2015 nba offseason

pay per view NBA...lmao

I would pay .99 cents if I have a bet on a game and don't have league pass.

The huge reason Silver wants sports betting is because viewership will skyrocket when it comes to regular season ho hum games. I think this single game idea is pretty awesome. Price point isn't.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New Clipper Josh Smith says his $6.9M salary will make things “harder” on him and his family: <a href="http://t.co/tEeLkCiw73">http://t.co/tEeLkCiw73</a> <a href="http://t.co/0TfeZmIWBF">pic.twitter.com/0TfeZmIWBF</a></p>&mdash; ESPN (@espn) <a href="https://twitter.com/espn/status/625063015533051906">July 25, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Lucky to be in the league. Teams get rid of him and improve<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="display: none;"></iframe>
Hopefully Josh will survive. I'm praying for him.
"At the end of the day I do have a family. So it is going to be a little harder on me this year. But I'm going to push through it and try to do something long term after this year."

That's the indefatigable American spirit shining through.

His point is valid but the unwritten rule is to never talk about money. You can't just compare athletes to every day Americans. Watch ballers. It pretty much says everything. More money. More problems.
His point is valid but the unwritten rule is to never talk about money. You can't just compare athletes to every day Americans. Watch ballers. It pretty much says everything. More money. More problems.

In the sense that he never actually said what was tweeted out. He mentioned the Detroit money so I'm sure he is talking about relocating his family for a single season and then likely playing somewhere else next year. What I don't understand is how did the Clippers sign him for that much when they were up against the cap ?
In the sense that he never actually said what was tweeted out. He mentioned the Detroit money so I'm sure he is talking about relocating his family for a single season and then likely playing somewhere else next year. What I don't understand is how did the Clippers sign him for that much when they were up against the cap ?
Yeah, as it turns out, the quote was taken out of context (the "hard on his family" had more to do with him having to relocate this season, and possibly again next season). Still, at 6.4 million, don't think it's going to be too much of a financial crunch to have to maintain two residences.
Yeah, as it turns out, the quote was taken out of context (the "hard on his family" had more to do with him having to relocate this season, and possibly again next season). Still, at 6.4 million, don't think it's going to be too much of a financial crunch to have to maintain two residences.

Again. You can't judge it based on every day people. After taxes that 6.4 million is like 4 million. And you don't know what type of expenses these athletes have. They aren't the most financially savvy people.

I hate how the media distorts shit like this about athletes. I hate how people think athletes make too much money. I think a lot of us take for granted basic things that athletes have to deal with. It's utter nonsense and ignorance to think they get paid too much. I can go on and on
Again. You can't judge it based on every day people. After taxes that 6.4 million is like 4 million. And you don't know what type of expenses these athletes have. They aren't the most financially savvy people.

I hate how the media distorts shit like this about athletes. I hate how people think athletes make too much money. I think a lot of us take for granted basic things that athletes have to deal with. It's utter nonsense and ignorance to think they get paid too much. I can go on and on

What type of expenses these athletes have ? Get fucking real.

Josh Smith just won the lottery in essence with what he will make from the Clippers...not to mention he was paid off about $26 million from Detroit when they released him. Someone making $100,000 a year for 50 years won't make in their lifetime what josh Smith makes over the next 12 months. I don't give a fuck what his expenses are, hire an investment bank to manage your money when you reach those heights and he and his family for several generations are set.

What he has to deal with? Get serious. I got a friend in Bogota who literally puts his life on the line every single day as a DEA special agent and you think I'm suppose to give a damn that Josh Smith's knees are sore or that he has to travel a lot by chartered flights and stay in luxurious hotels ?
Nbafan is a clown
How dare we ask a nba player to live a life on a salary of 4 million for 365 days
Take for granted what a nba player has to deal with?
I will gladly deal with all this stuff for way less than poor joshy smiths 4 million

Go make a pizza nbafan
Have to concede that unlike any other sport these guys will never be able to go anywhere without being recognized, basketball's a different animal because of how large they are.

They also are likely underpaid in general compared to the values the give to ownership, it's a numbers game obviously
Not gonna start an argument over this topic. Have done it before online and with friends. Agree to disagree.
Have to concede that unlike any other sport these guys will never be able to go anywhere without being recognized, basketball's a different animal because of how large they are.

They also are likely underpaid in general compared to the values the give to ownership, it's a numbers game obviously

Some players are underpaid but Josh Smith isn't one of them. This is a guy that the Detroit Pistons decided it was better to just pay off his contract in excess of $35 million dollars than to have on their team. A player that despite no ability to hit the 3 point shot continues to jack it up, being one of only 6 players in the league that over the last 5 seasons has shot 500 threes at below 30%. The rest of his offensive game is lacking as well, of players that have 2000 FG attempts over the past 5 seasons he is just 1 of 11 players to have a true shooting % below 50%.
Again. You can't judge it based on every day people. After taxes that 6.4 million is like 4 million. And you don't know what type of expenses these athletes have. They aren't the most financially savvy people.

I hate how the media distorts shit like this about athletes. I hate how people think athletes make too much money. I think a lot of us take for granted basic things that athletes have to deal with. It's utter nonsense and ignorance to think they get paid too much. I can go on and on
WTF man I don't even know where to start.
Media got it wrong again?

I don't begrudge him the money. There are a handful of people in the entire world good enough to play in the NBA, the owners make good money and can afford to pay it and choose to pay it, and I just rarely hate on individuals who achieve and get paid for it.

With that said, it is tough to not chuckle about an athlete complaining about their problems, even if it is legitimate problems like relocating a family. Anyone who has moved as a family knows this is stressful. It isn't all about the player, his family is leaving friends and often times family ... changing schools etc. etc. ..... I think it is good that he is thinking of his family and not just himself. I just wish, and maybe it is unfair of me, that he would have kept that to himself. The fans who pay for the product he helps produce don't want to hear it.

I wouldn't pay what current owners pay to the players .. so I would have a team that would not compete .. but there are already a ton of teams with no shot to win a title each year anyway. But they are paying, and they are paying because they think it is in the best interest of their business and he deserves what market is willing to pay for his services, even if I disagree with market.
In the sense that he never actually said what was tweeted out. He mentioned the Detroit money so I'm sure he is talking about relocating his family for a single season and then likely playing somewhere else next year. What I don't understand is how did the Clippers sign him for that much when they were up against the cap ?

As I understood, Clips pay him the veteran minimum. The 6 mill are Detroit's money...
I think so. We had the best record last year. Offense is there. Defense is there. Got another year to gel together. The nucleus is there. Spurs made some nice moves but I think they're pretty old.

I'm willing to bet a rack the dubs have a better record then SA. Or they'll advance farther then SA. Or 500 on each. Arizonakid you down for a side bet like you did tip? Let me know.

I might have some interest in some of this.... maybe even throw in the rockets for some round robin action..

OK guys, where do we stand on this ? Is each of you still interested ? And if so for much much ?

Will take the Cavs, anybody else can have any team they want and I'll give 2-1 on who wins it all.

Also wanted to throw this back out there and see if anybody is interested.
I still have some interest.

So does Cogenman. He has Warriors, you have Rockets, and I have the Spurs. Whichever team advances furthest in the playoffs wins.

If for some unlikely reason one team gets knocked out in the 1st round and the 2 remaining teams get knocked out in the same # of games in the WC Semifinals...how about season wins as the tiebreaker ? A team getting knocked out in 7 games in the WC Semis would beat a team that gets knocked out in 6 or less games.

So what is the $ amount ?
And yeah season wins as a tiebreaker is fine with me too in case we get teams knocked out in the same round.
Issue with the Dubs is they had such a good run in terms of lack of injuries last season, that you just know karma will deal them a few injury blows this season.

If they stay healthy, they are the best team in the league. No doubt.

Dynasty in the making.
Issue with the Dubs is they had such a good run in terms of lack of injuries last season, that you just know karma will deal them a few injury blows this season.

If they stay healthy, they are the best team in the league. No doubt.

Dynasty in the making.
Even with injuries, I think they can hold the fort with their depth. The bench is pretty deep to keep the train moving. A season ending injury to Curry though would be devastating.


Jason Thompson
So does Cogenman. He has Warriors, you have Rockets, and I have the Spurs. Whichever team advances furthest in the playoffs wins.

If for some unlikely reason one team gets knocked out in the 1st round and the 2 remaining teams get knocked out in the same # of games in the WC Semifinals...how about season wins as the tiebreaker ? A team getting knocked out in 7 games in the WC Semis would beat a team that gets knocked out in 6 or less games.

So what is the $ amount ?

Hey guys. I'm in anywhere from 500-1000. Let me know.

Cash what $ amount were you thinking ?
I still have some interest.

So does Cogenman. He has Warriors, you have Rockets, and I have the Spurs. Whichever team advances furthest in the playoffs wins.

If for some unlikely reason one team gets knocked out in the 1st round and the 2 remaining teams get knocked out in the same # of games in the WC Semifinals...how about season wins as the tiebreaker ? A team getting knocked out in 7 games in the WC Semis would beat a team that gets knocked out in 6 or less games.

So what is the $ amount ?

Hey guys. I'm in anywhere from 500-1000. Let me know.

Cash you want in ?