Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

You can't have 50 teams. It's not acceptable. Here's an appropriate sports fan profile.


Browns (live in Cleveland)
Tribe (live in Cleveland)
Cavs (live in Cleveland)
Notre Dame (grant me this one, Irish Catholic)
William and Mary (I went there)
Ohio State (live in Ohio)
Ohio U (love that place, wife went there, spent more time there than William and Mary)

That's it. That's an adult sports fan's resume.
ehhhh, the Ohio St and Notre Dame thing is pretty Yag dude

really inexcuseable, especially for a guy that has your stance
I think it is a Catholic living in the Midwest thing. My was Dad born and raised in Cincy. Grew up catholic, went to UC. He likes UC B-ball, hate OSU b-ball likes OSU football and Notre Dame...
I can't be a fan of any team. For one thing I love the team winning my bet, and secondly it's rare that the players of any given team are actually local. Thirdly, to become a fan of someone I'd actually have to like what they stand for, and it seems quite rare that athletes exhibit any kind of personality or that teams have any mission apart from winning.
ehhhh, the Ohio St and Notre Dame thing is pretty Yag dude

really inexcuseable, especially for a guy that has your stance

My stance? I have a clear pecking order. When ND and OSU play each other, I'm all in for the Irish.
Dick Sherman: Pats won't be punished as long as Kraft & Goodell 'are taking pictures at each other's homes ... Talk about conflict of interest.'
he's going to get an interception and pretend to inflate the ball, and it's going to be the greatest moment for those who despise cheaters in the history of sport
Shocking the pats are throwing a ball boy under the bus

Cause he definitely messed with the balls on his own. Brady didn't say anything...

Pats gonna set up a huge off shore bank account for this guy
There will be no bus.

Of course not....NFL much more concerned with punsihing guys for non-color conforming parts of the uniform, crotch grabbing, not talking to the media.......the important stuff.... because nobody wants the NFL to look bad
The proper inflation of the ball ain't no big deal. We all know this.
But its a rule
And how do u know? Have u been in the backyard recently throwing football with and without proper inflation?

I can understand rules are rules, but to your point … did it ever make a difference? There have been as many guys this week saying it goes on all the time as Aikman saying this is serious business. If the league thinks it's a big deal, take the balls out of the teams' hands next year. The quarterbacks asked for this, do you think they just wanted to kiss and hug 'em'? Probably goes on every week.
Didn't they increase the lead with properly inflated balls? I don't get the controversy.
The proper inflation of the ball ain't no big deal. We all know this.

I don't disagree

However, I would also argue that it isn't a big deal from a performance standpoint for a PGA Tour golfer to replace his ball on the green a 1/2 inch in front of where he originally marked it....but nobody is going to tell me that the PGA Tour would shrug it off...
I don't disagree

However, I would also argue that it isn't a big deal from a performance standpoint for a golfer to replace his ball on the green a 1/2 inch in front of where he originally marked it....but nobody is going to tell me that the PGA Tour would shrug it off...

It's understood that will get you in hot water in golf. I've never heard of the psi of the football before. Never.
[h=1]SCANDAL: New England Patriots Accused Of Overinflating Vince Wilfork[/h][h=4][/h]By PFM Staff
Updated: January 20, 2015

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Foxborough, MA – In addition to current allegations against the New England Patriots that the team underinflated footballs during their AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts, the team found itself today facing a new set of accusations: that for years the Patriots have been overinflating five-time pro bowl DT Vince Wilfork.

“I believe that New England has been overinflating Mr. Wilfork for years,” said Ravens coach John Harbaugh. “They know they need a big, wide body to occupy space in the middle of their defensive line. So right before each game, they artificially fill him up to make him as wide as possible. During the week, that guy looks like Jimmy J.J. Walker from ‘Good Times.’”

“The Patriots have an intern whose sole job it is to pump up Vince every week before game time,” seconded Boston Herald sportswriter Ron Borges. “I don’t know exactly what they inflate him with, but I have to assume it’s one of the heavier gasses like tungsten hexafluoride. That, and a couple dozen Big Macs.”

Additionally, fresh allegations surfaced Tuesday claiming that the Patriots have been sucking helium from children’s birthday party balloons to place inside their wide receivers’ shoulder pads to help them gain greater altitude on jump balls.

“Sucking helium out of children’s balloons? That’s simply preposterous, and I won’t dignify it with a response” said New England head coach Bill Belichick, in a high-pitched, squeaky Mickey Mouse voice.
After you win deflategate, Marlo, you still gotta answer for that two NFL teams thing.
Is it really that odd? I grew up a Vikings fan, and I became a Pats fan in 2001 when they beat the Rams. I was hooked on there style, and have been a fan ever since. I love the way Belichick coaches, and I love the way Tom plays QB. When Tom retires in a few years, I will still be a fan of the team.
I'd be all for the NFL adding this to the rule book to eliminate some nonsense … "give or take a pound"
Is it really that odd? I grew up a Vikings fan, and I became a Pats fan in 2001 when they beat the Rams. I was hooked on there style, and have been a fan ever since. I love the way Belichick coaches, and I love the way Tom plays QB. When Tom retires in a few years, I will still be a fan of the team.

It's not odd, but I will now always bust your balls about it. Just like twink being short. Or shorter than me anyway.
Is it really that odd? I grew up a Vikings fan, and I became a Pats fan in 2001 when they beat the Rams. I was hooked on there style, and have been a fan ever since. I love the way Belichick coaches, and I love the way Tom plays QB. When Tom retires in a few years, I will still be a fan of the team.
So u began liking them after they won a super bowl.
U can add Seattle to ur fave teams list in less than a week.
Silliest fucking thing. The refs handle the ball after every damn play. I could understand the outrage if they figured out the magic spell on the ball, but Belichick makes that evidence disappear each time he devours the eye of a newt.
You guys watching this. Bellicheck keeps saying he's not going to talk about the deflategate anymore, but these guys keep asking questions about it. And he keeps repeating the same thing.
As a member of the league's compensation committee, Kraft has vigorously defended Goodell's eye-popping $44 million pay package, and in the wake of the TMZ leak, he personally called owners and lobbied them to issue statements backing the commissioner, according to a senior league source. So large is Kraft's sway with Goodell that one veteran NFL executive likes to call him "the assistant commissioner."
R U joking ?? That chart that Smoke posted is a statistical impossibility.

Have anyone gone back and checked to see if anything close to this with fumbles/play has happened to call it an impossibility?

Further, Teed's assertion is that the Pats only deflate the balls when at home, in cold weather...using that argument, which it seems is the argument (cold weather, at home...deflate balls), their fumble rate for the entire season wouldn't be impacted by any more than a few games (3-6 maybe) a year. So, what explains why they don't seem to fumble in any weather, since that is every game since 2010 in that chart? Do they cheat in some other way when they aren't deflating balls (which is only at home and when it's cold)?
they've been caught twice, whereas other teams are at 0, so it would be foolish to rule out that they dont have a 3rd, or 4th, or 5th method of cheating
they've been caught twice, whereas other teams are at 0, so it would be foolish to rule out that they dont have a 3rd, or 4th, or 5th method of cheating

But then you just look for something to be wrong, and statistical outliers automatically mean they're guilty w/o proving anything. Just doesn't seem like a good way to go about things, but that's just me.

If you're just a Pats hater, just say that instead of actually trying to use stats and 'evidence' to argue your point....when it doesn't matter what the evidence/findings/decision shows, you're going to call them cheaters and think they have a dozen different ways they do it. No?
no, statistically a team that you know cheats is more likely to cheat than one that has never been proven to cheat

I would also assume that just like they got away with spygate for so long, and the numbers show they have gotten away with this for years, that they have other methods of cheating as well

I don't believe the entire team is in on it, but definitely the leadership group who all have too much to lose if/when it gets out
no, statistically a team that you know cheats is more likely to cheat than one that has never been proven to cheat

I would also assume that just like they got away with spygate for so long, and the numbers show they have gotten away with this for years, that they have other methods of cheating as well

I don't believe the entire team is in on it, but definitely the leadership group who all have too much to lose if/when it gets out

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Other methods of cheating. teed's like the righteous Canadian Mountie in Untouchables. "I do not approve of your methods.!"
As a guy who hasn't lost much love for the Patriots, I wanted to save my rage and disgust for something with a little more meat to it.
no, statistically a team that you know cheats is more likely to cheat than one that has never been proven to cheat

I would also assume that just like they got away with spygate for so long, and the numbers show they have gotten away with this for years, that they have other methods of cheating as well

I don't believe the entire team is in on it, but definitely the leadership group who all have too much to lose if/when it gets out

So, how has everyone who has ever left the Pats been silenced? If it were that rampant, and no other teams were doing anything like it (even remotely close according to you)....not one person has said anything about it at all? Really?
