Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

Tom Brady is a liar. Tommy has no idea what happened to the footballs yeah ok.
I'm fired up like Marc brunell
All Marlo likes is the Patriots, the Cowboys, hometown Vikes, Yankees, Lakers, Bulls, Duke, Iowa wrestling, Dodgers, the Lady Vols, that's it.
You can't have 50 teams. It's not acceptable. Here's an appropriate sports fan profile.


Browns (live in Cleveland)
Tribe (live in Cleveland)
Cavs (live in Cleveland)
Notre Dame (grant me this one, Irish Catholic)
William and Mary (I went there)
Ohio State (live in Ohio)
Ohio U (love that place, wife went there, spent more time there than William and Mary)

That's it. That's an adult sports fan's resume.
You can't have 50 teams. It's not acceptable. Here's an appropriate sports fan profile.


Browns (live in Cleveland)
Tribe (live in Cleveland)
Cavs (live in Cleveland)
Notre Dame (grant me this one, Irish Catholic)
William and Mary (I went there)
Ohio State (live in Ohio)
Ohio U (love that place, wife went there, spent more time there than William and Mary)

That's it. That's an adult sports fan's resume.

Exactly tip
All Philly pro teams for me,nova hoops PSU football
"If they win this Super Bowl, I feel like there’s going to be an asterisk put on it."

--Jerry Rice on Deflategate
75% probably are

Could be. This cool thing called the Internet can probably help us find out what the real number is instead of just guessing.

You still haven't answered why you feel it's only an advantage they would use in cold weather to begin with. You said I was "missing an awful lot," yet surprisingly haven't let me know what it is I'm missing.
You can't have 50 teams. It's not acceptable. Here's an appropriate sports fan profile.


Browns (live in Cleveland)
Tribe (live in Cleveland)
Cavs (live in Cleveland)
Notre Dame (grant me this one, Irish Catholic)
William and Mary (I went there)
Ohio State (live in Ohio)
Ohio U (love that place, wife went there, spent more time there than William and Mary)

That's it. That's an adult sports fan's resume.

Totally right

I grew up 1 hour north of Boston in Maine and my teams order

Red Sox

Boston College

And I believe everything both Belichick and Brady said yesterday...
"If they win this Super Bowl, I feel like there’s going to be an asterisk put on it."

--Jerry Rice on Deflategate

That is one of the more ridiculious statements that heve been made in this incident which is stuffed with ridiculious statements....what would the asterick be?....indy could have won?
Could be. This cool thing called the Internet can probably help us find out what the real number is instead of just guessing.

You still haven't answered why you feel it's only an advantage they would use in cold weather to begin with. You said I was "missing an awful lot," yet surprisingly haven't let me know what it is I'm missing.

the video has been posted multiple times

Brunell and Bettis saying in the cold your fingers dont work as well, dont grip as well etc. so yes it would be a huge advantage in cold weather, and potentially something that is unneeded in Warm weather games where it A. has no effect or B. isnt worth the risk of getting caught because the advantage it gives is negligible

and to this

So Aaron Rodgers and his over-inflated balls seem to even his playing field more than most. He's the same whether warm or cold because his footballs are always over-inflated, just like he said he likes them and has had them in the past.

the graph showed Rodgets YPA go down in cold weather, just like every other QB

Brady was the only one to go up
the video has been posted multiple times

Brunell and Bettis saying in the cold your fingers dont work as well, dont grip as well etc. so yes it would be a huge advantage in cold weather, and potentially something that is unneeded in Warm weather games where it A. has no effect or B. isnt worth the risk of getting caught because the advantage it gives is negligible

Sooo your saying that it's not just a mere coincidence that the Patriots are 17-3 SU and 16-4 ATS in gamed played in rain/snow conditions ?
I love this story.

I love how bad the nfl front office is .. fighting Davis and Jones because they run their teams better than other owners, how they look the other way at a laundry list of serious offenses by players in their prime but make an example of R Rice for throwing one punch in self defense from his drunk GF, now wife, lunging at him at a time when Rice was a shell of a player and his loss meaningless to the Ravens, how they make a big deal about what color shoes Lynch wears but will do nothing here, how they cheated against the raiders for years because they were vindictive asses for getting their bums handed to them in court by Al Davis, how they attempt to take the moral high ground on gambling while knowing it is the major driver of their sport along with fantasy football ... which just happens to be gambling too. It is just an endless barrage of suckage.
this particular cheat doesn't bother me much.... and I blame the nfl for not providing one set of game balls both teams have to use. This is easier to fix than a MAC football game.
You can't have 50 teams. It's not acceptable. Here's an appropriate sports fan profile.


Browns (live in Cleveland)
Tribe (live in Cleveland)
Cavs (live in Cleveland)
Notre Dame (grant me this one, Irish Catholic)
William and Mary (I went there)
Ohio State (live in Ohio)
Ohio U (love that place, wife went there, spent more time there than William and Mary)

That's it. That's an adult sports fan's resume.

I think Marlo considers himself an American first, so each of his teams would qualify as local.....
Dont doubt he was but not sure why it matters. He probably wanted someone else to have some national embarrassment
Why the tuck game?
because the NFL saw with that fumble that their buddy bob kraft was going to lose to the one man who had the balls to stand up to the league so they made literally an insane decision in thinking Tom Brady was throwing the ball at his own stomach and stole a superbowl
I truly believe that tom Brady should be suspended for the superbowl
because the NFL saw with that fumble that their buddy bob kraft was going to lose to the one man who had the balls to stand up to the league so they made literally an insane decision in thinking Tom Brady was throwing the ball at his own stomach and stole a superbowl

Yeah, that tuck rule BS was horrible. It honestly reminds me of the whole "catch/no catch" thing in the NFL was just a horrible rule, and that play with Brady may not have even really fit into that tuck rule but that's how they called it. The fact there was an ambiguous rule that was left up to the judgement of the NFL's horrible officials is the only reason that play was even reviewed in the first place. Just like the ridiculous rule they have now that cost Dez a catch vs GB a couple of weeks ago...the rule itself is what is just asinine...and then on top of that, you have sub-par officiating making the judgmental calls on the horrible rule. The whole situation is just so far beyond stupid at this point.

Not to mention the whole catch/no catch issue should have been changed when it happened however many years ago to Megatron in Chicago. Anyone who doesn't know the intricacies of the NFL rules would say that Megatron and Dez made catches on those plays...only in the NFL is a 'catch' not actually determined by whether someone caught the ball, but rather on some horribly worded and poorly thought out rule.
the video has been posted multiple times

Brunell and Bettis saying in the cold your fingers dont work as well, dont grip as well etc. so yes it would be a huge advantage in cold weather, and potentially something that is unneeded in Warm weather games where it A. has no effect or B. isnt worth the risk of getting caught because the advantage it gives is negligible

and to this

the graph showed Rodgets YPA go down in cold weather, just like every other QB

Brady was the only one to go up

If it were that big of an advantage in cold weather, then Aaron Rodgers must be the dumbest QB to ever play the game as he, like you pointed out, likes the balls over-inflated. Why in the fuck would Rodgers not only try to get a better advantage, but willingly and knowingly make it harder for himself? The answer is because he thinks it's an advantage to have a harder ball, even in the cold. So, it's not universal that it's an advantage to have a deflated ball, regardless of what people are willing to believe. Do we know how many QBs like to throw a ball either more or less inflated? No, we don't, but Mark Brunell and the Bus said it's definitely an advantage on ESPN one day, so it must mean that Brady is a cheating POS.

And again, that chart, which only consisted of 5 seasons leaves A LOT to be known. Can we get a breakdown of # of games in "cold" weather, who the opponents were, W/L records, etc? We have one piece of info when we need a handful to get a true assessment, but because that one stat supports "the Pats are cheating fucks," we want to run with that? Talk about a lazy argument.

And, one more time, is 50 degrees now considered "cold" weather? If it is, we definitely also need, from that chart, what they have considered "cold" weather...because if 50 degrees is the threshold, there's probably not much reason to even pay attention to that chart.

Aaron Rodgers YPA also went down .17 yds on that chart, and we're talking like he's throwing for 60 yds less a game or something. If he completed 30 passes in a game, .17 yards would equate to somewhere around 5 yards in total. Put another way, .17 yards per attempt is equal to 1.5 feet....the fucking refs miss spots by that much about 20 times every game. So, like I said, Rodgers' stats are essentially the same in cold and warm weather. Yes, technically his #s "went down," but let's stop with the dramatics....we're talking 5 yds a game less ffs.
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Why do coaches cover their mouths when they're calling plays against any team other than the Pats? Aren't the Pats the only team in the league who would stoop to lip reading, then knowing the play the offense will run, changing their defense and essentially 'cheating?' What's the point of covering your mouth against the other 31 other teams, who are apparently a bunch of saints who would never even think of doing something to get an advantage...err, cheating.

Even if you wouldn't consider that cheating, wouldn't it go "against the spirit of the game," which is what the Pats were admonished for a few weeks ago? You know, when Baltimore thought the plays they were running with eligible linemen was cheating, but it turned out that it wasn' the Pats were then said to be violating the spirit of the game. Hahahaha. Like the hurry up offense itself doesn't violate some mythical "spirit of the game" BS that they were trying to sell simply because it was the Pats.
Why do coaches cover their mouths when they're calling plays against any team other than the Pats? Aren't the Pats the only team in the league who would stoop to lip reading, then knowing the play the offense will run, changing their defense and essentially 'cheating?' What's the point of covering your mouth against the other 31 other teams, who are apparently a bunch of saints who would never even think of doing something to get an advantage...err, cheating.

Even if you wouldn't consider that cheating, wouldn't it go "against the spirit of the game," which is what the Pats were admonished for a few weeks ago? You know, when Baltimore thought the plays they were running with eligible linemen was cheating, but it turned out that it wasn' the Pats were then said to be violating the spirit of the game. Hahahaha. Like the hurry up offense itself doesn't violate some mythical "spirit of the game" BS that they were trying to sell simply because it was the Pats.
You should just start cheering for the pats. Throw out ur old Thurman Thomas jersey and move on
Or just add them as "one of ur fave teams", seems a lot of grown men on here like multiple NFL teams.
Or just add them as "one of ur fave teams", seems a lot of grown men on here like multiple NFL teams.

I don't have a problem with guys liking more than one team. I think a lot of guys are more fans of certain players, and following or rooting for another team after your "first" team isn't really that big of a deal. If your favorite team played one of those other teams, I'd imagine you'd still root for your favorite team, but would root for the other teams in any other situation.

Players move around so much, it's impossible to see teams stay together, like we did in the past. Rooting for only one team was much easier then, you got to know the players for years, your team was basically the same group of guys and their opponents were as well. Just felt a whole lot different imo, so I don't blame anyone for rooting for more than one team.

Plus when a team has incompetent ownership or something, and just continually fail year after year by not doing the best job and putting the best team they can on the field, why should fans remain loyal and only root for that team? Many owners just basically shit on their fans, yet those fans keep sticking around, and some fans would probably fight to the death to defend that team (maybe that's only in SF and LA :o)....makes perfect sense.
because the NFL saw with that fumble that their buddy bob kraft was going to lose to the one man who had the balls to stand up to the league so they made literally an insane decision in thinking Tom Brady was throwing the ball at his own stomach and stole a superbowl

Wow... You have so much hate to actually think this..
Break time from cheating talk...
