talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?
No, I said "
They allegedly went into a room of the apartment, and in view of others, she engaged him in a particular activity. After seeing that others were watching, she got up, shut the door, and turned off the lights. From there the activities allegedly escalated. Use your imagination."
Everyone's free to believe what they want. I have no agenda here and no interest in making up stories. It will play out however it plays out. If she's truly a victim, then I of course want to see justice served. If she is not a victim, then there will still be justice to be served, toward Jameis and possibly the TPD, not the young lady.
I have not been given any information that would make me believe my previously relayed accounts are incorrect. Trying to be as unbiased as I can, I believe this all comes apart around her changing stories between November of last year and January of this year. I do not believe the TPD as a department or any officer within the department would put their necks on the line for a freshman QB who was really a no one at that point as far as collegiate athletics go. I chuckle at the reports of TPD strong arming her attorney with the "football is god" comment. If if if something in that arena was mention, I'm leaning towards it being that the TPD wanted to make sure that they wanted to pursue something that didn't pass the smell test, especially after she changed her stories and there was allegedly little/no physical evidence to go on, not because football is anything and everything in Tallahassee (it's not by the way, but "outsiders" can keep thinking that).
I still believe that it was her family that brought this to the press. The details relayed to the news agencies by the "anonymous leak" were far too specific to come from someone not connected to the case. I have a hard time believing Jameis or his attorney made those calls. Again, the TPD-insider leak story isn't being given any attention anymore.
I'm coming from this believing (not knowing) that the young lady is not a victim. I believe this is an attempt to eventually make this a civil matter, either against Jameis or the TPD, more likely the latter.
I was just tipped off to this site that is basically an anything goes message board. Read at your own risk if the servers ever come back up. Of course nothing there should be taken as absolute fact, but there's plenty to sift through.
I don't have much new information at this point, since everything that's coming out is from the young lady's side, but I'll try to answer any questions that anyone may have.