Adrian Peterson Indicted Negligence to Child resulting in Injury

Wonder which is more damaging to the kid psychologically ... to have taken a whooping from his old man or to be the center point for his old man's arrest?

he might have gone too far with it ... but kids today need a beating or two, imo. Also, a whooping room is probably no different than a timeout area .. it is where the whooping happens. It is where a parent can say "Do you want to go to the whooping room?" so the kid knows the exact consequence of not changing their bad behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean it is some sick twisted place within the dudes house.

if the kid was 4 .. I think it was excessive ... if he was 11, then Adrian probably taught him a good lesson

So your cool with whipping your own 11 year kid with a stick so hard and so many times that he bleeds and bruises??
it's not pussification of america, it's not being an asshole and taking responsibility for your shitty parenting. if it takes violence to get through to your kid you're doing it wrong. get the fuck off the internet and be a better parent.
I've raised 3 grown up kids that are role models. STFU, you have no Fucking clue.
I'm not doubting that kids can overcome their parents inability to parent. I did, and I'm sure many other on the forum did. I love both of them to death but at the same time I know I'm going to work at it and take responsibility instead of being lazy and using a belt/hand/switch (since a switch is apparently a thing)
I just can't fathom what a 4 year old would do to deserve the punishment his kid has obviously taken based on the pictures and what he told his mom

how can someone get so upset with a fucking toddler they need a weapon
Next time all you men say something out of line or are a drunk asshole, maybe someone will hit you with a lead pipe. Seems the equivalent of breaking the skin up and down a child's body with a stick
Next time all you men say something out of line or are a drunk asshole, maybe someone will hit you with a lead pipe. Seems the equivalent of breaking the skin up and down a child's body with a stick

this x 10000. I just gave my kids a hug and told them I love them. This makes me physically ill. And I spank my kids when they are out of line. Sometimes too hard, yes. But would never think of picking up an instrument to discipline them, for fucks sake
Some of these NFL fucks need to start doing some jail time. Suspending them and missing games just isn't enough. Make them do some time, see if that wakes them the fuck up.
Agree with VK. Time out, give me a Fucking break. I would tell my son when he was a teen that I would put him out, fuck time out. The pussyfication of America continues.

pussification huh?
this is not taking dodgeball out of gym class or giving everyone a trophy
its beating a 4 yr old
you give me a break

I don't care if that is how you were brought up, you don't whip your kid to that extent. I can see once or twice, but not at that volume. I got my ass beat when I was a kid. I deserved most of it. I got belts, spoons, spankings, foot to ass, you name it. And my dad was the dad on the block that NOBODY wanted to fuck with - trust me on that. But i only got one or two at a time and never drew blood. That's just plain awful and stupid. Sadly, it sounds like this is deep south mentality when it comes to discipline of your children. I'm sure he has remorse (as he's alluded to prior to any of these charges or the grand jury investigation), but you can't ever take it to this point. damn.
Now I wonder if I"m going to be "that guy" that wears the AD jersey to the game on Sunday and people will look at me and accuse me of supporting child abuse. What's the verdict here? I love the Vikes and AD is my favorite player. IDK...
4:12 PM PT -- According to the police report, Peterson allegedly sent text messages to the child's mother saying he "felt bad" because he struck the kid in the testicles.

"Got him in the nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I'm all tearing that butt up when needed!" the text said.

Peterson allegedly sent a follow up text saying, "Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has he biggest heart but don't play no games when it comes to acting right."
Now I wonder if I"m going to be "that guy" that wears the AD jersey to the game on Sunday and people will look at me and accuse me of supporting child abuse. What's the verdict here? I love the Vikes and AD is my favorite player. IDK...

gotta retire it for a week at least until we know more. can't support that behavior from what we know right now.

I don't care if that is how you were brought up, you don't whip your kid to that extent. I can see once or twice, but not at that volume. I got my ass beat when I was a kid. I deserved most of it. I got belts, spoons, spankings, foot to ass, you name it. And my dad was the dad on the block that NOBODY wanted to fuck with - trust me on that. But i only got one or two at a time and never drew blood. That's just plain awful and stupid. Sadly, it sounds like this is deep south mentality when it comes to discipline of your children. I'm sure he has remorse (as he's alluded to prior to any of these charges or the grand jury investigation), but you can't ever take it to this point. damn.

Favorite post. And if you don't have kids. Shut the fuck up in this thread. You have no clue and your opinion means shit
Football jerseys represent football players, not the man wearing the jersey imo, some view it differently I'm surr, but I wouldn't think rwice about it
Favorite post. And if you don't have kids. Shut the fuck up in this thread. You have no clue and your opinion means shit

I'm going to respectfully disagree, this isn't a matter of spanking a kid or something actually controversial, don't have to have a kid to know that hitting a 4 year old child with a stick hard enough to leave the kid bruised and bloodied is child abuse.
Agreed LB, but there were posts that were leaning another direction,to ME BTW, (don't want to start a back and forth), so decided to post that.

I am am with you. GLB is a douche
Roddy has always been pretty terrible at this tweeter thing:

@roddywhiteTV: I'm probably going to lose my fantasy football matchup this week cause all day can't play Sunday for disciplining his child Jesus help us
If I am in a position to advise a pro athlete, one of the first things I'd tell them is to stay off social media, or at least not having a verified account under their own name.
Ray Rice got fired for disciplining his fiancee, where has this country gone?
If you need violence to change the desired behavior of your children, you're doing it wrong.

Parents control all the "goodies" their kids crave, from video games to television to toys, etc. the problem is, most parents have the immense need for instant desired behavior from their children (compliance). Parents need to teach the desired behavior from controlling the kids environment (locking video games, tv, etc) in a box and hide the key).

What ends up happening though (inevitably and predictably) is that the kid complains, cries, is annoying, begs, etc... and the parents get tired of listening and give in OR use physical discipline to quell the secondary behavior. It takes 21 days to shape most negative behavior if you have the willpower and you'll never have that problem again. The best example I can give is being in the grocery store and hearing a screaming kid crying for a candy bar as the mother keeps shouting no, stop crying....only to see them leave the store with the candy bar rather than having to listen to the kid or be embarrassed at the spectacle....let 'em cry the whole time and they learn quickly its pointless.
I still dont know if the kid was 4 or 11....every article i read has a different article. regardless, Awful Dad beats all of his 10 kids with 8 different women i guess.

I would think though that he would be a little less hurtful considering his 2 year old he did not bother to father died just last fall from getting beat down by his momma's bf. Just a little less forceful no?
Lets take wagers

How long will he be out for?

I am going to guess one week, the nfl cant suspend him yet before due process, trial will take at least 6 months after he pleads not guilty. The Vikings wont release him as the public outcry hasnt hit Ray Rice levels as a lot of people are defending him cuz they were beat senseless as a child and can relate. Straight PR move by Vikings here and i think hes back on the field next week. Shocked the Vikings team have not made a public statement yet.
You're right. If and when those studies come out we should definitely look at them.

Please tell me you are joking, Lareux? There is so much scientific evidence on this it's sickening. I feel like you're Phillip Morris still trying to claim smoking doesn't cause cancer. Just because some in here were spanked/beat and turned out fine, doesn't mean most are. The same way it doesn't mean that just because a smoker who is 95 can have smoked starting at age 15 for their entire adult life, correlates to everyone who smokes living a long, healthy life.
pussification huh?
this is not taking dodgeball out of gym class or giving everyone a trophy
its beating a 4 yr old
you give me a break
I was answering VK's comment. I would never condone hitting a toddler. That wasn't the arguement. My arguement was using time out instead of a spanking, and in my case with a 6'7 300.pound teenager, I'd punch him if he did something that warranted it. Only happened once with me and never again did he do what he did then. Lesson learned.
Please tell me you are joking, Lareux? There is so much scientific evidence on this it's sickening. I feel like you're Phillip Morris still trying to claim smoking doesn't cause cancer. Just because some in here were spanked/beat and turned out fine, doesn't mean most are. The same way it doesn't mean that just because a smoker who is 95 can have smoked starting at age 15 for their entire adult life, correlates to everyone who smokes living a long, healthy life.

No, I wasn't kidding....I said if there was scientific evidence it should be looked at. To be honest, I had never looked into it to know if there was or wasn't. There's also a difference between spanking/slapping a kid and beating them to where you draw blood and leave bruises. You're right, there probably are a lot of people that have been affected, but there are also a lot of people who weren't. It's a tough thing to talk about, and I would not lay a hand on my kid, but I understand that sometimes some parents feel they have to (like Shark for example). If you only have to do it a couple of times (again, not to the point of blood), and the kid learns the lesson, I don't see the harm.
Wonder which is more damaging to the kid psychologically ... to have taken a whooping from his old man or to be the center point for his old man's arrest?

he might have gone too far with it ... but kids today need a beating or two, imo. Also, a whooping room is probably no different than a timeout area .. it is where the whooping happens. It is where a parent can say "Do you want to go to the whooping room?" so the kid knows the exact consequence of not changing their bad behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean it is some sick twisted place within the dudes house.

if the kid was 4 .. I think it was excessive ... if he was 11, then Adrian probably taught him a good lesson

so in your mind it OK to punish your son (child) with violence but not your wife (adult)? serious question
to those who condone violence against your own children as a from of punishment. Question, where do you draw the line?

Lets start historically, It used to be perfectly fine to own a black man and beat him with a whip until he passed out. Assume that's not OK anymore. So where are we now?

listed worst to least , which is OK (will be graded on a curve):

a) blunt force trauma to head with open hand
b) use of weapon (switch, stick, board, hair brush, soup ladle), draws blood
c) use of weapon, doesn't draw blood, leaves bruise
d) use of weapon, no blood, no bruise
e) no weapon, no blood, no bruise
Lets take wagers

How long will he be out for?

I am going to guess one week, the nfl cant suspend him yet before due process, trial will take at least 6 months after he pleads not guilty. The Vikings wont release him as the public outcry hasnt hit Ray Rice levels as a lot of people are defending him cuz they were beat senseless as a child and can relate. Straight PR move by Vikings here and i think hes back on the field next week. Shocked the Vikings team have not made a public statement yet.

And take your question one step further.. How long would he be out if we had a video?

I'd say if we had a video (which isn't possible in this case but say we did), it is possible AD may never play again, certainly not this year.. You think it was hard to watch Rice knockout wife. Try watching a grown man strike a 4 year old dozens of times, drawing blood.. no video= 1 game; video= 1year+... go figure
so in your mind it OK to punish your son (child) with violence but not your wife (adult)? serious question

Yes. I think it is the job of the parent to discipline their child. It is not the job of a husband to discipline his wife. And by violence, I mean spanking ... using a switch or paddle is a step above but if done appropriately it isn't a big deal. I said .. if the kid was 4 this was excessive. I am just saying that kids are growing up entitled and unparented ( not a word ). There are some differences here .. he isn't a full time Dad by all accounts, the kid was 4, he went over the top with it ... but in general I think it is good for a kid to take a whooping when he deserves it if it will teach him a lesson.
Yes. I think it is the job of the parent to discipline their child. It is not the job of a husband to discipline his wife. And by violence, I mean spanking ... using a switch or paddle is a step above but if done appropriately it isn't a big deal. I said .. if the kid was 4 this was excessive. I am just saying that kids are growing up entitled and unparented ( not a word ). There are some differences here .. he isn't a full time Dad by all accounts, the kid was 4, he went over the top with it ... but in general I think it is good for a kid to take a whooping when he deserves it if it will teach him a lesson.

so OK to occasionally leave a bruise but no blood, occasionally? And maybe just a little blood maybe once every couple of years?

Just trying to get a specific point of abuse that is still tolerable in our society.
using a switch or paddle is a step above but if done appropriately it isn't a big deal.

So, if it truly isn't a big deal, then what's the point in doing it? Please tell me what is the goal of hitting a kid?

A. To inflict physical harm
B. To instill fear
C. To Teach
D. Other
Just trying to get a specific point of abuse that is still tolerable in our society.

Only so much that the people inflicting it can still feel good about themselves because they lack the ability to teach without it.
Only so much that the people inflicting it can still feel good about themselves because they lack the ability to teach without it.

Yes...and if the physicality doesn't elicit the response from the child the parent was hoping for (tears, pleading, apology, etc.) then what? Hit them harder until they "learn?"
so OK to occasionally leave a bruise but no blood, occasionally? And maybe just a little blood maybe once every couple of years?

Just trying to get a specific point of abuse that is still tolerable in our society.

Abuse, lol.

I think once you draw blood, you should probably adjust down going forward and of course stop the moment you see it the first time. I guess that is the real problem here ... it isn't like he didn't see he had hurt the kid on the first laceration and he kept going. Using a switch, you could maybe ( maybe ) mistake a cut for a scratch.

Kids have no fear anymore. It's a problem.
So, if it truly isn't a big deal, then what's the point in doing it? Please tell me what is the goal of hitting a kid?

A. To inflict physical harm
B. To instill fear
C. To Teach
D. Other

A. isn't the goal

B and C are...
Abuse, lol.

I think once you draw blood, you should probably adjust down going forward and of course stop the moment you see it the first time. I guess that is the real problem here ... it isn't like he didn't see he had hurt the kid on the first laceration and he kept going. Using a switch, you could maybe ( maybe ) mistake a cut for a scratch.

Kids have no fear anymore. It's a problem.

Ahhhhh. the free strike policy! Got it! Get out of jail free card for the first blood draw! Fuck the kid! I