Adrian Peterson Indicted Negligence to Child resulting in Injury

I like how people are making excuses for him saying that's how he was raised. He didn't know better. Fucking idiots. He's not retarded. He knows if you go far enough where you draw blood, or break skin, it's not right. Fuck him I hope he does time in jail. I believe he doesn't give a shit about his kids.

Well, this isn't necessarily true...for a lot of people in this country who were 'whipped' as a child themselves. I'm not condoning what he did, and it's clearly wrong, but for a lot of people who were raised that way, it's just the normal course of business, so to speak. I get that we're all outraged, but everyone doesn't see everything the way we see it, some see it much differently (based on how they were raised).

And no, he's not retarded, but he's also not that intelligent. Let's not act as if he's a fucking Rhodes scholar. He's a football player, who has focused solely on football for most of his life. He did what was done to him by his father, as wrong as that is....doesn't mean he knew better though just because we all do. Of course, he deserves any type of punishment that comes to him through the legal system, and has no one to blame but himself for not knowing any better.
Well, this isn't necessarily true...for a lot of people in this country who were 'whipped' as a child themselves. I'm not condoning what he did, and it's clearly wrong, but for a lot of people who were raised that way, it's just the normal course of business, so to speak. I get that we're all outraged, but everyone doesn't see everything the way we see it, some see it much differently (based on how they were raised).

And no, he's not retarded, but he's also not that intelligent. Let's not act as if he's a fucking Rhodes scholar. He's a football player, who has focused solely on football for most of his life. He did what was done to him by his father, as wrong as that is....doesn't mean he knew better though just because we all do. Of course, he deserves any type of punishment that comes to him through the legal system, and has no one to blame but himself for not knowing any better.
See this is the type of shit I'm talking about giving him an excuse. My point I was trying to make is unless he was retarded, he should have no problem distinguishing right from wrong. Unless his IQ was so low he didn't know better, then he's excused. But he's brighter then that and we all know that. So quit making excuses for a pos like that. There's only thing worse then a woman abuser, and that's a child abuser. A woman can somewhat defend themselves, leave the situation (although a lot don't), but a child has no where to go. 4 fucking years old, my goodness.
See this is the type of shit I'm talking about giving him an excuse. My point I was trying to make is unless he was retarded, he should have no problem distinguishing right from wrong. Unless his IQ was so low he didn't know better, then he's excused. But he's brighter then that and we all know that. So quit making excuses for a pos like that. There's only thing worse then a woman abuser, and that's a child abuser. A woman can somewhat defend themselves, leave the situation (although a lot don't), but a child has no where to go. 4 fucking years old, my goodness.

It's not an excuse though (or I'm not trying to make an excuse for him, I'm just talking reality). He's not the only one who believes in doing that sort of thing because they were brought up that way. I would guess there are millions of people in the US that do the same thing AP did. I'm NOT saying it's okay, and I'm NOT defending him....but if you can't see their point of view that's on you. Everyone doesn't see things the way we see them....really my only point. To him, and to the others who still use switches, they are not doing the wrong thing...they are simply doing what they know. So, for him distinguishing between right and wrong in this case, doesn't seem to be as cut and dried and you're trying to make it.
Did you feel that way about Vick and his views and upbringing around dogfighting? Or did you have a different reaction?
hold on now.... Please show me where I've had this guys back. I can count on about 1 hand how many posts I've made in this thread and NONE of them have been to defend the guy in any form.
not being a dick, as I consider you a solid dude here and very easy going

maybe not in this thread, but you had his back hard in the thread where he played on Sunday after his kid was murdered right?

If I am wrong sorry P...:shake:

This dude just doesnt seem like a good all to me
Did you feel that way about Vick and his views and upbringing around dogfighting? Or did you have a different reaction?

I had the same reaction. The situations are pretty similar in the fact that they involve the upbringing of someone and what they do because of that upbringing.

And by "reaction" I mean they both did something horrific and should suffer any/every consequence they get in a legal sense, and in NO WAY do I condone what they did. I simply understand their reasoning behind doing what they did, and realize that there are a ton of people out there who are doing the same thing, and justifying it the exact same way.
and I try not to get on a moral high ground often....maybe I do

But when it comes to sexual assault and physical assault on a child, I will

Hitting a 4 year old til there is blood and bruising is fucked up....fucked up real bad
and I try not to get on a moral high ground often....maybe I do

But when it comes to sexual assault and physical assault on a child, I will

Hitting a 4 year old til there is blood and bruising is fucked up....fucked up real bad

Of course it's fucked up....who is saying that it isn't?
Lareux, I think that is a tough sell IMO. You're saying it's fucked up, but I sort of get it because of his upbringing. Don't think you can have it both ways.

This is ethics/morality 101. What is moral for one can/should not be for all, or yes, should it? People in the Middle East and other places believe stoning and beating women and degrading them is totally cool. And killing people in the name of God. That's their upbringing. Sure, okay.
Lareux, I think that is a tough sell IMO. You're saying it's fucked up, but I sort of get it because of his upbringing. Don't think you can have it both ways.

This is ethics/morality 101. What is moral for one can/should not be for all, or yes, should it? People in the Middle East and other places believe stoning and beating women and degrading them is totally cool. And killing people in the name of God. That's their upbringing. Sure, okay.

Then you clearly don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not sure why either, I thought I laid it out quite well and easy to understand.

Using your own example, it fits very well. That is their upbringing over there, and they see it as totally normal...we do not. It's that simple. I understand WHY they feel the way they do over there...doesn't mean I think it's right. It's not even close to me 'having it both ways.' It's two completely different points for one....what he did was fucked up...but I understand why he did it based on his upbringing. You don't seem to be able to differentiate between the two things for some reason.
Gotcha, don't need to be a cock about it. I guess I disagree then. I can't understand WHY someone would beat their kid, especially considering the ramifications and research that shows it's a bad decision.
I had the same reaction. The situations are pretty similar in the fact that they involve the upbringing of someone and what they do because of that upbringing.

And by "reaction" I mean they both did something horrific and should suffer any/every consequence they get in a legal sense, and in NO WAY do I condone what they did. I simply understand their reasoning behind doing what they did, and realize that there are a ton of people out there who are doing the same thing, and justifying it the exact same way.

Agree with all of this, just sucks it's out there, and ignorance is not an excuse when answering to the law. That said, most adults are products of their childhood.
Gotcha, don't need to be a cock about it. I guess I disagree then. I can't understand WHY someone would beat their kid, especially considering the ramifications and research that shows it's a bad decision.
Just how he is. And I don't mean to be a cock about it either.
Gotcha, don't need to be a cock about it. I guess I disagree then. I can't understand WHY someone would beat their kid, especially considering the ramifications and research that shows it's a bad decision.

Oh JFC with being a cock about it. I just responded to you, I didn't say you were being a cock when you said I couldn't have it both ways and made your post.
Lareux you have a confrontational way about your posts

I'm sure you didnt get the Fun Police tag for nada bro

whatever, everyone has a personality, not a big deal but you come off a certain way

no harm no foul
Agree with all of this, just sucks it's out there, and ignorance is not an excuse when answering to the law. That said, most adults are products of their childhood.

Exactly, and agree 100%. Like I said, he gets everything he has coming to him as far as the law is concerned. And, of course, most adults are a product of their's just surprising so many people don't realize this.
Lareux, I think that is a tough sell IMO. You're saying it's fucked up, but I sort of get it because of his upbringing. Don't think you can have it both ways.

This is ethics/morality 101. What is moral for one can/should not be for all, or yes, should it? People in the Middle East and other places believe stoning and beating women and degrading them is totally cool. And killing people in the name of God. That's their upbringing. Sure, okay.
Well said. It's either bad or not. Lareux wants to give him an excuse, most of us want to hold him accountable.
Hey Lareux. Say you and you're wife went out a weekend and you had to get a babysitter to watch you're son. How would you feel if you came home and your kid had welts/bruises etc on him. Then you found out your babysitter had a rough upbringing with the same kind of acts done to him. Would you feel the same way about him as AP?
This thread is strange. Everyone thinks he should be held accountable, everyone thinks he's negligent, yet there's no peace.
Hey Lareux. Say you and you're wife went out a weekend and you had to get a babysitter to watch you're son. How would you feel if you came home and your kid had welts/bruises etc on him. Then you found out your babysitter had a rough upbringing with the same kind of acts done to him. Would you feel the same way about him as AP?

Well that's an outlandish example....what does disciplining someone else's kids have to do with anything?

Either way, it's clear that you don't understand how I feel about AP and this situation either. It's not that confusing.

I would be just as outraged at the babysitter as I am at AP....and would want him punished by the court system/law. After I beat him senseless because it was my kid.
Idk man I find it hard to believe you would 'understand' why he did that to your son. I think you'd want to kill the mother fucker but I'll take your word for it.
Idk man I find it hard to believe you would 'understand' why he did that to your son. I think you'd want to kill the mother fucker but I'll take your word for it.

Of course I'd want to kill him. That is completely separate from understanding why someone does what they do. I'm really confused as to what you don't get. Understanding it doesn't mean the same thing as condoning it, being okay with it, not wanting them held accountable, agreeing with it, etc.
Idk man I find it hard to believe you would 'understand' why he did that to your son. I think you'd want to kill the mother fucker but I'll take your word for it.

Emotion clouds judgment though. It's easy to identify with the parent, but society tends to see things a bit more clearly once the emotion is removed, you can't ask a parent what their response would be, their opinion isn't going to be rational.

Seems most people in here have rational opinions regarding this topic.
Of course I'd want to kill him. That is completely separate from understanding why someone does what they do. I'm really confused as to what you don't get. Understanding it doesn't mean the same thing as condoning it, being okay with it, not wanting them held accountable, agreeing with it, etc.
Idk to me to 'understand' it kind of gives him an excuse especially when you said all he knows is football and what his father did to him. Even if he was raised that way you cannot convince me in the year 2014 AP didn't realize what he was doing was wrong. I guess we have a difference of opinion. We'll agree to disagree.

And yes I do realize you don't condone it, want him prosecuted, or agree with it.
not being a dick, as I consider you a solid dude here and very easy going

maybe not in this thread, but you had his back hard in the thread where he played on Sunday after his kid was murdered right?

If I am wrong sorry P...:shake:

This dude just doesnt seem like a good all to me

Well, I have the benefit of being in the same city as him and hear about what goes on more or less day to day. Prior to this I thought he was a pretty decent guy based on what I see/read/hear about him in this market. This is obviously a significant mark against his character. My point relating to that other situation was that, in my opinion, he has just found out about the kid and had no relationship with him prior to that. Was that his fault? I guess you could argue it either way. I didn't have a problem with him playing the game. He said it helped him deal with the situation. Whatever - that's his prerogative.

But let me be clear. I have nor will I ever condone what he did in this situation and it bothers me that people think otherwise just because I'm a fan. What he did was wrong and he shouldn't be playing until this gets sorted out.
Well, I have the benefit of being in the same city as him and hear about what goes on more or less day to day. Prior to this I thought he was a pretty decent guy based on what I see/read/hear about him in this market. This is obviously a significant mark against his character. My point relating to that other situation was that, in my opinion, he has just found out about the kid and had no relationship with him prior to that. Was that his fault? I guess you could argue it either way. I didn't have a problem with him playing the game. He said it helped him deal with the situation. Whatever - that's his prerogative.

But let me be clear. I have nor will I ever condone what he did in this situation and it bothers me that people think otherwise just because I'm a fan. What he did was wrong and he shouldn't be playing until this gets sorted out.
you are a good dude P....From what I know here. Not questioning you, just full disclosure my bro.....I remember the thread well, because it was a weird feel to me

Just wanted to point it out

Peace bro:shake:
you are a good dude P....From what I know here. Not questioning you, just full disclosure my bro.....I remember the thread well, because it was a weird feel to me

Just wanted to point it out

Peace bro:shake:
Agree with all of this, just sucks it's out there, and ignorance is not an excuse when answering to the law. That said, most adults are products of their childhood.

While more sensitive to childhood and upbringing than most as relates to shaping our thoughts and behaviors as adults, I routinely use the example of a young child who is the victim of sexual abuse. Of course we all couldn't feel worse for the child. Then when he/she acts out in school, develops behavior problems, etc. in childhood, unanimously we offer how we need to be more understanding considering what the child has gone through (myself included).

BUT, at some point, there is a strong likelihood, this young child grows into an adult who does the same thing to another generation of children. What do we say at that point? We need to be more understanding of the situation and consider what happened to this person as a young child himself? a certain point, this young child became an adult that is responsible for his own actions.

Adrian Peterson is no different. I don't doubt his upbringing is a big reason for what happened (however many times). He is doing to his kid what was done to him as a child. Doesn't make it okay.

We have a small window to change mindsets when kids are young. Once they enter adulthood, some of these mindsets become extremely unlikely to overcome.
While more sensitive to childhood and upbringing than most as relates to shaping our thoughts and behaviors as adults, I routinely use the example of a young child who is the victim of sexual abuse. Of course we all couldn't feel worse for the child. Then when he/she acts out in school, develops behavior problems, etc. in childhood, unanimously we offer how we need to be more understanding considering what the child has gone through (myself included).

BUT, at some point, there is a strong likelihood, this young child grows into an adult who does the same thing to another generation of children. What do we say at that point? We need to be more understanding of the situation and consider what happened to this person as a young child himself? a certain point, this young child became an adult that is responsible for his own actions.

Adrian Peterson is no different. I don't doubt his upbringing is a big reason for what happened (however many times). He is doing to his kid what was done to him as a child. Doesn't make it okay.

We have a small window to change mindsets when kids are young. Once they enter adulthood, some of these mindsets become extremely unlikely to overcome.

You're right in everything you said. No one in here is saying it's okay.

ESPN - Vikings place Adrian Peterson on exempt list, which requires he remain away from all team activities.

ESPN - Vikings say Adrian Peterson will remain away from the team "until the legal proceedings are resolved"

AP not playing this week.
darren rovell ‏@darrenrovell 16m
Timing of Vikings announcement on Peterson had nothing to do with trying to hide it, everything to do with couldn't wait until morning

darren rovell ‏@darrenrovell 15m
Local sponsorship pressure for Vikings is being a bit overplayed. Only makes up 10% of total revenue.

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 1h

If Vikings are going to sit Adrian Peterson until his criminal matter is resolved then absent a plea deal, next time he plays will be 2015.

I think we see the Teddy bridgewater era start real soon
darren rovell ‏@darrenrovell 23m

Per @SeifertESPN, Vikings owners Zygi + Mark Wilf & team attorney Kevin Warren will appear at news conference at noon ET
So basically Zygi made GM and Zimmer go out and make a dumbass statement, which basically lost them a sponsor (however small their money might be in the grand scheme of things). Clearly Zimmer and Spielman were uncomfortable, looking like they didn't even agree with what they were saying. And then they reverse course. If I'm playing for this team, I'm thinking what the fuck.
I think if you are playing for the team you keep your head down and mouth shut, don't get into any trouble and collect your paycheck......
I agree to a certain extent. When Donald Sterling shit went down, players spoke up.

The ownership basically let their employees take bullets for them and now they are finally coming out of the cave. I hope they get grilled today.
Agree with ya...

Do hope the owners of minny , carolina and 49'ers.. get drilled.. but we both know they won't as the reporters will be the ones that cover the team and they want to keep their jobs so they will ask some "tough" questions but not push as much as you and I would like to see/hear..
Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 30m
As @Edwerderespn reported, Adrian Peterson will receive his full salary this season - $11.75M.

for those of you Keeping score at home :) by paying him and just deactivating him it keeps the players union away from filing a grievance, which would force the league/owners to testify under oath when/what they knew/know.... (don't know how much it would affect this situation but it sure as hell is going to affect the Rice situation) unless they settle...
darren rovell ‏@darrenrovell 15m
Local sponsorship pressure for Vikings is being a bit overplayed. Only makes up 10% of total revenue.

UMMMM... 10% of how much money???????

Disagree strongly of his suggestion of 10% of revenue is overplayed. That's a shit ton of money.
i wonder if the Ray Rice thing hadn't happened, if Peterson would be playing this week