Adrian Peterson Indicted Negligence to Child resulting in Injury

don't upset the beer $

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>NFL beer sponsor, Anheuser-Busch, issues strong statement <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; darren rovell (@darrenrovell) <a href="">September 16, 2014</a></blockquote>
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if you don't pay him, child support payments stop.

Don't think that's true from guys I know that pay child support. You may get some time to find another job but you can't sit on your ass n do nothing. Eventually they will try to collect and if you don't pay you go to jail. I'm sure Peterson has enough money in the bank to pay!
I love all the holier than thou comments that come out of these situations.
There's a wife beater sitting in a cubicle at A/B right now. Probably many of them spank their children.
I guess y'all will quit drinking your light beers now? C'mon, you know they're out there.
I bet some of those immigrants out there picking your kale have spanked a kid. Better hit MickeyD's instead.......oh did I say hit?

I was busted with switches by an aunt before I was in grade school. Only happened a couple of times. Cause it smarts.
Getting the switch for your own punishment carries a huge part of responsibility to it. You have choose right because a little one is not going to be satisfactory to your punisher.
It's says a lot that people have to Google "switch". Is it a limb? sure. But a very whippy limb. Stings like the dickens.
Only takes a couple of pops and you don't want that on your butt/legs any more.
Is it Pavlovian? sure it is. Disobey, get the switch.
So many of the comments come from individuals that do not have kids. You are disqualified from the debate. Reading Dr. Spock doesn't make you a parent.
I may have spanked my daughter once. All you had to do was say "hey, cut that out" and she would melt into the floor in a heap. You can't spank that. The kid knew she did wrong and is truly sorry.
My brother said he would never spank. His son, now 22 , has been in jail more times than you can count. Has been in so many car accidents from passing out at the wheel that he'll never have rational thought in his life. If he ever did.
By the time the kid was 12 he would say, "Just whip my ass and get it over with so I can go" rather than my brother rag on him.
when he did try corporal punishment it was too late.
Kids push boundries , obviously many people forget they did the same thing.

Peterson obv went too far. It only takes a couple of pops to get the point across.
The media and corporations coming out with their righteous indignation, when their halls are filled with people that do the same thing is hypocritical.
not till those kids are 18 he doesn't. the payments will get lowered dramatically if he doesn't have an nfl income anymore. if he's suspended for the rest of the year or something, maybe they don't change it. i'm saying if the nfl boots him forever, those payments are gonna crash through the basement. i'd figure giving those mothers and kids the full amount is probably a better situation.
jesus, corporal punishment or your children will end up in jail

fucking world we live in
jesus, corporal punishment or your children will end up in jail

fucking world we live in

Not what I said. Gave examples I have from EXPERIENCE.
It depends on the kid.
You can't make a statement that you do not know how to parent if you have to resort to corporal punishment.

As far as the world we live in.......
I see people standing around while their kids run all over the stores pulling things off shelves and yelling and screaming. And the parents pay no attention.
That's good parenting, probably read it in a book.
No doubt, tons of lazy parents out there, more worried about their social lives than raising their children

As for Peterson, the Vikings seem to have come back and handled this situation as well as they could after fumbling miserably. At least they admitted as much.
I love all the holier than thou comments that come out of these situations.
There's a wife beater sitting in a cubicle at A/B right now. Probably many of them spank their children.
I guess y'all will quit drinking your light beers now? C'mon, you know they're out there.
I bet some of those immigrants out there picking your kale have spanked a kid. Better hit MickeyD's instead.......oh did I say hit?

I was busted with switches by an aunt before I was in grade school. Only happened a couple of times. Cause it smarts.
Getting the switch for your own punishment carries a huge part of responsibility to it. You have choose right because a little one is not going to be satisfactory to your punisher.
It's says a lot that people have to Google "switch". Is it a limb? sure. But a very whippy limb. Stings like the dickens.
Only takes a couple of pops and you don't want that on your butt/legs any more.
Is it Pavlovian? sure it is. Disobey, get the switch.
So many of the comments come from individuals that do not have kids. You are disqualified from the debate. Reading Dr. Spock doesn't make you a parent.
I may have spanked my daughter once. All you had to do was say "hey, cut that out" and she would melt into the floor in a heap. You can't spank that. The kid knew she did wrong and is truly sorry.
My brother said he would never spank. His son, now 22 , has been in jail more times than you can count. Has been in so many car accidents from passing out at the wheel that he'll never have rational thought in his life. If he ever did.
By the time the kid was 12 he would say, "Just whip my ass and get it over with so I can go" rather than my brother rag on him.
when he did try corporal punishment it was too late.
Kids push boundries , obviously many people forget they did the same thing.

Peterson obv went too far. It only takes a couple of pops to get the point across.
The media and corporations coming out with their righteous indignation, when their halls are filled with people that do the same thing is hypocritical.

after I got spanked I never did it again, and it wasn't just a simple whipping for me as a child growing this day of age my parents would be on the same level of scrutiny as AP (no scarring) but they would get crucified for it if media ever got a hold of asians are creative with their punishments lol

I guess the downfall of being a public figure is that the things you do is magnified's not like kids aren't being spanked/whipped with a switch and blood being drawn outside of AP's situation..doesn't make it right though
I was beat with a tree limb, at 14.
Camping in Colorado with 2 other families.
What I did wasn't much, but I was the oldest and my dad got pissed.
Nice big white birch limb.
My brother , to this day, says it was the worst ass whooping he ever saw.
My ignorance ended up as retribution. My ass /legs hurt so bad I took off my pants and put on a bathing suit to go sit in that cool stream water.
The suit revealed the welts that were there. Here I am walking down the trail in front of many other families.
I was taken back to the campsite for an attempt at treatment. I had no idea they were there, just that my legs hurt.
Yeah, my old man would lose his temper. I never held it against him. At least consciously.
He was actually pretty fair and lenient. I'm sure my actions embarrassed him and he lost his temper.
Doesn't turn me against corporal punishment if that's the parents choice.
Since we are all telling our getting hit/spanking stories- As a kid i got spanked by my dad, hit with wooden spoon by my mom... Still did some stupid things....( though it was mostly if i lied)
As i got older and bigger than them, they took things away from me. That hurt more than being spanked, my Dad wouldn't let me play in a playoff hoop game, smartened me up- got a hoop scholarship... and would never ever put my hands on my kids.. ( though some of their friends and parents could use a spanking)..
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I was beat with a tree limb, at 14.
Camping in Colorado with 2 other families.
What I did wasn't much, but I was the oldest and my dad got pissed.
Nice big white birch limb.
My brother , to this day, says it was the worst ass whooping he ever saw.
My ignorance ended up as retribution. My ass /legs hurt so bad I took off my pants and put on a bathing suit to go sit in that cool stream water.
The suit revealed the welts that were there. Here I am walking down the trail in front of many other families.
I was taken back to the campsite for an attempt at treatment. I had no idea they were there, just that my legs hurt.
Yeah, my old man would lose his temper. I never held it against him. At least consciously.
He was actually pretty fair and lenient. I'm sure my actions embarrassed him and he lost his temper.
Doesn't turn me against corporal punishment if that's the parents choice.

was pretty simple for my father and mother..just tell the truth and don't hide things....worst I ever rcvd was being on my knees and holding an encyclopedia for 25 mins straight in the air, if those elbows unlocked (which it will) got hit in the back with a the longer plastic shoe horns....

As I got bigger and back got thicker...i've had many things broken over my back: plastic shoe horns, plastic coat hangers amongst other things....

point for me is, is that it's happening and AP isn't the only one but it's magnified because of his status...where the eff was the media when I had to hold up an encyclopedia on my knees above my head and getting whipped?

And that's what my brother told his son, cause he played the game with my parents.
Just do the simple things you're told , don't make waves and you get a pretty loose rein.

I don't know how many times he's told me that he gave the kid the formula and he insists on screwing up.
The kid's an adult now, so daddy can't save his butt.

Didn't mean to start a history of ass whoopings, I just can't stand sitting here reading/watching all these people be so hypocritical.

And that's what my brother told his son, cause he played the game with my parents.
Just do the simple things you're told , don't make waves and you get a pretty loose rein.

I don't know how many times he's told me that he gave the kid the formula and he insists on screwing up.
The kid's an adult now, so daddy can't save his butt.

Didn't mean to start a history of ass whoopings, I just can't stand sitting here reading/watching all these people be so hypocritical.

yea, I hear ya press...I learned real fast so it worked..not mad, friends and I all talk about it and joke about how dumb we were...we all turned out fine. Just generation/era changes that is beginning to collide with old and new
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="">#Breaking</a>: attorney Gloria Allred will hold a news conference in ATL about a NEW allegation of domestic violence in the NFL this afternoon</p>&mdash; Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive (@kaitlynross1) <a href="">September 17, 2014</a></blockquote>
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If we're gonna give anecdotal stories of beatings, I might as well give the other side. I was beaten regularly as a young person. One of my earliest memories is of my mama punching me in the nose when I was 5 for drinking her brother's beer. When my nose started bleeding, she started hitting me again because she said my nose was bleeding because I picked my nose and I wasn't allowed to do that. Mama had a 2x4 shaped like a woman's arm that she would take to us. We'd be lucky if we had our pants down waiting on her, that usually meant we'd only get hit on the ass. Normally she'd just swing it like a bat, and we'd get hit wherever it landed. She punched, kicked, scratched us routinely. Me in particular. I wasn't a good kid, I was rambunctious and mischievous. I got in trouble a lot. A tree branch woulda been a god send. I got hit with pans, belts, shoes, bats, plates, whatever she had in her hand. It's easy to say, "my parents beat me and I turned out alright".

Well, I didn't turn out alright. I was a 2 time violent felon waiting on my 3rd strike when I was 17. I've been to rehab, jail, and the psych ward more than once. I've been stabbed, shot at, run over, and in and out of therapy since I left the house. I'm a success in spite of my upbringing.

After I got my shit together, I never thought, good thing I got whooped as a kid, now I'm ok.

I'm ok in spite of getting whooped. I still struggle with violence as a solution, and I don't think it's cuz I was "born ornery" like my mama used to say. Nobody ever accused my mama of child abuse, no cps ever showed up, no teacher ever asked me what happened. It's just the way it was. And I never thought it was abuse until I told some folks about it later, laughing how my mama had a mean left hook, shit like that. Because it's easy to laugh about now, I ain't sittin with a therapist trying to figure my life out anymore, but to pretend that that shit didn't affect me negatively just wouldn't be true. I don't think I woulda been punching kids in the face so easily when I was in kindergarten if I didn't learn how to throw a punch at such a young age.

She quit drinking about a decade ago and things are absolutely fine now, just think it's kinda goofy that we don't hear what happens when whoopings go wrong.

I got whooped and I didn't turn out alright.
If we're gonna give anecdotal stories of beatings, I might as well give the other side. I was beaten regularly as a young person. One of my earliest memories is of my mama punching me in the nose when I was 5 for drinking her brother's beer. When my nose started bleeding, she started hitting me again because she said my nose was bleeding because I picked my nose and I wasn't allowed to do that. Mama had a 2x4 shaped like a woman's arm that she would take to us. We'd be lucky if we had our pants down waiting on her, that usually meant we'd only get hit on the ass. Normally she'd just swing it like a bat, and we'd get hit wherever it landed. She punched, kicked, scratched us routinely. Me in particular. I wasn't a good kid, I was rambunctious and mischievous. I got in trouble a lot. A tree branch woulda been a god send. I got hit with pans, belts, shoes, bats, plates, whatever she had in her hand. It's easy to say, "my parents beat me and I turned out alright".

Well, I didn't turn out alright. I was a 2 time violent felon waiting on my 3rd strike when I was 17. I've been to rehab, jail, and the psych ward more than once. I've been stabbed, shot at, run over, and in and out of therapy since I left the house. I'm a success in spite of my upbringing.

After I got my shit together, I never thought, good thing I got whooped as a kid, now I'm ok.

I'm ok in spite of getting whooped. I still struggle with violence as a solution, and I don't think it's cuz I was "born ornery" like my mama used to say. Nobody ever accused my mama of child abuse, no cps ever showed up, no teacher ever asked me what happened. It's just the way it was. And I never thought it was abuse until I told some folks about it later, laughing how my mama had a mean left hook, shit like that. Because it's easy to laugh about now, I ain't sittin with a therapist trying to figure my life out anymore, but to pretend that that shit didn't affect me negatively just wouldn't be true. I don't think I woulda been punching kids in the face so easily when I was in kindergarten if I didn't learn how to throw a punch at such a young age.

She quit drinking about a decade ago and things are absolutely fine now, just think it's kinda goofy that we don't hear what happens when whoopings go wrong.

I got whooped and I didn't turn out alright.

Powerful stuff. glad you were able to overcome what was a ton of adversity
Damn Elbutre, that's some powerful stuff. Corporal punishment definitely doesn't work for everybody. I've gotten my share and I think I turned out ok but there are many stories such as yours that prove "one size fits all" isn't appropriate.
I don't think anyone benefits from it. Enduring it, overcoming it and "turning out OK" is different from benefiting from receiving a beating. I think the scars Elbutre described are infinitely more likely than any good coming from corporal punishment. There's a little but if sadism to it. I'm not SUPER old, so by the time I was going through Catholic schools there weren't that many nuns and priests still around smacking hands with rulers or pulling hair, but there were a handful of old timers left. And I swear they got a kick out of it. Inflicting physical pain.
I don't think anyone benefits from it. Enduring it, overcoming it and "turning out OK" is different from benefiting from receiving a beating. I think the scars Elbutre described are infinitely more likely than any good coming from corporal punishment. There's a little bit of sadism to it. I'm not SUPER old, so by the time I was going through Catholic schools there weren't that many nuns and priests still around smacking hands with rulers or pulling hair, but there were a handful of old timers left. And I swear they got a kick out of it. Inflicting physical pain.
i dont really know the answers, but i damn well know that nobody talks about this shit when it goes south. all over the twitter, and the media, folks are sharing stories of gettin whooped, then proclaiming how great they're doin now. nobody wants to talk bad about their parents, and nobody wants to be a victim and get sympathy. and i aint' lookin for that either. she didn't know any better, but it doesnt mean it was right. i just think the other side of the coin doesn't get told and that ain't right. i love my mama more than anything, and if i wasn't anonymous this shit would never get said, but people turning a blind eye to the fact that sometimes this kinda thing fucks a person up. i guess there's all kinds of science explaining that, but i never read one. just makes sense to me i suppose.

That's terrible, but I'm not advocating beating/non-beating.
Any of us raised in Texas or the south know what a switch is and I tried to tie many thoughts together by the original post.
I know where this can go, but why , as a corporation, is the NFL held to do something about this in some peoples eyes and a company like GE who probably has all kinds of people under it's umbrella not?
All because of celebrity? What if a person is just scum? Ray Rice comes to mind. i'll bet there are tons of elevator vids of Joe Blow doing some ridiculous shit and he's going to work today.
Nobody's asking Billy Bob's Towing to send Bubba Butthole packing.
So many of the comments come from individuals that do not have kids. You are disqualified from the debate. Reading Dr. Spock doesn't make you a parent.

Couldn't disagree more. I don't have kids but I'm a teacher. Have worked with kids all my life. Babysit kids, worked with young kids and teenagers. Am around family members that have kids, my blood. I take care of them. Sure, you might have the experience as a parent, much more than me. But I will never hit my kid, I know that for a fact. I've seen parents come into my school and classroom and smack kids across their face in front of everyone. I've seen parents hit kids on the train. Maybe that was okay once upon a time. But society evolves. That is frowned upon, by the vast majority of people. And in twenty years, even more people will not hit their kids.

And for you to bring up someone that has gone to jail and that someone wasn't spanked, trying to bring some kind of correlation into the argument, well, I disagree and that is unfounded. That is simply your opinion. Which you are entitled to. But there is nothing to back that other than your anecdote. If that's part of your argument, I feel as though the argument is incredibly weak. I was never hit. Not in jail. So which is right then?
Again you miss the point.
Did I not say I may have actually spanked my own daughter once. Key word, may.

Slapping someone across the face is not discipline.
You may, lol. Ok, what's the point of bringing in the story of the non-whooping and jail if you're not advocating for spanking/"discipline"?
There are bad dudes everywhere, in every profession. Doesn't mean we should ignore certain behaviors. But if something comes to light, you act on it.
I believe somewhere in there I said depends on the kid.
I also said that my nephew at 12 had told my brother to just whip his ass and be done with it.
He eventually turned to that and it did not help.
I meant to show the difference.
I think faster than I type, much to a detriment .
Don't always finish my thoughts. A lot of backspacing.

That's terrible, but I'm not advocating beating/non-beating.
Any of us raised in Texas or the south know what a switch is and I tried to tie many thoughts together by the original post.
I know where this can go, but why , as a corporation, is the NFL held to do something about this in some peoples eyes and a company like GE who probably has all kinds of people under it's umbrella not?
All because of celebrity? What if a person is just scum? Ray Rice comes to mind. i'll bet there are tons of elevator vids of Joe Blow doing some ridiculous shit and he's going to work today.
Nobody's asking Billy Bob's Towing to send Bubba Butthole packing.

1.) we don't allow billy bob's towing to go tax free.
2.) we don't raise taxes so billy bob's towing can get a brand new facility for no reason other than $$$
3.) billy bob's towing isn't sponsored by corporations and ticket sales and tv money

of course these companies are being hypocritical, inbev can go straight to hell before i listen to them tell me DV is a problem. i don't need that shit from a poison company, but at least i'm not buying their beer and my taxes ain't going to their new building (at least to my knowledge).

the only point i had was that some folks don't turn out alright. i'd wager that a majority of folks who get whooped don't end up alright. and we don't hear from them enough.
I believe somewhere in there I said depends on the kid.
I also said that my nephew at 12 had told my brother to just whip his ass and be done with it.
He eventually turned to that and it did not help.
I meant to show the difference.
I think faster than I type, much to a detriment .
Don't always finish my thoughts. A lot of backspacing.

Kinda hard when someone isn't clear (which you admitted) on a message board on the Internet and I'm reading something trying to make sense. I don't finish thoughts, just read, relax dude. No harm, no foul, just discussing something that it seems we are all passionate about. :shake:
Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 13s

Greg Hardy will receive his full salary while on the exempt list with the #Panthers. It’s all official now.

This is the feather/duster my mom used to beat the shit out of me, my brother and sister when we were young. I have nightmares when I see this shit haha. But I don't blame my mom because it was the norm back in the day. But times have changed. People need to evolve. You can solve problems with correct parenting now a days. And it's not cool to hit anymore. I told myself I would never hit my kids when I have them. And I haven't. I'm 42 now and my 16 year old is a junior in high school has a 4.3 gpa. She's involved with all sorts of school activities too. She plans/wants to go to Stanford. My 12 year old is doing fine too. What I'm trying to say is, love your kid. This isn't the 80's anymore. Somebody has to stop the cycle of violence.

And elbutre, glad you made it ok bud. You seem like a good dude. But for every elbutre, there are probably tens of others who became vicious sadist abusers who past that onto their kids. And the cycle just keeps going. Someone needs to stop it, it's 2014 now.
Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 13s

Greg Hardy will receive his full salary while on the exempt list with the #Panthers. It’s all official now.

This NFL Exception List seems like a cop out. The players still get paid but don't have to play (aka work). Seems like a benefit. And it's actually punishing the team because they still have to pay for the player's services without the player being on the field. Yet these teams should not be getting punished for the transgressions of their players. They have no control over that.

Fire Goodell? Yes, I think it's time. He's lost his mind. He assumed all the power absolutely, and that has blown up in his face. The NFL needs to totally revamp is disciplinary system and leadership panel.
El your story is powerful to me

i work in a treatment center so to speak. Almost 90% of these kids have been sexually or physically abused. I'm glad you turned out a good dude. And I hope I can help some of these poor kids turn out to be good people too.
Missing games doesn't seem to be a deterrent to these guys. I think you need to start making them do time in jail. Then maybe they'll learn.
So many of the comments come from individuals that do not have kids. You are disqualified from the debate. Reading Dr. Spock doesn't make you a parent.

Stop trying to think you're more important than you are. You know how many loser parents I have dealt with over the years that don't know the first thing about raising a kid or whose ideals are just plan stupid? It makes them more qualified than someone who hasn't had kids because they impregnated someone or birthed out a kid? Already alluded to this type of mentality earlier in the thread so not going to repeat myself. But essentially, just because some people have children makes them think they're qualified to raise them, which in some instances is laughable.
Stop trying to think you're more important than you are. You know how many loser parents I have dealt with over the years that don't know the first thing about raising a kid or whose ideals are just plan stupid? It makes them more qualified than someone who hasn't had kids because they impregnated someone or birthed out a kid? Already alluded to this type of mentality earlier in the thread so not going to repeat myself. But essentially, just because some people have children makes them think they're qualified to raise them, which in some instances is laughable.

I'm not important. Never said I was. Never said I'm better because I was spanked. Seems like you are the one filled with self importance.
My daughter can probably tell you what kind of parenting she got. I can't.
Never said I was qualified. I have had experience with having a child though.
Enjoy your books
is this an epidemic in the NFL

or has this been happening for a while now, and then Ray Rice gets the 2 games then the video?

I lean the first.....NFL arrests been there/here for a while.....just now media is on it....

Every outlet has an agenda

ESPN on Sunday AM had State of the NFL and had Hannah Storm(wow what a selection...wonder why?) doing the show, with stern comments after reports from actual journalists evertime they said they were the actual perps.

Now Jameis, now this, now that......fucking Pro/college athletes been dirty as fuck for a minute now.....NOW we wanna change the pitcher in the 9th inning?

go for it

but stop acting like it aint been there