FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

It certainly happens from time to time and Appalachian state beats Michigan and ulm beats bama every blue moon too.... but there is a huge plus sign on a line of false rape allegations and there don't seem to be any legit reasons to think she is lying .. at least any that we have heard yet.

I wasn't speaking about this case at all. I was simply pointing out that there are girls who claim rape for other reasons than actually being raped, in response to the question of whether or not people know if the sex is/was consensual.
If I'm capping how this plays out, and I am, one piece of info would be important to know. Do we know the race of the alleged victim?
As to the height thing, there's a reason the gas station doors have height lines...people have no clue how to estimate that esp under duress..

irrlevant with the the DNA now anyways
I don't see why he wouldn't be able to play. Even if arrested, it doesn't mean he is guilty. He's innocent until proven otherwise. Too many girls nowadays claim rape when they willingly do the deed. You gotta be nuts today to fuck anything other than your hand if you're a high profile player.

With all this going on I find it incredibly impressive that ND kept their mess hush last year.
Sick deviant this kid is... Rumor has it he is into very, very, young children as well. What a sick man. Kid needs help.
Sick deviant this kid is... Rumor has it he is into very, very, young children as well. What a sick man. Kid needs help.

where did this "rumor" come from? if hes guilty yeah hes a scumbag but we dont know shit about what is true at this point
At least a dozen Ohio State fans have witnessed this guy fucking little girls.
Jimbo gonna have a long night. According to School policy, he has to suspend him. Not saying I agree with it but it's gonna happen IMO. Way more then enough evidence to arrest him and if so jimbo has to at least sit him. Right or wrong , there are thousands of dudes with no DNA evidence serving 25 year sentences. Pretty simple - got goo in the panties from rape kit same night of encounter, chick said she was raped. Goo matches dude. Done. Let courts sort it out but fsu's past policy is the kid is done. Gonna change that policy fsu? If you do, dateline nbc will have a field day. These things work different now post PSU scandal as they should. Guarantee there are some fsu higher ups who are checking their email deleted files..Prisons are full of borderline accused rape cases. That's not the point. The point is there is more than enough to sit him. Be shocked if they dont
Agree tee dub, last thing they want is nbc news with brian williams opening up with a lead story about star player getting special treatmemt
Case still angers the shit out of me. Policy is policy, but these types of cases are wrong. Years ago there was a h.s. girls soccer player on a co-ed team that claimed another male player made her sit on his lap and raped her in the back of the team bus. Male was a top student with promising athletic career. Kid was convicted, went to jail and essentially lost his life. 3yrs later girl admitted to making up rape because male wouldn't take her to the movies after she fucked him. This shit drives me crazy with the false accusations, but when are these young men gonna learn to stay away from these situations.
what if he did rape her and the PD did exactly as their accused of, trying to strong arm her into not pressing charges? does that anger you as well?
and a false accusation is worse than the actual act itself in my book, and rape is pretty bad in said book
I realize false accusations are more common now ( a bi-product of a society in decline ) but they are still by far the exception and not the rule.
False or not false not my point. That's another issue that angers me and at the same time intrigues me from a societal standpoint, as vk points out. My point is simple-- DNA in the hole, rape kit same night... Gotta sit him. No other way this plays out.
and a false accusation is worse than the actual act itself in my book, and rape is pretty bad in said book

A false accusation should have strong punishment IMO.

I have no idea what happened in this particular case but if Winston didn't commit rape in this case the damage to his reputation will never recover to what it was.
A false accusation should have strong punishment IMO.

I have no idea what happened in this particular case but if Winston didn't commit rape in this case the damage to his reputation will never recover to what it was.
And what if it was rape? What will be the effect to this young lady, who is someone's daughter, the rest of her life?
what if he did rape her and the PD did exactly as their accused of, trying to strong arm her into not pressing charges? does that anger you as well?

whether he did or not is not my point. if he did, he deserves everything he has coming to him and so does fsu for the "alleged" cover up. my problem is, and you touched on it, is the accusations that the mainstream media portrays as already fact. even if he is formally charged, it doesn't mean he is guilty. its so easy to claim rape, but yet impossible to clear ones name when proven innocent. I have 3 daughters so don't think i'm against the girl. I'm against the system and the media with my anger.
Not so simple. Witness said he saw the pair and sex was consentual. Not so fast my friend.
Come on shark. Two witnesses viewed what? If she whispers , "no" at any point , and he continues, in our criminal justice system, it's rape. The woman determines if it's rape.
Come on shark. Two witnesses viewed what? If she whispers , "no" at any point , and he continues, in our criminal justice system, it's rape. The woman determines if it's rape.

And her giving him a bj is ok. I forgot Clinton taught us that's not sex. LOL
And what if it was rape? What will be the effect to this young lady, who is someone's daughter, the rest of her life?

I wasn't there so I have no idea whether it was rape or consensual, the circumstantial evidence to this point makes her accusation appear legitimate but we'll have to wait for everything to play out.

Obviously if this is true, the only consolation for the victim is the punishment of the accused. I doubt victims of a violent crime ever regain their previous peace of mind or trust.

My post dealt with generalities when the accused is exonerated and there was clearly no basis for a case in the first place.
I have 2 daughters and I guaranfuckingteeyou that if one of them ever told me she was raped and it was reported, there would be no chance in hell I'd wait a year to convince her to come forward. Assuming the pd did say those things to her, who convinced her now to go forward? And why did it take so long. The whole thing smells like vomit.
I have 2 daughters and I guaranfuckingteeyou that if one of them ever told me she was raped and it was reported, there would be no chance in hell I'd wait a year to convince her to come forward. Assuming the pd did say those things to her, who convinced her now to go forward? And why did it take so long. The whole thing smells like vomit.

unless Im mistaken Shark, rape kit was taken the night it happened, that's where they got squints DNA... To me that is the important piece of information.. Something happened that she was very uncomfortable with and she sought help THAT NIGHT... Now, what happened between that night and today is open to discussion in a court of law to be decided by a jury (of white people no doubt)...But my whole point in all of this is-- gotta sit squint if you are FSU top brass or they will have a lot more at stake than a national championship loss.
I have 2 daughters and I guaranfuckingteeyou that if one of them ever told me she was raped and it was reported, there would be no chance in hell I'd wait a year to convince her to come forward. Assuming the pd did say those things to her, who convinced her now to go forward? And why did it take so long. The whole thing smells like vomit.
shark you need to read the family statement but out this morning...nothing you write in this post is correct
I have 2 daughters and I guaranfuckingteeyou that if one of them ever told me she was raped and it was reported, there would be no chance in hell I'd wait a year to convince her to come forward. .

What if she doesn't have a protective father in her life like you?.. What if she doesn't even have a father or if she does, maybe he is a deadbeat? I'm like you, there wouldn't need to be a jury or arrest.. But what if she doesn't have that protection?... Something happened, she got squint goo in her hole, she cried rape that night.... Prisons are full of guys with less evidence against and FSU can't even sit him from a fucking college fb game? Nah, he is toast... sickens me to think of both sides..1) falsely accused 2) guilty but not prosecuted... BUT he shouldn't be playing football until we find out according to Florida State university policy... You really think the president has the balls to change that policy? Good luck if he does.
If you are refering to this:

"In a statement released to the Tampa Bay Times on Wednesday, the accuser's attorney said, "It was never the intent of the victim or the family for this to become public," but went on to provide a scathing review of the police's handling of the case.
The woman accusing Winston initially reported the incident Dec. 7, 2012. Coe said police investigated the incident, taking witness testimony and collecting evidence.
According to Jansen, who has been representing Winston, police approached him about the case in February but soon after assured him the case was no longer being investigated. Jansen said he reported that to both Winston and Florida State.
After records requests from multiple media outlets were made to Tallahassee police last week, investigators re-examined the case and forwarded it to the state attorney's office. Meggs is reviewing the case and will decide whether charges will be brought against a potential suspect.
Meggs told ESPN.com on Wednesday that he probably will not take the case before a grand jury, saying his office would ultimately decide whether it believes it has sufficient evidence to charge Winston with a crime.
"I'm not stupid," Meggs said. "It is a young man whose life is in a fishbowl right now. I think about that. There's also a young girl whose life has been turned upside-down, and her life will never be the same, either. We look at it and say, 'Which one of those is most important?' Both. It is a search for the truth, and the truth is kind of elusive sometimes."
Carroll's statement also said police failed to do a proper investigation, did not collect blood work or DNA samples from Winston and refused to interview Winston's roommate, who the accuser says witnessed the attack. The statement also criticized police for approaching Winston's attorney in February with details of the case.
Coe did not specifically contradict any of the claims made in the accuser's statement but said, "There are many statements being made daily, some of which are factual, some are not factual. We can't go into detail on that tonight, but there will be a point in time when we can comment on those issues."
Winston met with media Wednesday, but Florida State athletic department staff would not allow him to answer questions relating to the investigation. His status with the team has not changed, according to FSU, and he is expected to start Saturday's game against Idaho. Meggs said his office has interviewed several witnesses, but the timetable for a decision on whether charges will be filed remains vague.
"When we can say more about this case, we certainly will," Coe said Wednesday. "And we look forward to that day. We hope to move it forward as quickly as we can in coordination with the state attorney and bring closure to it."

There is a big time lapse between February and last week. I would not have let it rest being a father. Not that long. Red bolded letters are key words.
Statement from the victims family.

Recent media reports compel our family to make a statement at this time.

We the Victim and family have attempted to allow the State Attorney to address Tallahassee Police Department's questionable investigation into the rape of the victim.

We the victim and family have not responded to the barrage of media inquiries. We did not want to escalate a very difficult situation which we thought was behind us.

On 12/7/12 the victim was raped by an unknown person. The victim immediately reported it to law enforcement and cooperated completely with all requests made of her by law enforcement.

In early January, when the victim identified the perpetrator as Jameis Winston, the family grew concerned that she would be targeted on campus.

We requested assistance from an attorney friend to interact with law enforcement on the victim's behalf. When the attorney contacted Detective Angulo immediately after Winston was identified, Detective Angulo told the attorney that Tallahassee was a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against him because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable.

The attorney and Detective Angulo discussed suspending the investigation to give the victim some time to receive counseling. However, during that discussion, the attomey addressed the need for the family to obtain the DNA and blood work results to make a more informed decision.

At that time, Detective Angulo specifically refused to collect Winston's DNA or interview
Winston's roommate who witnessed the attack. Detective Angulo stated that such activity would alert Winston and the matter could go public.

Thereafter, the family, through counsel, repeatedly attempted to obtain the blood work results from both Detective Angulo and the Tallahassee Police Department's victim advocate, Fawnisha Brown. At all times, the victim, the family, and counsel were available to Tallahassee Police Department and were under the impression that only law enforcement was aware of the crime.

If the victim had been aware that Winston's attorney was alerted as far back as February, she would have insisted that Tallahassee Police Department immediately collect DNA and interview, at the very least, Winston's roommate who witnessed the attack.

The victim was devastated when she learned late last week that the Tallahassee Police
Department had informed Winston's attorney as far back as February, which allowed him all of this time to create his defense and prepare his witnesses. The victim cannot fathom that the State Attorney's office was not given the same opportunity.

The family was shocked to hear that Winston's attorney was not only aware of the case but had been told by Tallahassee Police Department that the case had been closed in February. All the while, the family was awaiting blood work results until early April.

It was never the intent of the victim or the family for this to become public. The victim was trying to move on with her life which has now been turned upside down once again. We have not been the source of any information prior to this release; there was no benefit in that.

In light of the fact that this matter has now been made public, here are a few of the many questions the victim and the family have:

1. If Winstorfs attorney was aware of the case in February 2013, why didn't Detective
Angulo collect DNA evidence, interview Winston, and conduct a proper investigation.

2. Why did it take Detective Angulo four months to verbally inform the family of the blood
work results?

3. Why was Winston not listed as the suspect in the police report once he was identified in
early January?

4. Why is it being represented in the press that the victim was intoxicated when Detective
Angulo told the family that the victim was not intoxicated based on the blood work?

5. Why didn't Detective Angulo or his superiors inform the State Attorney of the crime
before the media sought a copy of the police report 1 1 months after the crime?

6. Why was the Florida State University Police Department given a copy of the police
report after it was determined they did not have jurisdiction, especially given the fact that
Winston's attorney represents the Florida State University football team and they have a
clear conflict of interest?
You make my point with this article Jump. Neither the victim or her family wanted this to go public. I say Bull Shit. You make it public and you make this SOB pay for the rest of his life. Of course, unless it wasn't true.