2015 nba offseason

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Clippers people arent letting Mavs into the house

they must have DJ tied up until midnight when he signs

this is amazing
You make it sound like the Clippers low balled him the first time and then came back with a better offer. If it was that hard for him to make a decision, maybe he should of thought it through a little more instead of negatively impacting the lives of multiple people.

He made a quick decision to go somewhere where he thought he would be treated better, both personally and professionally, had nothing to do with money. . Not his responsibility to think about how it impacts people. The CBA is very clear about this and both sides know it. They same responsibility should be put on the clippers for not honoring what he verbally committed to doing , then Calling him to come back ..

And 26 is plenty old enough in real terms, never mind the fact he's been in the league for seven years.

Been in the same place for 7 years , young kid bought into whatever the mavs were selling, never had to make a big nba decision .. Tough situation for some kids at 26
How do I make it sound like the clips low balled him??
The Clippers offer was better than the Mavericks offer to begin with, and nothing's changed from that perspective. The only variable that's changed is his deciding that maybe he made a bad choice. Well, guess what Deandre, life's all about making choices, good and bad - maybe next time don't rush into things without thinking them through.

And from a Mavs perspective, why would you even want this guy now knowing he's likely going to sulk and ask for a trade if things don't go well? They tried to pin last season on Monta, so not sure why you'd bother with this potential headcase...
The Clippers offer was better than the Mavericks offer to begin with, and nothing's changed from that perspective. The only variable that's changed is his deciding that maybe he made a bad choice. Well, guess what Deandre, life's all about making choices, good and bad - maybe next time don't rush into things without thinking them through.

And from a Mavs perspective, why would you even want this guy now knowing he's likely going to sulk and ask for a trade if things don't go well? They tried to pin last season on Monta, so not sure why you'd bother with this potential headcase...

Again, how did I make it sound like they low balled him?
Again, how did I make it sound like they low balled him?
Because the offer they made him before is the exact same offer they're making him now (ie. "low ball" meaning bad original offer). It's not like they came back to him with more money or said his role in the offense would change (I'm assuming).

And FYI, just because the CBA says it's fine doesn't make it "right" in the "real" world. You know that as well as I do.
Been in the same place for 7 years , young kid bought into whatever the mavs were selling, never had to make a big nba decision .. Tough situation for some kids at 26

Then don't fucking verbally commit and screw over the Mavericks. It's unwritten code. And it's unethical. Ethics aren't written into agreements. That's why it's a gray area.

And i totally see it as a balmer vs Cuban. And I want to see DeAndre's phone records. Lol
Because the offer they made him before is the exact same offer they're making him now (ie. "low ball" meaning bad original offer). It's not like they came back to him with more money or said his role in the offense would change (I'm assuming).

And FYI, just because the CBA says it's fine doesn't make it "right" in the "real" world. You know that as well as I do.

From what I have read cp3 apologized and didn't know how he was making him feel and will make sure he is more involved in the offense .. Etc

as I said earlier today there have been plenty of instances that players have done this and teams can pull a qualifying offer, renounce rights and this negatively impacts people but nobody says boo about it???

i mention it is in the CBA because they don't follow "real world" (and I do agree with you) they go by what the agreement allows...owners fault for allowing this in the CBA ...
Then don't fucking verbally commit and screw over the Mavericks. It's unwritten code. And it's unethical. Ethics aren't written into agreements. That's why it's a gray area.

And i totally see it as a balmer vs Cuban. And I want to see DeAndre's phone records. Lol

..@ESPNSteinLine: In story with @ramonashelburne we also report Mavs now fear they won't now get audience with Jordan as Clips have essentially surrounded him

CLIPPERS are UNETHICAL for not honoring his verbal agreement and trying to convince him to change his mind... Ethics works both way..

precudent has has been set as other players have done it
Says the guy calling an nba player a bitch and whining about ethics....

he is a kid in the context of the situation....

HOW!? You are seriously the only person I've seen that's giving him the benefit of the doubt.

just forget it.... I don't think you understand what the word ethics means....go look it up before you start going off.
I can't believe the NBA is actually ok with all this stuff going on Twitter. I think it's pretty entertaining
HOW!? You are seriously the only person I've seen that's giving him the benefit of the doubt.

just forget it.... I don't think you understand what the word ethics means....go look it up before you start going off.

Enlighten me on the word ethics and how it works under a NBA and players union CBA they both agreed to abide by????
I can't believe the NBA is actually ok with all this stuff going on Twitter. I think it's pretty entertaining

Right, David silver should call Al Gore and ask him to shut down the internet until this is over...
Enlighten me on the word ethics and how it works under a NBA and players union CBA they both agreed to abide by????

It says specifically in the cba that players can back out after verbally committing to a team?
@ESPNSteinLine: ESPN sources say Mavs owner Mark Cuban has begun to notify people within the organization that DeAndre Jordan is staying with Clippers

This is good for the celtics
West is an idiot.

A) 11-million is 11-million, he'll never get that again.

B) Spurs still have a gauntlet to run, and those guys are geezers.

I disagree

Guy I think has made 80 million NBA money before any endorsement and is the type that saved and invested.

He obviously has a career after the NBA as a coach or an analyst.

Guy is as sharp as they come for an NBA player

He wants to win

Refreshing to see it I say
And now we get to see Deandre's free throwing shooting woes continue. The Mavericks would have helped him. They have the resources and would actually care about it. The clippers don't and won't. So basically the NBA should figure out what they will do with the rule.

Not really sure if DJ cares or not but if he actually wanted to learn how to be a better offensive player he just made a huge fucking mistake by going back to the clippers. He's a little bitch. End of story.

he is going back with the Clips? For real?

What a piece of shit

and again....hate the Clips more
It's hard to see Dallas bouncing back from this loss and it would now be shocking if Jordan doesn't end up back in L.A. So much for verbal commitments. Yes, other players have reneged on verbals, but this is the highest profile case and Twitter was not as prevalent when it happened before. This has been one of the wildest days in NBA Twitter history, and the Clippers are getting the gang together again. Unfortunately for them, the Warriors are still intact, and the Spurs had the greatest summer of all NBA teams. If you see Mark Cuban driving around tonight, stay out of his path.

Just making sure....The reason there is a time period in between July 1st and today is to allow for teams to make other moves and for teams to be able to meet with all the FAs?
Man tough tough break for the Mavs. Gonna be interesting when the Clips visit Dallas for a road game.
  • Ramona Shelburne@ramonashelburne <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 5m5 minutes ago</small>
    DeAndre has committed to return to the Clippers. He basically did yesterday. But they all gathered around at just now to make it official
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I'm coming home,

LA Clippers@LAClippers <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 2m2 minutes ago</small>
Home is where your
is. #WelcomeHomeDJ

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@ESPNSteinLine: ESPN sources say Mavs owner Mark Cuban has begun to notify people within the organization that DeAndre Jordan is staying with Clippers

This is good for the celtics

How is this good for the Celtics ? The Mavs are now gonna tank. Cuban will have starters sitting out and play a D league team. If I'm him I boycott games against the Clippers in LA, just forfeit and take the loss. What Jordan did was inexcusable.

NBA at fault just as much as Jordan. There is no good reason to have a moratorium.
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What reason for Dallas to tank?
If I'm Dirk and Dallas are tanking, I'm mad as hell. He took a huge paycut to give his ogranization a chance to bring top talent and now they are going to tank???

I blame first of all the Clippers, after that the NBA.
DJ is the last one I'm blaming, if Clippers are the ones that approached him to change his mind.
If I'm NBA teams, I would stop negotiating with the Clippers on future deals. That's really nasty what they have done.
CP3 will never ever win a 'ship.

DJ needed to be a man, Clips basically held him hostage until he signed. So weak that he didn't have the stones to tell Cuban to his face.