Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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I'm not making up any rules at all. Name the blackballed white guy. Or was he so blackballed, we don't know his name, just hear playground legends about Pasty Thunder?
Dwight's really hung up on that guy in my office.

Im hung up on your internet opinions regarding racism and how they contrast with your real life actions. It is much easier to be a "do as I say, not as I do" type of person and I'm sure I do it with regards to certain things in life
Link wouldn't open on the mobile. But if you can play, you can play. Pro sports doesn't see a lot of color. Even the baseball pipeline that is Australia has a handful of big leaguers in place.
Dwight, I don't think a person should be fired for saying the n word. I'm also not in a position to fire the guy all by myself. Think I've been clear on both points.
One of the most idiotic pieces I've ever read. Ask yourself, KK ... what is the possible incentive for a professional organization to thoughtfully dismiss the talents of a white basketball player? And why hasn't Gonzaga won the national championship?
Tell a true story to illustrate racism's alive and well, Dwight wants me to rebuild my business.
One of the most idiotic pieces I've ever read. Ask yourself, KK ... what is the possible incentive for a professional organization to thoughtfully dismiss the talents of a white basketball player? And why hasn't Gonzaga won the national championship?

Gonzaga??? :rofl:

How about Duke?
why didn't you raise hell at work?

so a guy at your job says n***** and shouldnt be fired,

yet the owner of a company is maybe/maybe not in a private convo says dont take pics with black people, and he should be destroyed?

just askin

you don't like rich people I think is the real deal lol
Which point did I miss?

The point that on an internet forum a guy who you presume to be racist you jump all over, etc. However, racism occurs right in front of you, by an employee of a company that you partially own and you say/do nothing.

Think about that from an outsiders perspective, tip. Not strange to you?
The point that on an internet forum a guy who you presume to be racist you jump all over, etc. However, racism occurs right in front of you, by an employee of a company that you partially own and you say/do nothing.

Think about that from an outsiders perspective, tip. Not strange to you?

Can we move past "presume to be a racist" and jump to "now pretty much know"?
Can someone explain the parallel of the guy in my office saying the n word and the owner of a professional sports franchise expressing bigotry loud and clear? And if possible, can we find some more fault with Doc Rivers over something someone else said?
Can we move past "presume to be a racist" and jump to "now pretty much know"?

There is justice in the world, or at least in this thread. Trying to paint me as something Im not. You have shown everybody that you are complete hypocrite and borderline retard. I encourage you to come visit me in Atlanta and share some bbq with my non-white friends. Seriously, is there are any wonder your son has issues with a dad like you. Have a wonderful day. Go Cleveland.

Thanks, man. My son and I have some issues. Very appropriate comments from a classy guy. Fits the thread like a glove.
I'm not 100% sure you guys know exactly what the word hypocrite means.
For instance, I see no hypocrisy in the words and actions of Doc Rivers.
Can someone explain the parallel of the guy in my office saying the n word and the owner of a professional sports franchise expressing bigotry loud and clear? And if possible, can we find some more fault with Doc Rivers over something someone else said?

The obvious parallel is that there is no place for it, ANYWHERE. You have pretty much agreed with this sentiment. Yet, you didn't even reprimand the guy in your office even though he said it in a very obvious negative sentiment. By doing nothing you and your partners are enabling this behavior.

I don't know how big your business is, but most companies have a code of conduct. If your company has this, he certainly made one of the worst violations and yet you did nothing.
The obvious parallel is that there is no place for it, ANYWHERE. You have pretty much agreed with this sentiment. Yet, you didn't even reprimand the guy in your office even though he said it in a very obvious negative sentiment. By doing nothing you and your partners are enabling this behavior.

I don't know how big your business is, but most companies have a code of conduct. If your company has this, he certainly made one of the worst violations and yet you did nothing.

It's not Whole Foods. No, we have no code of conduct. Guy said what he said. Maybe if he said it every day, or more than one time seven years ago, we'd have to make a change. The point was really that the attitude is out there. It's not a fairy tale. I didn't mean to set myself up as the white Doc Rivers.
This thread needs to go anyway. Just my opinion. There have been some embarrassingly bad posts in here.
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