***Week 11 CFB & Week 10 NFL In-Game***

Cappingthegame.com@CappingTheGame <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 5m5 minutes ago</small>
We must be in the woods because I see #Bears shitting everywhere.
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I thought I was funny
Bears let up 42 in the first half, breaking the record 38 1st half pts they let up LAST WEEK. Wow.
they had 49er fans outside the Dome today on Iphones filming the reaction of Saints fans leaving

So funny

But I had to stop the dude and tell him that the Saints are 1st in the division and are likely goin to the playoffs and the SFers are 3rd and probably aint

man the NFC South is so bad

just another day at the office for the marlboro man
they had 49er fans outside the Dome today on Iphones filming the reaction of Saints fans leaving

So funny

But I had to stop the dude and tell him that the Saints are 1st in the division and are likely goin to the playoffs and the SFers are 3rd and probably aint

man the NFC South is so bad

SF fans are shit
GB has shown they'll remove Rodgers early (Vikings) and with banged up defense and offensive line I can see some early substitutions. Packers get ball to start half.
Problem with this is, even Green Bay's second stringers will do a number on these Bears tonight.
Twinkie, care to explain

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