Is there a chance he'd take us back?

i still dont believe a word he says

I'm skeptical of the Tackle draft situation, but this is the first time he's admitted he needs to help Westbrook. If they stand pat, they could technically get both in round 1. At 21, I think they can land one of the top RB's. I don't think they need to move up for a RB. But to get a top LT, they definitely need to move up, and that will involve giving up pick 28.
part 2:

We here -- actually, it's just me here -- at Birds Eye View often ridicule the hated competition over at Eagleterian, but today we have a collaborative effort in the interest of getting our beloved readers at as much information as fast as possible. Paul Domowitch, the esteemed veteran national writer from the Daily News, posted Part One of this morning's Breakfast with Andy interview at the swanky St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort and this is Part Two of that dialogue with the Eagles' head coach. As Italian-American mothers like to say while serving enormous portions of pasta: Enjoy.

On safety Sean Jones' one-year contract:
"If it works out and he plays well, it's a win-win for him. He either ends up coming back with us or he's able to get a nice contract somewhere else."

On Quintin Demps getting the first crack at being the starting free safety:
"Yeah, but there will be competition. Both Quintins will have a shot. Quintin Mikell is established.

On how he will line up the safeties:
"Quintin Mikell can play either one. Quintin Demps played free and we just have to see how the whole thing works out. We brought Demps in here to do what he did. We were able to ease him into the lineup as the season went on and give him some good playing experience. It's a matter of him coming in and being able to retain what he learned last season and then going out physically and play."

On how Sean Jones gets on the field as safety:
"There are things we can do, so there is going to be some flexibility. And Sean is a big guy. Putting him down close to the line of scrimmage does not hurt you at all. At the same time, as long as he keeps his weight right he can run very well, too. I'll open up (the safety competition) and let them go. But I can tell you that Quintin Mikell is right on the edge of going to the Pro Bowl."

On his feelings when he heard about defensive coordinator Jim Johnson's cancer late in the season:
"I had known before we actually played the last couple games. I had an idea what was up. That's tough. We've been together so long and you don't want to see somebody in as much pain as he was in. When he gets to the point where he can't walk, that's tough. That's not a good thing. It was just a matter then of making sure he received the best help he could get and I think that's happened.

"His emotional makeup is very similar to his emotional makeup on the field. He doesn't want to talk about it, he just wants to get it done with. He's attacking it and trying to get it right. As a matter of fact, right now he's in Spain. I really think his number one goal is to be able to golf. He was trying to get it taking care of by this trip. I don't know if he got that far, but he wanted to be able to golf in Spain. I don't know if (the chemotherapy) is done yet. I think he had a couple more stages left of that, but he's been through enough. Most men would be on their back, but he's just stubborn. He's been in the office every day.

"He's way better than what he was. He can get around now. To say he's getting better, I would say drastically better since the (NFC) championship game. He's made progress."

On whether Johnson can handle the full responsibility of being the team's defensive coordinator:
"I think so, yeah. And then he knows he has (secondary coach) Sean McDermott who he's trained. Sean can step in and take over there if needed, but I don't know if it will get to that point. Jim knows that and he's prepared Sean for that. Jim is always going to be my coordinator as long as he can do it. You never know how bad it is, but I think it's important that he knows (he's the coordinator) and all the guys around him know that. Jim banks on Sean a lot anyway, so maybe he does a little bit more. He'll do what Jim can't do, but right now I think Jim can do everything."

On Brent Celek and the tight end situation:
"I expect (Celek) to get better in the blocking area, but he's not far off there and he's very willing. We'll get that part taken care of. He can be a number one tight end in this league and for us. I have no problem with that. However, you need depth at that spot. We do have (Matt) Schobel there and Schobel is a good receiver. We probably need to get another guy in there. I like to have three tight ends.

On whether the third tight end needs to be an outstanding blocker:
"They better be able to do both. I always feel like you can teach the blocking part of it. He's got to be willing to learn the blocking part, but getting guys that can catch the ball, that's hard to teach. You try to get a guy with decent hands and with the potential to be a blocker."

On whether Oklahoma's Brandon Pettigrew, the top-rated tight end in the draft:
"I think he can do both. I think he's savvy. He's not real fast, but he's just a huge human being."

On the team's coaching changes (Ted Daisher special teams coordinator, Rory Segrest from special teams to defensive line, James Urban to quarterbacks coach and Doug Pederson to offensive quality control):
"I like them so far, but there are a couple of them I haven't been in the heat of things with during a game. Ted Daisher I've been close with and Rory at the defensive line spot."

On the defensive line:
"I think what you'll get is probably a healthier dose (at defensive end) of Victor (Abiamiri). He's another year older and healthy. He was coming on early, then was injured and then came on toward the end. It will be good to get him in there and get a full season out of him. I'll always keep my eyes open (for other defensive linemen). I just think everybody is better when that spot is a strength. I can't sit here and say, 'No, I'm not going to take sombody there (in the draft).' "

On whether Abiamiri is now the starter ahead of Juqua Parker:
"They're both going to play. I look at it as we have eight (defensive linemen). I'm slowly figuing out how the hockey players do it in case we have 18 games.

On whether he could look to upgrade the wide receiver position:
"I'll always look at something if there is a great player out there and it doesn't matter what position. I'm always looking to better our football team. Do I think we have good enough guys there? Yeah, I do. I think you get an even better Jason Avant this year. He kind of reached his abilities last year and now we can get a whole season out of him. You have a healthy Kevin Curtis. You have to remember, Kevin was coming off a sports hernia and that was an unbelievable thing he did by playing through that. You've got Reggie Brown who is a starter and you've got a young DeSean (Jackson) coming back and this is a very important year for him ... because the defensive coordinators have had some time now to study him. They'll find out ways to shut him down, so he has to make sure he picks up his game another notch."

On whether Jackson will remain the team's punt returner:
"He's still going to punt return as we sit here today."

On Reggie Brown's disappearance from the offense last season:
"One of the unfortunate things in this business is -- it's a good thing, but also an unfortunate one -- when you get hurt and a young guy is playing well, then it's hard to get back in there. (Brown) came back and I moved him to X receiver spot, then he got banged up again ... and he just was going back and forth. Then Kevin came back and DeSean was playing well and I kind of just let it go at that. I tried to work Reggie in there. He's a competitive kid and he wants to be out there playing. Those aren't easy decisions from my side and I know it wasn't easy for him to accept that. He's got a lot of good football ahead of him. It's not that Reggie can't play. He's got to come in and play like the rest of them do. There's competition there. If somebody snoozes, then they're not going to be the one playing, whoever it is."

On the Wildcat formation:
"We're not going to feature the Wildcat. I'll be curious to see what people do with it. I thought Miami had a pretty extensive package and I'm curious to see if they continue to expand that. What normally happens is if the colleges are doing one thing and that's where the quarterbacks are coming from, it seems to me a pretty high percentage of the college teams are going to the spread offense. That's what you're bringing into the NFL and somewhere you have to explore that. We're going to let (Jon) Gruden explore that during his sabbatical ... and see how it fits into the NFL game."

On how the personnel decisions are made within the Eagles' organization:
"Most GMs come to the head coach and talk to him about the players ... and I'm sure most GMs would say that if the head coach really didn't like the guy, they'd probably go in a different direction. I'm saying most. I'm not saying all of them. From my standpoint, I want to make sure I have a good GM, because I'm still involved in the football part of it. I want to have a good college director and a good pro director. I bank on those guys. Then you have to be able to tie the money side of it in and balance that.

"I have people who bring me that information and then we make our decisions more in a joint fashion than we do. It's not, 'I want this guy.' I want their opinions. If you don't share your opinions, that's when you're not here. I'm not sitting up there going, 'I'm the almighty that I know every player backward and forward and my opinion is the right opinion.' That's not how we go about that. I respect the guys that I hired and you have to because they're taking these huge numbers of players and whittling it down for you. There's no way that I can watch every guy who comes out in the draft. There's a process that you bring it down to a workable number and then we sit down and we go through it together and look at these guys. We have it set up now in the college game, where I have it right here on my computer at the hotel that I can click on and watch all the college guys. I'm mobile. And then I can talk to Tom about certain guys and I can crank out more guys than I used to be able to in certain situations."

On whether Reid makes the final call on all situations, including the decision to let safety Brian Dawkins leave via free agency:
"Listen, we spend a lot of time together talking. I have a lot of respect for Joe Banner. In this day and age, you have to be smart. If you're going to sustain your program, you have to be smart. Put the whole Dawkins thing aside. You have to work together. It's not a situation where the front office hates the GM and the GM hates the money people and the head coach hates all of them. You can't do that. That's not how it is. Everybody has to work together to get this thing right. It's important that everybody is willing to do that. Joe and I meet every day. We talk every day about things. When we do something, we do it together. It's not Joe, it's not me. We do this thing together.

"Because he's the money guy -- and this has happened from Babe Ruth's time on -- he's always thrown under the bus. It's the craziest thing. He's never going to be the good guy. He's the good guy when he signs the huge player, but he's the bad guy the majority of the time. All these guys in this league, that's what happens. But we do it together. We talk things through and try to do things that are fair for the player and fair for us and then we move on. And we're very disciplined. We always try to be disciplined."

On whether the defense can be better even without Dawkins:
"We will see. I'm not going to say anything that would slight Brian Dawkins. He's a great player and he's coming off a great year. But I will say that I think Brian was a good teacher also. I think it's important (to remember) that Quintin Demps is not Brian Dawkins, but he was able to see what Brian Dawkins did and now he went about his business. I think that was one reason why Quintin Demps had a chance to play last year and I think it's a great goal for Quintin Demps to shoot for. He should try to be as good as Brian was. To say he's there now, that's not fair because you're talking about one of the all-time greats.

"I think the linebackers have a chance to be even better. They're the same guys and they're getting another year older and they've had a chance to work together. And I think our defensive line is a very strong point. I think our secondary can be as solid as any secondary in the league and it's important that they are."

On whether second-year cornerback Jack Ikegwuonu can be the Eagles' fourth cornerback:
"I'll tell you when we get into the minicamps. He's a phenomenal athlete and he's been going to all the meetings and doing all the stuff he was supposed to do, so we'll see how he handles the whole situation. I'll be watching."

On whether he'll promise that the team will make a first-round pick this year:
"I want to maintain my flexibility."
From Bob Ford:

Some random thoughts while sitting around Boston waiting for a 10 p.m. basketball game (and some of those random thoughts involve the scheduling geniuses of the NCAA and CBS).

I don't know if Leonard's Weaver has great timing hitting the hole while carrying a football, but he does has great timing while backhanding the new city where he'll be working.

Weaver, signed to play fullback for the Eagles last weekend, didn't appear very excited about the prospect -- downright disappointed, in fact -- but his views got lscant attention during a busy time in which local interest was on the NCAA tournament and, of course, Andy Reid's "State of the Eggs" breakfast news conference from the NFL meetings in down-at-the-heels Dana Point, Calif.

The Eagles signed Weaver to a one-year, $1.75 million contract that could earn the fullback as much as $2.5 million if he meets incentive clauses. Good luck with that, Leonard, unless there is a clause for standing ready on the sideline.

All in all, of course, he'd rather still be a Seahawk.

"It's just been a hard deal knowing I want to be here, and I made that clear to the organization a number of times, and here it is we still can't get nothing done," Weaver told the Tacoma News-Tribune.

"And now it resorts to this," he added, "where I have to make a secondary choice, which I did. So, it makes it very tough."

Oh, no question. Having to accept a paltry $1.75 million is just a terrible insult, a fallback position that no one -- even someone who makes up verbs that don't agree with impersonal pronouns -- should not have to bear. Oh, the humanity. TO HAVE TO PLAY IN PHILADELPHIA FOR A TEAM THAT MADE THE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP AND LEAVE THE STINKING SEAHAWKS. It is too much to take.

Leonard is going to be a man about it, though. He's going to show up and play and look for his deluxe payday in the sky. In Philly? Maybe, not that he really cares.

"It's a good opportunity to show what I can do, not only to Philly but to other teams out there," Weaver said. "And then if Philly offers a long-term deal, that would be great. But, if not, hey man, it was a great time and we move on."

I'd say he's all about Philadelphia and the Eagles. Not a bit of him that's all about Leonard Weaver. Welcome to town, Leonard. So far, your timing has been good.
Dawkins Will Give Dan Leone Tickets To Broncos-Eagles Game

Posted by Mike Florio on April 3, 2009, 10:49 p.m.
Buried in an interview of former Eagles/current Broncos safety Brian Dawkins in the Philadelphia Daily News is an intriguing commitment from the Pro Bowl safety regarding his intended use of the two tickets he’ll be able to purchase for Denver’s road game at Philly during the 2009 season.

He’s going to give them to Dan Leone, the Eagles game-day employee who was fired for criticizing the decision to let Dawkins leave on Leone’s Facebook page.

I thought it’d be a good gesture,” Dawkins said. “Had I not . . . signed with Denver, that guy would still have his job. Obviously, he made a decision and out of emotion said something. He was one of probably thousands and thousands of Eagles fans who felt that way. That didn’t surprise me, that someone said that on their Facebook. It did surprise me that he was let go, though. That really did surprise me. I felt it would be a good thing, to reach out to that individual and just let him know how much I appreciate it.”
Awesome gesture. Dawk is probably the only athlete I honestly believe cares for and appreciates the fans. It would cool if the fans did a chant or something for this dude at the game.
Eagles looking to bring in Maryland receiver, report says
The Eagles are hoping to arrange a private workout with Maryland receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Heyward-Bey has already worked out with the Baltimore Ravens, who brought in quarterback Joe Flacco to throw to him. Tampa Bay reportedly has a visit scheduled and Minnesota is looking to arrange a visit.
Heyward-Bey posted the fastest time at the scouting combine this year, running the 40-yard dash in 4.3 seconds. He also measured 38 1/2 inches in the vertical jump.
The Eagles might have to move up to get him, if they were interested. Draft guru Mike Mayock suggested over the weekend that Heyward-Bey might be a good fit for Oakland with the seventh pick.
Since we know Eagles fans love discussions about receivers, USA Today put together its list of the top 12 wide receivers and the top four tight ends, according to Click here.
Not a chance. But I also don't believe that Heyward Bey goes anywhere close to number seven. Every mock draft I've seen has him in the teens at best and in the late 20s at worst.

We all know what the Birds are going to do with their draft if they hold onto both those two picks.

One of them is OL, the other is the gamble--RB, TE, maybe WR, or S/CB depending on who's on the board.

The question is only if they actually keep those picks or do something else with them (cough, Boldin, hack, Edwards).
Could Birds have interest in Chad Johnson?

Quick little nugget before we call it a night here at MTC.

ESPN's Michael Smith said on NFL Live tonight that he's hearing the Eagles have interest in Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson.

Rather than paraphrase what Smith is reporting, here's exactly what he said so you can decide for yourself whether this is just a rumor or something more.

"I am hearing there is interest in Chad Johnson," Smith said. "Now there's been some back and forth as to whether or not he is officially on the market. I think everybody in Cincinnati has signed off on moving Chad Johnson except for owner Mike Brown. The Eagles could be in the picture. They have two first-round picks. They need a receiver."

The other name Smith threw out there was Bills offensive tackle Jason Peters.

Our beat guys have mentioned Peters' name in the past, and according to Smith, the Eagles have "engaged in serious discussions" with the Bills about him.

Per Smith, those talks could heat up again as the draft approaches.

Remember, Smith reported earlier this offseason that Donovan McNabb had met with Eagles management and wanted to see what weapons the Eagles would add before looking at a contract extension.

Stay tuned to to see if the Johnson rumors can be either confirmed or refuted.

And we will of course be back bright and early Wednesday morning with more.
Reggie Brown and a draft pick for Braylon Edwards?!?

When do I need to be at Reggie's house to drive his ass to Cleveland?

Just let me know...

Never even saw this a few weeks ago but saw something random tonight from a philadelphia sourced thing about Braylon to NYG

Hear anything?
eagles need to get these players, esp if their other possible destination is the Giants. We can not get worse if they are getting better
Never even saw this a few weeks ago but saw something random tonight from a philadelphia sourced thing about Braylon to NYG

Hear anything?

Nothing new

Giants and Eagles both supposedly in the market for Boldin and Edwards

doubt anything happens till closer to the draft now
eagles need to get these players, esp if their other possible destination is the Giants. We can not get worse if they are getting better

we wouldnt be getting worse by not adding anyone, we'd just be missing out (again) on a chance to improve

thats the whole problem with this whole regime...they dont regress (usually), they just maintain the status quo and think one day it will be good enough (it wont be)

but yeah, if the giants get him and we dont then it does feel like a kick to each nut
Is this what youre talking about BAR?? If the 'source' is Mikey Miss then, its more likely than not just speculation on his part...he throws things out there all the time on his show and I guess someone just caught the backend of it and reported it as fact??

Two Major Hurdles For Edward-To-Giants Trade
Posted by Mike Florio on April 8, 2009, 11:18 a.m.

A rumor is making the rounds that the Browns might soon send receiver Braylon Edwards to the Giants, for a first-round pick and a fifth-round pick.

Several readers have pointed this one out to us, attributing it to ESPN 950 in Philly.

One of the producers we know at ESPN 950 has explained that drive-time host Mike Missanelli was merely commenting on a video speculating on the situation, and that ESPN 950 isn’t “reporting” anything about a possible trade.

As one source with knowledge of the discussions tells us, any talks between the two teams would properly be characterized as “exploratory.”

The problem, as the source explained, is that the Browns want a lot for Edwards, and that Edwards wants a lot by way of a new contract.

The source tells us that the Browns are believed to be requesting at least a first-round pick and a third-round pick for Edwards — which makes sense since the Cowboys gave up a first-round pick, a third-round pick, and a sixth-round pick for former Lions receiver Roy Williams and a seventh-round pick.

Also, Edwards (who is entering the final year of his rookie contract) is looking for a Larry Fitzgerald-style deal, with a value of $10 million per year.

As the source points out, Edwards is no Fitzgerald. If he were, the Browns wouldn’t be willing to even discuss trading him.

So barring a major change in the position of the Browns and Edwards, the Giants won’t be biting on Braylon.
I don't think Edwards is totally off the table for the Giants yet for two reasons.

First, they already discussed trading for him and, reportedly, what killed the deal was that they wouldn't include Steve Smith as well. They wanted to give up Manningham (who I personally like, but what do I know).

At any rate, that they were willing to deal for him earlier says to me that they're not worried about paying the guy. They were going to pay Plex, I figure they'll pay Edwards.

Second, $10 mil is becoming the number for a number one. Fitz got it, Boldin wants it, Braylon wants it. Granted, that doesn't mean they'll get it, but that's the number they're all shooting for so it's not just Braylon, if you are in that market, you're going to have to combat (or pay) that number.

I don't really know the Giants' cap status so I have no idea if that type of money is doable for them. If so, they're likely still in the mix for Edwards/Boldin. If not, they're probably looking hard at the WRs in the draft as one of the good ones will almost certainly be there when they pick in the first round.
Pat White on Eagles, Patriots’ Radar
Posted by Aaron Wilson on April 8, 2009, 2:17 p.m.

West Virginia quarterback Pat White will conduct a private workout with the Philadelphia Eagles today, according to

And White is scheduled to visit the New England <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%;" id="itxt_nobr_23_0">Patriots</nobr> on April 13-14, per Christopher L. Gasper of the Boston Globe and

White had a private workout for the Patriots last month.

Because of his athleticism and versatility, White is also regarded as a wide receiver candidate by many NFL teams. Plus, the growing popularity of the Wildcat offense has boosted his draft stock.

As a senior, White passed for 1,842 yards and 21 touchdowns. He rushed for 974 yards and eight touchdowns.

White set an NCAA quarterback record with 4,480 rushing yards and owns the Big East <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%;" id="itxt_nobr_28_0">Conference</nobr> record with 103 touchdowns.


That said, I doubt he's going to be around in round four or five where I'd like the Eagles to take a flyer on him. Maybe. But I doubt it.
That would be it smoke...

I found where I read that again today and posters there were saying basically the same thing you did.
Bills want a first and third pick for OT Peters

The Buffalo Bills, locked in another contract squabble with left tackle Jason Peters, appear no closer to trading him than signing him, according to
While the Philadelphia Eagles have been mentioned as a potential trade partner with the Bills for Peters, there have been no dicussions between the two teams, according to the report. The report indicates it is doubtful there will be a deal for Peters before the NFL Draft.
One AFC personnel executive said teams interested in obtaining Peters must open the conversation with first- and third-round draft picks. The Bills are looking for a bundle of assets in return for perhaps the best player at football's second-most-vital position. Those types of proposals haven't been forthcoming.
I'd give up a 1st and 3rd for Peters. It would give the Eagles the best O-Line in the NFL for the next 5 yrs. The problem is not being able to get a deal done before the draft.
Id give a first and third for Peters, a second for Chad Johnson, draft a RB with the other first round pick, and use your 500 4th rounders to move back into the third (possibly second?) to draft someone else

But even without moving back in to the draft...3 impact players from a draft (Peters, OchoCinco, RB) is about 3 more than they usually get

They wont do it though
though I do think theyre more likely to trade a first and a third for Peters than they are to trade that same package for boldin or edwards
Funny thing is, I would be fine with them using both of their first round picks to trade for Peters and Edwards/Boldin and then end up with no first rounders.

The Eagles have 12 draft picks, I'm sure they could still trade away three fifth rounders for a second rounder or something like that.

But, again, we all know that's not how they work.
its like a pride thing with them

theyd rather use their first rounder on someone that they can develop and sign an extension to on the cheap than they would use that first pick to trade for someone whos an established star

but thats pretty much a league wide thing, so it is what it is
True, but like you said, if signing Peters would basically guarantee you the best O-line in football for the next four or five years, I think you do it.

In fact, and I hate to say this because I want a number one receiver, bad, but it might be smarter to do that, then try to draft your stud RB (which, I know, they've had basically zero success with).

A large part of me thinks Donovan gets his SBs the way Elway got his, behind a really solid running game rather than through the air like Tom Brady. And although I love Westbrook and actually think he's the best RB in the game, at best the Birds offense is like the Rams' offense was with Warner and Faulk. Problem is, we don't have Isaac Bruce and Torry Holt. It's why I/we so desperately want that #1 WR. Because then we're suddenly almost impossible to defend.

But, if we're not going to get that WR, and we go heavy on the OL instead, we could potentially turn into a great running team who just so happens to have a Pro Bowl passer.

Problem is, that would require changing offensive philosophies and Andy isn't going to do that.

Bottom line, I'm starting to think we use that first pick on Pettigrew, the TE from OK St. if he's still there. The other one, either OL or some sort of trade.
Oh, and also, apparently while we were paying attention to something else this week--Browns news, probably--Chase Coffman was in Philly.

Coffman's the TE from Mizzou who's been out with a broken toe, a broken pinky toe, I believe. That he got in their bowl game.

But how about this, from PFT:

As a senior, Coffman caught 90 passes for 987 yards and 10 touchdowns, winning the John Mackey award as the nation’s top tight end.

Coffman’s father, Paul Coffman, played tight end for the Green Bay Packers.

Coffman is the Division I-A all-time leader in catches among tight ends. For his career, he caught 247 passes for 2,659 yards and 30 touchdowns.
I do like Brent 'Don't Call Me Tom' Celek, but I think they still believe (and I agree) that they need a pass catcher at that spot who can change up coverages a bit. I think if they could turn back time and have LJ Smith when he first came out of college and Celek playing the role of Chad Lewis, they'd be extremely happy.

Also, if they believe that they can get the #1 TE in the draft without moving from their spots I would imagine they believe that would be a huge upgrade to their passing game given Desean's success on the outside. And it would be a success at a bargain, which as we all know, is pretty much how the Birds define success. Not by the level achieved, but by how much it cost to get there.
Now hes not gonna change defensive schemes to stop him or anything, but hes a capable receiver

though theres definitely room to upgrade at TE
I think WIP or one of the TV stations should offer free tix to a Birds game for the fan who can guess their draft right. Maybe even season tix, seeing as how it's next to impossible to guess what they're going to do.

That and you generally have to assume they're going to do at least one really stupid thing at some point, usually early.
I think Celek is a great pass catching TE - he won't blow you away with speed and athleticism, but he's fundamentally sound and holds on to the ball, which is a rarity these days.

I personally think that he is an adequate blocker as well, but if you want a blocking TE, you certainly don't have to use the 1st round of the draft to do it.

I personally think it would be an error for them to go TE in the 1st, but we shall see.
i dont think they go TE in the first unless Pettigrow is sitting there at 28 still and they feel hes good value there...
The f**king Giants are going to steal Braylon Edwards.

Cleveland Browns wide receiver Braylon Edwards is expected to become a member of the New York Giants before the NFL draft on April 25-26, according to a pair of sources with knowledge of the negotiations.

“The Giants are going to have to up the offer a bit, but [the Browns] are willing to move him,” said one of two sources with knowledge of the talks between the teams.

Full story
im shocked the Eagles didnt out bid the Giants for the elite WR both teams desperately need...

Just shocked that we came in second in that race.....
Well, it's not over yet. And PFT made a good point and that is that there's no reason to actually finalize this deal before draft day if you're the Browns. Because it tips your hand as to who you're targeting on the draft board.

I hate that the Browns are ripping apart this team, by the way, it disgusts me.

Here's something else to piss you off, Smoke. Because of the expiring CBA, there's no real reason to conserve your cap space this year for next. So right now, the Birds, with all that money, are holding onto it for pretty much nothing.
2009 Regular Season <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr> <td class="table_header" colspan="6" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">September</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 20px;"> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">DAY</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">DATE</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">OPPONENT</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TIME (ET)</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">RADIO</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TV/RECAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">13</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">@ Panthers</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">1:00 PM</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94 WYSP/610 WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">20</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">SAINTS</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94 WYSP/610 WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">27</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">CHIEFS</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">1:00 PM</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94WYSP/ 610WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">CBS</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_header" colspan="6" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">October</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 20px;"> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">DAY</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">DATE</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">OPPONENT</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TIME (ET)</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">RADIO</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TV/RECAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">4</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">BYE</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center"> </td> <td class="table_row1" align="center"> </td> <td class="table_row1" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">11</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">BUCCANEERS</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">18</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">@ Raiders</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">4:05 PM</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center"> 94WYSP/610WIP </td> <td class="table_row1" align="center"> FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Mon.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">26</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">@ Redskins</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">8:30 PM</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">ESPN/6abc*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_header" colspan="6" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">November</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 20px;"> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">DAY</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">DATE</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">OPPONENT</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TIME (ET)</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">RADIO</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TV/RECAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">GIANTS</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">4:15 PM</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">8</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">COWBOYS</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">8:20 PM</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">NBC*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">15</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">@ Chargers</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">4:15 PM</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">22</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">@ Bears</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">8:20 PM#</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">NBC*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">29</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">REDSKINS</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM#</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_header" colspan="6" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">December</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 20px;"> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">DAY</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">DATE</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">OPPONENT</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TIME (ET)</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">RADIO</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TV/RECAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">6</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">@ Falcons</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM#</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">13</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">@ Giants</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">8:20 PM#</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">NBC*</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">20</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">49ERS</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM#</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row1" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">27</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">BRONCOS</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">1:00 PM#</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row1" align="center">CBS</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_header" colspan="6" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">January</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 20px;"> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">DAY</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">DATE</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">OPPONENT</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TIME (ET)</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">RADIO</td> <td class="table_header2 uppercase" align="center">TV/RECAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table_row2" style="padding-left: 4px;" align="left">Sun.</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">3</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">@ Cowboys</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">1:00 PM#</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">94WYSP/610WIP</td> <td class="table_row2" align="center">FOX</td></tr></tbody></table>
Hate the bye week being so early

Completely agree.

Overall, though, I'm fine with this schedule. I'm not crazy about going to Oakland, but we should get cheap wins from KC and Denver coming to the Linc so I'll take that tradeoff. Same with the Niners and the Bucs coming to Philly, those shouldn't be overly tough if they focus.

That said, when I look for that classic Philly let-down game, SF pops up first, followed by SD and Chicago, though since both of those teams figure to be decent they probably don't count as such.
I counted 10 wins TOPS, assuming they split at the chargers and at the bears. And assuming they sweep someone from the NFC East.
A quick roundup of some Wednesday morning rumors:
** We've been tracking Anquan Boldin's every move this offseason, so why stop now? I'd say about 95 percent of the "news" is no news at all, but let's be honest. If there was a blog post out there involving Boldin's trip to the grocery store, we'd probably link to it. Anyway, Kent Somers of the Arizona Republic reports that Drew Rosenhaus met with Cardinals GM Rod Graves last week, but (surprise, surprise) there were no new developments. Graves currently has his hands full with Karlos Dansby, who has reportedly hired a new agent.
** Yesterday, we rounded up the rumors involving a potential Braylon Edwards to the Giants trade. One more report has surfaced. Sources tell Clark Judge of that New York is working on a deal to acquire the Browns wide receiver. A deal is not imminent.
"But something is going on," a league executive told Judge. "And the Giants are in the middle of it."