FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

I understand that some will think this is podunk u, and all Tallahassee folk are riding around on tractors, but that simply isn't the case. Spend 5 minutes in the town, and you'll figure it out. This isn't Friday Night Lights. Like I said before, I think TPD likely approached the situation as "are you really sure you want to do this" because she changed her story and there was little physical evidence to go on. Not because "football with squash you little girl" but because it appeared to be a hokey story (verbally and physically). It was common knowledge that these two knew each other. MSM cheaply/irresponsibly blows this up, and "outsiders" see an easy target in Jameis.

If (and I have heard the same thing) that they knew each other before the incident, then she's screwed because take one look at the family attorney statement of the "unknown attacker". I look forward to the pics of them together being posted all over the place and the retraction from the family counsel of previous public statements.
That's why I've said all along that this whole thing falls apart on her changing stories. She said her attacker was unknown and gave an "incorrect" description of him to TPD, but the two were familiar before this night went down. She's a DZ, and her sisters knew the real deal. It was apparently fairly common knowledge, and that's why those close to this knew it wouldn't ever go anywhere.
That's why I've said all along that this whole thing falls apart on her changing stories. She said her attacker was unknown and gave an "incorrect" description of him to TPD, but the two were familiar before this night went down. She's a DZ, and her sisters knew the real deal. It was apparently fairly common knowledge, and that's why those close to this knew it wouldn't ever go anywhere.

Which makes this this whole affair very sad because out there in the court of public opinion and with the heisman voters, he is a scumbag, entitled rapist.
If this comes out, I sincerely hope he sues her for defamation.
If the story as talbuc tells it is true this girl should absolutely have charges filed against her.
Talbucs story is the same as terezowens.com

Btw I reserve the right to change my opinion on the dime piece comment in the morning

What is the plan for dealing with what will be a media shitstorm after they don't press charges? Deadspin not just gonna let this die
If the SAO handles it correctly, there won't be one. Unless this does a complete 180, there's not a credible story that will make the SAO look like FSU lapdogs when all is said and done.
Ha ha. That whole site (not just FSU's) is a troll site if ever there was one, but you truly will find some honest info there if you can sift through the trollage. There's a lot of stuff on there that I've laughed pretty hard at the last couple of weeks; solid trolling.
Again, I'm certainly not getting my info from there. I only listed that, so you could find out a little more about the key players (maybe one more so than the other) in this fiasco.
I find it it kinda weird that two new posters just joined and are in the know about this. No disrespect talbuc and zmike

i hope it's as you say. Mostly cause no one got raped. It's just a sad story. I have a mom and sister and I'm very protective I can't even imagine this kinda thing

Jameis is a talent and I'd love to be beat him in the swamp. But much much much more importantly I hope he didn't throw his life away

bottome left corner, LMAO
After reading this thread, I find it surprising more women don't report when they are raped more frequently.
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Looks like it's going to be another week or so before we hear from the SAO. Reason being the outstanding subpoenas. SAO's focus is on placing the two together prior to and/or after the alleged incident night. There are outstanding subpoenas with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for closed accounts. That's the delay. They want to have everything wrapped up before saying anything about any of it. In the end expect TPD to pursue charges against the young lady for filing a false police report unless the SAO advises the young lady to quit while she's behind (give up hope of pursuing fruitless civil charges). Jameis still won't be charged. A bit of common sense should tell us that. Even after having matching dna they have not even brought Jameis in. Doubt they'd do that if they thought he was the slightest public threat. Unfortunately it's taking them a while to acquire all of the information they're seeking, but it's information that could be used against the young lady, not Jameis. Since it turns out nothing will happen tomorrow as I said, I won't post any further anticipated dates/times; situation is too fluid.
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Looks like it's going to be another week or so before we hear from the SAO. Reason being the outstanding subpoenas. SAO's focus is on placing the two together prior to the alleged incident night. There are outstanding subpoenas with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for closed accounts. That's the delay. They want to have everything wrapped up before saying anything about any of it. In the end expect TPD to pursue charges against the young lady for filing a false police report unless the SAO advises the young lady to quit while she's behind (give up hope of pursuing fruitless civil charges). Jameis still won't be charged. A bit of common sense should tell us that. Even after having matching dna they have not even brought Jameis in. Doubt they'd do that if they thought he was the slightest public threat. Unfortunately it's taking them a while to acquire all of the information they're seeking, but it's information that could be used against the young lady, not Jameis. Since it turns out nothing will happen tomorrow as I said, I won't post any further anticipated dates/times; situation is too fluid.

Does no one else think this is odd that(as you just said) even with the positive DNA, they still have not even brought him in for questioning?
And why is the family so "outraged" now, nearly one year after the "attack"?
Why were there no family statements from 2/13, when the investigation was essentially closed, until 11/13/13?
If this was my daughter(and I have 2), I would be screaming from the rooftops, calling every media/news outlet daily and filing suit.
Why now, when winston is a big deal?
It all seems very strange and terribly convenient to me.
And yes I love the noles, but these charges of a coverup by the local PD seems like a setup for a civil suit by the family.
Id believe tb420 before guys who just "found" ctg and are FSU experts.

And I agree completely with you, but I have been on this site for quite a while, and never felt passionate enough about something to post until now.
Truthfully, I only signed on to the website to get access to the NSFW page.:cigarguy:
And I agree completely with you, but I have been on this site for quite a while, and never felt passionate enough about something to post until now.
Truthfully, I only signed on to the website to get access to the NSFW page.:cigarguy:

One of them ( at a minimum ) is a terrible person. I am hoping it is her for some reason ( probably because the false accusation is slightly less offensive to me than the act itself, though incredibly awful and evil in its own right ).
No one wanted to mention his run ins with the Tally law albeit minor? Busting out windows in either his or someone else's apartment complex and getting busted for drinking free soda at Burger King out of ketchup cups?? No, this isn't anything big at all, but the first thing is something a ten year would do and the second thing is something a desperate or homeless person would do. Very odd.
Interesting timing. Do you hold a press conference to announce a charge, or why you aren't charging?
But maybe he can pull an Al Pacino on him from "and Justice for All" ... "that man is going straight to fucking jail"
Personally I think its odd to have a press conference either way, but it would seem like that indicates no charges coming

Just in that if there are questions, they could answer them if there were no charges

If there were charges theyd just keep saying they cant talk about an open case thats going to trial...

I can't remember a press conference to announce charges. Maybe Roman Polanski.
Yeah the thinking is still that no charges will be filed. Not too common to announce a press conference to say you're arresting someone. Also not too common to allow a potential rapist to remain at large when you have dna evidence linking him to the "victim". SAO was quoted the other day as saying they're were still waiting for some answers, and the thought is that he shared information with the young lady's attorney, volleying questions her way that she couldn't answer truthfully and continue pursuing charges. Odd that the young lady's attorney got quiet all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago after speaking to the media every chance she got. Like I said before, I think they have grounds to pursue charges against her for filing a false police report, but they may let it die if she just disappears. Supposedly Jameis will be there at the press conference tomorrow and will read a prepared statement. Looks like it's finally, thankfully coming to an end. Put the focus back on beating Duke this week and winning another national title in January.
Yeah hopefully I don't look like an ass when this thing kicks off tomorrow. Sorry again for the initial false report.
My pleasure. Glad to be of use. You certainly won't hear anything positive about FSU come from the mothership. It's pretty laughable how they have tried to give the Heisman to anyone but Jameis (Manziel, McCarron, Williams). As much as it will pain them to do so, I guess they'll have to start talking positive about us now.
Could it be possible they announced a presser to give him an opportunity to turn himself in beforehand? That would obviously be assuming there are charges forthcoming. Would that be a "common courtesy" if you will in a high profile case like this where the city would have a lot to lose and perhaps the SAO would be feeling pressure in not wanting to hurt the kid's reputation or something like that..?