Friday Discussion Thread

Man. Can’t believe i left Braves total off card. Lol. Fuck.

My guy Alcantera in strike out mode tonight!! He been doing that more and more lately.
Man. Can’t believe i left Braves total off card. Lol. Fuck.

My guy Alcantera in strike out mode tonight!! He been doing that more and more lately.

7 k’s thru 5 innings and still only at 52 pitches! Dude is a freaking bad ass!
Fucking kopech. Looking back and knowing I don’t like him think I made a good case for Ff over, hindsight and all., lol
I was thinking about you and that Braves total 2. I thought you were playing it. I’m in the full game. Also the Yankees (of course) and the Manoah strikeout prop.
I was thinking about you and that Braves total 2. I thought you were playing it. I’m in the full game. Also the Yankees (of course) and the Manoah strikeout prop.

I was gonna play it, it wrote down in my book in spot that means bet it, I dunno why the hell I didn’t, I blame the whole one eye thing! Or maybe lack of sleep last night, lol. Whatever the reason I’m pretty aggravated bout it; feel like I’m def gonna lose the pirates/rox over since that was prob the one i shoulda cut and now that Braves and Sox team totals hit im bound to miss one of 3 total overs I played. Overs ain’t my string suite so odds I hit all 3 ain’t good, lol.
I was thinking about you and that Braves total 2. I thought you were playing it. I’m in the full game. Also the Yankees (of course) and the Manoah strikeout prop.

None my babbling bout the Sox/yanks gave you any 2nd thoughts on yanks huh? Not that it should, I often write reasons I wouldn’t play yanks and they usually win! Lol
I have a blind spot with the Yankees. Luckily that usually balances out with the Braves so I don’t lose my shirt every night.
I have a blind spot with the Yankees. Luckily that usually balances out with the Braves so I don’t lose my shirt every night.

It helps they win so much they even find ways to win the games they have no business winning! I might not bet them a whole lot but you don’t see me acting crazy tryin to fade them much either! Lol.
Well Fuxk, my thinking in that pirates game was pirates score early then rox prob do some scoring off the pen late. I suppose now I just want whomever to score as much as possible so I can split that game, don’t see pirates winning Ff now, really thought their offense might find some life at coors against a pitcher who not great against lefty bats.
Now I’m basically rooting for rox to pile on runs as I see no chance pirates get me 4-5 runs in 5th. Lol
Yu can chill out with the strike outs, don’t need those and 18 pitches a inning isn’t gonna get him into the 7th!!
Only took M's f2f but possibly the most shocking line of the season for me is Robbie Ray, 6 IP, 10 k's, 0 BB. Obviously pitching a he'll of a game but didn't know that line was possible from him.
I have a blind spot with the Yankees. Luckily that usually balances out with the Braves so I don’t lose my shirt every night.

Here go yanks in bottom of 9th once again. I really hope these fuckers peeking early and come playoff time they don’t have any 9th inning rabbits left! Lol. Glad they gonna get you the cash tho!
Sure be nice if chisox could get a insurance run or 2! And I’m gonna need pirates to help out a little with this over!
Only took M's f2f but possibly the most shocking line of the season for me is Robbie Ray, 6 IP, 10 k's, 0 BB. Obviously pitching a he'll of a game but didn't know that line was possible from him.

I really didn’t like him today either, rangers been hitting lefties really well lately. Only reason I didn’t play texas or their team total was cause Ray been so freaking good lately and if I remember correctly had a ump he been real good with in past.
Did Yankees just hit into a bases loaded triple play?? Wow, I thought they had won another game w 9th inning comeback. What’s this like their 3rd extra inning game in a row?!??
Did Yankees just hit into a bases loaded triple play?? Wow, I thought they had won another game w 9th inning comeback. What’s this like their 3rd extra inning game in a row?!??

Guess not a triple play but they did have bases loaded no outs after tying it up and failed to score.
There my insurance runs from the white Sox! Now cmon pirates, help me get over this total you losers!
Darvish is throwing entirely too many fuckinb pitches trying to strike everyone out, Mfer hasn’t been hunting k’s like this. They need you to eat innings Asshole, how bout some quick outs!!
If the Yankees keep me from a 3-0 night I’m going to be pissed.

I dunno what to say bout that one. On one hand id say they shoulda lost, I mean how many times can they come back on teams closers? On the other hand after they tied it up they shoulda won and not be in extras right now. Lol
The worst was when they blew the 3-0 lead to the Reds in the 9th. I almost threw the remote at the TV with that one.
Cmon rox. Need you guys to get me over 11 on your own; pirates shitbag offense ain’t gonna give us anymore help.
The worst was when they blew the 3-0 lead to the Reds in the 9th. I almost threw the remote at the TV with that one.

They win so much for ya tough to be real mad! I imagine if you watching or following it been quite the roller coaster lately! Lol
The worst was when they blew the 3-0 lead to the Reds in the 9th. I almost threw the remote at the TV with that one.

Did they just get out of Sox havinv bases loaded 1 out in top the 10th and no runs? This a crazy game
rox still salvaged at least 1 run in 6th! Needed that, gotta score everytime they get 1st 2 guys on if we gonna get to 12!!
Man. Since I know pirates not gonna give any more help with the total Rox just have 6 more outs to get me 3 runs. I swear this the 1st and last time I play a over with the pirates!! All those garbage lefties they throwing out who have caused problems for some pitchers didn’t put up any fight vs Marquez who not only allows a .800 ops to lefties but been awful at coors!! Go figure. I didn’t realize Reynolds was hurt either, this lineup can’t handle missing their best hitter.
I hate both these teams right now.

I have lot of anger issues at moment. Mostly at myself for passing on 2 plays I talked about In my very 1st post of this thread that both cashed. How stupid is that? Of course I’m gonna be sweating out a few late plays when I left early winners on the table.
I really fucjed up my card tonight, it one thing when I just have a bad day, those happen. It another when I sit around all day before going to make bets and end up cutting bunch of winning plays. Lack of sleep and not wanting to drive my one eye ass thru all the construction this morning fucked me. Instead I wait for the old lady to get off work and drive me so I tinker with card all day out of boredom, lose prices on guys, and just fuck things up in general second guessing my capping!! Man I’m pissed off, looking at my book you would think I crushed it today but not gonna turn out that way. I don’t care how shitty it is driving in morning, from now On im getting back to being at book and making my plays right when they open like I was doing before surgery!!
I mean, it will be a winning day, but I’m pissed as well 2. Need to take a breather with soccer or something. The break is coming at the right time.