2015 nba offseason

Tyson Chandler has agreed to a deal with the Suns, league source tells Yahoo Sports.

The Suns are bringing Tyson Chandler into the meeting with LaMarcus Aldridge as part of their pitch, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
Suns fitting Chandler into cap room means they will have to renounce Brandan Wright, who becomes a major Dallas fall-back option. ... they could resign wright and crowder and have the rondo trade as a do over.... lol
Amir Johnson is a nice signing with the Celtics - depends on the salary of course, but they really needed someone like him...
Amir Johnson's agreement with Boston will pay him $24 million over two years, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
Love opts out of contract. Not only do Cavs lose a top flight player, they traded away a future monster to get him. Thanks Cleveland!

And with Batum traded today I bet Portland will be in on the Love sweepstakes as well, but Love wanted to go to Cali for the past couple seasons from someone I talked to, so you can bet Lakers are in the drivers seat if they want him.

Good thing Jonas never bought that lot in my hometown he was gonna build on...

i remember you saying he hated him.. or lots of dislike..... saw him in flashes, showed hustle,,,,, obviously cashed in here.....
probably just another movable part for danny
i remember you saying he hated him.. or lots of dislike..... saw him in flashes, showed hustle,,,,, obviously cashed in here.....
probably just another movable part for danny

Never hated him...just didn't really need him around last few years...glad he got traded...ceiling was reached imo.

He was real solid before the injury...

Be a great part of a real good team as a 9/10th player.
Never hated him...just didn't really need him around last few years...glad he got traded...ceiling was reached imo.

He was real solid before the injury...

Be a great part of a real good team as a 9/10th player.

Gotcha, my bad on the hated part..


#celtics have a few more ways to make moves this summer: two trade exceptions and Gerald Wallace's expiring contract
No, I'm talking about his time after his two rings when New Orleans Hornets overpaid for him signing him to a 4 year $25 million dollar deal...he was a bust, traded to Indiana, then he was amnestied.

He isn't worth $15 million a year, he isn't even in the top half of starting small forwards... Toronto overpaid. He is the 4th option on a team who isn't going to knock down 40% of his 3's this upcoming season...he had 2 great rounds to open the playoffs and a team with a worse starting small forward fell for it. What he gives you is valuable but not worth that price.

How is he the 4th option?
Ross is on the verge of leaving
Talks about trading DeRozan is heating up.
Amir didn't compliment Jonas very well so not sure why you think TO overpaid when this is what they really needed.
I think teams overpay for max players when the really is only a handful.
If Wade gets a max deal, then the Heat will have overpaid as his time has long pass.

As mentioned, $15mil a year will be nothing compared in the near future. Guys like Curry and Horford who are making less right now, will make significantly more once they hit FA market or resign. Pretty sure most of the top tier guys will be making at least $20 mil, LBJ if schedule should be making over $30mil
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">More LMA: He and Kobe didn't quite gel. It's a little vague, but Aldridge apparently didn't quite get answers from Kobe he was seeking.</p>&mdash; Mike Bresnahan (@Mike_Bresnahan) <a href="https://twitter.com/Mike_Bresnahan/status/616345152391491584">July 1, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Lol Lakers getting no one love it

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And why are the Lakers bringing Kobe to these meetings? Everyone knows Kobe is an asshole. Who wants to play with a washed up Kobe? How is that as selling point?
How is he the 4th option?
Ross is on the verge of leaving
Talks about trading DeRozan is heating up.
Amir didn't compliment Jonas very well so not sure why you think TO overpaid when this is what they really needed.
I think teams overpay for max players when the really is only a handful.
If Wade gets a max deal, then the Heat will have overpaid as his time has long pass.

As mentioned, $15mil a year will be nothing compared in the near future. Guys like Curry and Horford who are making less right now, will make significantly more once they hit FA market or resign. Pretty sure most of the top tier guys will be making at least $20 mil, LBJ if schedule should be making over $30mil

He is the 4th option because that is all he is capable of with his talent level. Ross is just garbage, the worst starting small forward in the league so Carroll is a nice upgrade. But Carroll is 28...this isn't some kid with upside, he is as good as he is ever gonna be.

Raptors have to do something, clearly the team as constructed isn't going anywhere. Not sure what the market would bring for DeRozen, shooting guards that don't hit the 3 w/ a 42% FG shooting percentage can't be in high demand but would rather get less in return than sign him to a max deal.

Valanciunas is gonna step up and be the 3rd option on this team, he needs to be getting more than 8 shots a game.

I guess Patterson now starts and replaces Amir,the teams 2nd best rebounder on a squad that got killed on the boards last year. If they hadn't wasted their #1 last year Mitch McGary or Clint Capela would be real nice to have on the roster right about now. Lou Williams is leaving as well so I guess Ross steps back to the 6th man role and bombs away.

This is a team about to regress a step or two back.
Wait the almighty Suns medical staff approved the signing of Tyson Chandler?

52 mil over 4 years....
The 2nd and 3rd tier FA signings is what im really interested in seeing. What will happen with Rondo & Wilson Chandler.... hoping the nets somehow get rid of Dwill and sign Rondo for a year
He is the 4th option because that is all he is capable of with his talent level. Ross is just garbage, the worst starting small forward in the league so Carroll is a nice upgrade. But Carroll is 28...this isn't some kid with upside, he is as good as he is ever gonna be.

Raptors have to do something, clearly the team as constructed isn't going anywhere. Not sure what the market would bring for DeRozen, shooting guards that don't hit the 3 w/ a 42% FG shooting percentage can't be in high demand but would rather get less in return than sign him to a max deal.

Valanciunas is gonna step up and be the 3rd option on this team, he needs to be getting more than 8 shots a game.

I guess Patterson now starts and replaces Amir,the teams 2nd best rebounder on a squad that got killed on the boards last year. If they hadn't wasted their #1 last year Mitch McGary or Clint Capela would be real nice to have on the roster right about now. Lou Williams is leaving as well so I guess Ross steps back to the 6th man role and bombs away.

This is a team about to regress a step or two back.

He is the 4th option because that is all he is capable of with his talent level. Ross is just garbage, the worst starting small forward in the league so Carroll is a nice upgrade. But Carroll is 28...this isn't some kid with upside, he is as good as he is ever gonna be.

Raptors have to do something, clearly the team as constructed isn't going anywhere. Not sure what the market would bring for DeRozen, shooting guards that don't hit the 3 w/ a 42% FG shooting percentage can't be in high demand but would rather get less in return than sign him to a max deal.

Valanciunas is gonna step up and be the 3rd option on this team, he needs to be getting more than 8 shots a game.

I guess Patterson now starts and replaces Amir,the teams 2nd best rebounder on a squad that got killed on the boards last year. If they hadn't wasted their #1 last year Mitch McGary or Clint Capela would be real nice to have on the roster right about now. Lou Williams is leaving as well so I guess Ross steps back to the 6th man role and bombs away.

This is a team about to regress a step or two back.

you are making quick judgement over one move?
not too sure how this is a step or two backwards.
Anyways not even going to start, Raps know they are in a weak division anyways so they can make these wheels and deals.
I know the GM and funny enough his tailor who's a good friend of mine gives me updates. Essentially he's waiting on the Curry class and is just making roster/cap adjustments.
You can talk all the negativity you want but after one move that's pretty bad.
Doesn't matter what happens out East, it's a two horse race between Chicago and Cleveland to rep in the Finals.

Raps, Hawks etc are irrelevant.
Lebron talks. Gilbert ponies up the dough. $10 mil a year for Shumpert

$16 mil a year for TT in the works... all Lebron
Doesn't matter what happens out East, it's a two horse race between Chicago and Cleveland to rep in the Finals.

Raps, Hawks etc are irrelevant.

at least there's more positive things going around our neck of the woods than in the 76ers camp ;)
Doesn't matter what happens out East, it's a two horse race between Chicago and Cleveland to rep in the Finals.

Raps, Hawks etc are irrelevant.

lol, no point in even trying

one bad step for rose and the bulls are done.... we'll have to see how they adjust to their new coach
Interesting report on the Suns and Aldridge, I really still expect him to go to SA but didn't really think PHX would remotely be in the mix
you are making quick judgement over one move?
not too sure how this is a step or two backwards.
Anyways not even going to start, Raps know they are in a weak division anyways so they can make these wheels and deals.
I know the GM and funny enough his tailor who's a good friend of mine gives me updates. Essentially he's waiting on the Curry class and is just making roster/cap adjustments.
You can talk all the negativity you want but after one move that's pretty bad.

It's not after just one move, did you see the playoffs ? They have problems and it's masked by being in the East...how else does a team fall from 10th in Defensive Efficiency last season to 25th this season yet actually wins 1 more game ? If they were in the West they wouldn't have been a playoff team.
For you NBA guys:

I remember saying that AD was gonna take the Pels offer and a few of you guys said no way.......The media down here always leaned towards him taking the deal because no one else could match it.

Are some of ya'll surprised he did? I am obviously happy and look forward to the next years.......Pels still need another piece....maybe EG plays great this year....still, AD needs help.
Draymond back with Dub Nation at 5yrs $85M
I'll take it. They needed him to try and defend the title. The core is there, just need to unload David Lee to someone out there. I read Lakers might be a landing spot for him since they struck out with some of the other PF's. He's got an expiring contract too.
Lee on the Lakers should be nice, since he is expiring contract and they need some back up behind Randle.
But... I still hope Lakers can get some big name before next summer.
LA to San Antonio rumors circulating. Obviously not a done deal ... but if that happens .. holy crap, they can make another run at it