Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Here is the link to the whole article in S.I. com -
I copied number 4 as it has been talked about quite a bit in here ​

4: Expelling Sterling from the NBA and defending a possible lawsuit by Sterling

It is well known that some league officials and owners would like to see Sterling leave the NBA. Sterling has faced accusations of racism for years, including having to defend a housing lawsuit brought by the Department of Justice. The NBA also knows that wealthy NBA fans like Steve Ballmer and Chris Hansen—who sought to buy the Kings and relocate them to Seattle—would jump at the first chance to own an NBA team.
Forcibly removing Sterling from the NBA is unlikely to happen. The NBA's constitution, which is confidential, reportedly contains language permitting owners to authorize the league to sell a team without an owner's consent. The language, is told, only covers very limited circumstances and these circumstances concern team finances -- namely, when an owner can't pay his bills.
There is reportedly no language authorizing the NBA to sell a team because of an owner's hurtful remarks or embarrassing behavior. Even if constitutional language could be construed to authorize a forced sale of the Clippers, NBA owners would likely be reluctant to do so given the precedent it would set.
Removing Sterling from the NBA, however, may not be necessary to effectively remove him from the Clippers. The NBA could suspend Sterling indefinitely and encourage him to sell the team. The Sacramento Kings were sold last year for an amount that equates to $534 million. It stands to reason the Clippers—which Sterling purchased in 1981 for $12.5 million—would be worth well in excess of $700 million.
The NBA could take a bolder step and take over the day-to-day operations of the Clippers, much like Major League Baseball did with the Dodgers and its embattled owner, Frank McCourt. The Dodgers, however, were experiencing payroll problems; there is no reason to believe the Clippers are experiencing any financial troubles.
The NBA must also be concerned about the possibility of Sterling suing the NBA and owners, such as for breach of the Clippers franchise agreement or for violations of federal and state antitrust law. NBA franchise agreements contain language that limit the ability of owners to sue the NBA and other owners. This language is known as "waiver of recourse", which means that an owner, by virtue of owning an NBA team, voluntarily waives away legal recourses he or she might otherwise have against the NBA and owners.
The waiver would likely aid the NBA in regards to a contract breach claim, but courts are generally unwilling to extend waivers to antitrust claims. A potential antitrust claim by Sterling against the NBA would be that his competitors (other NBA owners) and the NBA have conspired to expel him. By doing so, the logic goes, Sterling would have to sell his team at less than market value because prospective buyers would know that Sterling "has to" sell. As a result, he would attract lower bids. Under federal antitrust law, any damages Sterling receives would be automatically multiplied by three. He may have additional claims under California antitrust law.

I know braves said we ain't supposed to name call, but how does one describe what Johnny said and Marlo agreed to besides goddamn moronic?
I just don't understand racism. I'm not very old and definitely not very smart. I just don't understand why it exists. It's upsetting.
I just don't understand racism. I'm not very old and definitely not very smart. I just don't understand why it exists. It's upsetting.

Don't get all upset and get yout panties in a wad, kid. Racism has been with us since the beginning of time and it will always exist

An ideological basis for explicit racism came to a unique fruition in the West during the modern period. No clear and unequivocal evidence of racism has been found in other cultures or in Europe before the Middle Ages. The identification of the Onthespot with the devil and witchcraft in the popular mind of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was perhaps the first sign of a racist view of the world. Official sanction for such attitudes came in sixteenth century Spain when Onthespot who had converted to Christianity and their descendents became the victims of a pattern of discrimination and exclusion.

always wanted to do it once, expected alex to be on the receiving end but so be it
We're all probing for different holes Marlo, understood

Now Shark or GLB might find a sinker in FLA, no good there
Why do you equate "most liberals" and Al sharp ton? "Most liberals" even think Obama is a turd.

Most angry construction folk are of sound mind.
NO! Incorrect! Ignoring it, acting like you can do nothing about it, accepting it means it wont go away. Confronting it, challenges it. Places"it" in a position of having to defend itself as opposed to spreading unfettered. If you're in a room where folks are using a pejorative against another race, CONFRONT IT! IF you're part of an organization that discriminates, CONFRONT IT! Anything else is enabling, being complicit in the act that you may otherwise despise

It's the context that matters to me... for instance I find Chappelle, Pryor, Rock, Louis CK and Lampanelli to have some of the best stand up sets I have ever heard and a lot of it is racial humor. That make me a bad person in your eyes? If someone says something kinda racist but I know they aren't a racist then it just doesn't get me wound up. If I suspect someone is a racist then it does.
Johnny is basically saying treat everyone the same ... a good guy is a good guy and a dick is a dick..... ( though I think silk is a good guy and johnny thinks he is.... well .. not ).

For instance ,,.,, take the national organization of women ( I will go nonracial to make the point I think johnny is making ).....

Bill Clinton is accused of rape ... and admitted to being a sexual harasser and active in his infidelity. Yet N.O.W. turns a blind eye to it because he supports their political agenda. Imagine if George W Bush had done the same....
I don't have white guilt, I treat people how they treat me. Half this country voted for Obama to alleviate this condition. I have no such issues. Silky is all about Trayvon, Riley cooper, sterling, as if all non liberal whiteys fall in this category. You would have more credibility if you called it out on both sides. You don't, main stream media doesn't, and I don't give a fuck what you think about me.

Pretty damn well said, imo. :shake:
Johnny is basically saying treat everyone the same ... a good guy is a good guy and a dick is a dick..... ( though I think silk is a good guy and johnny thinks he is.... well .. not ).

For instance ,,.,, take the national organization of women ( I will go nonracial to make the point I think johnny is making ).....

Bill Clinton is accused of rape ... and admitted to being a sexual harasser and active in his infidelity. Yet N.O.W. turns a blind eye to it because he supports their political agenda. Imagine if George W Bush had done the same....

Bullshit. He said 1/2 the country voted for Barry because of white guilt. This is a goddamn joke. You dont see the the horseshit here? Until people start calling morons like Johnny out, we ain't gettin nowhere.
Both sides, we never get both sides. Probably never will. And, yeah, I understand why we don't, but, that doesn't make THAT right either.
Hey Butre, Is it racism if 99.9% of black people voted for Obama? 50% of white people voted for him. What group is racist? What group voted in terms of color? Every white yuppie democrat I know that voted for Obama did it to make themselves feel better. Clearly, they didn't do it to make the economy better, the wars end or the world like us more.
I re-read that thing 3 times. You still ain't makin sense. You, Johnny, Marlo, anyone else who made a stupid emoticon handshake. None of y'all are making any damn sense. You don't follow politics--so you can't comment on Johnny's idea that 1/2 of this country voted on Barry outta white guilt. Ok. Fine. Even though thats some racist shit agains honkeys. So wtf are you shaking hands about? The part where Johnny calls silk a racist without actually saying it (because he's afraid of saying what he feels). You agree with that? You think the poor, white man is getting discriminated against and we should all stop and realize the pain the white man has to go thought every fucking day for just being white?

Say what you feel.
Bullshit. He said 1/2 the country voted for Barry because of white guilt. This is a goddamn joke. You dont see the the horseshit here? Until people start calling morons like Johnny out, we ain't gettin nowhere.

I think half the white people voted for Obama because they don't understand economics ....... :) ... oh ... and hated the previous 8 years of W ...
Sterling is an asshole, oh but the horror of his racist comments. I'm an NBA player and I'm going to wear black socks and a fucking hoodie and cash my check and live in my McMansion and smoke my weed and play my play station and close my eyes to the murders on the south side of Chicago every god damn day. Blacks killing blacks but oh god a rich white man said something provocative. Keep your eye on the ball sheep.
How bout those of us that thought a Mickey Mouse/Barney ticket would be better than McCain/Palin or Romney/toolshed from Wisconsin ticket? We just feeling guilty too?
I re-read that thing 3 times. You still ain't makin sense. You, Johnny, Marlo, anyone else who made a stupid emoticon handshake. None of y'all are making any damn sense. You don't follow politics--so you can't comment on Johnny's idea that 1/2 of this country voted on Barry outta white guilt. Ok. Fine. Even though thats some racist shit agains honkeys. So wtf are you shaking hands about? The part where Johnny calls silk a racist without actually saying it (because he's afraid of saying what he feels). You agree with that? You think the poor, white man is getting discriminated against and we should all stop and realize the pain the white man has to go thought every fucking day for just being white?

Say what you feel.

just the rich ones ... the poor whites have it good
How bout those of us that thought a Mickey Mouse/Barney ticket would be better than McCain/Palin or Romney/toolshed from Wisconsin ticket? We just feeling guilty too?

Ya a Yag VP candidate isn't gonna come out of the republican primary anytime soon.
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