (11.5 percent frequency) 85.9 mph, 1755 spin

Last two games: fastball 94.7 mph, 91.7 mph and 2370 spin, 2340 spin; slider 81.8 mph, 78.8 mph and 2178 spin, 2091 spin; curveball 75.6 mph, 75.2 mph and 2103 spin, 2061 spin; changeup 86.7 mph, 85.3 mph and 1680 spin, 1625 spin
Season averages: fastball (55.2 percent frequency) 92.8 mph, 2344 spin; slider (21.5 percent frequency) 80.5 mph, 2130 spin; curveball (11.6 percent frequency) 76.8 mph, 2103 spin; changeup (11.5 percent frequency) 85.9 mph, 1755 spin

Last two games: fastball 94.7 mph, 91.7 mph and 2370 spin, 2340 spin; slider 81.8 mph, 78.8 mph and 2178 spin, 2091 spin; curveball 75.6 mph, 75.2 mph and 2103 spin, 2061 spin; changeup 86.7 mph, 85.3 mph and 1680 spin, 1625 spin

So the velo been better since coming back, prob was pitching hurt before going on IL I assume. Wish they woulda let him go deeper last start but they pulled him after like 65 pitches so I doubt they let him go all way to 100ish, lad lineup will prob see a lot more pitches than tampa did, gotta assume they cap him at 80ish? Almost want to lay it with lad cause I’m pretty confident Urias will dominate brewers, maybe I just be better off taking milw Ff tt under 1.5 at even money.
my initial leans

Balty Ff tt ov 2.5 +130 or just the Ff ov 4.5 (guessing here, could be 5, don’t see it up yet)

Milw Ff tt un 1.5 ev or lad ml

Mets +135. Just don’t understand this line?

Seattle +104 (did they really open in the 130s? That had to be a mistake?) and Ff under 3.5 I assume it be.
So the velo been better since coming back, prob was pitching hurt before going on IL I assume. Wish they woulda let him go deeper last start but they pulled him after like 65 pitches so I doubt they let him go all way to 100ish, lad lineup will prob see a lot more pitches than tampa did, gotta assume they cap him at 80ish? Almost want to lay it with lad cause I’m pretty confident Urias will dominate brewers, maybe I just be better off taking milw Ff tt under 1.5 at even money.
Well, better in his first game back. Is the strong decline in the second game back worrisome?
Well, better in his first game back. Is the strong decline in the second game back worrisome?

I didn’t realize that what the second number was! Lol. Yea definitely. Taking him out after 65 pitches seemed odd also as he threw that number the 1st start, you would expect it to go up every start if everything fine. Of course not really a concern since I lean doyers! Lol. Feel like the safest assumption in this game is brewers not gonna score shit off Urias.
Also Rafa Devers doing the entire interview on Sportscenter after in Spanish is beyond hilarious since he can speak English
There was a time when I thought wacha was gonna be a legit ace, sometimes he still looks like that, just never know when it be.
Didn't he get traded for a ton of players and picks? Then stunk it up?

May be thinking of a different pitcher but I'm pretty sure he was for Swanson and a ton of other prospects and picks - I'm too tired to research right now, heading to bed
Last thing I'll say is I don't recall seeing a Sox/Yanks game under 4 hours since I was a teenager
Didn't he get traded for a ton of players and picks? Then stunk it up?

May be thinking of a different pitcher but I'm pretty sure he was for Swanson and a ton of other prospects and picks - I'm too tired to research right now, heading to bed

I don’t remember but I don’t think he ever been traded. Pretty sure cards didht trade him think just didn’t get contract after his control years were up. After that I think he has just bounced team to team on 1 year deals. he started sucking before he left here, pretty much got worse ever year after his 1st couple good years. Don’t think he ever stayed healthy a full season after that 1 either. I don’t think he has ever thrown 200 innings and for some reason he doesn’t get nearly the swings and misses/k’s he should.
I don’t remember but I don’t think he ever been traded. Pretty sure cards didht trade him think just didn’t get contract after his control years were up. After that I think he has just bounced team to team on 1 year deals. he started sucking before he left here, pretty much got worse ever year after his 1st couple good years. Don’t think he ever stayed healthy a full season after that 1 either. I don’t think he has ever thrown 200 innings and for some reason he doesn’t get nearly the swings and misses/k’s he should.
You're right. It was that scrub ass Shelby Miller
You're right. It was that scrub ass Shelby Miller

Yep, that the one, and Braves got all those rewards not cards :(.. he was another that was so promising at beginning also! This why I don’t understand why cards refuse to trade prospects, they never pan out!! Except the ones we do trade (Alcantara and Gallen for Ozuna, lol).
If memory serves me right think we gave Shelby away to atl for a bag of balls then Braves turned around and got that huge haul for him, I’m so sick of cards gm! Lol
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I feel like we gave Shelby away for a bag of balls then Braves turned around and got that huge haul for him, I’m so sick of cards gm! Lol
Y'all really got screwed with the poor kid who was supposed to be incredible in that accident. Sucks
Y'all really got screwed with the poor kid who was supposed to be incredible in that accident. Sucks

It set them back a few years for sure, he was supposed to be the next big bat in middle the lineup and after he died they had to try all kinds of shit to fill that void, including giving up Alcantara and Gallen for Ozuna bitch ass, i doubt that happens if he didn’t die. Finally got that figured back out with goldy and arenado but our pitching missing those 2 dudes!
It set them back a few years for sure, he was supposed to be the next big bat in middle the lineup and after he died they had to try all kinds of shit to fill that void, including giving up Alcantara and Gallen for Ozuna bitch ass, that never happens if he didn’t die. Finally got that figured back out with goldy and arenado but our pitching missing those 2 dudes!
Forgot they gave up Alcantara - oops on that trade decision by the GM

Almost worse than the Red Sox passing on Trout lol
Forgot they gave up Alcantara - oops on that trade decision by the GM

Almost worse than the Red Sox passing on Trout lol
Or I guess technically you could say say Len Bias doing cocaine and dying after being drafted by the Celtics @2daBank :-(

Yes I know this isn't baseball related, sorta
Forgot they gave up Alcantara - oops on that trade decision by the GM

Almost worse than the Red Sox passing on Trout lol

I already loved Alcantara, he had been up and seen him throw enough to know he was gonna be a beast, that why I always been on him since going to marlins. I didn’t even know who Gallen was yet. Not gonna lie, it hurt me giving Alcantara up but at the time I thought they were doing the right thing, pitching usually not a problem for them we needed the bat and Ozuna was awesome the year before, I didn’t know what a fuvkinb flake he was! And I damn sure wouldn’t have given them Gallen with Sandy! Ozuna ops was like freaking .950 year before we traded for that loser and he was still young, dunno where that guy went?
Then after we dumped the douche after never even giving us a .800 ops season he goes and has like a 1.000 ops for atl in a shorted season, he just conned them into paying him tho, he sucks again now!
Alcantara is my favorite pitcher to watch

If only the Marlins knew how to score a few runs

He a beast. I think they overusing him tho, I like the fact he goes so deep but lately he been giving up runs at ends of starts. Marlins are stupid, he been unhittable when he gets to pitch on 5 days rest but they just keep throwing him on 4 and pushing him deep as shit into games. Leave it to Miami to waste and misuse talent. By time they get some offense his arm be shot! Lol
He a beast. I think they overusing him tho, I like the fact he goes so deep but lately he been giving up runs at ends of starts. Marlins are stupid, he been unhittable when he gets to pitch on 5 days rest but they just keep throwing him on 4 and pushing him deep as shit into games. Leave it to Miami to waste and misuse talent. By time they get some offense his arm be shot! Lol
100% true, they are basically just burning out that arm cause ownership knows they ain't gonna pay him the bag

It's like the Red Sox not giving Devers the bag with the richest team besides Dodgers or Yankees in the league - still can't stop laughing daily that the Yankees won't pay Judge
100% true, they are basically just burning out that arm cause ownership knows they ain't gonna pay him the bag

It's like the Red Sox not giving Devers the bag with the richest team besides Dodgers or Yankees in the league - still can't stop laughing daily that the Yankees won't pay Judge

I don’t think he going anywhere, I’m pretty sure they locked him up to a super team friendly deal. I think they have him under contract till like ‘27! So I dunno why the hell they overusing him? Just dumb I guess.
According to fangraphs they have him at like 11 mil a year with a team option for 2027!! What a steal, you should win a WS w a ace making that!
Man, he shoulda bet on himself! Lol. I totally understand taking 55 mil for 5 years but shit, if he was hitting the market now he be getting 200 mil! I guess for a normal person 55 mil is enough!! I’d be happy with it but then again if I should be making 30 a year I might get bitter!! Especially if I’m throwing more innings and pitches than anyone!!
100% true, they are basically just burning out that arm cause ownership knows they ain't gonna pay him the bag

It's like the Red Sox not giving Devers the bag with the richest team besides Dodgers or Yankees in the league - still can't stop laughing daily that the Yankees won't pay Judge

I think they been trying to pay him, baseball contracts are freaking crazy!! No way would I give these dudes all those fucking years, it one thing if he was 23 but he ain’t: best thing that happened to cards was angels coming in and giving Albert 10 years and we would only go 8, they paid for what we already got out of him! When all said and done I don’t think judge going anywhere but yanks be smart to play hard ball and keep his years down at 5-6 at most imo, no matter who ya are you don’t wanna be paying some washed up Mfer 30+ mil a year for several years of washed up production. I’m sure it the years the sticking point, not the money per year.
Judge is pushing 30 ain’t he? 29 at least? No chance would I give him 8–10 year deal, I guarantee he starts falling off by 35.
Damn, I thought I saw he was a free agent next year

Devers is 23 I think

I’m ok giving those guys 10 years even tho I don’t exactly love it then. You can’t do it with guys that 28+ tho and they think they should get them. I don’t think angels got 1 year of great Albert in all those 10!! Lol. Judge is 30 already, I wouldn’t give him more than 5 for 150-175.
Rafa Devers is 25

So I was wrong on that too, but I do know everyone around here says they're burning down Fenway if he doesn't get the bag. Same way they say if Jaylen gets traded for Durant we burn down the Garden lol
Rafa Devers is 25

That pushing it, I’d prob try to stick with 8 years If I could. Plus you never know how these Mfers gonna act after getting 300-400 mil guaranteed! I would be suspicious that any one of them could fail a ped test like tatis just did, now pads gotta wonder if he be same dude without them or will have to risk bigger suspensions getting caught again? he kinda injury prone it seems so he gonna need them again to recover!!
That pushing it, I’d prob try to stick with 8 years If I could. Plus you never know how these Mfers gonna act after getting 300-400 mil guaranteed! I would be suspicious that any one of them could fail a ped test like tatis just did, now pads gotta wonder if he be same dude without them or will have to risk bigger suspensions getting caught again? he kinda injury prone it seems so he gonna need them again to recover!!
You give me that type of guaranteed money and I lose all interest in baseball