Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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How bout those of us that thought a Mickey Mouse/Barney ticket would be better than McCain/Palin or Romney/toolshed from Wisconsin ticket? We just feeling guilty too?

Is that a cnn poll or something? Wtf. Obama/Biden it's been great. He has been the great healer. Fucking sheep.
Hey Butre, Is it racism if 99.9% of black people voted for Obama? 50% of white people voted for him. What group is racist? What group voted in terms of color? Every white yuppie democrat I know that voted for Obama did it to make themselves feel better. Clearly, they didn't do it to make the economy better, the wars end or the world like us more.

This is the most anecdotal dumb shit I ever heard. "Every white yuppie democrat I know". You gotta be shittin me. You know how dumb that sounds? You know how racist that shit is towards white folk? This is hilarious. They mighta vote for him because 1/2 this country Is goddamn left leaning, and the other independents had a bad taste i their mouth because GW jr fucked it up. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
This is the most anecdotal dumb shit I ever heard. "Every white yuppie democrat I know". You gotta be shittin me. You know how dumb that sounds? You know how racist that shit is towards white folk? This is hilarious. They mighta vote for him because 1/2 this country Is goddamn left leaning, and the other independents had a bad taste i their mouth because GW jr fucked it up. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

ok but what about the 99.9% part ( I think it was more like 95% ) ?
Sterling is an asshole, oh but the horror of his racist comments. I'm an NBA player and I'm going to wear black socks and a fucking hoodie and cash my check and live in my McMansion and smoke my weed and play my play station and close my eyes to the murders on the south side of Chicago every god damn day. Blacks killing blacks but oh god a rich white man said something provocative. Keep your eye on the ball sheep.

The fuck you know about the south side? There marched every fucking week out here. D rose is out here all the goddamn time trying to stop the violence. Do some goddamn research before you keep talkin ignorant shit.
Is that a cnn poll or something? Wtf. Obama/Biden it's been great. He has been the great healer. Fucking sheep.

You tell me if you are a CNN type

Anyone woulda seen the market come back up, I'm not an idiot, Obama's been a conservative to me. But now it's semantics, politicians gonna be politicians, and yes he's probly healed better than the others I guess. But still just a politician.
The market has gone up because we debased our currency, have 85 billion of POMO a month, and the market is controlled by hft algorithms. Every bellwether from cat to walmart to mcd has lower revenues. We are in deflation mode except for things we need like food and energy. Market is up? It's a charade.

south side Chicago. I know it better tape an you kid. Born there, two brothers live there, you think dwade gives a fuck about the brothers being murdered there? He is too busy being a fashion ***.


[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: DivTitles"]FOOTBALL[/TD]
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[TD="class: articleTitle"][h=1]Dani Alves takes bite out of banana racism[/h][/TD]
[TD="class: Tmp_hSpace10"][/TD]
[TD][h=2]Barcelona defender had a banana thrown at him as he took a corner in match at Villarreal - and decided to eat it.[/h]
Last updated: 27 Apr 2014 22:45

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Dani Alves has often been subjected to racist taunts and called fighting racism "a lost war" in January [AP]

[TD="class: DetailedSummary"]Barcelona defender Dani Alves responded to a racist taunt when a banana landed at his feet during Sunday's game at Villarreal by picking up the fruit, peeling and then eating it before proceeding to take a corner kick.
Alves said after the match that humor is the best way to combat racism in sports.
"We have suffered this in Spain for some time," Alves said. "You have to take it with a dose of humor. We aren't going to change things easily.
"If you don't give it importance, they don't achieve their objective."
Alves has often been subjected to racist taunts and called fighting racism "a lost war" in January 2013, after segments of Real Madrid's fans abused him with Mouse chants during a match.
During the match, Alves had already played a key part in sparking his team's 3-2 comeback when his off-target shot was turned into an own goal Gabriel Armando in the 65th.
And shortly after the banana incident, Alves launched a cross that Mateo Musacchio headed into his own goal in the 78th before Lionel Messi scored Barcelona's winner.
The win kept Barcelona four points from league leader Atletico Madrid
El... Both sides. Both sides of racism. We don't and won't hear "both". Like Johnny said, mainstream media doesn't and Silk doesn't. American society doesn't. It's a societal flaw.

That being said, yeah, Sterling is a piece of shit and should be forced to sell the franchise.
It's all a distraction. Sterling. Give me a break. Inconsequential. I hope that bitch that leaked the tape is prosecuted but she won't because California is as corrupt as any state and politicians will be politicians. They don't give about you. Sterling don't give a fuck about you. Chris Paul don't give a fuck about you either.
Y'all are all goddamn Geniuses. Crying about reverse racism while saying racist statements about gringos (1/2 the country voted for Barry because of white guilt). Get the fuck outta here.
why should the media be on trial when we all pretty much get it, racism is a one way street in this country?

I just come from the line of thinking that one side gets more leeway than the other, and it's not in my control, but it is just

Some think we get to shake our dry erase boards and start from scratch, but that's not how this works
Not that anyone cares, but I'm no republican. Red team, blue team, it's all a distraction. There the same team. Hate to say it but racism is going to get worse because nobody has money or good jobs. It's all a way to grab his assets.
Not that anyone cares, but I'm no republican. Red team, blue team, it's all a distraction. There the same team. Hate to say it but racism is going to get worse because nobody has money or good jobs. It's all a way to grab his assets.

Remarkably I kinda agree with you here, it's just how we proceed and there's no correct answer
If you don't understand yuppie white guilt you ain't lived in the northeast or the Bay Area.. It's about the money and comfort. They don't give amuck about a brother being shot in Gary, in.
El... Both sides. Both sides of racism. We don't and won't hear "both". Like Johnny said, mainstream media doesn't and Silk doesn't. American society doesn't. It's a societal flaw.

That being said, yeah, Sterling is a piece of shit and should be forced to sell the franchise.

Silk and El are basically saying "so what?" ... because whites don't have the same obstacles and have already benefitted ( the younger generations through no fault of their own but benefitted nonetheless ) from generations of a "free" head start.

I disagree because I think any treating of other people based on skin color promotes racial division. I don't think anyone can look at the current United States and not see the double standard or look at a 95% voting block where one race just happened to vote at a higher % than another for the first time in history and not realize that they were voting based almost solely on race. I am sure Silk and El would concede both points ... I just think they think "so what?". I could be wrong though.
If you don't understand yuppie white guilt you ain't lived in the northeast or the Bay Area.. It's about the money and comfort. They don't give amuck about a brother being shot in Gary, in.

Pass the buck Johnny, you can't run from the shit you said here. Remember, you don't care what we think.
bay area and NE can't think outside the box like you folks in Georgia?

You don't trust people (that don't think like you) do you?
Think like me? I'm a grown man. I care about my daughter and my parents unconditionally and treat everybody else the way they treat me

That's a good start toward rehab...not gonna lie, I've been told I could use some anger management myself
u guys can go on all night..not doing anything to this's quite amusing.
some pretty cool basketball being played by some black dudes here

not that i want to take a picture with any of them though....sleep with them? maybe

but I wouldnt promote it
Think like me? I'm a grown man. I care about my daughter and my parents unconditionally and treat everybody else the way they treat me

Then why are you crying about reverse racism while saying racist shit? Give a fuck if you're Gundy. This ain't Stillwater and you sound like an idiot.
u guys can go on all night..not doing anything to this's quite amusing.

Johnny and I being civil for a minute, you know a few ***** hating Onthespot in the SEMCON area? I guess it could exist.
cant let a white man do you like that

or is it white boy

and black man

hmmmmmmmmm....always wondered about that one.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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