Adrian Peterson Indicted Negligence to Child resulting in Injury

Right but I just don't see at what point taking things away from them turns into hitting them. IMO that's a big leap

I would think the immediacy of the impact. Ok clicking out... you can flame me without response until tomorrow
The minny guys on here know I'm a BIG AD honk. Loved the guy but gotta tell ya id lke to fucking wipe that mugshot smile off his millionaire face. Bad bad pr move. Anyone else? It's bothering me a lot tbh. Cause I used to love that guy. Doubt I ever will again which is a big jump for me
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Adrian needs to personally step down and take the year off. He needs to figure out how to become a dad, because he hasn't been one so far in his life to all of children....alive and dead.

He won't get jail time.

Spanking your child is not abuse. Whipping them until they bleed certainly is.

He's a POS in my eyes, and needs to reevaluate his life. He's got kids all across the country with multiple women.
I don't know why people insist on disciplining their children with hitting/force. It's not that hard to do it with words and actions. It can be done people.
I don't know why people insist on disciplining their children with hitting/force. It's not that hard to do it with words and actions. It can be done people.

Not if you're lazy, impatient, have unrealistic expectations, or are uneducated.
So bleeding is the line huh? Striking until tears is not abuse, though? Just want to confirm.

That's not what he said. He said whipping them until they bleed certainly is abuse (and everyone agrees with that). He didn't say where the line was though (he just said that he thought spanking was not abuse), not sure how you got that. "Striking until tears" wasn't even mentioned.
That's not what he said. He said whipping them until they bleed certainly is abuse (and everyone agrees with that). He didn't say where the line was though (he just said that he thought spanking was not abuse), not sure how you got that.

Tell me, Lareux....since you want to chime in....where is the line?
Tell me, Lareux....since you want to chime in....where is the line?

I don't know where the line is for him, you could just ask him without assuming what he said.

For me, I don't hit my son, so spanking would be the line.

You're quite defensive in this thread bro....any reason?
Just wondering how many guys chiming in on this thread have raised kids into adulthood already. And how are they doing as adults?
I don't know where the line is for him, you could just ask him without assuming what he said.

For me, I don't hit my son, so spanking would be the line.

You're quite defensive in this thread bro....any reason?

Yes, because you just want to jump in for everyone else? Now I am asking you.
Yes, because you just want to jump in for everyone else? Now I am asking you.

And I'm not 'jumping in for everyone else.' I jumped in because you twisted what was said and acted like he said that drawing blood was the line, then insinuated that he said striking until tears wasn't at the line.
You said you didn't why answer for someone else then? I wasn't talking to you, was I?

I said I didn't know for him. I gave you my answer in the next sentence.

And again, I didn't answer for him in the first place. I just clarified what was said because you seemed confused by the comments based on your response.
And I'm not 'jumping in for everyone else.' I jumped in because you twisted what was said and acted like he said that drawing blood was the line, then insinuated that he said striking until tears wasn't at the line.

I asked where the line was, because it's a simple question nobody can seem to answer in this thread.
I asked where the line was, because it's a simple question nobody can seem to answer in this thread.

And I gave you my answer.

You didn't just ask where the line was though, you clearly insinuated that he said the line was drawing blood.
I've only know the generation up to my great grandparents. And every one of those generations claims they never degenerated themselves to any kind of physical abuse, and they've done enough over my life to where I trust them, and I was never physically abused in the name of punishment growing up. Yet there was enough fear/respect for my parents that I knew how to behave. They set the guidelines, and I learned pretty quickly what was out of bounds.

Why does one need to have a child or raise them to adulthood to somehow be a genius on this subject? It's a lazy argument. I've got enough experience without having a kid, and I don't need to go into details, to know that you don't need to whip em into shape.

Hbomb is killing it here, and it's probably because he's a professional in the subject. But disregard all of that if you need to whip your boy into shape.
I've only know the generation up to my great grandparents. And every one of those generations claims they never degenerated themselves to any kind of physical abuse, and they've done enough over my life to where I trust them, and I was never physically abused in the name of punishment growing up. Yet there was enough fear/respect for my parents that I knew how to behave. They set the guidelines, and I learned pretty quickly what was out of bounds.

Why does one need to have a child or raise them to adulthood to somehow be a genius on this subject? It's a lazy argument. I've got enough experience without having a kid, and I don't need to go into details, to know that you don't need to whip em into shape.

Hbomb is killing it here, and it's probably because he's a professional in the subject. But disregard all of that if you need to whip your boy into shape.
So you assume all kids are the same? That most kids will always do what they are told by their parents and peer pressure doesn't have any effect on them. Gotcha, thanks.
Just wondering how many guys chiming in on this thread have raised kids into adulthood already. And how are they doing as adults?

I get this sort of thing a lot, actually. I will preface this by saying to you Shark, that although, we may not agree on this topic, you seem like a good dude, and I am sure you are a great dad, so I don't want this to be in anyway seem directed towards you, but since you asked....parents will often ask me if I have children, but the cold, hard truth is, what does having children have to do with this? How many deadbeat dads are there out there? I have a son arriving in March, so does that mean when he arrives I have all the answers? Or I am more qualified in April than I am now? Some guy in prison that has an adult son knows more about parenting than I do? It's a "get."

I have taught child development, parenting, counseling families, etc., for which I went to school for many, many years, but having a child? Requires ZERO education, training or licenses. I could write books of the ignorant families I have dealt with over the years. So, no offense, but just because one has an adult child, does not mean, they necessarily have a clue. They certainly might; but it's not a guarantee by any means.
So you assume all kids are the same? That most kids will always do what they are told by their parents and peer pressure doesn't have any effect on them. Gotcha, thanks.


I never once said TOLD......I said you can control them and their learning without violence. TELLIING them something and ASSUMING they will COMPLY is not at all what I said.
So you assume all kids are the same? That most kids will always do what they are told by their parents and peer pressure doesn't have any effect on them. Gotcha, thanks.

Already discussed by Hbomb earlier, if they don't, it's lazy parenting. Parents set the guidelines for peer pressure, expectations, etc.

And while I haven't raised a child, this was my mother's profession as well and I grew up around it plenty.
Makes me sick, as do some of the comments in this thread. People downplaying it and people wearing 27 jerseys Thursday are astounding to me. If we're at a point where we can't protect our women and children as a society, we're all a lot worse off than I thought. Yes, it was once more common to use switches to discipline children. And what's everyone's point? We had been better off because of it? Youth doesn't have respect for their elders like they did in generations before? Give me a break....every generation has said almost the same comments about the current generation in terms of "laziness" and "lack of respect" and "sense of entitlement", so those same things were said about you that you think about young people. Generations studies 101. Anyways I'm not going to check back because I don't want to argue. People that turn it into a generational thing or political thing or "pussification" thing.... I hope you find a more open mind about some of these issues because I have a feeling political affiliation sometimes guides you to react a certain way. This is a human issue. Our human instinct as men should be to protect small children and women. I'm a fiscal conservative who thinks we should do away with welfare all together. I bust my kids asses. I demand the use of manners and will make my kids sometimes even fear me if they disrespect their mother. I completely disagree with the idea of handing out a trophy to every team/every kid in sports. This is not that. It's beating and hurting your kid (a reportedly FOUR YEAR OLD KID) to the point of welts and blood. I can't imagine if you saw that picture and that's something that your in-laws have done to your 4 yr old child to discipline him that it would be something you'd be happy about. And as for the "scarred because he was the center of his dad's arrest" ...I think that's ridiculous. He should be taught that there is right and wrong and there are consequences for wrong actions.... something that his dad was trying to do violently instead of tactically. I know people don't generally change their minds on social issues, but I urge those who think this is an example of "pussification" or "thanks Obama" to broaden your take on this and not to put it in a bucket with other social issues. There is nothing a 4 yr old could have done to deserve this...

I never once said TOLD......I said you can control them and their learning without violence. TELLIING them something and ASSUMING they will COMPLY is not at all what I said.

He was talking to KJ.
I get this sort of thing a lot, actually. I will preface this by saying to you Shark, that although, we may not agree on this topic, you seem like a good dude, and I am sure you are a great dad, so I don't want this to be in anyway seem directed towards you, but since you asked....parents will often ask me if I have children, but the cold, hard truth is, what does having children have to do with this? How many deadbeat dads are there out there? I have a son arriving in March, so does that mean when he arrives I have all the answers? Or I am more qualified in April than I am now? Some guy in prison that has an adult son knows more about parenting than I do? It's a "get."

I have taught child development, parenting, counseling families, etc., for which I went to school for many, many years, but having a child? Requires ZERO education, training or licenses. I could write books of the ignorant families I have dealt with over the years. So, no offense, but just because one has an adult child, does not mean, they necessarily have a clue. They certainly might; but it's not a guarantee by any means.


The only thing is Shark said raised kids into adulthood, so no he probably doesn't assume you'll have the answers when your new child arrives. Congrats on the kid.
Makes me sick, as do some of the comments in this thread. People downplaying it and people wearing 27 jerseys Thursday are astounding to me. If we're at a point where we can't protect our women and children as a society, we're all a lot worse off than I thought. Yes, it was once more common to use switches to discipline children. And what's everyone's point? We had been better off because of it? Youth doesn't have respect for their elders like they did in generations before? Give me a break....every generation has said almost the same comments about the current generation in terms of "laziness" and "lack of respect" and "sense of entitlement", so those same things were said about you that you think about young people. Generations studies 101. Anyways I'm not going to check back because I don't want to argue. People that turn it into a generational thing or political thing or "pussification" thing.... I hope you find a more open mind about some of these issues because I have a feeling political affiliation sometimes guides you to react a certain way. This is a human issue. Our human instinct as men should be to protect small children and women. I'm a fiscal conservative who thinks we should do away with welfare all together. I bust my kids asses. I demand the use of manners and will make my kids sometimes even fear me if they disrespect their mother. I completely disagree with the idea of handing out a trophy to every team/every kid in sports. This is not that. It's beating and hurting your kid (a reportedly FOUR YEAR OLD KID) to the point of welts and blood. I can't imagine if you saw that picture and that's something that your in-laws have done to your 4 yr old child to discipline him that it would be something you'd be happy about. And as for the "scarred because he was the center of his dad's arrest" ...I think that's ridiculous. He should be taught that there is right and wrong and there are consequences for wrong actions.... something that his dad was trying to do violently instead of tactically. I know people don't generally change their minds on social issues, but I urge those who think this is an example of "pussification" or "thanks Obama" to broaden your take on this and not to put it in a bucket with other social issues. There is nothing a 4 yr old could have done to deserve this...

Good stuff.

One question do your kids 'fear you' if you don't either use or threaten some type of physical discipline? I guess I'm asking what they could fear.
The best example I can give is being in the grocery store and hearing a screaming kid crying for a candy bar as the mother keeps shouting no, stop crying....only to see them leave the store with the candy bar

I don't have kids, but this sounds like operant conditioning, bro. One of the most powerful behavior modifiers on earth. It's the same concept that gets people addicted to gambling.
I feared what my parents said and did to me, without threat of physical violence. I fail to see why that's such a difficult concept to grasp.
I feared what my parents said and did to me, without threat of physical violence. I fail to see why that's such a difficult concept to grasp.

It's not a difficult thing to grasp. I fail to see why my question as to what his kids fear gave you the impression I don't grasp the concept you just brought up. I was simply curious as to what he meant when he said his kids feared him, so I asked the question.
I have spanked, yes. I don't like to and don't very often. And just raising my voice in general (because I don't do it often) usually gets their attention in a different way. If they're being blatantly disrespectful to their mother (for example) it's a little different to me than other mistakes. But I recognize that even in that type of situation there are other options that parent use every day that don't include a raise of the voice or a spank

If people can't see the difference between a little crack on the ass with a hand and hitting (esp with an object) to the extent that it leaves marks on a child's skin... they're probably beyond hope to be able to think reasonably about the subject.
If people can't see the difference between a little crack on the ass with a hand and hitting in other places, especially with an object to the extend it leaves marks on a child's skin... they're probably beyond hope to think reasonably about the subject.

I think everyone in here can see the difference, and understand the difference. That's where it seems some of the disconnect in this thread is...some of the people who are 100% against ever laying a hand on a child seem to be assuming that people who think it's okay to give "a little crack" on the ass are also okay with what AP did (or even more than a little crack on the ass but less than what AP did).

Your views are probably a lot more in line with those who have expressed 'acceptance' in this thread with giving a kid a spanking, but they're being talked about as if they were there rooting AP on. I'm okay with giving a kid a spanking myself, but I wouldn't do it to my son. I don't view those who want to spank their kids all as crazy, lunatic parents who think it's okay to be literally beating their child.

I don't view people who spank their kids as crazy nor do I equate them with Peterson. I still don't think it's healthy at all.
I think everyone in here can see the difference, and understand the difference. That's where it seems some of the disconnect in this thread is...the people who are 100% against ever laying a hand on a child seem to be assuming that people who think it's okay to give "a little crack" on the ass are also okay with what AP did (or even more than a little crack on the ass but less than what AP did).

Your views are probably a lot more in line with those who have expressed 'acceptance' in this thread with giving a kid a spanking, but they're being talked about as if they were there rooting AP on. I'm okay with giving a kid a spanking myself, but I wouldn't do it to my son. I don't view those who want to spank their kids all as crazy, lunatic parents who think it's okay to be literally beating their child.


I think the only questions I've raised are: 1)what is the purpose of the spanking and 2)where is the line?

If the kid doesn't cry or show remorse....then what? These are actually 2 very important questions.
There's probably not a point in spanking and I think those of you who never spank have it more right than I do. I use it to differentiate between types of action ...disrespect to mom being the main one, which I agree is flawed means of thinking. I don't ever do more than 1 firm crack on the ass calmly (not at a loss of temper situation) after repeated warnings, and to your second question, I've never had that happen where they haven't shown remorse and since I make sure it's not temper/anger-driven, I wouldn't follow-up with "worse" spankings. It coincides with how my father handled things (not that that makes it 100% right obviously)
In my opinion the line should be pretty clear. There's a reason why you spank on the ass...stings for 30 secs but leaves no lingering effect and has the padding so you're not leaving a mark/bruise. One sting on the ass is plenty enough of a reminder for my kids (as it was for me)
I think the only questions I've raised are: 1)what is the purpose of the spanking and 2)where is the line?

If the kid doesn't cry or show remorse....then what? These are actually 2 very important questions.

Where is the line is an interesting question to me, especially since it seems the state of Texas, has some type of guideline they use as to what constitutes 'reasonable discipline' . Where do you think the line is for the law? I'm just curious to know where they would draw it, seeing as how the DA used the phrase "community standards."

"Obviously, parents are entitled to discipline their children as they see fit, except for when that discipline exceeds what the community would say is reasonable," said Phil Grant, first assistant district attorney in Montgomery County, Texas. "And so a grand jury having indicted this case, looked at the injuries that were inflicted upon this child and determined that that discipline was not reasonable and did not reflect the community standards of what was reasonable discipline."
Where is the line is an interesting question to me, especially since it seems the state of Texas, has some type of guideline they use as to what constitutes 'reasonable discipline' . Where do you think the line is for the law? I'm just curious to know where they would draw it, seeing as how the DA used the phrase "community standards."

"Obviously, parents are entitled to discipline their children as they see fit, except for when that discipline exceeds what the community would say is reasonable," said Phil Grant, first assistant district attorney in Montgomery County, Texas. "And so a grand jury having indicted this case, looked at the injuries that were inflicted upon this child and determined that that discipline was not reasonable and did not reflect the community standards of what was reasonable discipline."

Professionally, I have to adhere by NY State laws, which dictate that parents have the right to spank their children, insofar as it does not leave a mark. This does; however blend with my above outlined points together, which asks, what is the purpose of the spanking? What does happen when the parent's desired elicited behavior does not occur (e.g., remorse)? Does the parent simply stop the spanking? If so, what is the next course of action to "teach" the child?

I can tell you that over the years I have sat in on enough child protective services interviews to know that it is all too common for the above to transpire, only to leave the parent unprepared for the next course of action. Usually what happens is they up the ante and continue spanking/hitting, etc. until the child responds the way the parent intends; often crossing the threshold. This is not teaching, it is bullying, threatening, whatever operational definition you want to give it. It goes beyond teaching and into providing the parent with a feeling of control for which they previously (felt) lacked. To me, that is mostly what spanking is about: Control. And why do parents need to spank to control? Because they don't know how to control another way; which is ultimately the very root of the issue. There is a lack of fundamental understanding and education on how to achieve the desired results they want from their children and it usually ends in spontaneous physical intervention that rarely yields the desired long-term outcomes anticipated, but on a surface level appears fulfilled. Meanwhile the child perspective is often completely different and has ramifications that last long beyond the "isolated" incident.

I have to stop with this thread tonight. Too many Octoberfests tonight are starting to impair my ability to form clear, coherent thoughts :)
It's pretty simple. If you don't want your kids to misbehave threaten to send them to Sunday school. Then their asses would definitely be bleeding. #CatholicConfession