FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

On 12/7/12 the victim was raped by an unknown person. The victim immediately reported it to law enforcement and cooperated completely with all requests made of her by law enforcement.

In early January, when the victim identified the perpetrator as Jameis Winston, the family grew concerned that she would be targeted on campus.

With DNA evidence and this, that's all you need to know... Guilty or not? dunno... But Florida State is a disgrace if they don't suspend him until further info.. this isn't about football. Its about humanity... All the degenerates want to yell conspiracy and bullshit... Enough info has been gathered to potentially ( I use the word potentially carefully) put accused away for 25 years AND your telling me FSU is gonna roll the dice? No chance he plays this week IMO.
You make my point with this article Jump. Neither the victim or her family wanted this to go public. I say Bull Shit. You make it public and you make this SOB pay for the rest of his life. Of course, unless it wasn't true.
Deadspin, as they often do, did a pretty good job uncovering how everything came to light.


Long story short, a reporter in Tampa (Matt Baker) was tipped off by his source, whom he won't name, that he should look into case # 12-32758. All he was told at the time was that it was a case against Jameis Winston and was sexual in nature.

After pressing the Tally police department for several weeks, the police department released a statement to the press. After the fact, Baker learned that TMZ and some other outlets were pursuing the same case.

I think it can be inferred from there that whoever the source was, was pushing for this to be exposed. What isn't clear is if it was from the victim/victims family, or a leak inside the police department. I've heard several theories that seem plausible but the two most likely would be that the victims attorney took this to a respected sports journlist knowing it would circulate quickly and apply pressure to the police department and DA's office, or that there is someone within the Tally police department with knowledge of the case that felt it was handled improperly.
False or not false not my point. That's another issue that angers me and at the same time intrigues me from a societal standpoint, as vk points out. My point is simple-- DNA in the hole, rape kit same night... Gotta sit him. No other way this plays out.

I disagree. I believe the State will eventually drop the case bc they simply don't have enough to arrest him on charges of rape. She said it was. he said it was consensual. Gonna need someone to step over the company line and say the opposite of their respected friend. Then and only then will they arrest Jameis.
I disagree. I believe the State will eventually drop the case bc they simply don't have enough to arrest him on charges of rape. She said it was. he said it was consensual. Gonna need someone to step over the company line and say the opposite of their respected friend. Then and only then will they arrest Jameis.

you need to go help release about 100,000 guys from prison then if you believe that... None are named Jameis Winston tho so you may have a good point.
The 1st thing that comes to my mind is,there was nothing said when he hadnt played a snap,now hes a possible Heisman winner,a star of the college game... it appears,fucking smells bad imo.
Take some serious balls for the da to not press charges...media shitstorm would ensue...political suicide for the da
The 1st thing that comes to my mind is,there was nothing said when he hadnt played a snap,now hes a possible Heisman winner,a star of the college game... it appears,fucking smells bad imo.

Thats irrelevant and an excuse. The Family got sick and damn tired of the dragging ass that was occurring over at the Tally PD. The family has claimed to have inquired on numerous occasions as to when Jameis DNA was gonna get plucked. They've apparently been strong armed and stone walled. They'd had enough. They were tired of being quiet and their volcano had blown.
From a football standpoint, if FSU wins out, they'll probably still play in the NC right? Because the BCS is a point system that puts #1 vs #2 when it's all said and done. It'll have no idea of the JW situation.
From a football standpoint, if FSU wins out, they'll probably still play in the NC right? Because the BCS is a point system that puts #1 vs #2 when it's all said and done. It'll have no idea of the JW situation.

The voters could drop them in the polls
Thats irrelevant and an excuse. The Family got sick and damn tired of the dragging ass that was occurring over at the Tally PD. The family has claimed to have inquired on numerous occasions as to when Jameis DNA was gonna get plucked. They've apparently been strong armed and stone walled. They'd had enough. They were tired of being quiet and their volcano had blown.
They'd had enough? Hardly. They didnt even want it to go public!
Thats irrelevant and an excuse. The Family got sick and damn tired of the dragging ass that was occurring over at the Tally PD. The family has claimed to have inquired on numerous occasions as to when Jameis DNA was gonna get plucked. They've apparently been strong armed and stone walled. They'd had enough. They were tired of being quiet and their volcano had blown.
Hiya Cg,I havent followed it close enough tbh,I realise you guys are having it shoved down your throats 24hrs a day having just caught sportscenter.
If that is infact the case the Tallahassee PD are in for a rough time.

edit; any pics of the bird yet ?
Hiya Cg,I havent followed it close enough tbh,I realise you guys are having it shoved down your throats 24hrs a day having just caught sportscenter.
If that is infact the case the Tallahassee PD are in for a rough time.

edit; any pics of the bird yet ?

Just sent a text to my guy and he is sending me a pic of her via email. Should I post or should I not? Ethics??
Not gonna post it, but it is them at a club the night of the alleged event supposedly. It's a side pic of them dancing close to one another ... Inches from kissing. It's def Jameis. Girl is white as I had said earlier, she's a brunette, but has colored it blond. She's rather tall although Jameis is sort of slumping. She has a long face and is someone we would like to have fun with. Can't see the rest of her body bc there is another girl in front of her.
Didnt Winston first deny any relationship at all with this girl, just like 2 weeks ago? Now he is saying they had sex and it was consensual?
Didnt Winston first deny any relationship at all with this girl, just like 2 weeks ago? Now he is saying they had sex and it was consensual?

Definitely not a good sign for him. If he knew the girl and they banged consensually there would be no reason to hide that.
Wolken has an article up at USA today.


"Jansen declined to say if his client and the accuser knew each other before Dec. 7. He said Winston would be exonerated, partly because of affidavits from two witnesses who said they were with Winston and his accuser that night. Jansen said DNA was collected from one of the witnesses as well."

are they suggesting this girl had sex with more than just jameis here? I've heard the rumors that there was another guy in the room, but this sure looks like the lawyer is trying to imply that something went down with another dude.
There is ZERO way this happens, anyone who would vote them down should be disallowed to vote ever again. The TEAM got them to where they are, not ONE person.
its happened plenty of times before...remember back when Kenyon Martin was on UC and they were #1 and had lost maybe 1 game...he broke his leg in the conference tournament final, and they didn't even give them a 1 seed in the NCAA tourney.
That said I don't think it would happen either unless they looked totally inept or something...their defense is statistically number 2 in the country so they have other things to lean on if necessary
There is ZERO way this happens, anyone who would vote them down should be disallowed to vote ever again. The TEAM got them to where they are, not ONE person.

I probably agree with you more than most around here, but in college football it is the QB1 that gets you to the top of the world. No other position can do that. Jameis is the reason for #1. Otherwise, FSU would have won titles under Rix, Manuel and the other black fella between Rix and Manuel. Forgot his name.
Whether you agree or disagree ...there are going to be voters that think every fsu win this year is tainted ( he probably violated a taint too ).
saw this posted and have seen many references to this being very similar to what actually happened....NO IDEA how true if any of this is....just adding to the thread.


Media won't report what really happened:

1.) Winston had a girlfriend from back in high school who is a basketball player at Rice University.
2.) The alleged victim was a hook up buddy/side piece who knew Winston, her roomate dated a WR on the FSU Football team.
3.) His girlfriend was set to fly in to spend the weekend with Winston, obviously having a side piece is not cool and he attempts to break it off.
4.) This upsets alleged victim, as she had hopes for more and wanted to be the #1 in Winstons life
5.) She was upset on twitter around 11:45 on december 6, and talked to a friend on twitter if she needed to call her.
6.) In a fit of rage, she claims Rape.
7.) Wheels get set in motion and FSUPD refers over to Tallahassee Police Department, she panics and says she does not know the perpetrator and describes someone completely different than Winston. She does get a rape kit administered.
8.) At a later date, she finally does identify Winston, but after she was questioned/warned about her inconsistent statements and decided she better drop it. She becomes unresponsive to requests from TPD to gather more information.
9.) Meanwhile Winstons party becomes aware of an ongoing claim/investingation to rape. WInston is truthful to the Attorney/Jimbo Fisher from the get go about the whole situation with the alleged victim. Additionally, he provides two witnesses confirming what happened that night including his teammate and HER ROOMATE. They sign written affidavits confirming Winstons innocence.
10.) Months pass by and her Aunt Lawyer catches wind of the possible rape of her niece...and although the girl still doesn't want to press charges Super Aunt & Partner/Associate Press on sensing a potential civil case.
11.) Alleged victimes Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are suspended within the last week
12.) There are tweets, pictures and posts that will prove she was still cheering on the very team/player that she claimed rape against
13.) They lead the case ID # To Matt Baker and TMZ in attempt to bring this controversy to light...Works like a charm.
14.) As the case is getting moved forward the facts will start to come out, pretty soon the whole thing will unravel since she was never honest and the whole thing snowballed and got away from her.
I do hope the above is true mainly b/c it would mean someone wasn't raped.

However this sentence..."12.) There are tweets, pictures and posts that will prove she was still cheering on the very team/player that she claimed rape against", holds zero water. Just b/c she's a FSU fan doesn't mean she can't be raped by someone on the team
yeah, saw all that on the college leak forum thing as well. and 100% agree with schrute. that shit don't matter.

but to "cry rape" and then go thru with a rape kit? that's out there man. i mean, to call the police a couple hours after the incident, then go to the hospital and get a rape kit done? that would be insane. don't get me wrong, crazy people exist, it just don't look good for jameis.
I don't think this looks bad for Jameis to anybody but his smokin hot basketball player girlfriend. Every rapper, athlete, entertainer seems to have a 'main chick' and a 'side chick' these days. Some even brag about it on Twitter, including our very own SilkyDiamonds, who occasionally entertains his followers with guidelines on how to handle your side chicks.

i believe the above account that madshooter posted. Jameis is baggin this stupid broad while he's away from his girl, his girl comes to town and he chills with her, Betty Bitchface gets mad about this because she just sucked his D and did other humiliating things to make him happy only to be tossed aside for a few hours of FIFA 13 before meeting up with the girl he actually cares about. Betty Bitchface figures the only way to get him back for this humiliation is to accuse him of rape, realizes when she sobers up that this is a bad idea and smartly drops it. Her aunt gets involved and here we are now. Done and done. Next story, please.