FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

Prediction: Winston arrested and kicked out of FSU. Acquitted. One year at JUCO. Signs with Auburn, wins SEC and national championship, drafted #1 overall
I'm officially fourth in this chain, but hearing Jameis will be charged by Monday. Not linking who has told me. Just passing along info. Jokes can commence at your discretion ...
ugh ... looking like another huge scandal .. and I am not referring to whether he raped her or not ... but it is starting to look like another cover up to protect a football player ( whether guilty or innocent ) or football coach. So sad. So very sad.

^ just want to say that I am keeping an open mind on his guilt or innocence and keeping an open mind on whether a cover up occurred or not until I know more ... just saying it looks REALLY bad for the police dept and pretty bad for Jameis
DEVELOPING: DNA report connects Florida St. QB Jameis Winston to accuser. This does not prove a crime was committed. (via @Mark_Schlabach)
so...the DNA is a match, fine

he said, she said, it's the nature of the business..

my guess is that most people around here know of someone who has been raped, if you don't, you probably aren't really someone that knows many people. this chick apparently reported this within a couple hours of the incident, and that's not normal to allow authorities to come prod and intrude unless something was out of sorts. I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but her course of action was aggressive to say the least, to allow the invasion of her body by outside agencies for some reason

I will not assume he is guilty, it could easily be something consensual, but this doesn't look good, and his lack of speaking out about it is just not the right advise. Say something dude, even if you're guilty of bad judgment, you are losing the he said, she said right now, and don't wait for science to exonerate you because this is beginning to sound awful
talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?
talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?

You can't ever just take a fans perspective on anything that involves keeping his said player/team out of jail. He's more than likely regurgitating the spin doctor's over at Tomahawk Nation who are all trying to convince themselves this could not have happened. If you want to believe something - you will.

Still, innocent till proven guilty, though. But it does not look good.
talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?

think we can all agree that tallbuc was drinkin the FSU kool aid.
This story is great, including the small town cover up.

Remember when tattoos and partying with drake were big deals?

It's going to come down to the medical exam.
who waited a year????

tallahassee PD? good question.

exactly, and gave Winston's attorneys plenty of time to line up "witnesses"

smells like a huge cover-up to me regardless of whether or not he committed a crime. Everything about this case stinks.
Lol at them saying the case was never closed, but open with an inactive status. There will be heads rolling in Tallahassee
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A DNA analysis completed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Tuesday confirmed that DNA provided by Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston matched the sample taken from the underwear of the woman who has accused him of sexual battery.
According to the DNA analysis report, a copy of which was viewed by ESPN.com on Wednesday, the Florida state crime lab determined the chance of the DNA in the woman's underwear being a match for someone other than Winston was one in 2.2 trillion.
[h=4]Mike and Mike[/h]
ESPN legal analyst Lester Munson talks about how Alex Rodriguez's absence will impact the grievance hearing, the latest developments regarding the investigation of Jameis Winston and more.

Police obtained a sexual assault kit on Dec. 7, 2012, when the accuser reported the alleged incident had occurred at an off-campus apartment. Winston's DNA was recently obtained through a buccal swab he provided to authorities investigating the case.
The DNA match alone does not prove that Winston, a leading Heisman Trophy candidate, sexually assaulted the woman, as the accuser's family claimed in a statement released Wednesday by a Tampa, Fla.-based attorney. But it does indicate that Winston, who has yet to talk to Tallahassee police or the state attorney investigating the case, had his DNA associated with the accuser on Dec. 7, 2012, when the accuser said she was sexually assaulted.
William Meggs, the state attorney for the Second Judicial Circuit, said his office is still investigating the case, which was referred by Tallahassee police only last week. The state attorney's office is scheduled to meet with the accuser Thursday, according to people familiar with the case.
"Everybody wants to know what's going on," Meggs said earlier Wednesday. "So do we. We're in the process of trying to figure out what's going on. We haven't determined how it's going to turn out."
Meggs couldn't immediately be reached for comment on the DNA report Wednesday night.
"We have professionally tried to maintain the dignity of an investigation," said Tim Jansen, Winston's attorney. "However, either the Tallahassee Police Department or Mr. Meggs' office has decided they're going to improperly leak evidence to the media. We are saddened to learn that someone has decided to leak evidence to the public before Mr. Meggs has had time to make a decision. The improperly leaked report, if true, has zero impact on Mr. Winston's defense, and Mr. Winston maintains his innocence. We voluntarily submitted DNA last week."
Jansen said he's also submitted affidavits from two individuals who say they were with Winston and the accuser on the night in question.
"We have turned over our affidavits, and we're confident in the witnesses who were there," Jansen said.
When Meggs was asked Wednesday whether he believed his office could adequately investigate the case more than 11 months after the crime allegedly occurred, he said: "I'm pretty confident, as much as anybody can be. There are two kinds of evidence: testimonial and physical. We'll have what we have at the end of the day, and then we'll evaluate what we have."
On Wednesday night, Tallahassee interim police chief Tom Coe said the accuser stopped cooperating with police in February. A statement released earlier Wednesday by the accuser's family through her attorney, Patricia Carroll of Tampa, said Tallahassee police warned the accuser not to pursue the case, saying Det. Scott Angulo told Carroll, "Tallahassee was a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against him because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable."
Coe contends Tallahassee police made the case inactive only after the accuser stopped communicating with them. Coe told the Tallahassee Democrat on Tuesday that the police department reviewed the case after media outlets filed open-records requests for the case file. Coe said the open-records requests alone couldn't change a case from open-inactive to open-active, but that new evidence or leads would have to be found to change the investigation's status.
"In February 2013, the case was classified as open but inactive, when the victim in the case broke off contact with TPD, and her attorney indicated she did not want to move forward at that time," Coe said Wednesday.
In a statement released to the Tampa Bay Times on Wednesday, the accuser's attorney said, "It was never the intent of the victim or the family for this to become public," but went on to provide a scathing review of the police's handling of the case.
The woman accusing Winston initially reported the incident Dec. 7, 2012. Coe said police investigated the incident, taking witness testimony and collecting evidence.
According to Jansen, who has been representing Winston, police approached him about the case in February but soon after assured him the case was no longer being investigated. Jansen said he reported that to both Winston and Florida State.
After records requests from multiple media outlets were made to Tallahassee police last week, investigators re-examined the case and forwarded it to the state attorney's office. Meggs is reviewing the case and will decide whether charges will be brought against a potential suspect.
Meggs told ESPN.com on Wednesday that he probably will not take the case before a grand jury, saying his office would ultimately decide whether it believes it has sufficient evidence to charge Winston with a crime.
"I'm not stupid," Meggs said. "It is a young man whose life is in a fishbowl right now. I think about that. There's also a young girl whose life has been turned upside-down, and her life will never be the same, either. We look at it and say, 'Which one of those is most important?' Both. It is a search for the truth, and the truth is kind of elusive sometimes."
Carroll's statement also said police failed to do a proper investigation, did not collect blood work or DNA samples from Winston and refused to interview Winston's roommate, who the accuser says witnessed the attack. The statement also criticized police for approaching Winston's attorney in February with details of the case.
Coe did not specifically contradict any of the claims made in the accuser's statement but said, "There are many statements being made daily, some of which are factual, some are not factual. We can't go into detail on that tonight, but there will be a point in time when we can comment on those issues."
Winston met with media Wednesday, but Florida State athletic department staff would not allow him to answer questions relating to the investigation. His status with the team has not changed, according to FSU, and he is expected to start Saturday's game against Idaho. Meggs said his office has interviewed several witnesses, but the timetable for a decision on whether charges will be filed remains vague.
"When we can say more about this case, we certainly will," Coe said Wednesday. "And we look forward to that day. We hope to move it forward as quickly as we can in coordination with the state attorney and bring closure to it."
talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?

No, I said "They allegedly went into a room of the apartment, and in view of others, she engaged him in a particular activity. After seeing that others were watching, she got up, shut the door, and turned off the lights. From there the activities allegedly escalated. Use your imagination."

Everyone's free to believe what they want. I have no agenda here and no interest in making up stories. It will play out however it plays out. If she's truly a victim, then I of course want to see justice served. If she is not a victim, then there will still be justice to be served, toward Jameis and possibly the TPD, not the young lady.

I have not been given any information that would make me believe my previously relayed accounts are incorrect. Trying to be as unbiased as I can, I believe this all comes apart around her changing stories between November of last year and January of this year. I do not believe the TPD as a department or any officer within the department would put their necks on the line for a freshman QB who was really a no one at that point as far as collegiate athletics go. I chuckle at the reports of TPD strong arming her attorney with the "football is god" comment. If if if something in that arena was mention, I'm leaning towards it being that the TPD wanted to make sure that they wanted to pursue something that didn't pass the smell test, especially after she changed her stories and there was allegedly little/no physical evidence to go on, not because football is anything and everything in Tallahassee (it's not by the way, but "outsiders" can keep thinking that).

I still believe that it was her family that brought this to the press. The details relayed to the news agencies by the "anonymous leak" were far too specific to come from someone not connected to the case. I have a hard time believing Jameis or his attorney made those calls. Again, the TPD-insider leak story isn't being given any attention anymore.

I'm coming from this believing (not knowing) that the young lady is not a victim. I believe this is an attempt to eventually make this a civil matter, either against Jameis or the TPD, more likely the latter.

I was just tipped off to this site that is basically an anything goes message board. Read at your own risk if the servers ever come back up. Of course nothing there should be taken as absolute fact, but there's plenty to sift through.


I don't have much new information at this point, since everything that's coming out is from the young lady's side, but I'll try to answer any questions that anyone may have.
Oh the irony of johnny football winning the Heisman because of off the field issues ( even though he deserves to win anyway ).
Someone needs to check and see if her father is into gambling. I still thinkn the timing is absurd. And if it was about money then they are stupid and should have waited longer than a year to re-hatch this. Atleast waited to see if he got the Heisman or NFL drafted.
As an outsider, it looks really bad for Winston and the police dept. .... Not sure how it could fail the police smell test... she came in and claimed she was raped, rape kit confirmed it, dna matches suspect .......... What was motive for her to lie? This isn't like a professional athlete was accused where you can find a profit motive.... it was a freshman qb who no one knew would be an nfl player for sure ( though pretty highly touted ) or when. AND THE WHEN MATTERS because he won't have money to get until he is a pro and he wont be a pro if he is in jail for rape.

The fact that she says the other guy witnessed it is interesting too. She wasn't saying HER friend witnessed it .. she is saying that HIS did.

As for Winston's silence ..... it worked for him for a year so his team was probably slow to buck the strategy. I mean .... if it were you and you were a star player in the eyes of the media/world and a girl you slept with falsely accuses you of rape wouldn't you be out in front of a camera telling the truth of what happened? Talk about not passing a smell test ...

Hoping it isn't true but seems more likely true than not at this point .. and the actions of the police if Winston is innocent has done him no favors once their coverup ( whether innocent or guilty ) attempt failed.

And so what if talbuc is getting a onesided view to us ... he was up front that it was from fsu faithful ... and other than wishful thinking of a unlikely interpretation of the facts so far it is interesting to get SOME kind of response from that side of the incident.
Thanks. No one is claiming that he didn't have sex with her. The contention is rape. I mentioned earlier that two people saw them "get started", and I heard today that one of those people was her roommate. Not sure how valid that is, but it's info nonetheless.

Her story changed from the "suspect" being someone who supposedly matches Chad Abram's description (Jameis' other witness and former roommate if the first one is the young lady's roomate) to oh now it's Jameis. This is where the oddities lie; her recanting of the initial story and providing a new, quite different one. Why the change in stories and the weird one from the start? I initially passed on bad intel about him leaving the place before things got rowdy, but that was just simply a bad lead. I don't think he ever told the authorities that he did not have sex with her, and the case got cold because she reportedly repeatedly failed to respond to TPD requests/contacts. He'd be in trouble right now if he denied ever doing anything with the young lady and having the DNA results prove otherwise. So far, it still looks like he said she said with the odd timing of this story being thrust into the national media and an offensive that leads me to believe it's monetarily motivated.
Thanks. No one is claiming that he didn't have sex with her. The contention is rape. I mentioned earlier that two people saw them "get started", and I heard today that one of those people was her roommate. Not sure how valid that is, but it's info nonetheless.

Her story changed from the "suspect" being someone who supposedly matches Chad Abram's description (Jameis' other witness and former roommate if the first one is the young lady's roomate) to oh now it's Jameis. This is where the oddities lie; her recanting of the initial story and providing a new, quite different one. Why the change in stories and the weird one from the start? I initially passed on bad intel about him leaving the place before things got rowdy, but that was just simply a bad lead. I don't think he ever told the authorities that he did not have sex with her, and the case got cold because she reportedly repeatedly failed to respond to TPD requests/contacts. He'd be in trouble right now if he denied ever doing anything with the young lady and having the DNA results prove otherwise. So far, it still looks like he said she said with the odd timing of this story being thrust into the national media and an offensive that leads me to believe it's monetarily motivated.

which means it has to be the police that the family was going after for money ... all Winston has is fsu booster/alumni money. And so far it appears there is no wrong-doing by the university for a money grab.

And quite frankly ... it looks like she has a case against the police department .. as in ... she was wronged by the police. Also... when I run into people in daily life I cant always give a good description of them .... having a wrong height or hair color or eye color or haircut or clothes just isn't a big deal to me
She has his dna in her panties Tide ... use some logic ... she was obviously wrong about his height unless you think the police are framing him ..
"Her story changed from the "suspect" being someone who supposedly matches Chad Abram's description (Jameis' other witness and former roommate if the first one is the young lady's roomate) to oh now it's Jameis."

how do you know if the cop didn't write down a shitty description? or that it was dark as hell. pretty bold assumption here.

"this is where the oddities lie; her recanting of the initial story and providing a new, quite different one. Why the change in stories and the weird one from the start?"

when did she recant anything? when did she provide a different sotry? i ain't never been raped. don't know if you have, but it sounds like if she did get raped, it'd be some traumatic shit. i don't know how well any of us would hold up under the spotlight.

"I don't think he ever told the authorities that he did not have sex with her, and the case got cold because she reportedly repeatedly failed to respond to TPD requests/contacts."

or because the TPD told her this is a football town, and her life will be ruined. depending on where you went to school.

"So far, it still looks like he said she said with the odd timing of this story being thrust into the national media and an offensive that leads me to believe it's monetarily motivated."

just so we're clear here: a woman claims a dude raped her, goes to the hospital, has a very invasive rape kit done, and now we suspect her of being after money that doesn't even exist? seriously? or she's going after money from the TPD? come on. how could she have known they'd screw this investigation up so badly when she filed the initial report?

and of course the family leaked the info to the press. what would you do if the man your daughter claimed to have raped her was on tv every saturday, getting stroked by every member of the sports media? i know i'd make a phone call or two.

i don't know if he did or didn't do it. but i do know that when a woman makes a rape accusation that soon after the alleged situation, it doesn't look good for the dude. maybe she made this whole thing up after they had consensual sex, because she was embarrassed, or crazy, or something, i don't know. i just think we all need to take a step back and have some empathy. this woman might fuckin kill herself over this shit. or jameis's life could be absolutely ruined. either way, negative shit is happening. and i don't see the fairness in posturing as someone with an inside track to the truth and leading a forum one way when it sure as hell looks like you don't know much of anything. it just don't seem right.
The height thing is overblown because we have dna to know for certain who it was. The ID is not really all that debatable other than a frame job...which given police cover up at worst, incompetence at best, in favor of the star athlete the whole way seems unlikely.
I know there are plenty of wild-late-night stories some of y'all have ... but in general, don't most people know who they're having sex with if it's consentual??? (blood work shows she wasn't drunk that night) She couldn't even identify the person for a couple of months ... that's interesting ...
The height thing is being overblown. Who knows how drunk she was

There's no way twinkie could have told us the height of the guy who face raped him at Krystal

But he had to have been pretty short to rape twinkie.
I know there are plenty of wild-late-night stories some of y'all have ... but in general, don't most people know who they're having sex with if it's consentual??? (blood work shows she wasn't drunk that night) She couldn't even identify the person for a couple of months ... that's interesting ...

Yeah , but if she was raped, trauma can fuck with your mind. And if it was consensual, maybe it was dark, or they were lying down the whole time. Figure it'd be tough to say how tall someone is if y'all are both horizontal.
If you just pointed at a random guy and told a girl to tell you his height, you'd get anywhere from 5'10" to 6'5". All they know is that he is taller than her. I'm 5'11", and I don't think I could accurately tell you whether someone was 6'5" or 6'9" without standing shoulder to shoulder and then guessing the distance. But like it was already said, that point is meaningless now after the DNA test. Now it's whether the sex was consensual or not. There's definitely enough there to arrest Winston, innocent or not. It will be up to a grand jury to decide if he should be charged or not. Then a jury can determine his innocence or guilt
talbuc's stories seem to not make much sense. he claimed it was just a bj. now his dna is in her panties. unless she spit his spunk in her pants afterwards that makes no sense, no?

He said it was a bj at first, then the door was closed and things "escalated." Not saying what talbuc is saying is true at all, but he didn't just say it was just a bj, so his dna being on her panties isn't something that is against talbuc's story.
Id be surprised at this point if he is not arrested....the potential maimstream media backlash if he is not would be too much.
not to be flippant about the rape but...

What does this do to their title hopes???

(assuming hes arrested and unable to play)

Do they still go? (also assuming they win out without him...which I think they would)

Or do voters take it upon themselves to drop them since their whole season will have been a sham (considering he should have been arrested and kicked off the team in January)????
I know there are plenty of wild-late-night stories some of y'all have ... but in general, don't most people know who they're having sex with if it's consentual??? (blood work shows she wasn't drunk that night) She couldn't even identify the person for a couple of months ... that's interesting ...

Yeah, but that doesn't mean much in the end. My college roommate when I was a senior, and 3 of his soccer teammates were arrested and charged with raping a girl at a party. Turns out, she was just a really big slut who let them run train on her at a party, in a bathroom...and then was embarrassed when people started talking about it, so she claimed she was raped. They were all exonerated when the facts came out, but the point is that sometimes girls have other reasons for claiming rape (other than consensual or non-consensual sex).
You would have to drop them, they arent the nmbr 2 team in the country if he is not playing, has to be factored in
Yeah, but that doesn't mean much in the end. My college roommate when I was a senior, and 3 of his soccer teammates were arrested and charged with raping a girl at a party. Turns out, she was just a really big slut who let them run train on her at a party, in a bathroom...and then was embarrassed when people started talking about it, so she claimed she was raped. They were all exonerated when the facts came out, but the point is that sometimes girls have other reasons for claiming rape (other than consensual or non-consensual sex).

It certainly happens from time to time and Appalachian state beats Michigan and ulm beats bama every blue moon too.... but there is a huge plus sign on a line of false rape allegations and there don't seem to be any legit reasons to think she is lying .. at least any that we have heard yet.