***Week 11 CFB & Week 10 NFL In-Game***

I know I have told it on the site but have you heard the one where the kid comes home from school to ask his dad what two words meant that he heard that day, P?
Actually the timing seems more like the War on Midgets, seems a century old and those lil fellas hate walls
SharpAsScott@CTG_BAR <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 7m7 minutes ago</small>
Didn't realize @Fondybadger was at my hotel this weekend #maybeNotFoodLeft

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I haven't heard this one. give it to me...

Kid comes home from school. Tells his dad he heard two words at school and he doesn't know what they mean. The Dad asks him what the words were.
Kid: The first word was "Pussy". What does Pussy mean Dad?
The Dad walks over to his dresser drawer and pulls out one of his old playboy magazines and opens it up to the centerfold. He then circles the Pussy with a pen.
Dad: That is a Pussy, son.
Kid: Wow, Neat. I heard another word... "Cunt" .. what does Cunt mean, Dad?
Dad: Oh ... that is everything not in the circle ....
Pretty cool by the way for people into cool shit. Berlin lit up where the wall with bright lights

Kid comes home from school. Tells his dad he heard two words at school and he doesn't know what they mean. The Dad asks him what the words were.
Kid: The first word was "Pussy". What does Pussy mean Dad?
The Dad walks over to his dresser drawer and pulls out one of his old playboy magazines and opens it up to the centerfold. He then circles the Pussy with a pen.
Dad: That is a Pussy, son.
Kid: Wow, Neat. I heard another word... "Cunt" .. what does Cunt mean, Dad?
Dad: Oh ... that is everything not in the circle ....
