FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

the thing I find interesting, if true, is that she went to the cops only a couple hours after the incident and subjected herself to all the tests. it's all heresy at this point, but if true that's pretty f'n quick.
Also wouldn't she know who Jameis Winston is? Why wouldn't she just have told the cops that Jameis did it, and not describe an individual of 5'11" and 205 lbs (or whatever it was that she said)? Seems kinda odd to cryptically tell the cops who raped her if she knows who Jameis is, and knows that he's the one who raped her.
From what I know of the young man, something like this would be a huge personality outlier.

Just like it would be a huge outlier for a great family man like Tiger to be living a double life and banging porn stars and waitresses throughout the United States.
he was a redshirt freshman last year, why would she know who he is?

Who wouldn't have known who he was on the FSU campus? Maybe I'm way off here, but you have to figure pretty much everyone at FSU knew who Jameis was, redshirt freshman, or not.
Who wouldn't have known who he was on the FSU campus, or even in the state of Florida? Maybe I'm way off here, but you have to figure pretty much everyone at FSU knew who Jameis was, redshirt freshman, or not.


I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. You're always right kj, so I'm probably just wrong here. You think that if Wiggins was redshirted this year at Kansas that people on the KU campus would know who he is?

Winston also played baseball for FSU last year didn't he?
i don't know if all women on the KU campus know who andrew wiggins is or even care about basketball

i can assure you there is more to life in florida than football though regardless of what the fans say
i don't follow

every chick at FSU or even in tallahassee knew who the number one recruit in the country was? you must know women better than i do CG
i went to school close to KU and think it's much more likely they know who wiggins is than women at FSU and winston, just a hunch though. i have no real data on that.
Got an update last night to clarify a few things. Here's the situation -

The young lady's aunt, who is an attorney, urged her to have the case reopened. Upon receiving this request, the state attorney contacted TPD asking about the case. It's at this time that someone within TPD first contacted the St Pete Times and told them to request information relative to this investigation (my Gator fan reference from yesterday) and let the mess unfold. Either the same person at TPD or the SP Times then contacted TMZ. Then here we are.

Regarding Jameis at the party, he was there with two of his friends and left when things started getting a little rowdy. I believe there was an inappropriate touching complaint that sparked it, but it's at that time that Jameis and his two friends left. To be clear, the inappropriate touching I reference was not because of nor did it have anything to do with Jameis or his friends. They wisely left when they saw that the scene was something they don't need to be around. If any of you havr played athletics at a high level you're no doubt familiar with those talks from coaches about not putting yourself in position to embarrass yourself or your teammates. Jameis did exactly that (avoided / removed himself from the situation).

This would never have become a "Jameis" story if the person with TPD didn't contact the SP Times.
who is talbuc?

FSU alum with excellent contacts.

I just received another update this morning that changes the story from what I wrote this morning a bit but doesn't change his innocence. It makes more sense but has a bit of craziness to it. I'll try to post tonight when I'm not having to type all this on my phone.
Got an update last night to clarify a few things. Here's the situation -

The young lady's aunt, who is an attorney, urged her to have the case reopened. Upon receiving this request, the state attorney contacted TPD asking about the case. It's at this time that someone within TPD first contacted the St Pete Times and told them to request information relative to this investigation (my Gator fan reference from yesterday) and let the mess unfold. Either the same person at TPD or the SP Times then contacted TMZ. Then here we are.

Regarding Jameis at the party, he was there with two of his friends and left when things started getting a little rowdy. I believe there was an inappropriate touching complaint that sparked it, but it's at that time that Jameis and his two friends left. To be clear, the inappropriate touching I reference was not because of nor did it have anything to do with Jameis or his friends. They wisely left when they saw that the scene was something they don't need to be around. If any of you havr played athletics at a high level you're no doubt familiar with those talks from coaches about not putting yourself in position to embarrass yourself or your teammates. Jameis did exactly that (avoided / removed himself from the situation).

This would never have become a "Jameis" story if the person with TPD didn't contact the SP Times.

You may be 100% correct here when this all comes out in the wash but I for one don't buy what you are saying. If what you are saying is true that Winston has the worst counsel in the history of the world. The story you tell makes him not even 1% at fault here and in the meanwhile damage is being done to his reputation that can not be repaired. His name will forever go hand in hand with sexual assault. The correct course of action if what you are saying is true would have been to hold an immediate presser and tell the world you were not involved and that the facts will show this to be true.
You may be 100% correct here when this all comes out in the wash but I for one don't buy what you are saying. If what you are saying is true that Winston has the worst counsel in the history of the world. The story you tell makes him not even 1% at fault here and in the meanwhile damage is being done to his reputation that can not be repaired. His name will forever go hand in hand with sexual assault. The correct course of action if what you are saying is true would have been to hold an immediate presser and tell the world you were not involved and that the facts will show this to be true.

Excellent take, and what I found out late this morning addresses your point. I'm a cynical guy myself and had the same thoughts. It's not as simple as I previously relayed but does not (if true) change his guilt/innocence situation.
He should just come out and be like "it wasnt me...im Yag" and then go with that for the next 15 or so years...

that would blow peoples mind
pretty sure the statute for this kind of complaint is penetration of some kind. oral, vaginal, or anally. that goes beyond "inappropriate touching".
The attorney for Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston asserted Thursday evening that he has two witnesses who can provide information to authorities that would likely clear the Heisman Trophy front-runner in an alleged December 2012 sexual assault.

Attorney Tim Jansen told FOX Sports that the two witnesses — one of whom was interviewed Thursday and one of whom is scheduled to talk to investigators on Friday — would provide “exculpatory” information to authorities.

Evidence is termed “exculpatory” when it favors a suspect and tends to clear him or her of guilt.
Winston, a redshirt freshman who has dazzled the college football world with his play this fall, is being investigated in an attack on a woman reported to Tallahassee, Fla., police last Dec. 7. He has not been arrested nor charged with any crime, and Florida State officials have said his status for the No. 2 Seminoles’ game against Syracuse has not changed.
Jansen has said he first learned of the case and Winston’s status as a possible suspect last February. But he said that at that time he was told the case had been closed.
Then, on Wednesday, he was told it had been reopened.
William Meggs, the state’s attorney for that district of Florida, confirmed that no one in his office knew anything about the report until Wednesday. Asked whether it should have been brought to his office earlier, he declined to comment, referring questions to Tallahassee police.
Officer Dave Northway, a department spokesman, declined to comment.
Meggs said he could not estimate how long it would take him to decide whether charges should be filed.
“Obviously, we’ll work as fast as we can,” Meggs said. “There are things that have to be done that have not been done.”
He would not elaborate.
He also said that his decision would be based, at least in part, on the wishes of the victim.
“We would consider what the victim wants us to do,” Meggs said.
According to a heavily redacted copy of the police report, which does not identify Winston, the victim alleged a sexual assault using force between 1:30 and 2 on that Friday morning. Police officers responded to an apartment, where the victim described the attacker as standing between 5-foot-9 and 5-foot-11 and weighing 240 pounds. The Florida State media guide lists Winston as 6-foot-4, 228.
The report also lists the suspect’s name as “unknown,” indicating that the victim and the suspect did not have a prior relationship.
FOX Sports has learned that Winston was not identified as a possible suspect in the assault until after the spring semester began in January.
According to the police report, investigators recovered evidence from the body of the victim, but it is not clear whether that included genetic material.
Numerous Heisman Trophy watchers have called Winston the current front-runner. So far in 2013 — his first year as a starter — he has completed 69.5 percent of his passes for 2,661 yards and 26 touchdowns against seven interceptions. He also has three rushing touchdowns.
Florida State, 9-0, sits No. 2 in both the BCS standings and the Associated Press Top 25 poll.
Something very weird about all of this.

Yeah, it's weird that this has come out almost 10 months after the case was considered closed.

Brian Banks anyone? Before we all go convicting Jameis, especially since he may just be a witness and not the actual suspect.
Yeah, it's weird that this has come out almost 10 months after the case was considered closed.

Brian Banks anyone? Before we all go convicting Jameis, especially since he may just be a witness and not the actual suspect.

whats strange to me is the silence. If he is so obviously innocent and is no more of a suspect than anyone else at the party that night why does it take several days of his name being dragged through the mud before they even speak of witnesses to prove his innocence. I'd have an immediate presser with my lawyers proclaiming my innocence. There is damage being done to his rep, esp if innocent, that he will forever carry with him in his life.
I haven't seen anyone convict him of anything in this thread, I will actually be surprised if it was him given the little I know of his personality. I do lend at least some credibility to the girl's story if she actually reported it so quickly and subjected herself to all the testing regardless of who the "suspect" is. That said the whole he said/she said nature of sexual assault is so dicey.

Brian Banks was the victim of a major conspiracy of some whore and her mom if I remember correctly, this sounds a little different at first glance but we don't really know anything. Like CDS has said his attorney could have saved this guy some damage to his name that can't be undone in the court of public opinion though.
whats strange to me is the silence. If he is so obviously innocent and is no more of a suspect than anyone else at the party that night why does it take several days of his name being dragged through the mud before they even speak of witnesses to prove his innocence. I'd have an immediate presser with my lawyers proclaiming my innocence. There is damage being done to his rep, esp if innocent, that he will forever carry with him in his life.

Like CDS has said his attorney could have saved this guy some damage to his name that can't be undone in the court of public opinion though.

I guess I would question whether or not it would have really mattered if the attorney came out with his side of it right away, or a few days later. In the court of public opinion, I'm not sure it really would have mattered. I could easily be wrong, but I think we've all seen it before....people are guilty before being proven and no matter what you say or prove, some will always feel that way. It's pretty sad in many ways that that's how it goes down nowadays.

I would like to know why the attorney didn't confront the allegations immediately myself, will be interesting to see if this ever comes out.
First let me apologize as, due to one of my sources getting incorrect/incomplete information, the contents of this post vary substantially from my previous ones. Here’s what I know:

I won’t get into great detail with some of the specifics for reasons you’ll understand as you read. I’m also going to use the word “allegedly” a lot, so deal with it. Here we go –

  • There was a get together / pre-party a year ago at an apartment with about 10 people. Jameis was there and allegedly was flirting with the young woman. They allegedly went into a room of the apartment, and in view of others, she engaged him in a particular activity. After seeing that others were watching, she got up, shut the door, and turned off the lights. From there the activities allegedly escalated. Use your imagination.

  • A short time after they finished Jameis left the apartment and went a to another apartment two doors down where he played Fifa Soccer, yes Fifa Soccer. He and other guys played winner stays on, and by virtue of Jaemis being really good at the game, he stayed on until about 5:00am.

  • I obviously know more specifics from Jameis’ side, so the young lady’s version/details are a bit hazy. Where we’re a bit clueless is how this goes from a consensual situation (as evidenced by the witness accounts) to one where the young lady eventually leaves the apartment, goes to a dorm room and contacts campus police, who in turn contact TPD since the alleged incident occurred off campus. Jameis was not named as a suspect. Somewhere in all of this at some point, the young lady makes the statement I paraphrased yesterday about him being a nice guy and not wanting him to get into trouble. Jameis provides his statement to TPD through his attorney, and TPD eventually, allegedly/apparently finds nothing to go off, and closes the case.

  • Then I believe in February of this year, the young lady was allegedly stopped and involved in a traffic violation that is allegedly still in an open status for some reason. I only mention this because of odd events supposedly brought up at the time of the violation and because I believe this may be an event we hear more about in the future. Sorry so cryptic.

  • Something(s) happened in this past year to cause this case to reopen. That’s where we’re in the dark at this point. I’m going to list a bit more of what I know and then my speculation based on that knowledge. Two coinciding events occur.
    • One has the young lady via her aunt attorney allegedly pressing the state attorney to reopen the case. Not having a clue about the case (since TPD didn’t find sufficient evidence to move forward with it in ’12) the state attorney asks TPD what’s going on. They in turn send the information to the state attorney, basically saying – Here it is. Have at it.
    • The second has the St. Pete Times (this will be relevant in a bit) as the first to contact TPD asking specifically for information on this case. Subsequently, TMZ makes the same request, and here we are.

This situation is filled with questions, but here’s my attempt to make sense of recent events. I do know the young lady’s name, the names of her parents and where (city) they live. No, I will not share that information. The young lady’s father is involved in local politics in south Florida where they are from. Interestingly, on a website containing the members of this board, the young lady’s father is the only person whose picture has been removed / is not displayed. The young lady’s facebook page has been removed. This shouldn’t matter, but given the magnitude of this case, I need to mention that the young lady is white. I think that may factor into why we’re where we are now.

My speculation is that some time in the past year, the young lady was pressured to alter her story / ask the case to be reopened. Her story has changed, but due to a lot of remaining haziness surrounding that story, I’m not going to get into those details here. Again speculating here, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the young lady’s father, using his influence, contacted the SP Times, either directly or indirectly, and used them to get this story into the headlines. I don’t know that the “Gator TPD member” theory holds much water. To me, the scenario I just mentioned makes more sense. Maybe the young lady’s father was still upset knowing the events in which his daughter was involved, saw the success Jameis was having this year, and used what influence he had to attempt to ruin Jameis’ success and get retribution for his daughter. Again my and only my speculation, complete speculation.

I have a daughter and two sisters and don’t make it my thing to disparage women, but I do think a couple of things are worth noting. One, I was told about a Twitter exchange some time this past year between the young lady and her boyfriend that was sexually graphic in nature. There was also a video on the Vine (apparently some other social network with which I’m not familiar) that was explicit in nature and removed; something akin to (in severity not action) what Miley Cyrus recently got a lot of heat for. My point in bringing these up is to show that the young lady apparently isn’t naïve to the ways of the world.

That’s what I have for now. Again, sorry this drifts from what I said earlier, but to me, it makes this whole thing make a little more sense. I still believe this will eventually go away, but unfortunately, it’s something that we have to deal with now.
There was a get together / pre-party a year ago at an apartment with about 10 people. Jameis was there and allegedly was flirting with the young woman. They allegedly went into a room of the apartment, and in view of others, she engaged him in a particular activity. After seeing that others were watching, she got up, shut the door, and turned off the lights. From there the activities allegedly escalated. Use your imagination.

Is the above according to his side of the story or her side of the story? Gotta be his side correct? Or witness account?
Is the above according to his side of the story or her side of the story? Gotta be his side correct? Or witness account?

Yes his side. That's where the "two friends of his" come in as witnesses to the events. They corroborated his story to the authorities. I've got a very clear read on his side as there are only two people separating myself and Jameis as far as relaying the events goes.
Well that's a much different story than you first told. That basically boils down to he said she said. Which is where most rape cases stand. Makes much more sense now as to why he didn't just come out and proclaim his innocence. He may actually be guilty. LOL.
Well that's a much different story than you first told. That basically boils down to he said she said. Which is where most rape cases stand. Makes much more sense now as to why he didn't just come out and proclaim his innocence. He may actually be guilty. LOL.

Of getting a blowjob in front of people...? Then she doesn't want people to see so shut door and turned off lights. (which is how this reads)
Of getting a blowjob in front of people...? Then she doesn't want people to see so shut door and turned off lights. (which is how this reads)

what happened after the lights went out? Escalated? Might have gotten to some point where she said no and he said yes.......might not have.
Has anyone considered talbuc may be full of shit? Story changing , no one knows him, public forum. Say this- writes well and is a good story teller.
Starting to believe that the height of the guy who sexually assaulted the victim was intentionally made wrong to at the very least throw off the scent. Funny how things can change in a heart beat.