Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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I almost knew we'd get a Django bit in here by tomorrow morning.
No, just took a picture with him. Besides, if there's one woman around that never has to worry about his man cheating, it's probably Mrs. Magic Johnson.

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his GF he does NOT want her bringing black people to his games ... including Magic Johnson ... and it's ALL on tape.

TMZ Sports has obtained audio of Sterling making the racist declaration during a heated argument on April 9th with V. Stiviano ... after she posted a photo on Instagram posing with Magic.

Sterling rails on Stiviano -- who ironically is black and Mexican -- for putting herself out in public with a black person (she has since taken the pic down). But it doesn't end there. You have to listen to the audio to fully grasp the magnitude of Sterling's racist worldview. Among the comments:

-- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?" (3:30)

-- "You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games." (5:15)

-- "I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people." (7:45)

-- "...Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games." (9:13)

Sterling has a documented history of allegedly racist behavior -- he's been sued twice by the federal government for allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Blacks and Latinos.

He was also sued by former Clippers exec Elgin Baylor for racial discrimination -- though a jury was ultimately not convinced and shot down Baylor's case.

Sterling has been separated from his wife Shelly for years. She remains a key player in running the team and sources tell us she's "mortified" by Sterling's comments.

We have made several calls to Sterling and his people ... so far, no word back.

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Sterling also appears to be a cuckold, I figured as much about most racists[/QUOTE]
i know what a cuckold means.....just curious what you mean
BTW, thats why I love Galtie (no homo) dude knows me pretty darn well. I love to watch closet racists peek their heads out. Like shooting Mouse's in a barrel. Then again Galt & I talk all the time on Twitter lol, so he knows me

The overt racist, I know where they are & what they stand for.

The covert, codeword racist, now those folks, those are the one's I like to let expose themselves. Cowardly bunch if you ask me
I thought Galt was an uncle tom? or is that tru?
I don't really have any idea what can be legally done about this. They are saying that it's not a clipper thing and it's just a sterling thing... But if you are a clippers fan and you buy tickets to go to a game. You pay money at the arena. Are you not supporting Donald sterling? I think so. So is there any other way other than boycotting to hurt his business? Or to get rid of him as an owner? Personally I would not want to try to win a championship for someone like that. At the end of the day you're trying to win to hold up that trophy. How on earth can you allow this guy to hoist that trophy?
I don't really have any idea what can be legally done about this. They are saying that it's not a clipper thing and it's just a sterling thing... But if you are a clippers fan and you buy tickets to go to a game. You pay money at the arena. Are you not supporting Donald sterling? I think so. So is there any other way other than boycotting to hurt his business? Or to get rid of him as an owner? Personally I would not want to try to win a championship for someone like that. At the end of the day you're trying to win to hold up that trophy. How on earth can you allow this guy to hoist that trophy?
This dude is obviously a pretty terrible person, but it sounds like he's been a terrible person for quite some time now and been sued multiple times for it including the largest settlement involving rental discrimination in SoCal ever, or one of them. I guess the question is, and I'm sure David Silver is working on this right now, what can the NBA legally do to some old fucking racist team owner? Fine? Yes. But can they make him sell the team? That will be interesting to see, I just don't know how legally they can do that, but we'll find out I'm sure.

As far as the players go, I don't see them (Clippers) not playing hard because of this. They knew he was racist from his past actions, as did the entire NBA or anyone that is formally acquainted with him. Are people going to boycott his games? Some will, but most Clippers fans know about this stuff as well, since they are well associated with the team. It is obviously news to most people out there not deep into Clippers history, etc, but my guess is they won't be able to get him to sell the team. Is an illegally obtained recording admissible in court? (paging Fondy), because if they try to make him sell you know its going legal for sure.

It's disgusting that in this day in age people still think the way that they do, but lets not kid ourselves that racism isn't still very much out there, across all colors and ethnicities towards any variation of their own. Whites versus Blacks, Blacks versus Whites, so on and so forth. It's out there very much and will be for all of time. It's sad but true. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his GF he does NOT want her bringing black people to his games ... including Magic Johnson ... and it's ALL on tape.

TMZ Sports has obtained audio of Sterling making the racist declaration during a heated argument on April 9th with V. Stiviano ... after she posted a photo on Instagram posing with Magic.

Sterling rails on Stiviano -- who ironically is black and Mexican -- for putting herself out in public with a black person (she has since taken the pic down). But it doesn't end there. You have to listen to the audio to fully grasp the magnitude of Sterling's racist worldview. Among the comments:

-- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?" (3:30)

-- "You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games." (5:15)

-- "I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people." (7:45)

-- "...Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games." (9:13)

Sterling has a documented history of allegedly racist behavior -- he's been sued twice by the federal government for allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Blacks and Latinos.

He was also sued by former Clippers exec Elgin Baylor for racial discrimination -- though a jury was ultimately not convinced and shot down Baylor's case.

Sterling has been separated from his wife Shelly for years. She remains a key player in running the team and sources tell us she's "mortified" by Sterling's comments.

We have made several calls to Sterling and his people ... so far, no word back.

Read more:

Sterling also appears to be a cuckold, I figured as much about most racists[/QUOTE]

twinkie13 said:
i know what a cuckold means.....just curious what you mean


But................Just in case you are serious:

In fetish usage a cuckold is complicit in their partner's sexual "infidelity" and takes masochistic sexual pleasure in it.

When one tends to have an outsized sense of self & a strong belief in the inferiority of others "different" from them, there becomes a need for reconciliation. Some of course do not reconcile their Id & Ego. Those we tend to call psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissistic personality disordered etc. A common form of resolution with the male that exhibits those previously stated traits (along with the empowering feeling of having society or at least their inner circle back those beliefs) is sexual humiliation/masochism. Primarily by the object 1 loves the most & disdains the worst. Hence many racists tend to have sex with prostitutes of the race they dislike, Homophobes tend to have secret Yag lovers & racists tend to want to see their wives get their backs blown out by someone of the race they dislike and a large penis.

BTW if needed there are visual aides available
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Don really is the victim in all of this. His privacy was clearly invaded.

Yes it has. But he is in a position of power and he has a history of the same behavior. Its very sad but the man is not going to change his views. He's been this way his whole life and that's not something that is changing now. His gf clearly set the whole thing up like a sting operation to get back at him it looks like....

Legally there most likely is nothing the nba can do to push him out of the league, they have basically swept it under the rug for years and are waiting for him to die.
I don't know. In a less sensitive era, Schott, a formerly beloved owner, was forced to sell after anti-Semitic remarks and there are only a handful of Jewish players in baseball. Now, in a more sensitive era, an already despised owner has made remarks that demean the race of, what, 75% of the players in the league?

A White owner saying things about Onthespot is 100 times worse than a Jewish owner (Sterling) saying things about Blacks, according to the people who matter like David Stern and Adam Silver. So the Marge Schott thing is a precedent, but don't count on Sterling getting the Schott treatment.
I don't know if Sterling will be forced to sell directly, but indirectly he will IMO. When the staples center isn't getting sold out and has say 9,000-10,000 fans during Clips games. He's gonna take a loss. If the sponsors that pay to show their ads start slowing down, he's gonna take a loss. If enough people protest, he'll have no choice but to sell the team and leave. Too much pressure if he stays.
He was a shitty owner and the product was terrible for almost thirty years and he did fine. As long as the product on the court is good, people will come to the games.
Sponsorship partners are going to dry up pretty quickly. Local Clippers broadcasts are going to be like that year the Masters went commercial-free.
Imo Hunt it will do the opposite of blow over and get worse the longer it takes to act which is why the NBA has already said that something will be done before Tuesday's game many things do get swept away..i'd love to see what happens if anything..
Just dont confuse confronting race with racism. You should learn the difference. 1 seeks to break down the issue, the other is the issue
I don't have white guilt, I treat people how they treat me. Half this country voted for Obama to alleviate this condition. I have no such issues. Silky is all about Trayvon, Riley cooper, sterling, as if all non liberal whiteys fall in this category. You would have more credibility if you called it out on both sides. You don't, main stream media doesn't, and I don't give a fuck what you think about me.
I don't have white guilt, I treat people how they treat me. Half this country voted for Obama to alleviate this condition. I have no such issues. Silky is all about Trayvon, Riley cooper, sterling, as if all non liberal whiteys fall in this category. You would have more credibility if you called it out on both sides. You don't, main stream media doesn't, and I don't give a fuck what you think about me.

So half the country voted for Obama because of guilt? Ok

I actually agree somewhat with some of the post tho
And YES!!! I have a problem with individuals or groups who call people like n!gger, discriminate against people like me AND who think when these things occur I should be a good old docile boy.

Its very easy to say "ohh they're pulling the race card", when YOU'RE not the 1 affected. To confront race, racism & its systemic influences is uncomfortable for some and I want it to be as uncomfortable as possible. I NEVER want any people I interact with to be comfortable with racism. Take it how you want, but to be oppposite of me in that says more about the other than I.
Unfortunate but not shocking that politics got brought into it, that's the world we live in
What is unfortunate is that it is never going away....racism, that is

Not just white and black....all forms

NO! Incorrect! Ignoring it, acting like you can do nothing about it, accepting it means it wont go away. Confronting it, challenges it. Places"it" in a position of having to defend itself as opposed to spreading unfettered. If you're in a room where folks are using a pejorative against another race, CONFRONT IT! IF you're part of an organization that discriminates, CONFRONT IT! Anything else is enabling, being complicit in the act that you may otherwise despise
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Classy move by Dani Alves in the Barcelona game today, grab the banana, eat and play on
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