***Week 11 CFB & Week 10 NFL In-Game***

My point was they asked the guy "why don't guys try to pick us up" WHILE you were trying to pick them up. Couldn't have been going that well if they didn't even realize you were hittin' on em.


that's what 100% one would say if they were getting hit on and wanted more attention
that's what 100% one would say if they were getting hit on and wanted more attention

If they were getting hit on and liked the attention they were getting (it was apparently going well), they wouldn't be looking for any other attention.
If they were getting hit on and liked the attention they were getting (it was apparently going well), they wouldn't be looking for any other attention.
girls are always looking for more attention, even when they say they aren't. that's rule #1 bro. c'mon......
girls are always looking for more attention, even when they say they aren't. that's rule #1 bro. c'mon......

If you have game you can keep their attention...he said it was going well, they were into him...doesn't sound like he was at a nightclub with 500 people so there were dudes and chicks everywhere.

Of course chicks like attention, not at all what I was saying.
You ever use it?! It's such an amazing app

Yeah, the gf said I wouldn't get anyone interested in me.... so I spent an hour the day I downloaded it and liked like a 1000 people. Shut her up when I had a handful the next day (even if they were doing what I did)

What is the 2H play? Anyone going to have the stones to take the Bears 2H?

I might take them on a team total over if it's 13.5 or under

Hard to make a play without a line.....

Not always. I have a feeling what I'm going to do a lot of time before I see the line.
Cappingthegame.com@CappingTheGame <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 5m5 minutes ago</small>
We must be in the woods because I see #Bears shitting everywhere.
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