Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Listen Slugger, do you boss. If one knows not what they are to own, then by inference they are unsuitable to own. Good day sir

Yeah, I think we got away from the point of why you started the thread. Sorry the debate didn't go the way with your line of thinking. I think I'm right, you think you are right. We move on. No hard feelings
His girlfriend is black? So he just doesn't like black males? Is he not packin much downstairs or what
First off I didn't know this cumbucket was so racist, so it's news to me. Congrats on owning an NBA team fuckface.

Here's to hoping he gotta field a team of 12 white guys in the near future.
alright deleted all the bullshit. Please no personal attacks anymore, ruins one argument...
Where's that Ron Burgundy "that escalated quickly" gif when you need it?
i don't know if he is a racist or just tries to come out as one.

He has black girlfriend, he had black GM, he has a black coach, stars of his team are black...

Maybe he just an asshole (not just about the race thing, just look at his history and what he did to people) that enjoys the reputation of a racist...
i don't know if he is a racist or just tries to come out as one.

He has black girlfriend, he had black GM, he has a black coach, stars of his team are black...

Maybe he just an asshole (not just about the race thing, just look at his history and what he did to people) that enjoys the reputation of a racist...

Wait, the stars of his NBA basketball team are black? Where did he find those unicorns?
THATS the million dollar question Dwight, and honestly it's more how badly will the other owners allow Silver to punish him. Because umm yeah, dont think owners want a world where a side piece GF can interfere with their money
If memory serves correctly, Major League Baseball forced Marge Schott to sell the Reds, so there is precedent, sort of, albeit in a different sport. Then again, it's been this way for years, so unless the Jordan's, Lebron's and Kobe's of the world speak up for a change and rally the troops, doubt anything changes unfortunately.
The L.A.. Clippers should BOYCOTT the playoffs ... and refuse to step on the court until the NBA takes action against Donald Sterling ... so says Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann went to Twitter this morning -- after TMZ Sports posted audio of the Clippers owner telling his GF not to bring black people to his games -- and railed against Sterling.

"time for #Clippers players to step up. Refuse to play till NBA moves against this racist jackass #Sterling. NBA can't defend him.'

Olbermann also notes, "I was banned by the #Clippers for criticism of the front office - in 1986. This made me the envy of every other LA sports media person."

Read more:
My guess? Since the NBA couldnt do anything about all the other stuff he's done, he'll get some sort of fine, be made to establish some charity etc & forced to miss a couple games. But unless Silver has bigger balls than Stern, NBA wont do much. Though I wish they would
I bet you he's forced to sell the team. This is pretty bad.
If memory serves correctly, Major League Baseball forced Marge Schott to sell the Reds, so there is precedent, sort of, albeit in a different sport. Then again, it's been this way for years, so unless the Jordan's, Lebron's and Kobe's of the world speak up for a change and rally the troops, doubt anything changes unfortunately.

Fat chance any of those nimrods saying boo about it.
he would fight that tooth and nail. People have been trying to get him to sell the team for years.
social media the way it is now is gonna make this a tough one to overcome for him

what a strange cat
What I could see happening is he takes away his "owner" title, and hands the team to one of his children
I don't know. In a less sensitive era, Schott, a formerly beloved owner, was forced to sell after anti-Semitic remarks and there are only a handful of Jewish players in baseball. Now, in a more sensitive era, an already despised owner has made remarks that demean the race of, what, 75% of the players in the league?
Elgin said that the organization was run according to Sterlings vision of a Southern Plantation back in the day. Guess all that stuff was true.
Marge Schott in baseball , Limbaugh kicked out of the Rams group because some perceived him as racist .... precedent is there from other sports. I suspect he will be forced to sell.
sounds like a big ugly legal battle ...

other owners speaking up against him and asking him to sell would help. Those owners though are going wanna make sure that it sold for a ridiculous price
Welp a song with Snoop is out of the question..............
And it will be interesting to see if they could win a legal battle against him. You have to prove he discriminates, not that he is a racist.

I wonder what the terms are for teams to be in the NBA .. how easily can the NBA remove a team from their "group"?

Also, ...isn't that chick kind of young for him?
Without the chick, I think he skates on this. But the more I think of it, with the wife situation going on, the young piece of poon & the remarks. That whole thing is gonna be 1 of those "Its best for all parties involved if you just took a break Donald"
Apparently, at some point since CTG's inception, the four people who inhabit the NBA forum have discussed rumors and hearsay about Donald Sterling's racist beliefs, so this story about an audio recording of an NBA owner on a racist rant bores them.

The four of us have spoken and you have been voted out of the forum...

discuss your racist thoughts in the GD forum - oh ---- the 4 of us all think your Avatar is racist. "secret:
Saturday, April 26 2014 is the last day of "National Say Racist Shit if you are Almost Famous Week"
The four of us have spoken and you have been voted out of the forum...

discuss your racist thoughts in the GD forum - oh ---- the 4 of us all think your Avatar is racist. "secret:

I didn't pick my avatar. True story. (Although I admit, the one I had picked resembles this one.)
He has been a piece of shit forever. Kinda shocked people didn't know he was racist. This isn't the first story and won't be the last methinks.
He has been a piece of shit forever. Kinda shocked people didn't know he was racist. This isn't the first story and won't be the last methinks.

Which means the players on the team were looking the other way? The league itself was looking the other way?

Seems I remember a thread about him being a racist before so it makes sense.

Sad players would go there for the paycheck knowing he is a racist before they do.
He has been a piece of shit forever. Kinda shocked people didn't know he was racist. This isn't the first story and won't be the last methinks.

I've heard him called a terrible owner, and cheap, and a jerk, and a slumlord ... never heard racist until this thread.
Accusations of racism and discrimination

In November 2005, ESPN reported that Donald Sterling agreed to pay a fine of $2.73 million to settle claims brought by the Justice Department and Davin Day of Newport Beach that he engaged in disciminatory rental practices against Hispanics, blacks, and families with children.[SUP][5][/SUP] In addition, Sterling was also ordered to pay attorneys' fees and costs in that action of $4,923,554.75. [Order Granting Motion for Prevailing Party's Attorneys' Fees and Costs, dated November 2, 2005, C.D. Cal. Case No. 2:03-cv-00859-DSF-E Dkt No. 454]. In granting the attorney's fees and costs Judge Dale S. Fischer noted "Sterling's' scorched earth' litigation tactics, some of which are described by the Plaintiffs' counsel and some of which were observed by the Court. The Court has no difficulty accepting Plaintiffs' counsel's representations that the time required to be spent on this case was increased by defendant's counsel's often unacceptable, and sometimes outrageous conduct." [Id. at p. 5]
In February 2009, Sterling was sued by former longtime Clippers executive Elgin Baylor for employment discrimination on the basis of age and race.[SUP][6][/SUP] The lawsuit alleges Sterling told Baylor that he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach".[SUP][7][/SUP] The suit alleges that during negotiations for Danny Manning, Sterling said "I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid."[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][8][/SUP] The suit noted those comments while alleging "theCaucasian head coach was given a four-year, $22-million contract", but Baylor's salary had "been frozen at a comparatively paltry $350,000 since 2003".[SUP][6][/SUP]
On August 8, 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Sterling for housing discrimination in using race as a factor in filling some of his apartment buildings. The government's ongoing case alleges Sterling refused to rent to non-Koreans in the Koreatown neighborhood and to African Americans in Beverly Hills.[SUP][7][/SUP]The suit alleges Sterling once said he did not like to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and that "Black tenants smell and attract vermin."[SUP][7][/SUP]
On April 9, 2014, TMZ Sports released an audio conversation recorded by V. Stiviano, Sterling's girlfriend. Both Stiviano and Sterling argued in regards to a posted photo Stiviano uploaded on Instagram where she posed with Magic Johnson. In the audio recording, Sterling tells Stiviano: “It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?”[SUP][9][/SUP]
I believe your spinning here.

You seem to insinuate that NBA is ok with him being racist because he has been in the past. I think NBA is saying that sterling being a racist isn't news in itself, because he always has been.

I'll let NBA explain himself

yup, i am in no way saying that what he is doing is ok.... i honestly have no idea he has gone on so long without being prosecuted for something.... all i was saying is that read about similar instances years and years ago...
I expect this to escalate quickly, distractions around tomorrow's game gonna be ridic
Hope he gets worse than he deserves. Seems he fancies himself a plantation owner from the early 1800's ... hell looking at his photo maybe was.
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