FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

The football nature of this is creepy, X10. I'll be honest, as a bandwagon Ohio State guy, I want him in the game if Ohio State makes it. Because the whining and the asterisks would be nauseating if Ohio State beat a team without its QB to win the championship.

On a reality level, why the fuck are any of you cheering for this clown? You don't know him, you don't know the girl. My son's about his age. But if he beat rape charges because the girl was drunk and there was too much different DNA in her panties to launch a winnable case ... Let's just say I wouldn't be a proud father. I might breathe a sigh of relief he wasn't going to trial, but I'd be appalled. I'd think less of him. I wouldn't be giving him an internet high five.
Yes, I'm glad that I am not in the position of him being on my team (unless we knew he was 100% innocent) Because I would be conflicted on whether to be happy or not that he wasn't charged. Without reading the report, nothing that was said at the press conference made me think he certainly didn't do this.
Highly unlikely from my understanding. It's generally accepted that blackouts occur at .20 and can occur as low as .14

i've been in enough drinking classes to say this ain't right. it all depends on how one's body processes the booze. liver, kidneys, weight, what they ate, tolerance, gene pool.

one person can black out at .09 and one can black out at .2, there's no way to really quantify it. and that's not even counting that she, like millions of other over-prescribed kids, took a couple klonopin before the drinks. you can black out on those alone.
For instance, I can drive comfortably for miles at about a .2.
You guys sure are champions of guys accused of rape. I always lean the other way.
Lol look at you making a run at 2013 homer of the year this last week. Didn't even know you were a tOSUfan until just recently.

Only thing he is guilty of is cheating on his gf with some girl who is part of some group called "fsucletechasers". I had 2 friends in HS falsely accused of rape in 2 separate incidents. It was awful for both of them even after they were cleared of the charges. Just because Winston was accused of something that has now been dropped on 2 separate occasions by authorities doesn't mean he is a bad person. Could be that this side piece is the one who's the bad person.
Im in work and didnt see the presser. What exactly did they say? All charges dropped because "victim's" account had holes?

Nothing really substantial. Victim had Winston and her boyfriend at the times DNA on her. Winstons in her underwear, her boyfriends on her shorts. This was 2 separate acts though. Not enough evidence, victims story didn't change, but she also didn't remember a lot of it. BAC at the time of test was .04, which was estimated to be around .10 at the time of the alleged rape.

My interpretation of the presser was it was a he said she said case and with the women not having an airtight recollection of the events, they had no shot at prosecuting. Just my take.

Personally I'm neutral on the case. I cant say there is enough evidence to say he's guilty or not. Being falsely accused sucks. As does if you were raped and the person got away with it.
Lol look at you making a run at 2013 homer of the year this last week. Didn't even know you were a tOSUfan until just recently.

Only thing he is guilty of is cheating on his gf with some girl who is part of some group called "fsucletechasers". I had 2 friends in HS falsely accused of rape in 2 separate incidents. It was awful for both of them even after they were cleared of the charges. Just because Winston was accused of something that has now been dropped on 2 separate occasions by authorities doesn't mean he is a bad person. Could be that this side piece is the one who's the bad person.

I've managed to go my entire life without being accused or falsely accused of rape, don't know anyone who's been in that pickle. Going to go out on a limb here. Considering the personal nature of the accusation and the difficulty of the conviction, most of this stuff just happens. I'm going to play the percentages. She probably got raped. I don't know, and you don't either. Sniff his jock all you want.
The whole thing today was creepy. Joking and laughing at the press conference. Just seemed disrespectful.Dudes with their bodies painted up saying Jameis
I'm laughing at him saying that it doesn't mean he's a good person either. Truth be told none of us know what kind of person JW actually is, but it doesn't matter what we think of him.
Well, unfortunately for him, we do know he gets his rocks off banging drunk girls.
I've managed to go my entire life without being accused or falsely accused of rape, don't know anyone who's been in that pickle. Going to go out on a limb here. Considering the personal nature of the accusation and the difficulty of the conviction, most of this stuff just happens. I'm going to play the percentages. She probably got raped. I don't know, and you don't either. Sniff his jock all you want.

I love that I'm "sniffing his jock" because I don't buy the bullshit accusations of some girl (who dropped this a year ago before her aunt found out, btw) who calls herself a "cletechaser". You need to get back on your meds, you're going half VK half Killa on us right now. I don't know how to deal with that kind of combination.
Uncle Galtie, I don't think what we know means he should be charged with a crime. I do think what we know is shameful, for him and anyone close to him. Sorry, I don't swing successfully in tight slacks. His behavior indicates he's an asshole, with a dash of criminal.
Tip, you've lost your mind. He's a college kid who seemingly enjoys having sex with college girls. They may or may not be drunk when he bangs them. Are you seriously calling him a bad dude because of this? Did you go to college? Half of the kids who are in college are assholes with a touch of criminal according to you.
I guess at the end of the day, I feel bad for the girl. Used and abused, whether she was legally "raped" or not. I got no tears for the damage to the legacy of Jameis. Why should I?
If the accusation was bogus, they would charge her. Two-way street.
ehhhh. not a lot of DA's lining up to file charges on a bogus rape claim. that doesn't really look good to victim's advocates. the girl is clearly troubled, whether she was raped or not. if she was, and jameis is free, that'll fuck a person up.

if she wasn't and went through a rape kit and all this because she felt "slighted" in some capacity, then lord have mercy. shes' got some real issues.

either way, this whole thing doesn't exactly leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling.
Tip, you've lost your mind. He's a college kid who seemingly enjoys having sex with college girls. They may or may not be drunk when he bangs them. Are you seriously calling him a bad dude because of this? Did you go to college? Half of the kids who are in college are assholes with a touch of criminal according to you.

too much logic, stop, tOSU is 11-0 and a win away from another natty championship, lets stay focused on the task at hand, Larry. And that is eliminating Jameis Winston from our path to glory. **rubs hands together like Mr. Burns
I guess at the end of the day, I feel bad for the girl. Used and abused, whether she was legally "raped" or not. I got no tears for the damage to the legacy of Jameis. Why should I?

Is it beyond reason that just maybe Jameis was the one used by a Cletechaser?
Tip, you've lost your mind. He's a college kid who seemingly enjoys having sex with college girls. They may or may not be drunk when he bangs them. Are you seriously calling him a bad dude because of this? Did you go to college? Half of the kids who are in college are assholes with a touch of criminal according to you.

And yes. Fucking a drunk college girl who later accuses you of rape? You probably raped her.
ehhhh. not a lot of DA's lining up to file charges on a bogus rape claim. that doesn't really look good to victim's advocates. the girl is clearly troubled, whether she was raped or not. if she was, and jameis is free, that'll fuck a person up.

if she wasn't and went through a rape kit and all this because she felt "slighted" in some capacity, then lord have mercy. shes' got some real issues.

either way, this whole thing doesn't exactly leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Rape is just as tough.
ehhhh. not a lot of DA's lining up to file charges on a bogus rape claim. that doesn't really look good to victim's advocates. the girl is clearly troubled, whether she was raped or not. if she was, and jameis is free, that'll fuck a person up.

if she wasn't and went through a rape kit and all this because she felt "slighted" in some capacity, then lord have mercy. shes' got some real issues.

either way, this whole thing doesn't exactly leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling.

What are the girls troubles?
Tallahassee PD gets what they want, no one remotely talking about them anymore
Tip is simply too old fashioned. Times have passed him by. It's a new age. It's not men controlling the floor anymore, it's the women.
If I remember correctly, that wreck guy wanted to hunt me down and rape me about that Duke lacrosse case.