FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

Was just told that Jameis will be cleared Tuesday and that he has grounds for a civil case and may/will pursue it. Waiting to hear more details why and what will follow.
You know two things - I won't tell you, and it doesn't matter. If you want to have anonymous internet laughs at my expense, please go right ahead. Just passing on what I know when I know it.
And why Tuesday, lol. Who's the DA, Wimpy from Popeye? I will gladly clear you Tuesday for a character witness today.
That was good. I have no idea why Tuesday; weird to me too. This is the only case they've been working on for two weeks. Like I said I'm waiting to hear more (for the person to get done with what they're doing this evening and get back to me).
The girl says it was rape, and there is DNA and eyewitness evidence that JW had sex with her the night in question. That is nearly enough to convict, much less charge him. If it is getting thrown out on Tuesday, it is because the victim is no longer pressing charges, or there is video of JW and the girl making love with candles and shit. Outside of that, I don't see any outcome at this point that doesn't end with JW getting charged and dismissed from FSU. His guilt or innocence will be determined in court
Why does every QB who is a threat to Bama get taken down?

Cam, JFF, Famous Jameis

Nick Marshall will probably commit genocide at some point next week
Also I have a hard time believing she's just trying to get rich

If that was the case she would have just sold the semen to Silky for 6 figures
Why does every QB who is a threat to Bama get taken down?

Cam, JFF, Famous Jameis

Nick Marshall will probably commit genocide at some point next week

To be fair, none of them have been "taken down," pending JW's current situation. But we're working on it. And we feel better with Marshall staying at QB. We're also working on making sure that Jake Holland plays as many snaps as possible
That was good. I have no idea why Tuesday; weird to me too. This is the only case they've been working on for two weeks. Like I said I'm waiting to hear more (for the person to get done with what they're doing this evening and get back to me).

no other crimes in Tallahasse?
A bit of paraphrasing here -

They (SAO) know her story is crap so they are trying to save face by giving her time to get her story straight because they know she wants to file a civil suit because they knew all along this was a lie and that was her only chance at anything. SAO will say "no charges" but depending how it's worded Jameis will file a defamation charge against her if she doesn't completely exonerate him which won't happen. So it all depends on what she says after no charges are brought. So they (SAO) are being protective to let her get her shit together.

Believe it or not. Tuesday appears to be the key day at this point. The town will be a bit quieter with the courts shut down for the most part, the students gone, and ESPN and other msm likely gone.
Guys this appears to be coming down to a girl who was a "side piece" getting upset at being treated as such and taking one particular avenue to express her unhappiness with being dealt with as such. That was how the initial situation originated. The reason behind this coming out in TBT and TMZ is still somewhat hazy, although the prevailing line of thought is still that it originated from the family one way or another, likely as an attempt to gain financially from TPD or (with hope) Jameis.

I can't stress this enough, but the way it was "leaked" to the press points tremendously to the family. The "leak" was far too specific to come from someone who was not involved in / related to the case.

If it turns out that the info I have is bad, I'll own it, but expect Jameis to be cleared late Tuesday.
For two weeks he said. Sounds like a great place to live!!

It's a great place to live, but, despite the humor, it isn't Mayberry. Seriously, this is the only thing these particular folks (Meggs, Cappleman, etc) have been working on for multiple weeks. Plenty else going on in town crime-wise.

It looks really bad to "outsiders" with the way msm is reporting it. I'm sure I look like a color blind garnet and gold schmoe to some/most of you, but I'm a cynical, level-headed guy who takes info for what it is. This has stunk from the beginning, and I believe you'll get a whiff of that before the msm buries it because they can't get anything from someone who's famous.
Who is your source talbuc...and why are you giving this info to a random gambling message board
Have you heard anything regarding the recently deleted instagram, twitter and Facebook accounts of the accuser? There are supposedly numerous pics of the two of them both before and after the incident.
It's true…if there are pics out there and/or posts on social media, and she (through her attorney) has claimed the "attacker" was unknown, then she's done.
And does anyone else find it a bit odd that everyday theres a new "statement" by the aunt/attorney on TMZ or some other weird website?
Yeah, there's one picture floating around of "them" at a dance, but it isn't her. It's someone else and Jameis.

There's a picture of her (it's definitely her; it's absolutely a picture of the person commonly known as being the accused) and another blonde getting ready to go the Miami game a couple of weeks ago. Not so sure I'd be willing to cheer for a team led by the guy who supposedly assaulted me.

I've known who she and here family are for quite a while now, but her name became common knowledge to most just this week.

There was a deleted Twitter exchange between her and a guy she dated this last year talking about explicit activities with props.

There was a video on the Vine with her being filmed doing something at Crenshaw Lanes (on campus bowling alley) to a part of her body before putting her fingers in a bowling ball.

Read a bit about FSUCLEATCHASERS. She was supposedly involved in that.

Lots of stuff floating out there. Again, if you want to sift through a lot of trollage, check out this site. Her name and image are prevalent.

This certainly isn't where I'm getting my info, but there's a bit of valid stuff being thrown around there.

You'll see the young lady's name and picture there plenty.
It's true…if there are pics out there and/or posts on social media, and she (through her attorney) has claimed the "attacker" was unknown, then she's done.
And does anyone else find it a bit odd that everyday theres a new "statement" by the aunt/attorney on TMZ or some other weird website?

The young lady's (I wish her name was common knowledge now so I didn't have to keep typing "young lady") aunt is an attorney, but since she can't/shouldn't represent her, the aunt's partner, a female UF grad attorney is representing her.
If and only if, her instagram (recently deleted) account contained pics of he and she, then we will soon find out who is the true victim here. Because, theres no way those pics will not be recovered and used in a civil suit.
I have seen the other trash out there, I am referring to the stuff that's been deleted that people in Tally are talking about...
It is common knowledge. Erica something. And her aunt/attorney is the one speaking to the media(TMZ and the like). And do you find it odd that the Tampa reporter whom broke the story is a Facebook friend of the aunt/attorney?
Who's your deepthroat, talbac?

I'll address this one time as honestly as I choose to. I have a history with/in FSU athletics and maintain frequent dialogue with folks who are very, very connected. I bleed garnet and gold, but I don't wear garnet and gold glasses. I have always been someone to call a spade a spade. One of my close long time sources is strongly connected to one particular core core core booster who has never been wrong about a single piece of news as long as I've known them. I feel bad that my first post conveyed Jameis as being a simple bystander, but that was simple bad intel from one of my "non-core" sources.
I don't know where her aunt went to school (I think she's an attorney too), but her aunt's partner is a female attorney who graduated from UF
Ill wait to make a judgement on the case until the facts are out.

Im certainly not taking the word of message board posters from tallahassee, no offense.

I do know it is quite common for the accuser to be attacked from every angle in an effort to have her not pursue the case ( see kobe bryant case). Hopefully that is not the case here
Not to be cryptic, but that may be true. Another woman, the aunt's partner, is legally representing the young lady.
It is common knowledge. Erica something. And her aunt/attorney is the one speaking to the media(TMZ and the like). And do you find it odd that the Tampa reporter whom broke the story is a Facebook friend of the aunt/attorney?

Supposedly the young lady's mother has a relationship (friendship) with the TBT reporter who first broke the story.
Does anyone else think that it is remotely possible in the post Penn ST world we live in that any law enforcement agent of any kind, including city/county prosecutor would cover anything up. Especially for a player who has not even played a single down or thrown one fastball for any university?
They would be risking their career and possibly their freedom for a local university whom they may not even personally support.
Even if this was Charlie Ward in his senior year, do you really think any local cop would try to bury this thing.
Just saying, because to believe the very frequent statements coming from the accusers camp, you would have to think the tally po po would be completely crooked.
Does anyone else think that it is remotely possible in the post Penn ST world we live in that any law enforcement agent of any kind, including city/county prosecutor would cover anything up. Especially for a player who has not even played a single down or thrown one fastball for any university?
They would be risking their career and possibly their freedom for a local university whom they may not even personally support.
Even if this was Charlie Ward in his senior year, do you really think any local cop would try to bury this thing.
Just saying, because to believe the very frequent statements coming from the accusers camp, you would have to think the tally po po would be completely crooked.

I understand that some will think this is podunk u, and all Tallahassee folk are riding around on tractors, but that simply isn't the case. Spend 5 minutes in the town, and you'll figure it out. This isn't Friday Night Lights. Like I said before, I think TPD likely approached the situation as "are you really sure you want to do this" because she changed her story and there was little physical evidence to go on. Not because "football with squash you little girl" but because it appeared to be a hokey story (verbally and physically). It was common knowledge that these two knew each other. MSM cheaply/irresponsibly blows this up, and "outsiders" see an easy target in Jameis.
Does anyone else think that it is remotely possible in the post Penn ST world we live in that any law enforcement agent of any kind, including city/county prosecutor would cover anything up. Especially for a player who has not even played a single down or thrown one fastball for any university?
They would be risking their career and possibly their freedom for a local university whom they may not even personally support.
Even if this was Charlie Ward in his senior year, do you really think any local cop would try to bury this thing.
Just saying, because to believe the very frequent statements coming from the accusers camp, you would have to think the tally po po would be completely crooked.

Well, we are talking about Tallahasee.